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Where to buy marihuana in Warsaw?

13 Nov 2014 /  #1
Hi, im colombia girl and i want to know if somebody can help me for buy marihuana in Warsaw. Thanks
Monitor  13 | 1810  
13 Nov 2014 /  #3
There is plenty online stores selling seeds, like this one: taniesianie.pl

Marijuana Seeds
Shop taniesianie.pl offers marijuana seeds and cannabis seeds at the lowest price in the market and guarantees the security thanks to the connection which encrypt personal data.
NOTE! MARIJUANA SEEDS are selling solely for the collectors purposes, in original manufacturer's packaging and seeds for a piece. All sold seeds are feminized.

Shop TanieSianie.pl is legal company. We offer a professional service, contact us 24/7.
We are aware of the needs of customers, and we know how to professionally approach to the client,
that he has always been happy with the purchase and return to us time after time.

rozumiemnic  8 | 3893  
13 Nov 2014 /  #4
yes order some seeds online and grow your own - that way you won't have to go to the bother of finding people and being ripped off etc
johnny reb  49 | 7940  
13 Nov 2014 /  #5
Dear Officer Colombiana,
Fishing again are you .
Gee, a real girl that wants to get high, how wrong could it go ?
It might even lead to sex in exchange for some free weed. WoW !
Yeah or better yet, be set up on some forum by the cops to get arrested.
(If you're not paranoid you're not paying attention.)
Go fish.
Monitor  13 | 1810  
14 Nov 2014 /  #6
Here they advertise marihuana in Zielona Góra:

Plantation of weed for $ 1.5 million zł in a former factory wagons!

Zielona Góra police closed down a large plantation of cannabis. It was more than 1.6 thousand. of seedlings at different stages of growth. They arrested two people.
The police found a professionally prepared substrate for the cultivation with irrigation system, sprinklers, heating and ventilation.
In both halls were more than 1.6 thousand seedlings. The police entered the halls shortly after, when the first plants were cut down.

Inside the sorting was also prepared, during which the mature inflorescences were packed. The police detained there a person that prepared marijuana for packaging. Later been arrested one more person implicated in dealings. District Prosecutor's Office in Zielona Gora, supervisor of the case, will occur for provisional arrest for the detainees.

Warsaw Tourist  
16 Feb 2019 /  #7
big quote cropped
johnny reb  49 | 7940  
16 Feb 2019 /  #9
He IS the Polish Police
Only a naïve kid would fall for such a trick by the police.
He comes here about once a month trying to entrap the youth of Poland and tourists into a State manufactured crime.
NoToForeigners  6 | 948  
16 Feb 2019 /  #10
Great! That's what police should do! Frame drug dealers and addicts. Lock them up and isolate from society.

I will report this thread and the website to Polish police though. They should know ips' of drug dealers advertising here and the owners of this website that allow to drug dealers to advertise.
johnny reb  49 | 7940  
16 Feb 2019 /  #11
We are talking ganja here, not meth or heroin.
Let's focus on what destroys a society such as alcohol abuse.
Just think how pleasant the streets would be without drunks at every corner that harass, threaten, beg change and want to fight.
These are the people that should be taken out of society first and foremost.
pole mokotowskie  
16 Feb 2019 /  #12
Let's focus on what destroys a society

people like you destroy society !
johnny reb  49 | 7940  
16 Feb 2019 /  #13
Do tell..... FART OUT a low life that sells pot for a living contributing zero to society.
We see the stuff doesn't have any effect on your brain at all.......FART OUT !
NoToForeigners  6 | 948  
16 Feb 2019 /  #14
Marijuana is illegal in Poland. There are no "soft" (acceptable) narcotics to Polish law.
johnny reb  49 | 7940  
16 Feb 2019 /  #15
That's to bad, marijuana has been legalized where I live which sure has freed up the cops to go find baby rape'ers and bank robbers.

The courts and prisons expenses have dropped in half too by not dealing with NON VIOLENT CRIMMINALS.
And just for the record here, may I say that, I do not use any kind of drugs personally, legal or non legal.
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894  
16 Feb 2019 /  #16
That's to bad, marijuana has been legalized where I live which sure has freed up the cops to go find baby rape'ers and bank robbers.

