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International places for Poles to visit where they can feel welcome and at home?

8 Jun 2012 /  #1
What are the best places for Polish people to visit where they will feel welcome and like at home? One of my friends has recently visited the Yellow Stone National Park and was surprised to find out the people in the Wyoming rural area know a lot about Poland due to their and the Native Indians' hero, Korczak Ziolkowski:


Any other examples where Poland can be found in the hearts of the local people?
decor_ating  - | 10  
8 Jun 2012 /  #2
I suggest Poland.
Most places where Polish people live in large numbers is always fraught with all sorts of sleaze and crime. I don''t know many places where the poles are welcome

my suggestion is to stay home
pawian  226 | 27543  
8 Jun 2012 /  #3
I don''t know many places where the poles are welcome

Because you are a halfwit who hasn`t read a single book in his/her life and know nothing about Poland and others. Get lost back onto your tree and let good monkeys take over! :):):):)

Any other examples where Poland can be found in the hearts of the local people?

Croatians like Polish tourists.

17 Feb 2013 /  #4
Merged: Flights from Katowice toTel Aviv

I have seen that there are a lot of flights from Katowice to Tel Aviv.

Is Israel a popular place for tourism among polish people?
peterweg  37 | 2305  
17 Feb 2013 /  #5
not a tourist destination.

After Egypt, Israel is Poland second most popular holiday destination.

Archives - 2010-2019 / Travel / International places for Poles to visit where they can feel welcome and at home?Archived