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Poland from a Persian Tourist's Perspective

King Sobieski  2 | 714  
9 Mar 2010 /  #91
hence your justification for this behavior and inability to condemn it.

ummm, please do tell me where i have justified racist behaviour.

arguing race based topics with untrue statements and a vilifying agenda at mind along with other specific posters.

you brought up the race issue, i merely made a comment on it.

and i have made no vilifying or disparaging remarks regarding iran or the middle east, feel free to prove otherwise.
OP DariusTraveller  1 | 59  
9 Mar 2010 /  #92
you brought up the race issue, i merely made a comment on it.

No you guys did by implying untrue factuality. you made a comment on a comment I made about Amathyst views on Immigrant behavior, if you butt into a discussion and take sides then you're part of it. I explained how discrimination was a large cause of this anti-social behavior and you two simply brush it under the rug as en "excuse". By denying this proven fact you're deliberately insinuating that we're somehow "less developed" than you guys.. And that's racist.

and i have made no vilifying or disparaging remarks regarding iran or the middle east, feel free to prove otherwise..

Page 2. You said an untrue and degrading statement about Persian women, in other words a disparaging remark about the people and the people who made the country.

its the hair on the bodies that is the turn off.

What are you talking about

Dude you still can't use this as an example. The namechange in Iran/Persia and what happened over there is two completely different events with no similarities whatsoever.

Same as those Swedish girls that get raped by foreigners....Do you want me to post you links?

And this just about sums up you and your hidden agenda, sir. You took my comment completely out of context and now you're comparing my comment about simple discrimination with full on rape. I've lived in Sweden and you're talking as if the cute little Swedish blond girls can't walk out their doors without facing the risk of getting raped by an immigrant. Native swedes are very much overrepresented in the rape category so you're example just makes you look dumb.

You don't need to post your propaganda links. I've seen the photo of the girl who was raped and that was unfortunate for her but she was targeted randomly, it could have been anyone. Now I'm asking again... Why bring such a crime up against my comment? Bringing rape into a discussion about simple discrimination is just a low blow. You're obvious trying to overcompensate you're lack of rational reasoning by stigmatizing and vilifying people of color...

!!!! >.< !!!!

This discussion is getting pretty sad I don't like being ganged up on by a bunch of nationalist British guys who wish they were polish so I'm just going to GTFO of this forum now forever. Here I thought this was a real polish forum and it turns out to be a white nationalist forum... Talk about bait 'n' switch uh?

By the way.. Don't bother replying. This is my last post on this forum.
f stop  24 | 2493  
9 Mar 2010 /  #93
Well, your time has not been wasted. Besides me, I can think of at least two of my friends that will find your comments very interesting and hopefully enlightening.
beelzebub  - | 444  
9 Mar 2010 /  #94
And that's why nobody stays here for long...if you don't march lock step with the mob here you get pounced on. No room for differing views here ladies and gentlemen ;)
King Sobieski  2 | 714  
9 Mar 2010 /  #95
if you butt into a discussion and take sides then you're part of it

i didnt take sides and dont condone racist behaviour.

i merely asked you why is that other ethnic groups that are dark skinned/haired dont have the same anti-social behaviour when migrating to other countries.

your issues stem from traveling to the backwaters of poland, to be honest if you went to some rural lil town in australia you would probably experience the same thing. if i traveled to some rural indian town then i would no doubt experience the same thing.

it is a forum, where discussion and debate happens, yet you seem to want to throw labels at people. it is a lot easier for you to throw the "racist" card at another poster as "i win and end of discussion" than talk about why.

i apologise for my generalisation about iranian women. i hope that you too can apologise for your generalisations of "white people".
opts  10 | 260  
9 Mar 2010 /  #96
This is my last post on this forum.

