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Why some travelers hate Poland?

1 Apr 2010 /  #1
I was impressed when I found it:

In Spring 2007, I decided to go study abroad in Israel. Being a Jew, I felt that there was no better place to spend a semester. When Pesach break came around, I was offered a unique opportunity to go to Poland through the Jeff Seidel group. I must admit that the idea of spending my spring break in concentration camps did not exactly excite me, and I was hesitant to choose that over my initial desire to go relax in Turkey.


but hope it is just a separate opinion.
Cardno85  31 | 971  
1 Apr 2010 /  #2
Could you fix the link, i have tried adjusting it myself but i'm getting nothing.
Stu  12 | 515  
1 Apr 2010 /  #3
Come on ... she's just a nutter.

"... anyone who drove by in those days" - in what? Their cars?
"... there are people living all around the camp ... " - So?
"... and there was even a person walking their dog right outside the fence of the camp." - Well, this person had the decency not to walk the dog inside the camp.

And she generalizes everything. She had one bad experience with a little boy, a Polish-Jewish girl told her something and suddenly the whole of Poland sux. It seems to me she is not an example of the brightest person on the block.
RevokeNice  15 | 1854  
1 Apr 2010 /  #4
Whining jew is whining. What a shock.

They moan and groan about WW2 whilst behaving worse than any Nazi. Just ask a Palestinian.
convex  20 | 3928  
1 Apr 2010 /  #5
That is a sad, sad article that really reflects the quality of the source. A writeup by an American student...Yay JewishPost.

Let me quote

In reference to a Polish Jew:

She probably does not even know what it is like to not be hated.

Sounds like a horrible place Maya. Sounds like nothing gets past her.

Much better writeup from Haaretz...as usual.
OP Vladi  
1 Apr 2010 /  #6
please add "w" at the beginning.
Crow  154 | 9260  
1 Apr 2010 /  #7
Why some people hate Poland?

only idiots and imbeciles could hate Poland
convex  20 | 3928  
1 Apr 2010 /  #8
As far as I know they are allowed to vote and there are Arab parties according to my Israelian friends over here.

Who's they? Is the West bank part of Israel? Can the people that are living there, and that were born, can they vote in the elections of the country they live in?

Same Arab parties that were banned from national elections (recently overturned by the Supreme Court)?

The free people that get kicked out of their houses after 30 years because they were "illegally" built? Freedom of checkpoints all over the place while traveling? Freedom of being told when you can tend to your land? Freedom to have homes built where you used to farm without compensation. Yup, that all sounds like a model of freedom and democracy...

I'd say Jordan and Lebanon seem a wee bit more free and democratic to me...
Ironside  50 | 12333  
1 Apr 2010 /  #9
And with the christ killers you mean the Jews, right? Just for your information: did you ever consider the fact that parts of the Bible were written during the time of Roman occupation? Couldn't it therefore be possible, that these parts were written to please the Romans?

Sure, wouldn't be nice to dress first Christians as a sleazy collaborators ? Wait, they were Jews themselves, are you anti-Semite?

I guess the logic of this argument is beyond your level of intelligence, so you'll probably won't understand.

Yes indeed, the logic of this argument is beyond my level of intelligence, or is it below....:)
RevokeNice  15 | 1854  
1 Apr 2010 /  #10
RN should just focus on good old xenophobiae against all those darn foreigners in Ireland and not go on tracks he doesn't know

Learn to spell the word xenophobia before you use it again.

I have no interest in a debate with anti christian zionists.
Amathyst  19 | 2700  
1 Apr 2010 /  #11
There are only 2,000 jews in my country. Tis great. Unfortunately, we had to accept one or two after ww2. International opinion and all that.

I'll swap you those 2,000 Jews for 2,000 pakis? Deal?
SeanBM  34 | 5781  
1 Apr 2010 /  #13
Oh wonderful, another obscure website with one person's view, probably posted by an old member masquerading as a guest, so everyone can rally round and throw stones.

Ah and even ShellyS has posted something about here hatred for Pakistanis, that one never gets old.
RN blowing his trumpet, makes a nice change from blowing all the sailor boys I suppose.

I see people have been likened to Nazis already, a bit earlier than normal but hey, we can handle that. Jews killing Jesus (King of the Jews no less) has been thrown in as per normal.

Well don't let me stop any of you please continue. Nobody has mentioned Muslims yet?, you people really are letting yourselves down.
Come on! if youz are gonna hate go all the way, don't hold anything back.

