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Poland - never again

Dougpol1  29 | 2497  
3 Jun 2018 /  #391
you chose to come to Poland during the rule of PRL

Nope. Met her indoors during PRL, nowt to do with them commies. Moved here fully in 92. I don't support communists. You Poles are the fools who bought Jaruzelski's book by the million, and 50 percent of you said he was right to declare Martial Law.

Clueless. If he was British we would have hung him.
Ironside  50 | 12333  
3 Jun 2018 /  #392
You're an idiot. You wouldn't, if 70% of your elite would be killed forced to emigration or kicked out from their property, houses and positions and made to be a second class citizen. Instead all things, scum or opportunist would jump on a fast lift to power. Than add to it 40 years of extensive brainwashing in schools and the media and you would see how your British would do better. Not! They would exactly the same as Poles or even worse.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452  
3 Jun 2018 /  #393
No ****... this dude is talking about hanging commies when his own country is run by then, their cops dont even have guns and the muslim invaders have effectively set up a parallel society. Yet he calls poles clueless lol... But only online bc he knows he'd get stomped if he repeated that to any of the young men around his commie era block
Atch  21 | 4149  
4 Jun 2018 /  #394
got over 2 mil in assets and can prove thay sh1t any day any time... and im nowhere near done i made that just in my 20s,

Adrian, just over two years ago you told us that you were working in a pseudo call centre and had 80,000 dollars in savings. You didn't acquire 2 million dollars in the last two years. Why are you bothering to spoof? Just like a few months ago when you said that you had both undergraduate and post-graduate degrees in business and when I pointed out that you hadn't completed your MBA you said you only had one class to take. Then last week you said you're half way through your MBA, rather a different story. Either way, one doesn't have a degree in something until one has completed one's studies, taken one's final exams and been conferred, even in the USA :))
Ziemowit  14 | 3936  
4 Jun 2018 /  #395
I got over 2 mil in assets and can prove thay sh1t any day any time

Adrian, just over two years ago you told us that you were working in a pseudo call centre and had 80,000 dollars in savings

I think he has personality problems, but even if he hasn't, he can't be taken seriously. A person who got over 2 million in assets is very unlikely to be sitting on a forum such as this and ranting all day about all sorts of things.

Basically, Adrian is an attention-seeker and should be treated accordingly.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452  
4 Jun 2018 /  #396
Adrian, just over two years ago you told us that you were working in a pseudo call centre and had 80,000 dollars in savings

Never said that. I said my first job out of college I was making 80k a year which yes was working in medical sales. And savings are different than assets. I still only habe around 80k in savings. That's jusy money put aside. My house in us at 900k and my property in poland at 5 mln zloty alone make 2 mil not counting cars cash savings jewelry securities etc.

And I never said I only had 1 class left on my mba. Feel free to find that post. I likely said I had a semester or so left.

A person who got over 2 million in assets is very unlikely to be sitting on a forum such as this and ranting all day about all sorts of things.

Im online all day because I trade. Look mt name and address up everyine knows it - my house is up for sale for 900k right now. More than any house youll ever own.
Ziemowit  14 | 3936  
4 Jun 2018 /  #397
More than any house youll ever own.

You actually don't know what house I may own because I find it most inappropriate to boast about the personal wealth on a public forum.
Atch  21 | 4149  
4 Jun 2018 /  #398
My house in us at 900k and my property in poland at 5 mln zloty alone make 2 mil not counting cars cash savings jewelry securities etc.

You don't own your American house, you're paying a mortgage. You didn't buy or earn the money for your property in Poland. It's a family property that was gifted to you. The value has been compromised by the damage done to the land from the illegal dumping. Unless you have a vast classic car collection, then cars wouldn't add much to the pot. And you DID say that you worked in a pseudo-call centre. I can find the post if you want me to. Besides what does it matter how much money/assests you have? Of what relevance is that on this forum??
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452  
4 Jun 2018 /  #399
about the personal wealth on a public forum.

That's because you have nothing to boast about. If you did youd be proud of your accomplishments. I can tell just by your persona and mentality you dont own any 1 mln dollar cribs... but feel free to prove me wrong

And you DID say that you worked in a pseudo-call centre

Yes I'm not denying that... it was my first job out of college and I was making 80k a year fresh out of undergrad, bout double whay the average biz undergrad makes. With the employee stock purchase program and my small investments at the time it amounted to well over 120k

And no, no.mortgage. no credit cards or student loans either. I don't believe in making zionist bankers rich

And you DID say that you worked in a pseudo-call centre

Yes I'm not denying that... it was my first job out of college and I was making 80k a year fresh out of undergrad, bout double whay the average biz undergrad makes

The value has been compromised by the damage done to the land from the illegal dumping.