How are you going to survive in Poland if you can take the BS that goes on here.
Come back. :)
Seanus  15 | 19666  
9 Mar 2010 /  #97
Darius, don't be discouraged/disheartened. People just have misgivings about Iran due to their Western bias. Your comments are very insightful and helpful. Too many are wholly disinformed about how Iran is run and their intentions. Keep spreading the word, ma man.
Amathyst  19 | 2700  
9 Mar 2010 /  #98
i merely asked you why is that other ethnic groups that are dark skinned/haired dont have the same anti-social behaviour when migrating to other countries.

Because they have the same values that their host country has, they go with the flow rather than trying to change the demographics of their host country, whilst they live in communties, they are not ghettos.

They're treated just as bad as Middle Easterners as they're far too often mistaken for being from the Middle East thus being categories that way

No they NOT, I went to a Catholic school and there were many many Italians (decent) and non were thought of as Arabs...Been to Spain many times and I dont see them as looking anything like Arabs....My friend was married to a Greek guy, he didnt look like an Arab and their son doesnt look half Arab...You evidently didnt read my post, Italians came in large numbers, they integrated fine, the did well...the enriched our culture with their food and traditions...They came to the UK when there was no benefit system and our infrastructure was pretty poor, they helped make the country what it is now.

many are wholly disinformed about how Iran is run and their intentions

I think we are all aware of how Iran is run, the elections were televised around the world for all to see. I feel sorry for the young that want change.
yehudi  1 | 433  
9 Mar 2010 /  #99
Currently there's millions of European Jews and Troops deployed all over the Middle East. they meddle in political affairs, they rape women, kill children and destroy lives just for fun.

So the hatred is finally coming out. I thought only the Muslims were brainwashed.
I got news for you Darius, we're not deployed. We live here (in Israel). We're not all over the middle east but only in Israel, and we never had an argument with Iran. We're not European, we're Jews – some of who came from Europe and others came from the middle east. Our roots here are as deep as yours if not deeper.

And if you don't mind, send me some factual data on Israelis raping women or else shutup.
Varsovian  91 | 634  
9 Mar 2010 /  #100
Point of information: Ahmedinejad is an ethnic Jew. Sort of makes you think of the anti-semitic Vladimir Wolfovitch Zhirinovsky who lives in Russia.
DariuszTelka  5 | 193  
9 Mar 2010 /  #101
Another is a lack of experience of such things like insurance and other mainstays in the West. It is not their way of doing things.

But for how long can you use this as an excuse to never amount to anything? There are almost 50 countries on the continent of Africa. Europe has about the same amount of countries, but live on a third of the land. Mostly with harsher conditions, as winters and summer go into extremes on each season. We can have +50C and -50 on the same continent in just one year.

Europe has endured over the last two thousand years, two world wars, countless smaller wars, slavery, hunger, at least a dozen depressions, revolutions, political uprisings, different plagues, communism, nazism AND christianity which alltogether probably took the lives of over a billion people. If not more. We've had diseases, floods, forest fires, earth quakes and whatever else mother nature has given us. What has Africa had to compare with through their last 2000 years?

When the white settled in parts of Africa and began farming, they fed millions of people! Zimbabwe was called the bread basket of Africa. Just with the help of a couple of thousand of white people. Up here in Europe, we've had snow storms now for months. Freezing temperatures. Still we survive. Africans have one or two bad years of drought, and die in the hundreds of thousands.

How come after the Norwegian state set up farms and gave the inhabitant of an area tractors, buildings, cattle and money, when they came back 5 years later to see the progress they encountred nothing but wastelands and corroded machine equipment.

If you have 10 children and they all work on a piece of land, shouldn't you be able to do something with it? Like we did up here? Even if you don't have the most modern equipment. But what you do have is knowledge of the land, generations of survival in some way or another. Shouldn't that imply that you should be able to make something of that land? How come the farms that have been taken over by ***** zimbabweans after they ran off the whites all have failed to produce anything so far? Why are they slaughtering almost extinct elephants just to survive? The farms were there, furtile, producing tons of products every year..now it's just laying waste. All destroyed.