As the carousel continues more crazy than cruel, one of us now will be king of the fools.
If it's a democracy my vote goes to you RevokeNice for your sheer crap talk.
RevokeNice  15 | 1854  
1 Apr 2010 /  #14
RN blowing his trumpet, makes a nice change from blowing all the sailor boys I suppose.

Ironside  50 | 12333  
1 Apr 2010 /  #15
If it's a democracy my vote goes to you RevokeNice for your sheer crap talk.

That the reality mate, don;t you know it by now?
SeanBM  34 | 5781  
1 Apr 2010 /  #17
That the reality mate, don;t you know it by now?

Since everyone is just following their programming in the most predictable way possible, I thought I'd just point out what an idiot RN is, as usual :)

As for the OP, someone didn't like Poland, most people do. There will always be complainers and there will always be girls like her, posts like her's and forums like this.

I am curious if one can in fact exist without the other, there seems to be an underling co-dependency a kind of symiosis.
Even people who have no idea what they are talking about, like RN, continue to post on a Polish forums because he always gets banned from Irish forums.

And so the carousel goes round and round for all eternity....
RevokeNice  15 | 1854  
1 Apr 2010 /  #18
Since everyone is just following their programming in the most predictable way possible, I thought I'd just point out what an idiot RN is, as usual :)

Tell us, hows the diet coming along?
SeanBM  34 | 5781  
1 Apr 2010 /  #19
Awwww... did I hurt your feelings RN?

If only you had any.
ShortHairThug  - | 1101  
1 Apr 2010 /  #20
Typical American Jewish propaganda piece design to blame Poland and Poles for holocaust, full of distorted history and lies presented as a viewpoint of some uneducated Jew who does not even know his own History. Sad really, one would think it’s in your peoples interest to keep the memory alive. The author is not wasting any time he just goes on the offensive right off the bat.

“When we arrived in Krakow, the weather was very different from the sunny clean air of Israel. It was cold and dreary with no sun, and the people had an unfriendly demeanor.”

Then he goes on to state

“even today Jewish groups do not go to Poland without a bodyguard.”

I’m not surprised, really for it’s the state of Israel’s policy to provide the bodyguards for the youth tours more to do with keeping them away from locals so they are not tainted with the real historical truth and to keep them out of trouble for they are prone to violence and show them where the bathrooms are so they don't smear the s**t on the walls of their Hotel rooms then with the reality he’s suggesting.

“even that thousands of Jews that were killed here, but today people picnic on this memorial ground, a clear indicator of the indifference towards the horrors of WWII.”

Oh please try to be more creative and original next time, we all seen the images’ of young Israelis taking a tour to the border of Gaza and picnicking while IDF dropped bombs on defenseless civilians in Gaza. Just because your people are accused, of with pictures to prove it and most important capable of does not automatically mean everyone else does this sort of thing.

I stopped reading it after paragraph and a half, just had enough. Looks to me like the author has a great future in Journalism, his education now is complete and equal to that of other American Jewish pseudo Journalists’. This article is full of ignorant statements design to provoke hatred. I.E.

“The only reason the synagogue was even there today was because it was used to store bodies during the war.”

Is the author even aware that after the Nazis had ruined it during WW2, the Old Synagogue was rebuilt in the mid-1950s and since 1961 the Old Synagogue at 24 Szeroka street has housed the museum of Jewish history and traditions, it has been crammed with relics of Krakow’s former Kazimierz Jewish quarter, items relating to religious rites and family traditions, pictures, old photos, documents presumably all thanks to the righteous Germans and none existent Jews that had been all murdered by the Poles.

Over all, an eye opening, informative piece for those that want to join the Jewish equivalent of Hitler Youth Vladi.
Bratwurst Boy  9 | 11679  
1 Apr 2010 /  #21
Typical American Jewish propaganda piece design to blame Poland and Poles for holocaust, full of distorted history and lies presented as a viewpoint of some uneducated Jew who does not even know his own History.

I have to agree here. I've thought the jewish youth should know better. The camps where build in Poland because of the millions of Jews here but still build by Germans, not Poles who were occupied at this time.

They should know this!

But the movie "Defamation" is a real eye opener in this regard...people should watch it.
(Made by an Israeli Jew nonetheless!)
MareGaea  29 | 2751  
1 Apr 2010 /  #22
As the carousel continues more crazy than cruel, one of us now will be king of the fools.
If it's a democracy my vote goes to you RevokeNice for your sheer crap talk.