Not at all. Plus I won the case and its being cleaned up. In fact I've had many offers for it as is including one to build a cement factory. Where laymem see an issue, business types see opportunity
Atch  21 | 4149  
4 Jun 2018 /  #400
I work in a pseudo call center now so believe me the last thing I'd want to do is move from a US call center to one in Poland.

And here's the quote.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452  
4 Jun 2018 /  #401
Yeah and like I said twice now im not denying that... that was my first job out of college and I stayed there for 3 years before.moving onto a territory manager position where my office was also call center for a tech company. All sales operations are held there. How do you think people from stock brokers to high salary med device reps do business? Most business is conducted over thr phone with only large closings in person. You can make fun of it all you want but eben the lowest customer service rep with a ged.makes more in a week than the loser back home Brit expats in poland makr in a month.... let alone an account exec or manager

I also said at that same time Google offered me a 8k z a month llus commission job which I rejected. I also said I seriously entertained a job w a scandinavian shipping company that offered I believe 30k euro annual plus commission but was in gdansk which although wasnt bad I wasn't too fond of the location bc I dont know anyone there. And those were both offers I receieved without even.really trying - it was more just to see what I could get out there having only a few years sales experience. And even that is way more than the LBHs here make at the tail end of their career with decades of experience rofl....so go ahead make fun of my sales call center jobs. It's more than any teacher or tutor or editor or whatever bs 'native english' will ever make. Pakistani and Indian dudes are making way way more than you all. Now that's karma. People from a country you use to own and control are now doing way better than you even though you're both living in pl.

Ultimately, as i wrote even back then the other option was to stay in the us, save money, get my mba, and then move which is what I decided.

Oh and quitting my territory manager job in feb 2017 and working for myself is the best decision i made.

And yes the property wasnt any sort of gift. I put my granny up in an apartment and send her money all the time. She knew she couldn't manage that place given her age and health. And atleast she knows she has a person who will.be able to help out financially, which you LBHs cant do on your 60 z an hour tutoring jobs.
Ziemowit  14 | 3936  
4 Jun 2018 /  #402
That's because you have nothing to boast about.

No, it is you precisely who have nothing to boast about. You are a typical attention-seeker, so you must make up stories to get more and more attention. The attention you have been given has recently been diminishing, so you have simply felt the urge to revive it a little bit through introducing the petty subject of your assets.

Why not introduce another subject, the one of your little adventures with Chicago police? Contrary to your assets, this one will be real and verifiable, so it is likely to attract much more attention than the subject of your wealth and sales experience.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452  
4 Jun 2018 /  #403
Why not introduce another subject, the one of your little adventures with Chicago police?

sure like allegedly ramming a dude into oncoming traffic while returning from the clubs and the case was dismissed? Or allegedly posessing and distributing 50 gs of yayo and another time allegedly with pro scales? Or hbout the alleged punk who talked sh1t and wound up in the er? All nolle proseque, dismissed or supervision.

Contrary to your assets, this one will be real and verifiable,

Anyone can look up my info and see my crib is on the market for 900k, more house than you'll ever have... But feel free to prove me wrong.. any day anytime we can compare cash flow and assets. Just don't be mad when mine has a few more zeros

Nothings made up, I dont need to lie least of all to you. Youre just hating because you know you'll never buy ianything for a million zloty, let alone dollars.. but yes i do enjoy being well liked and having lots of acquaintances but only a few friends and family I trust

And fyi you and atch who brought it up, I responded. So heed your own advice ziem and stop bringing up petty bs as you call it.. or better yet mind your own ******* business, which you've proven time and time again is too hard for you to do. You're just another loser looking into a pf.members personal **** because your own life is so boring and you have nothing more important to worry about. You think I go looking up delphs **** or Doug's or johnny or anyone else? I know the names of half the ppl here but guess what idc I didn't even ask for them people pm me them bc theres so much bogus ass drama and people like to get involved in the lives of people theyve never met and.likely never will
dolnoslask  5 | 2809  
4 Jun 2018 /  #404
crib is on the market for 900k,

Is that Dollars or zlotys ?
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452  
4 Jun 2018 /  #405

And again I dont Like bringing this up I only responded because two people who put waaay too much stock into peolle they dont know and will never meet starting running their mouths.. straight up green haters...

I prefer talking about the market, sharing tips and advice, discussing economy not who has what toys. Sure I likr to talk sh1t like anyone else but I don't start w the personal attacks until someone starts first.
dolnoslask  5 | 2809  
4 Jun 2018 /  #406
I dont Like bringing this up I only

Its ok I was just trying to work out if was substantially richer than yow or not as the case maybe.