You mention that SOME leaders are unscrupulous...I say the ALL ARE. They buy 15 mercedes limousines and private jets while their people are dying of starvation. What does that tell you? Would you do that if you ruled your country? No? Why wouldn't you? (The ones who did here all met their fate one way or the other and were replaced by better people). But in Africa, one after another is as useless as the next. Nomatter how many degrees from Oxford or money in the bank, they just can't build a society.

Some african countries have oil-reserves that are far bigger than Norway's. How come they can't make their country prosperous, just like Saudi Arabia? Or Norway? Why can't the leaders take control and take advantage of their natural resources? Because of big business? Hah, they can kick every company out if they want to and then have a normal competition among western countries to come and extract it for them. But they CHOOSE not to do it.

Why, because they have a lower IQ.


Why is SA violent? Simply because their emotions were so repressed, trapped in a bottle, and now they're coming out. Trample on people for so long and they'll crack.

For how long? Eastern Europeans were trampled on for a long time...but take a trip through there now, and see the how things are changing. Poles don't kill slovaks that come into Poland to work. We don't rape infants because we believe it will cure us from AIDS, we don't rape women every minute, we don't machete people on the streets for a few zloty, we don't use witch doctors to tell us that we can kill albinos or drag old women out of their houses and set them on fire, because we believe they stole our penis. Do you think South Africa suddenly will stop being violent and become a modern and safe society when the last white person leaves? I don't think so. They mostly kill each other there.

If you can't stand gruesome pictures, please don't click on this link, but if you want to see what happens to "evil whites" in socalled "liberated" countries, then click on it. Be warned.


Read 'The Long Road to Freedom' by Nelson Mandela. It's one of his biographies. When he was working on his ANC, he didn't endorse open violence but peoples' nature is peoples' nature.

Nelson Mandela was a terrorist, who was responsible for bombings, killings and torture. He was charged with the following before his incarceration; "the preparation, manufacture and use of explosives-for the purpose of committing acts of violence and destruction in the aforesaid Republic, (the preparation and manufacture of explosives, according to evidence submitted, included 210,000 hand grenades, 48,000 anti-personnel mines, 1,500 time devices, 144 tons of ammonium nitrate, 21.6 tons of aluminum powder and a ton of black powder". Sounds like a peaceful protestor/human rights activist to me..

Even one of his three wifes, Winnie, is not happy with him either, she says he sold out to the big companies; She also went to jail for muder and torture. (Putting tires around peoples neck, setting them on fire and pushing them down the hill was how she kept people in line).


Here he is singing about killing white people; (Such a nice old grey haired looking man...)


There's no prosperity in Saudi Arabia, the UAE and Qatar? They have ample wealth.

Iceland and Greece are prosperous?

The prospertity in Saudi Arabia, The UAE and Qatar, which were just big sandboxes with no real properity until they gained independce in the mid 50's and outwards. Then they, or more correctly, white people, discoverd they sat on big oil reserves. So, after making deals with international companies, they let them in with western technology, drilled up oil, and through good deals are now super rich states. Without western technology and companies, these states would still be dirt poor and have nothing. Before Gas and oil these states survived on fishing, pearl hunting and domesticating camels. Just look what vast amounts of oil and gas, western technology and cheap labour can build!


And who builds it all;

"BDP was founded in 1961 and is ranked in the top 10 architects in the world and the largest architect in Western Europe with an annual turnover of approximately AED 600m ($163m) in the last financial year. It employs more than 1,200 architects, designers, engineers, urbanists, sustainability experts, lighting designers and acoustics specialists in 15 studios across the UK, France, Ireland and Netherlands".

