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Poland from a Persian Tourist's Perspective

Nathan  18 | 1349  
22 Mar 2010 /  #211
I am a slave to truth

Nicely said, Aphrodisiac. The chains of truth are heavy and it keeps you from flying away in imaginatory world of wishes, pinning you down to a limited circle of reality :)
OP DariusTraveller  1 | 59  
22 Mar 2010 /  #212
The reason I wont post any links is because you're then going to scrutinize the sources.
It's clear that you've already made up your minds so I'm not even going to bother, but there are several womens rights organizations out there who've brought claims against Israel that have been flat out denied and have gone uninvestigated. It has happened and it has been reported on many times. The information is available out there on the Internet and you're free to look it up.

You might be truth seekers but a biased Israeli truth is no truth...
aphrodisiac  11 | 2427  
22 Mar 2010 /  #213
I am neither against Israel, not pro Israel. However, if you say something you should back it up when questioned. You want to have a mature discussion, behave like a mature person, otherwise you are just winding people up and cannot be treated seriously.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11970  
22 Mar 2010 /  #214
The reason I wont post any links is because you're then going to scrutinize the sources.

Nooooo...how AWFULL! There are really people who would do somthing horrible like this?

but there are several womens rights organizations out there who've brought claims against Israel

Do you have a link to these organizations?

It has happened and it has been reported on many times. The information is available out there on the Internet

Not it's not!
That's why a growing number of people is gathering here to get some knowledge of the allmighty Darius....
OP DariusTraveller  1 | 59  
22 Mar 2010 /  #215
You want to have a mature discussion, behave like a mature person

I've probably been insulted more times by more people in this thread than my entire life so let's not talk about maturity as if I'm the perpetrator here. I haven't seen anyone else back their claims with links so I'm not going to do that either, It's as simple as that. Fact is that the information is out there and it's really easy to find so you're only mocking me by making me do a pointless task which you can easily do yourself.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11970  
22 Mar 2010 /  #216
Fact is that the information is out there and it's really easy to find

No there isn't and no it isn't....that's why we are waiting for your links Darius, help us out here pleeeeeease! :(
OP DariusTraveller  1 | 59  
22 Mar 2010 /  #217
Dude it's there. Go sign up for that internet course already, you're getting more and more annoying by the minute. When you're there have your teacher show you how to pop words into the search field on google. Remember typing the words is the hard part so make sure you take your time and don't let anyone rush you.
f stop  24 | 2493  
22 Mar 2010 /  #218
DariusTraveller! Not one month on the PF yet, and you 'fighting dirty' already!
aphrodisiac  11 | 2427  
22 Mar 2010 /  #219
I've probably been insulted more times by more people in this thread than my entire life so let's not talk about maturity as if I'm the perpetrator here.

yes, you are the victim here not. Play or fold.
f stop  24 | 2493  
22 Mar 2010 /  #220
This is a nasty, nasty place.
My hope is that there are many, many more people that are reading, but have enough self control not to post. ;)
Seanus  15 | 19666  
22 Mar 2010 /  #221
Back to the thread. Poland must appear so free for an Iranian. There simply is no comparison. I like some of what Ahmedinejad says and he is a smart man but he's wily/sly like a fox. He operates an oppressive regime and Tusk, though unspectacular, wouldn't go down that road. He didn't huff and puff like a schoolchild when he was constantly vetoed. I get the impression that there is constant wrangling between Ahmedinejad and the Supreme Leader of Iran. Yes, Poland has poverty but there are deep-seated reasons for that and lack of subsidisation by the state is a major cause.
Sabel54  - | 2  
23 Mar 2010 /  #222
Hey Persian guy :) I am Persian as myself :) I been living In Poland almost 4,5 years :) I know what you talking about but it is not so bad. I lived almost 24 years in Denmark and there people are tired of people like us because of arabs and turks!! They dont know the difference between us!! You dont see so much different between a polish and a germany guy :) Joke :) you know what i mean about that :)

Everytime i meet sombody here i need to explain them that i am not a arab and i will not bomb him :) joke

but the fact is polish are very openmind and something else they have some of the most beautiful girls in the world :)
Mr Grunwald  33 | 2138  
23 Mar 2010 /  #223
Everytime i meet sombody here i need to explain them that i am not a arab and i will not bomb him :) joke