From the time I lived in texas 900,000 dollars would buy you a huge place, well done Dirk , and you also still have plenty of earning years ahead of you.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452  
4 Jun 2018 /  #407
Yeah I know. Georgia Texas Tennessee are all states I looked into. But it's too late now. Once I sell this place im renting till I move to pl

900k gets you 3300 as ft... And 13k in property taxws... still way cheaper than California tho
dolnoslask  5 | 2809  
4 Jun 2018 /  #408
900k gets you 3300 as ft

**** my polish house is 3000 ft and hectare of land that cost 34000 dollars, so you will be able to buy a Palace in Wroclaw with your dosh , but there again I do own other places in Europe to add variety and change of scenery, are you planning on being based solely in Poland or maybe having a few other bolt holes in Europe ?
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452  
4 Jun 2018 /  #409
No im going to get a place on the German polish border due to unique laws in germaby regarding a venture I'm working on now. My dream house is a 14 story palace in wroclaw with ballroom but its over 4 mil euro.. one can dream though lol. No bu in reality ill buy a plot in the suburbs in a wooded area. Privacy and security are my main concerns. But I'll see one thing at a time. It wont even be that much even after I sell this place and the land in pl esp and europe isnt all that cheap.
dolnoslask  5 | 2809  
4 Jun 2018 /  #410
No im going to get a place on the German polish border due to unique laws

I am toying with two places in Zgorzelec as a weekend retreat quick hop over to Gorlitz germany ( Home of the hotel budapest) wonderful place.



Which one would you go for I am interested to know your thoughts.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452  
4 Jun 2018 /  #411
Jesus Christ 6k m2 on the second one!?!? That's insane. I like the looks of the first one way more in terms of architecture but the land size is as trump wpuld say yuuuge on the second one. Honestly it depends what you plan to do with it while you own it and then if/Once you decide to sell it. I wouldn't expect much return on either but I don't know zgorzelec that well and what part of.town either is in so I couldn't really even guess what your roi might be and which is a better investment, if That's what your going for... For a vacation or 2nd home id def take the second one especially if you aren't planning a flip. Plus it has all the basics and some remodeling would make it as nice as the first one. I love motorcycles and for me 6 km of motox path, grounds to hunt, plenty of room to entertain, build a pool... not so much on the first one. Idk so far id habe to say number 2 I see more potential
jon357  72 | 22979  
5 Jun 2018 /  #412
Contrary to your assets, this one will be real and verifiable,

Verifiable quickly and easily online, as are the previous incidents.

One of the odder things about America is that they put all this sort of thing online, mugshots and all. And there it stays for ever.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452  
5 Jun 2018 /  #413
Actually such info can be removed in numerous ways - expungement/sealing, hiring an seo company, contacting the site and paying them, deindexing, etc

Besides it doesn't really matter because if a person seeks work at a place that does background checks they go off whats on the background check not what's online or hearsay. So as long as a person doesn't have a bunch of convictions for relatively minor things its not a big deal to most people.

It amazes me though how much stock people.put into playing internet detective for people they don't know and will likely never meet. I mean what would drive a person to do that. I can only think of sheer boredom and having nothing better to do in their lives, unhappiness or perhaps even envy, straight up nosyness and being more concerned with strangers than themselves or quite simply mental problems. The sad thing is how peoples info as traded here like a currency. If it was just 1 or 2 people whatever, but its damn near half the regular posters playing net detective. No other forum is quite like this... No wonder so many people don't stay
Atch  21 | 4149  
5 Jun 2018 /  #414
From the time I lived in texas 900,000 dollars would buy you a huge place, well done Dirk ,

Yes, but he doesn't have 900,000 dollars Dolno. He has a house which he hasn't paid for and which he values at 900,000. If he pockets 100,000 dollars he'll be doing well. I used to work for an estate agent in London and I know how the story goes.

Young guy buys a place that needs renovating. Gets an almost 100% mortgage on it, let's say 400,000 dollars. In this case Adrian's family are in the building trade so he felt he could do it up at trade price for materials and free labour plus his own labour over evenings and weekends, then resell for 600,000 + and make a tidy profit, possibly do another one etc. Fast forward a couple of years. A tiny bit of the mortgage is paid off so he still owes virtually the whole capital sum, renovation is unfinished, real estate values have oossibly gone up a bit, young guy puts property back on the market speculatively, with an inflated price above the ceiling for the neighbourhood and street where property is located - property may or may not sell. Young guy isn't really bothered as he reckons that as long as he can continue to service the mortgage he's quids in, in the long run, but it's a VERY long run. However if it's lucky it will sell for the 600,00 he originally expected and having paid off the mortgage he'll have a few quid, which is great, but still a long way from a million.