When it comes to states like Iceland and Greece, they have big problems, but you know what? They will conquer these problems, like they have done hundreds of times before in their countries long and prosperous history. Why do you compare african or arab states, that never have been or never will have their own glorious societies filled with science, art and knowledge, with two european states who are going through some financial difficulties created by a financial elite? This is a bump in the road..a rather large one, I agree, but not the MOUNTAIN that africa and the arab states have to overcome to even reach up to our knees when it comes to democracy, freedom and prosperity. What do you think will happen to UAE when the gas and oil ends or we find other more reliable sources to use for our future.

Maybe you want to tell me about the african space program, or which university can compare to Harvard or Yale? Or how many nobel price recipients that come from Africa or any arab state the last 100 years? (Not the peace price which is worth as much as a bronze in the bobsleigh winter olympics).

I'm just sick and tired of all the old excuses, it's either the white mans rule, the big companies, the dry climate, AIDS, overpopulation, the list is endless! When are they going to actually build something down there? Who owns the diamond factories? Jewish controlled companies. Who owned all the slaveships that were used to carry the slaves to america/india/europe? The jewish merchants. Who is responsible for todays financial collapse? The jewish bankers. and to just add a little summary; pgorg.com/bigguns.html

So, white people develop technology, science, literature and art. The jewish people take this and exploit it for whatever it's worth, and the african get's the shortest straw. But how come it's not the other way around? See IQ link at top of post.

Varsovian  91 | 634  
9 Mar 2010 /  #102
Lifting the level of conversation a bit ...

One of the major problems in Africa is that land is often held by the tribe - individuals often have no right to the land they farm. No title = no collateral. No collateral = no loans and little development. The justice system usually stinks too, so if you have something it can be stolen from you. Then there's war - over which the individual has no control whatsoever.

Band/Live Aid brought massive improvements to the areas their aid reached.

The UK govt has removed all funding of rural projects. They sold their govt aid agency in a "management buyout" which immediately gave the managers a huge payout - with a huge payout going to the valuer, who mysteriously became a manager too. They invest in shopping malls in Johannesburg, competing with other private equity players.

Africa has huge problems. I wish Europe would help properly, instead of pretending to help. The situation with European aid is getting worse. The EU, for example, is now robbing NW African fishermen of their livelihood by trawling their waters. Somali fishermen were put out of business by tankers washing their tanks off these unguarded coasts. That's why they turned to piracy - but no-one has said anything about that, have they?
Seanus  15 | 19666  
9 Mar 2010 /  #103
First point, debts are permanent in their case and it'll take forever and a day to pay them back.

Also, they don't have the resourcefulness of Europeans, esp Poles. Poles can work wonders with many things, soups out of nothing sometimes.

Two world wars, don't give me that. If not for America, we'd all be speaking German now.

Africa has suffered AIDS, deprivation, squalor, all manner of tropical diseases, a lack of sanitation, tribal wars, terrorism (Nigeria), famine, drought, gout, ebola, massive in-fighting and brutal debt repayments to name but a few.

Let me introduce you to the EU, Dariusz. Butter mountains, lakes of wine, surpluses galore. Poland is providing the cabbage heaps and vodka reservoirs ;) ;) We have plan B's and C's, they don't. We have tinned food, frozen foods and all manner of other options that they don't have.

Look at the effects of drought, though. Catastrophic! We have a couple of heatwaves (2005) and all manner of people died.

Yes, they were given those things in Norway but did they want to use them? Were they trained? Again, you are imposing your vision and standards on them. Where was the supervision?

OK, look at Gaza. They have HUGE shortages of water. Ask yehudi, even Israel has to import water from Turkey. What are you gonna do without water for production methods? They simply don't have the full set of resources.

I agree on the next point, they are wild. I can't speak for all leaders there as I only know a few. They punt cash away on nonsense and deny the people some stratification in society and basic standards. Where is Africa's equivalent of America's Constitution or Europe's ECHR?

They are stupider in that way, yes. Saudi Arabia, despite its vast wealth, is a THIRD world country, FACT! (I dare you to check it up) Wealth is but one measure. There are 4 more criteria. Africa is lagging behind them even.