The new zombies will send you their bills later. Just as the cigarette and booze addicts already do. In the billions.
26 Feb 2019 /  #17
are u serious? isn't weed ok or legal in Poland?
johnny reb  49 | 7940  
26 Feb 2019 /  #18
See, the sh!t doesn't effect you one bit does it Bager. LOL
(Three posts above yours)

Marijuana is illegal in Poland.

Have another toke there in Canada where it is legal, my stoner neighbor.
26 Feb 2019 /  #19
weed is good for nonproductivity mood
johnny reb  49 | 7940  
26 Feb 2019 /  #20
Losers don't need weed for that as they are already nonproductive.
Winners resort to a nap to rest their brains which makes them even more productive.
This is your brain on weed......."sizzle sizzle sizzle".
Any more stupid questions ?
Miloslaw  20 | 5121  
26 Feb 2019 /  #21
Like most of my generation,I did smoke some weed when I was young.
But I can't say it ever did much for me,except for making me feel paranoid.....I prefer a glass or two of beer or wine....

The problem is that the weed,or now skunk,that is out there now is lethal.
It's like comparing a weak beer to whiskey....
johnny reb  49 | 7940  
27 Feb 2019 /  #22
The problem is that the weed,or now skunk,that is out there now is lethal.

The kids are all smoking that potent high grade weed extract called wax which ten times more potent than weed.
They get so stoned they can't find their back pockets and then jump in their car to drive to the store for some munchies.

Hopefully Poland will never legalize it so the kids will at least have a chance to function normally in society.
27 Feb 2019 /  #23
so you are near Russia but no hash in your neighbourhood ?
Joker  2 | 2378  
1 Mar 2019 /  #24
The problem is that the weed,or now skunk,that is out there now is lethal.

Ive never heard of marajuana ever killing anyone, you must be misinformed or thinking about something else.

Even the co2 extracted oil cartridges that stat 90% the are only 60-70 % when tested. Even if it were 100% the worst thing that could happen is you would fall asleep.

These things are all over Chicago, not to mention edibles. Very few ppl still smoke regular weed ( old timers) these days, they want full strength.

  • rBVaWVwfWKSAa7AtAAVF.jpg
Miloslaw  20 | 5121  
1 Mar 2019 /  #25
Ive never heard of marajuana ever killing anyone

When I said "lethal" I didn't mean that it would kill you.
It's just a tone of phrase we have in The UK,my apologies, I need to be more careful using British phrases on an international forum..........
Atch  22 | 4299  
1 Mar 2019 /  #26
It's just a tone of phrase we have in The UK

There is no such expression as a tone of phrase in the UK. There is, however, a turn of phrase though its origins are American. You're right, you do need to be more careful.
Miloslaw  20 | 5121  
1 Mar 2019 /  #27
I have said it before and I will say it again, you are such a pedant!
But you are right, my English O and A levels are just a distant memory now and I have got lazier with my language as I've gotten older.

Still,on the positive side, with your pedantry, I bet your house is lovely, tidy and organised......you won't let anything be out of place....... :-)
johnny reb  49 | 7940  
1 Mar 2019 /  #28
What does a grammar Nazi have to do with buying weed in Warsaw ?
Joker  2 | 2378  
1 Mar 2019 /  #29
You're right, you do need to be more careful.

Who made you the grammar police?

What does a grammar Nazi have to do with buying weed in Warsaw ?

Nothing at all, but a golden opportunity to correct Milo`s grammar!

  • grammar_troll_by_hos.png
Lyzko  44 | 9713  
1 Mar 2019 /  #30

Refer to the language thread on Polish-English malopropisms and have a good laugh.
Reminds me of Archie Bunker on "All In The Family" talking about having no respect for any religion (Catholicism, as Archie was an arch W.A.S.P. bigot par excellence)

"where the head guy there's whatcha call, uh- inflammable (rather than infallible), further complaing about "all dem unflocked (rather than defrocked) priests..."

Could've died laughingLOL

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