I'm surprised at you Dolno. I thought you had more common sense.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452  
5 Jun 2018 /  #415
Yes, but he doesn't have 900,000 dollars Dolno.

You're right, I have more. Bringing this bs up yet again I see. What's with you? This is a convo between me and dolmo. Why do you care so much whether I have a mortgage or dont, or what I can sell it for and cant... And the home is priced only 50k above the 850k average of the street.

The reason why im selling is because I dont want any illiquid assets as I prepare my move and I'm sick of paying a 13k a yesr property tax.

And actually ill basically break even after I sell this place as housing prices fell quite a bit. The most the house was ever worth was in 2007 2008 right at the recession and before I owned it and it was at k believe 1.05 mil or 1.1 mil.
dolnoslask  5 | 2809  
5 Jun 2018 /  #416
I'm surprised at you Dolno. I thought you had more common sense

I'm surprised you automatically looked at his efforts in a negative way, I always look at the positive he seems well driven and has a plan, that's half the battle.

well my glass is always half full I guess.

Still if he had a mortgage and bought a house (with mortgage ) in Texas It would be huge if not a ranch.

There is nothing wrong with the guy having a mortgage if he has employed his capital in his business , which from what he has posted points to that.

Think about it, you should make 37% gross on your investment in running your own business, mortgage is what 3/4 percent it a no brainier keep your capital employed in the business and not repaying a mortgage.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452  
5 Jun 2018 /  #417
Still if he had a mortgage and bought a house (with mortgage ) in Texas It would be huge if not a ranch.

Yeah I remember seeing a news story where some guy filed for adverse possession on a home and basically lived there for a yesr for $16 till finally he was kicked out. Basically the owner defaulted and the mortgage company went bankrupt so he filed an adverse possession. Had his story not been on the news he probably would've kept the place. But the bank who i guess was involved with thr mortgage company ended up taking it.

Anyway in the news story the.reporter was describing the 'manicured lawns and 300k houses.' Here 300k will get you a small split level in a decent suburb. I also looked around Atlanta and I recall seeing one home that was like 5k sq ft with a pool for 450k. And the best part is property taxes in those states are super low. In chicago theyre absolutely ridiculous and constantly get raised. A person who has a house worth maybe 200 250k living in cook county will easily pay 11k plus a year. While in other many other states esp red ones that figure is cloaer to 1k. The Republican states tend to have way lower property taxes which encourage homeownership. While states like California, Illinois new York etc have super high taxes so people don't buy homes even If they can afford it. They rent and that's what property taxes here have forced me and a lot of others to do. A lot of people are leaving too because the cost of living is simply so much lower in surrounding states
johnny reb  46 | 7613  
5 Jun 2018 /  #418
- property may or may not sell.

And when it does not you still are paying the mortgage every month and the property taxes and insurance and the lawn care and general maintenance.

I am guessing and stand to be corrected but my guess is that it would cost around $8000 a month to own a $900,000 house and if it sat on the market for a year or two you could chew up your profit very quickly, oh and the realtor fee of another 7%.

Here's the chart on such a home.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452  
5 Jun 2018 /  #419
you still are paying the mortgage every month and the property taxes and insurance and the lawn care and general maintenance.

Yup that's how we lost a lot of money during the recession. Had too many properties at once and then sales tanked as did values. We couldve held onto them as 2 were bought in cash one residential that was a pos tear down but had a double lot and other was a small fairly cheap commercial rental property (dentist office) and 1 had a mortgage which was a flip in the burbs. The bills and all wouldnt even have been a problem and we could've held on once prices went up but the ridiculous property taxes forced us to sell. The dentiat office was sold for I believe 240k and the taxes at the time were 20k because its commercial. Had we kept it itd be 17% higher due to the new increase. Even with a rent in the ballpark of 3.5k we were basically breaking even.

I do all my own maintenance and landsca8ping. I'm probably the only guy on the block who does that. I love it when the milfs on my block see me cutting the grass or trimming the hedges and bring me lemonade or ice tea and come by to chat. Also the costs are far lower about half. Plus I have a roomie so that helps.
Dougpol1  29 | 2497  
5 Jun 2018 /  #420
It amazes me though how much stock people.put into playing internet detective for people they don't know and will likely never meet.

Yes, you and Porky are the tossers who phoned me and harassed me at home. Next time it will be the FBI come knocking with a complaint for the two of you.

Nobody, but nobody here, is such a serial wanker as you are, so you really speak for yourself in the above post.

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