I agree and I'm not going to defend what they do. Putting people through tyres and burning them alive was their preferred method of killing. Or stoning just behind that. I read a book also on voodoo and black magic. If my memory serves me correctly, his name was Richard Kellerman. He wrote a book on South African abductions and negotiating ransoms.

As for Saudi Arabia, they have received help but from a self-interested West. Other European corporations have crept in. It won't be long before America turns to Canada anyway. Canada has huge oil reserves. This is why the big union is being proposed between Mexico, the US and them.

Iceland and Greece need major bailouts. There was a proposition last week, an olive branch, but Iceland rejected it. Greece is in hot water and their exit strategy is not entirely clear. They are bankrupt with major changes needed in their infrastructure. African countries go on. Plodding, yes, but not fully bankrupt.

It is not for us to tell them how they should be. Some try to help, like Livingstone. They simply don't have the networks and know-how of the West.
DariuszTelka  5 | 193  
9 Mar 2010 /  #104
I felt sticking to facts and history was keeping the conversation where it should be...but if finding small facts about why africans hasn't succeeded on any level, shape or form is better, then you go right ahead. How come the landwoners haven't made anything out of their land then? How come NOBODY, either landsowners, "farmers" or any african companies can produce enough food for their continent? There is always an EXCUSE!

Band/Live Aid brought massive improvements to the areas their aid reached.

Let the Ethiopians tell it themselves;

"only 5% of the $100m (£65m) in aid money went to feed the starving. Of this $100m, a sizeable amount likely came from Bob Geldof's Band Aid campaign, including the Do They Know It's Christmas? single and the Live Aid concerts, which involved U2, Paul McCartney, Madonna and many more. Rebel soldiers allegedly disguised themselves as grain traders, exchanging camouflaged bags of sand for thousands of pounds at a time. "We showed them huge amounts of grains," Gebremedhin Araya, former head of finance for the TPLF, told the Australian. "But if you go there, half of the warehouse is stacked full of sand collected from the Tekeze River. We tricked them as well as possible."".


Live Aid Famine Cash Bought Guns, Not Grain;


hat's why they turned to piracy - but no-one has said anything about that, have they?

I agree, I wish they would help properly too. That is our biggest fault when "helping" other people. We assume that they are the same as us, and think and evolve like us, but they don't. If we help them down there, we should do it from their perspective, not ours. Just look at integration in our own countries and how it has failed miserably. Why? Because we just accept them, feed them, clothe them and release them into our societies, but we haven't understood that they don't come from our kind of societies, they don't act like us, they don't respect the same values as us and they don't want to be like us. Who are we to think they should be like us? That way of thinking is just leftist crap, and we saw how that panned out in China, Soviet and wherever communism got its foothold. It's theoretical ********, thought up by leftist who never worked a day in their life.

mephias  10 | 296  
9 Mar 2010 /  #105
No offence people but this thread has turned into one big unproductive shouting match

Welcome to PF !
yehudi  1 | 433  
9 Mar 2010 /  #106
Maybe you want to tell me about the african space program, or which university can compare to Harvard or Yale? Or how many nobel price recipients that come from Africa or any arab state the last 100 years?

I can tell you about Israel's space program, world class universities and nobel prize recipients and you still won't gave a good word to say about us. That just proves that your agenda isn't an objective analysis of why some nations succeed and others don't but you're more interested in nursing your prejudices.
aphrodisiac  11 | 2427  
9 Mar 2010 /  #107
nursing your prejudices.

DariuszTelka  5 | 193  
9 Mar 2010 /  #108
Actually, I am astonished that such a small group of people can produce such a high degree of Nobel price winners. Their contribution to our world has been immense. I don't deny that. If the white race was as tight and aware of our history as you, wow, it's mind boggling.

