I thought there's no way that you would be that deceptive. I was wrong!!!
I am sorry. You and Kaprys (btw, thanks for brave guessing, you are such great thinkers) weren`t the first to fall for that prank. The first victim was my best friend`s dog.
Next time I post a riddle I will make it exceptionally difficult :):)
Yes, of course, take your sweet revenge, I can`t wait. :)
Now the question is why you put a cap in a pet carrier; )
A cap or a hat, I never know.
Whenever they come to us from another city, they bring their dog cause he can`t stay alone in the apartment. We have two cats and one of them is extremely hostile to canines, so there is always hissing followed by an attack and the dog, whining, ends up on my bed which is sort of asylum.
When we went to visit them 7 years ago, I decided to play a practical joke on the dog, by pretending I brought a cat with us. He was scared again and we all had a lot of fun.