Good that they hear you out, in other places they would act bananas and slop of your head! (joke)

but the fact is polish are very openmind and something else they have some of the most beautiful girls in the world :)

Ahh yeah..
wait a minute..
DEJA VOU! Ive heard that somewhere before :o


Dude it's there. Go sign up for that internet course already

It is really there, BB do you know how to use Google? :o
yehudi  1 | 433  
23 Mar 2010 /  #224
It's clear that you've already made up your minds so I'm not even going to bother,

It's clear you've made up your mind. You make allegations based on anti-israel propaganda and when you can't prove your allegations you call the other side close-minded. Your world-class education seems to be lacking something.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11970  
23 Mar 2010 /  #225
It is really there, BB do you know how to use Google? :o

Do you have a link for me Gruni? :)
aphrodisiac  11 | 2427  
23 Mar 2010 /  #226
now I really want this link:)
OP DariusTraveller  1 | 59  
23 Mar 2010 /  #227
Do you have a link for me Gruni? :)

now I really want this link:)

when you can't prove your allegations

Grunwald posted some links there, clearly he has the brain capacity to do a Google search unlike you guys. Maybe you should give him a round of applause just like back in kindergarden.
Sabel54  - | 2  
24 Mar 2010 /  #228
get a life !! I have to come with my opinionen!!
Mr Grunwald  33 | 2138  
24 Mar 2010 /  #229
Do you have a link for me Gruni? :)

But I just show you the links in post 227#
(check the third one)

Grunwald posted some links there,

Yepp I DID :)

clearly he has the brain capacity to do a Google search unlike you guys.

OMG I don't only get approved my IQ by the military, but also on the internet! WOOH :D

Maybe you should give him a round of applause

*Is waiting for the applause*

ust like back in kindergarden.

Huh? Did they applaud there? I got scammed ;(
They never applauded for me :(
(Maybe because I was such a wackadoodle) :D
yehudi  1 | 433  
24 Mar 2010 /  #230
Bratwurst Boy:
Do you have a link for me Gruni? :)
But I just show you the links in post 227#
(check the third one)

So that's Grunwald's proof of Israelis raping palestinian women!? In the case you brought up from 2006, an Israeli girl, the daughter of an Israeli officer on an airbase was having sex with soldiers on the base. She was a minor and this was a sex crime. The case was investigated by both the police and the military police. The soldiers were punished. You've proven the obvious fact that Israel, like any society in the world, has cases of sex crimes. The good news is that we have a police and justice system that prosecutes offenders.

But where are the israeli soldiers raping palestinian women that the persian is so certain of?
OP DariusTraveller  1 | 59  
24 Mar 2010 /  #231
The good news is that we have a police and justice system that prosecutes offenders.

Is that why Israeli soldiers can run over american peace protesters with a bulldozer and get away with it? Corrupt Zionist justice is no justice.

But where are the israeli soldiers raping palestinian women that the persian is so certain of?

If you had actually check out Grunwalds other links and not just the first one you would have seen what the next articles are about. The point in all of this isn't that Israeli soldiers have raped Palestinian or Israeli girls but that Israeli soldiers have actually RAPED. Which proves that your claim that Israeli soldiers are somehow morally superior to others is a complete and utter false statement.

In other words which is so popular these days ...YOU FAIL
jarnowa  4 | 499  
24 Mar 2010 /  #232
To TS: the reason city people are more positive about non-europeans than village people is because they don't want to associate themselves with "backward" people from rural areas and prefer to be seen as open-minded. So they tend to be more positive and less suspicious towards immigrants, whether these immigrants are good or bad people.

Of course this is only valid as long as the numbers of immigrants are still low. In western cities, the numbers of Europeans who look negative towards the average non-European are much higher than in Poland. For good reasons.
Seanus  15 | 19666  
24 Mar 2010 /  #233
Jarnowa, you really come out with a lot of bull. Poles look just as negatively towards non-European foreigners as many other Western countries. Spain, Denmark and NI seem to come out as the most racist but Poland is certainly well up there.
OP DariusTraveller  1 | 59  
24 Mar 2010 /  #234
Back to the thread. Poland must appear so free for an Iranian.