But at the same time, Jewish names also turn up at the worst times of our history. Financing wars and revolutions, celebrating war-victories (Pesach, purim etc), instead of times of compassion and love, making money on other peoples ill-fortune, communism, slave trade, taking advantage of financial depressions and being involved in money schemes and what so many people care about today, the conflict with the palestinians.

Your people are almost schizophrenic. On one hand you produce world renowned classical musicians and scientists, and on the other hand you produce Karl Marx and Trotsky...

And not to talk about how you talk about non-believers in the Talmud...I cringe when I read those passages about jesus boiling in hot excrements and that the virgin Mary was a *****...

If the Jewish people would just turn off the "victim" act, and just get on with it, showing the world that you are worthy of admiration, which you are on many aspects of life, but then you go and do so many stupid things to mess it all up.

OP DariusTraveller  1 | 59  
9 Mar 2010 /  #109
So the hatred is finally coming out. I thought only the Muslims were brainwashed.

I wasn't going to post but I had to comment on this one... how dare you? Are you a 5-year old child? DO NOT TAKE SNIPPETS OUT OF A PARAGRAPH IN MY POST AND TURN IT INTO ANTISEMITIC PROPAGANDA !!! I specifically emphasized that a large majority of the millions of Europeans who live in Israel today where frauds from the EU and Soviet who claimed Jewish ties with the intention of settling there to get away from the war in Europe. In the last paragraph I heavily emphasized that real ethnic Jews had every right to be in the Middle East and even have their own country.

Just to clarify.. I'm not Anti Israel and I welcome true Jews and I hope that they someday have a real country of their own without a bunch of warmongering Euro frauds amongst them. There's a reason Antiantisemitism is such a big problem in Israel today, which is the sheer amount of frauds among them who secretly hate on real Jews and drive their Nazi agenda forward on the back of Judaism.


We're not European, we're Jews - some of who came from Europe and others came from the middle east

There's been millions of Jews in Europe for several THOUSAND years with many of them being CONVERTS so I'm pretty sure that qualify them as EUROPEAN.. Just because they slap on a Jewish name tag that doesn't make them any less European. This brings me back to the millions of EU citizens and Soviet citizens who fraudulently claimed Jewish ties so they could escape the EU and Soviet wars. I say this again. Before the state of Israel was established there weren't that many ethnic Jews located in the Middle East.. So it's pretty obvious how Israel's population suddenly boasted over 7 Million. Simple fact is that fraudsters highjacked the Jewish ethnicity and religion in order to move to a brand new established state. Claiming otherwise is just denying the course of history.

We're not all over the middle east but only in Israel

ummmm...ok? keep telling yourself that. I say this again.. WHY DO YOU IGNORE THE THINGS I WRITE IN ORDER TO MAKE ME LOOK BAD ???.. Iran has the largest Jewish population in the Middle East and the 3rd largest after 1. Israel and 2. The United States. This day today Tehran has a strong Jewish community of over 25.000 Jews, they have a Jewish MP in the Iranian Parliament and they have pretty active community centers such as the Tehran Jewish Committee, official website: iranjewish.com

So what was that again about me being "brainwashed" and about Jews only being in Israel?... I can't hear you !

send me some factual data on Israelis raping women or else shutup.

How about the thousands of uninvestigated Palestinian abuse claims against Israeli troops? Or how about the videos flying about on the internet?.. I'm not going to send you any "facts" go google it yourself. You're fully aware that sexual abuse is everyday life in war and both sides are doing it in order to demoralize their enemy. Rape in war is reality and it happens every day. Denying it just makes you look dumb.... and don't tell me to shutup you big child.

Before you start your crusade to paint me as some kinda hater I say this again: I don't have a problem with Jews or Israel. I do however have a problem with the western fraudsters who give ethnic middle eastern Jews a bad name.

I didn't want to make this post but it's not cool to twist someones words and accuse them of being something their not. To all other posters. Stop taking snippets out of context out of my paragraphs just to vilify the things I say. doing so just makes all of you look CHILDISH.

