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Internet for 1 month in Kraków?

Raficoo  3 | 34  
6 Jul 2010 /  #1
Hello everyone,

last week i arrived to Poland to stay for a month and so far everything has been great :)

however there is one little problem i'm having n i need some suggestions/advice

i need an internet connection set up at my temp house but the problem is that the Big major Companies(TP, Aster, UPC) all require a 1 or 2 year Contract for their services(which obviously i don't qualify for lol).. so i'm asking if any1 knows anyway that i can get a temporary one month internet connection in Krakow.....

i remember once i heard about one Company who offers internet connections without any long-term contracts but i seem to have forgotten the name/links to it :/

i mean.. sure i can go to Hotspots and Internet cafes(which where im writing from now lol) but i need to stay connected at night... so can any1 please help me with this

any assistance shall be greatly Appreciated ;)

peterweg  37 | 2305  
6 Jul 2010 /  #2
Get a pay as you go 3G data service. At a push you can use your phone as the modem although a 3G dongle is cheap.
OP Raficoo  3 | 34  
6 Jul 2010 /  #3
hmm which company offers that? i also searched for other alternatives such as a USB modem, but the modem/USB costs ALOT without a deal and only 1GB is not enough for me lol
Olaf  6 | 955  
6 Jul 2010 /  #4
In GH Net and I think Aster too you can get a contract for an indefinite period too, but it is more expensive. My advice is to check smaller, local providers - I use one and I have indefinite period contract. Which area you are going to be?
OP Raficoo  3 | 34  
6 Jul 2010 /  #5
im living in an Area called "Azory".. it's north west of the Center of Krakow i think lol
Ajb  6 | 231  
6 Jul 2010 /  #6
but the modem/USB costs ALOT without a deal and only 1GB is not enough for me lol

How much data are you moving?! i have a Play mobile dongle, i use while away from home.

199zl to buy then they have a range of promotions on top-ups.

at the moment you get 4GB for 50zl which is quite good value for money.

although it depends on your usage of course :)
Olaf  6 | 955  
6 Jul 2010 /  #7
Tough nut - I don't know about Azory, but maybe GH Net is already there. Check their website or call them and they can tell you if they provide basing on the adress you tell them...
OP Raficoo  3 | 34  
6 Jul 2010 /  #8
How much data are you moving?! i have a Play mobile dongle, i use while away from home.

199zl to buy then they have a range of promotions on top-ups.

at the moment you get 4GB for 50zl which is quite good value for money.

although it depends on your usage of course :)

Tough nut - I don't know about Azory, but maybe GH Net is already there. Check their website or call them and they can tell you if they provide basing on the adress you tell them...

ah k..i think they do cover my Area.. saw an Ad near my house.. will call to confirm ;)

thx for the Help M8s... will check what i can do :)
Moonlighting  32 | 234  
6 Jul 2010 /  #9
Orange also has offers for 3G USB dongles.
8 Jul 2010 /  #10
If you want to use mobile internet and you have non-simlocked usb dongle you have to buy simcard with 3G internet service: Any of 4 polish networks have special prepaid data tariff.

I recommend you 2 of them:

If you want big amount of data and moderate speed and coverage (limited to big, medium and some small sized cities/towns) you can choose "Play Online na Karte" ("Play Online pay as you go").

Speed is limited to 1Mb/s
Simcard with included 1GB of data costs 19 PLN and it's valid for 14 days
you can top-up account for:
30 PLN = 2GB additional data for 28 days
50 PLN = 4GB addidional data for 56 days

If you want faster internet and internet coverage even in the middle of the forest - choose "Plus" (Plus have HSPA+ up to 41 Mbit but only for subscribers that pays at least 75 PLN / month. Prepaid have speed up to 7,2Mbit)

Simcard with included 200MB of data:
to activate special tarrif with allows you recive bonus at every recharge you need to enter two express codes (if you don't know how to do it on your modem, you can insert sim card to any mobile phone without sim-lock)

1. Enter *121*11*01# and press "call" - to activate starter bonus
2. Enter *136*11*01# and press "call" - to recive bonuses at each account recharge

Then you can top up your account:
1GB of data valid for 720 hours (1 month) costs 50 PLN

If you need more than 1GB of traffic:
3GB of data valid for 720 hours (1 month) for 100 PLN
or 6GB for 150 PLN also good for 1 month

Traffic adds automaticly but you have to remember about this 2 codes. You can also ask shop assistant in English to activate those 2 codes. The best way to boy correct service is find retail network store. In each mall or shopping center you will find Plus, Era, Orange and Play shop without any problem.

for Plus look here: iplus.pl/indywidualni-promocje-iplus-na-karte.html
for Play look here: playmobile.pl/pl/internet/oferta-na-karte/index.html

If you don't have usb dongle you have to boy it either before your arrival to Poland or after you arrive.

In "Play" it's cost 219 PLN for usb modem + simcard + 1GB data included
I don't know how expensive it will be to buy modem in Plus, but it will be much more expensive for sure.

Orange also have prepaid internet service. I don't recommend Orange because of irritating data compression. Images on websites look like crap and you can't turn it of. Era introduced recently bonuses for recharging prepaid internet tarrif called "Blueconnect Starter" but I cannot find proper information on Era website. It should be 0,5GB/month for 25 PLN and 50 PLN for 2GB/month. Starter with sim costs 25 PLN with some data included and If you want to buy usb modem - it costs 250 PLN. Era is as good as Plus. Orange have worse 3G coverage and Play is the cheapest but with limited coverage - it means that Play internet is not good for use in train or small town but good enough to use it in Krakow, Warsaw and any other big/medium sized city.

OP Raficoo  3 | 34  
9 Jul 2010 /  #11

Thx for the Info m8 :D

well, my original plans of asking GHnet to get me internet for a month didn't work out as planted, since it has something to do with Mafias (meaning b ASTER controls the Internet Cable in my building bloc A.K.A Monopoly) so i did some research and in the end.. with a lil help from an ol friend.. got internet with the Plus company.. the 7.2mbps card for 50zł/month... now the 3GB included ain't much.. but i guess i'll leave my heavy downloads for internet cafes(also if i need an extra Gig at home i guess 25zl ain't too bad). so i guess it ain't a bad fix :)

thx for the help every1 :]

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