I back up this vote with a second vote for king of fools RN. He remains in the top 5 of the shytelist for smearing the Iish' good reputation as well.

"May the shyte of a 1000 pigeons land upon your head" (old Tallaghian saying)


M-G (grin)
1 Apr 2010 /  #23
I've thought the jewish youth should know better.

I agree, the level of ignorance of the Jewish youth is scary; if anyone should know better it's them. I have those discussions occasionally with Canadian Jews and although they think they know - they only know the legendary or emotional version, not the dry facts.
MareGaea  29 | 2751  
1 Apr 2010 /  #24
ignorance of the Jewish youth

I think Beelzebub wants to destroy the Jewish youth :)

Anyway, when I was young I never was taught that the Poles were guilty of the Holocaust, even those sparse times when I attended Sjul as a boy with my grandmother, we were only taught that the Nazi's or the Germans were guilty, nobody else.

Edit: let's go blame Bratwurst for everything :))

M-G (tiens)
ShortHairThug  - | 1101  
1 Apr 2010 /  #25
MareGaea: Anyway, when I was young I never was taught that the Poles were guilty of the Holocaust, even those sparse times when I attended Sjul as a boy with my grandmother, we were only taught that the Nazi's or the Germans were guilty, nobody else.

So what has changed since then? Jewish youth invents their own version of history for themselves and the older generation has no guts to explain it to them, I don’t think so. It’s really sad when you think about it, a point of view that belongs purely in a sci-fi section is presented as real history, some other episodes are hyped-up to unbelievable proportions creating a mockery of the events past in the process, nothing more than sensationalism which slowly seeps into the mainstream Jewish point of view as historical fact thus creating resentment on the part of those who are on the other side of the issue. This in turn reinforces your long held belief of a wide spread anti-semitism completing the cycle. There was a question on this forum why are Jews despised so much and persecuted from time to time? Perhaps here’s part of an answer, it’s a cyclical phenomenon of your own making, just a theory anyway.
Bratwurst Boy  9 | 11679  
1 Apr 2010 /  #26
MareGaea: Edit: let's go blame Bratwurst for everything :))

Heeeey....not before I get my helmet back!

ShortHairThug: So what has changed since then?

Israel is fighting for survival...and as Poles rallied around the Catholic Church during the partitions once to keep their spirit and Polishness alive Israelis today rally around the remembrance on the Holocaust to help them keep up the fight, to remind them for what and why they are fighting. I can't blame them!

I can only again recommend the movie "Defamation"...youtube is your friend.
MareGaea  29 | 2751  
1 Apr 2010 /  #27
ShortHairThug: So what has changed since then?

Don't know, I'm not responsible for what other Jewish ppl think, say or do. For me it was always clear who was responsible for the Holocaust and that was all I tried to say with this. I think it's mainly an American invention though. Here in Europe everybody knows it wasn't the Poles, although many do remember the fact that many of the campguards were Ukrainian, Latvian and Lithuanian. I am sure there will have been some Poles among them, but generally the Poles are not accused by Europeans as far as I know.

Bratwurst Boy: Heeeey....not before I get my helmet back!

Too late, I took your helmet from you and you will only get it back if you give me my grandfather's bicycle back! Ha!



M-G (has to hurry to get some alcohol at home as tomorrow no alcohol is to be had here in Dublin)
Bratwurst Boy  9 | 11679  
1 Apr 2010 /  #28
MareGaea: Too late, I took your helmet from you and you will only get it back if you give me my grandfather's bicycle back! Ha!

Manno! :(

*goes looking for old bicycle*
vetala  - | 381  
1 Apr 2010 /  #29
The girl in this article clearly isn't very smart. "The look in her eye told me" - she assumes too much. And her surprise at the fact that Poles who live close to the camps act normally intead of crying every single day of their life is just...

Bratwurst Boy: Israel is fighting for survival...and as Poles rallied around the Catholic Church during the partitions once to keep their spirit and Polishness alive Israelis rally around the remembrance on the Holocaust to help them keep up the fight. I can't blame them!

I feel quite the same way.
jeden  - | 226  
1 Apr 2010 /  #30
“even today Jewish groups do not go to Poland without a bodyguard.”

I heard about it. This is very interesting...

Few days ago when I had seen group of young jews, I started staring at them ( I love jewish femals);)... Good for me that I didn`t go to them, bodyguard could shot me... couldn`t he?;)

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