I'm Out
Mr Grunwald  33 | 2138  
9 Mar 2010 /  #110
I know a danish guy in London who's uneducated and his English is worse than me but people still mistake him for being native, partly because he mumbles when he talks so his accent is less noticeable.

Oh that is so unfair :/

Welcome to PF !

Ive told it already
Amathyst  19 | 2700  
9 Mar 2010 /  #111
Oh that is so unfair :/

Probably untrue too, most Danes speak excellent English.

Tehran has a strong Jewish community of over 25.000 Jews, they have a Jewish MP in the Iranian Parliament and they have pretty active community centers such

OM goodness all of 25,000 Jews with a population of 13,413,348
yehudi  1 | 433  
10 Mar 2010 /  #112
So it's pretty obvious how Israel's population suddenly boasted over 7 Million.

Yes, by immigration. From Europe, Arab countries, Iran, Russia and elsewhere. Your assumption that all Jews coming from outside the mideast are not really jews is a racist approach that has no historical basis. Iranian Jews probably have some non-Jewish blood and so do Russian Jews. We don't test people for racial purity. Who we accept in our country is not your affair. My son-in-law's family is from Mashad. My daughter-in-law's family was from Hungary. But we are all one family and one people.

True, there are some Russians who are clearly non-Jews who exploited the chance to get Israeli citizenship in order to leave Russia. Since the entire Russian immigration amounts to about 1 million people, the non-Jewish portion is no more than 500,000. So where are your "millions of European Jews and Troops deployed all over the Middle East"? You probably got that from the same source where you found Israeli soldiers raping palestinian girls. It simply has not happened. Name one case.
OP DariusTraveller  1 | 59  
10 Mar 2010 /  #113
I'm kinda tired of this so I'm just going to keep it short and neat with my last reply.

I hope you're not as dumb as you sound.. "European" is mainly used as a geographical term; in this sense a Russian can be "European" or "Asian" depending on the continent they were born/live on, but all ETHNIC Russians are considered Indo-European people and linguistically Slavic, not Asian. In other words, all ethnic Russians are of European descent as ethnicity does not change with geography. whether you acknowledge it or not there's currently atleast several million Europeans of European decent living in the Middle East all over. A child of European Immigrants born in Africa is still European, although he/she may be called "African" (or Afrikaner). Same applies to Europeans living in the Middle East. (Excluding Ethnic Jewish People who have been there for millenniums, happy?)

I'm not going to get into the rape thing any further as you denying it just makes you look like a sad case. There were performed many atrocities from both sides during the Israeli-Arab conflict spanning over decades upon decades. Rape along with many other horrible things were everyday life. As I said.. uninvestigated cases have not been looked into and obviously an Israeli solder will never be trailed for rape in an Israeli court.

Who we accept in our country is not your affair

You lost that right when you broke your agreement with the Arab Nations, British Mandate, U.N and extended your borders beyond the original UNSCOP partition. You people turned the two state solution into a full blown illegal occupation. Back in the day it was everyones affair, the British the U.S the UN and the Arab Nations. You people double crossed everyone and betrayed them by acting in contradiction to a prior agreement. Whether you personally acknowledge this or not is insignificant. This is what happened and you can pick up any history book and read about it.

I'm not going to continue this conversation as it's clear that your memory doesn't span any further than a couple of years and that you completely deny the course of events trough world history as if they never happened.... Or maybe you don't know the history? Seems like a common Israeli trait to me.. I don't know if they teach you to not think about prior events in school or if you people just selectively shut out event's that you don't like to hear about but it's clear to me how you think when you deny that there aren't any sexual abuse going on in war.