Well it depends on what freedoms you regard as important to you but you're right and there is no comparison, Poland has freedoms that Iran hasn't but Iran has freedoms that Poland does not have. If I was wealthy and didn't have to work and I had to choose I would choose Poland of course as basic freedoms and justice are granted there but not in Iran. The problem there today is that if the mullahs suddenly dislike you they can strip you of your freedoms and make you disappear off the face of the earth and nobody would bat an eye. People think that all Iranians are the same and that they want the same things but this is far from the truth, Iranians have been at all out war with each other for a very long time and the last regime change was just one out of several and it will not be the last.

I can assure you that there is no constant wrangling between Ahmedinejad and the Supreme Leader. Ahmedinejads character is insignificant even though he's considered the official leader he's nothing more than a puppet. He's a warlord with a very dark and shady military background. Guys like him aren't elected, they're born bred and selected behind closed doors. This guy has been trained and advised on his every move, he doesn't go off in his own ways and say things he shouldn't say like George Bush used to do for example. This guy is being paid a lot of money to play the role of president and he knows that if he messes up his life will end in a mullah styled gangland execution. This guy knows that he shouldn't mess around and he knows what the mullah regime is capable of. He knows that when they can make entire villages disappear they can make him disappear too. Myself and some other Iranians had dinner with this guy during an event a while ago (don't ask how that happened) and I saw him in action first hand, Everything he does is scripted to the very core. The handshake, the smile, the way he talks and even the way he walks, personally I concluded that when the mullahs made this guy they made sure that everything about him is there to deceive the gullible westerners who think they believe in democracy and justice. It's all theater presented to them to deceive people for the fact that this country is is very much like North Korea or any other totalitarian state.

Anyways I don't know much about poverty in Poland but isn't the difference between rich and poor enormous there? When I was there I saw alot of people who lived in penthouse apartments with luxury cars but also an equal amount of people who lived in communist styled block housing with **** cars. As I said in an earlier post, the place seems to be ruled by an extreme form of capitalism just like many of the other former soviet nations. It seems like the ones who made it out in one piece are doing extremely well while the majority who didn't manage so well are doing badly.
Seanus  15 | 19666  
24 Mar 2010 /  #235
I get that impression about him, Darius. There is an ever widening gulf between the rich and the poor in Poland and this is exacerbated by Tusk. Maluchs are being replaced by swankier motors. Still, Poland is heavily reliant on credit.
jarnowa  4 | 499  
24 Mar 2010 /  #236
dear Seanus, in the opening post, TS tells us that people from Wawa were a lot more positive about foreigners than outside the city. I assume he's right. ;)

So then there's a big contrast between city people in Poland and those in the multicultural countries of western Europe, who learned the hard way what you get if you let in more than small numbers of those "nice and interesting foreigners".
f stop  24 | 2493  
24 Mar 2010 /  #237
So then there's a big contrast between city people in Poland and those in the multicultural countries of western Europe, who learned the hard way what you get if you let in

really? Is that how you understand it?

What he really wrote:
"Warsaw seemed like a completely different world to the rest of Poland. So sum my experience up outside of the city ---- Narrowminded Village societies"

The villagers are not suspicious because they've head some experience with foreigners. Just the opposite - they are suspicious because they've never seen one.
Seanus  15 | 19666  
24 Mar 2010 /  #238
Of that I have no doubt, jarnowa. Keep those Radio Maria mohair beret folk in the village where we can keep calling them wieśniaki ;) ;)

The same applies in most countries. Japanese villagers viewed me with suspicion but not so much as I look 'safe'.
Mr Grunwald  33 | 2138  
25 Mar 2010 /  #239
So that's Grunwald's proof of Israelis raping palestinian women!?

No, that are 3 links I found after just watching the topics itself. As I am bored with the topic of Israeli-Palestinian conflict I generally give a damn. But looking at helpless people here, not finding ANYTHING just made me angry :)
yehudi  1 | 433  
25 Mar 2010 /  #240
Now I opened the other 2 links. One is identical to the first one about the case of the girl on the airbase and nothing to do with palestinians. And one indeed talks about Israeli interrogators raping palestinian prisoners. The source is Turkish quoting palestinians, so I'm skeptical about the truth of the report. Is there any corroboration of the report from any other source?

The accusation was made in 2004, six years ago. If this turned out to be true, it's hard to imagine that no one would know about it here where everyone talks about everything and everyone knows someone in the Shabak. The left wing press lives to expose scandals like this and would have put it on the front page of every newspaper, and yet I've never heard anything about it. So I doubt that it's true.

Archives - 2010-2019 / Travel / Poland from a Persian Tourist's PerspectiveArchived