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Traveling across Poland with a dog.

30 Dec 2011 /  #1

What's the best way how to travel across Poland with a dog? I live in Szczecin and need to get in Katowice.I mean sure by a car,but its not possible now.By train,bus?

Wroclaw  44 | 5359  
30 Dec 2011 /  #2
What's the best way how to travel across Poland with a dog?

i'd take the train. however, u might have to buy a ticket for the dog. check with the conductor about stops lasting more than two minutes... for toilet breaks. .... and make sure u pick up after, if u have to.
30 Dec 2011 /  #3
however, u might have to buy a ticket for the dog.

I used to buy just a seat reservation for the cats. There apparently is some regulation about it.

By train,bus?

I really wouldn't want to take a dog on a bus (or be on the same bus as anybody who has brought their dog). At least on the train you can go for a walk along the corridor and stand near the doors if people violently object to the hound.
OP CoLdE  
30 Dec 2011 /  #4
Thanks for answers.Well,the main problem is with travel time (cca 8 hours).I can't reserve whole coupe,well i could,but i should probably buy all six tickets which is nosense.
30 Dec 2011 /  #5
Well,the main problem is with travel time (cca 8 hours).

Maybe do it in two stages? Allow an hour between trains so you can take a stroll and your dog can take care of its business.

I can't reserve whole coupe,well i could,but i should probably buy all six tickets which is nosense.

Just travel off peak (middle of the day) and go first class: I've never been in a first-class compartment which has more than a couple of people in it. If the people in your compartment really object, just move to another one and keep going until nobody in the compartment objects. Worst comes to the worst you can always sit in the corridor. Or in the toilet.
Wroclaw  44 | 5359  
30 Dec 2011 /  #6
I can't reserve whole coupe,well i could,but i should probably buy all six tickets which is nosense.

follow the regulations and then it's noone elses business.

if you have a miniature then stick him in a pet carrier.

if the dog is big and soft most people will try to pet it.

ask at the station in advance and all will be ok. i see dogs on trains each time i travel. it's no big deal.
CoLdE  - | 2  
30 Dec 2011 /  #7
Well few times i traveled on Friday night and it was horrible,so crowded.But yeah,travel off peak is good idea.The worst part is from Szczecin to Warszawa.From Warszawa to Ostrava by EIC first-class and almost no one.But with dog i plan go directly to Katowice and then by car.
30 Dec 2011 /  #8
follow the regulations and then it's noone elses business.

Or just go with a big pair of sunglasses, an impressive looking lead and a white stick.

But remember not to get caught reading the paper if you try that method.
CoLdE  - | 2  
30 Dec 2011 /  #9
Not a bad idea:D
beckski  12 | 1609  
31 Dec 2011 /  #10
if you have a miniature then stick him in a pet carrier

Can the pet carrier be placed on the owner's lap or is it required to be under the passenger seat?
happidorry  - | 1  
31 Dec 2011 /  #11
I love dogs. And I also hope i can travel with my little buddy. It would be fun.
gumishu  15 | 6228  
31 Dec 2011 /  #12
you should check the arrival and departure times of your typical train in Poznań and Wrocław - in the times past trains would stop for some 20 minutes or more on this major stations - in Wrocław it is possible to walk a dog to the end of the platform which is under the open skies contrary to the middles of (unless the platforms are currently under reconstruction - there were major works there quite recently) - I can't remember the Poznań situation that well but some platforms definitely are long and ending in open perhaps even with some lawn
Dougpol1  29 | 2497  
11 Sep 2015 /  #13
Big dogs can quite readily go 12 hours without walks. Big bladders.........
There's a hell of a lot of nonsense written on the subject, but to be honest Polish transport companies are generally eminently sensible. I read horror stories about the marque trains in France and Germany refusing passage. Ridiculous.

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