Also I'm not going to provide you sources to information you're not going to read anyway as you're too immature to acknowledge that both sides are just as bad and it's clear that you're set in your own mind.
yehudi  1 | 433  
10 Mar 2010 /  #114
You're a strange fellow and somehow I doubt you are what you say you are, but that's beside the point.
I stand by my statement that Israeli soldiers never raped an Arab woman. You can say whatever you want, but that is a fact. (This was actually studied by an anti-zionist professor in Israel who said that this is an example of Israeli racism, since it proves that israelis find Arab women not worth raping. This is the absurdity that some people reach in demonizing israel.)

and obviously an Israeli solder will never be trailed for rape in an Israeli court.

That might be obvious to someone brought up in the enlightened country of Iran, but in Israel an accusation of rape by an israeli soldier would be in every newspaper and it would cause a public outcry and certainly be investigated. Your impression of Israel and its people is so distorted you have no idea.

You lost that right when you broke your agreement with the Arab Nations, British Mandate, U.N and extended your borders beyond the original UNSCOP partition.

There was no agreement with the arab nations. They rejected the UN partition. Look it up. The borders from 1948 to 1967 were ceasefire lines, and they were not violated by Israel till the attack by Egypt and Jordan in 1967.
OP DariusTraveller  1 | 59  
10 Mar 2010 /  #115
since it proves that israelis find Arab women not worth raping

You can't "prove" that every Israeli soldier finds Arab women unattractive, You can't prove it in any way scientifically. I don't care how many surveys some half-assed professor decides to make. As I said, Rape and sexual abuse is a tool of war used in every war by a lot of soldiers. The only absurdity here is that you truly believe that every single Israeli soldier would pass up an opportunity to abuse a cute Palestinian girl... You can't be that naive?

but in Israel an accusation of rape by an israeli soldier would be in every newspaper and it would cause a public outcry and certainly be investigated.

The same way theres a public outcry against the big ass concentration camp (Gaza)? Or the Israeli medias fine job of investigating and reporting on war crimes? I have no doubt there would be a public outcry to clear the defendant of all charges. Israeli soldiers never do anything wrong right? that would be preposterous.. Israeli solders are like little baby angels !

There was no agreement with the arab nations. They rejected the UN partition

the Arabs did reject it but the agreement was still approved with uneven land going to Israel unfair much? You can call it what you want but grabbing and occupying a bunch of land makes you an illegal state.

You're looking at it from a bias and glorified viewpoint and I don't agree with everything you say. This can go on forever so I'm just gonna leave the conversation at that. Our country is luckily not Arab so I think my views are neutral albeit harsh. I'm not going to continue this as you've now repeatedly attacked me on a personal level and questioned my character several times.
King Sobieski  2 | 714  
11 Mar 2010 /  #116
I'm just going to GTFO of this forum now forever

Don't bother replying. This is my last post on this forum.

I'm Out

I'm kinda tired of this so I'm just going to keep it short and neat with my last reply.

This can go on forever so I'm just gonna leave the conversation at that.

once polish forums has you, then you can never escape.
Matowy  - | 293  
11 Mar 2010 /  #117
I stand by my statement that Israeli soldiers never raped an Arab woman. You can say whatever you want, but that is a fact. (This was actually studied by an anti-zionist professor in Israel who said that this is an example of Israeli racism, since it proves that israelis find Arab women not worth raping. This is the absurdity that some people reach in demonizing israel.)

Are you naive? Rape is both an inevitability and a tool of war. THAT is a fact. What is also a fact is that the IDF has both; free reign throughout certain Arab areas, and absolutely no one to deter them from abuse. Soldiers have committed worse acts with even less room than that before.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11970  
11 Mar 2010 /  #118
once polish forums has you, then you can never escape.

We are all victims of PF!!!

1jola  14 | 1875  
11 Mar 2010 /  #119
We need an association.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11970  
11 Mar 2010 /  #120
Hmmmm....what about:


The Associataion of the Polish Forum Addicts

(We should think about inviting all victims of admin helmet-abuse too...) as in "TAOTPFOFOA and PWTH" (People without their helmets)

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