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Is the University of Warsaw good?

Alisson1221  1 | -  
25 Jul 2011 /  #1
Hello, I am natural from Brazil and I'm currently living in the republic of Ireland for about one year now, I've been in Poland for about 3 months and I must say I am very interested in the country and studying there, so I was wondering if you guys could help me with some information.

The University in Warsaw is good? I mean I heard really good about it but no one better than Polish citizens to confirm me that, do you guys think I would get a good work after I finish my studies there?

Is it possible to find a job there without speak Polish? even though Im very interested about learning Polish, I might start learning it once I get in Poland.

there are foreigns in Warsaw? is it commum in Poland?

Thank you very much, waiting on some replies.
sobieski  106 | 2111  
25 Jul 2011 /  #2
Classic example :)))
pip  10 | 1658  
25 Jul 2011 /  #3
I don't know about the uni- I have only heard about it.
As for finding a job- you might want to find a Brazilian group or forum in Warsaw. There are a few here. My neighbour is from Brasil and a teacher at my childrens' school is also from Brasil. It is possible, but I think you must be lucky.
bountyhunter303  - | 1  
3 May 2015 /  #4
Merged: is it worth to study in university of Warsaw?

Hi all, I have got accepted into university of warsaw for Finance and investment. Is it worth to study in UOW for international student ?
3 May 2015 /  #5
If you read the millions of messages on this forum and not only, you'll find out that higher education in Poland is worth close to nothing compared to universities in the West and that programs in socalled 'English' are worth absolutely nothing. No one in their right mind come to Poland to study in .... English. If you want to waste your money and your time, just go ahead but then don't complain your diplomas are worth nothing!
cms  9 | 1253  
3 May 2015 /  #6
Its a pretty good university, has a good quality student body even if the teaching aint great. You will have fun and you will get laid. If you learn Polish and come out of there with a degree you would be well set up for a reasonable career in Warsaw in a bank, insurance etc

i give it a few hours before Dom B is on here telling you to become a petrochemical engineer and safe some money for your future kids.
3 May 2015 /  #7
@cms: "lol" but honestly everybody knows that university programs especially those in English are worth nothing. Warsaw University may be good locally but if we compare with western universities, it is not worth much.
28 Jun 2015 /  #8
I am planning to join UOW to do BSc in Mechatronics in English language.pl give some ffdback regarding univ.,teaching ,job prospects,.also let me know about accommodation .is it possible to manage without knowing Polish? Pl guide me n oblige.
Wulkan  - | 3136  
28 Jun 2015 /  #9
Forget about getting the job without knowing Polish.
DominicB  - | 2706  
29 Jun 2015 /  #10
First of all, it is extremely difficult for foreign students to find work during or after their studies in Poland. You MIGHT find work, but then you might win the lottery, get struck by lightening or get eaten by a shark. If you cannot afford to finance your studies on your own without working, then Poland is not the place for you. Make your plans on the very safe assumption that you will not earn a single penny during your stay in Poland. The same goes for the other poorer countries in southern and eastern Europe.

Second of all, studying engineering in Poland is probably no better than studying engineering in India. The main problems are:

1) no work or other forms of financial assistance for foreign students.

2) poor job prospects after you graduate in Poland.

3) very little research and development is done in Poland, so funding for engineering programs is low and opportunities for interesting research projects and internships are very few.

4) practical courses are of low quality because of budget constraints, equipment is outdated and jealously guarded by professors, and focus is on theoretical learning.

5) Polish universities do not form partnerships with industry and business, at least as much as in richer countries, and this limits opportunities for good paid internships and job opportunities.

6) Polish universities in general do not offer job placement assistance.

Next, mechatronics is not one of the highly paid fields of engineering, and job prospects are below average. It would be better to study one of the highly paid fields with superb job prospects, especially petroleum, geological and biomedical engineering. It will be much easier for you to find work in these fields, and your lifetime earnings and savings potential will be much higher.

If you don't want to study in India, then pick a place that has lots of research and development dollars flowing in it, like the United States and the other English speaking countries, the richer countries of northwestern Europe like Germany, Switzerland and Sweden, South Korea and Japan. For example, if you are a good student, you can get accepted into a good university in the United States, and they can provide you with tuition assistance, even full scholarships, and jobs for students are much easier to find than in Poland. It's absolutely wonderful to be a student at a university where research and development money runs in rivers.

If you cannot get into a petroleum, geological or biomedical engineering program in a rich country now, then go to a good school in India, do very well, and transfer in two years. You may have to start from the beginning after you transfer, but you will be a a big advantage because you will have learned the mathematics needed; study your math like your life depends on it. It will save you a lot of time and trouble during your studies. Nothing holds you back more in an engineering program like inadequate knowledge of math.

Also, study the language of your target country as if your life depends on it. This is especially important for Indians who tend to vastly overestimate their knowledge of English. Read lots and lots of science fiction and fantasy novels, and look up every word you don't know in the dictionary. Of all the types of literature, science fiction and fantasy have by far the greatest range of vocabulary. Read basic books in physics, chemistry, and mathematics so that you are familiar with the academic language, as well.

Read a book or two about logical and rhetorical fallacies. They are usually called "critical thinking". It will also save you a lot of time and trouble. A student with good critical thinking skills is like a T. rex among chickens.

Last of all, learn to network NOW. Learn how to win over professors, prospective employers and peers. A large part of studying is learning how to effectively network. For example, professors have at their disposal lots of "cookies", things like letters of recommendation, leads for jobs and internships, semesters abroad, and invitations to international conferences. They give them out to the students who enter their heads first; not necessarily the best students. During your studies, a main goal is to be one of the students that your professors think of first. So practice networking in India now by arranging meetings with professors and senior engineers and asking intelligent questions. Graduates who know how to network move up the corporate ladder than those who don't. Shy people often end up doing boring work in windowless basements, so if you are shy, learn to be assertive at any cost.
2 Jul 2015 /  #11
Merged: I want to study my Master in mechanical

I want to study msc in mechanical in Warsaw university. What job possibility after study?
DominicB  - | 2706  
2 Jul 2015 /  #12
What job possibility after study?

Job prospects are not very good. And if you need a part-time job during your studies, forget about Poland.

I just wrote a very detailed answer for a similar prospective student two posts above.

It will answer most of your questions.
InPolska  9 | 1796  
2 Jul 2015 /  #13
@Dominic: Hi! Don't Polish consulates check applicants' financial situation before processing visa applications? Very strange to me that people have no money to finance their sudies and stay and expect to find work (of course 99.99% of them shall NOT get any work).
DominicB  - | 2706  
2 Jul 2015 /  #14
Don't Polish consulates check applicants' financial situation before processing visa applications?

It's on the checklist for student visa, but it seems that the amount they consider to be adequate is quite low, hence all the foreign students in Poland who are desperate for any work at all.
InPolska  9 | 1796  
2 Jul 2015 /  #15
@Dominic: what is the amount? Such would be students are completely disconnected from reality. How many of them do get work in Poland? I would say let's than 1%. They don't know Polish, they have no skills and also they are not "white, catholic..." and on top of that Polish students struggle.

I think Polish consulates should tell the truth instead of letting those people dream...
DominicB  - | 2706  
2 Jul 2015 /  #16
what is the amount?

There is no fixed amount. It depends on the individual consul's individual interpretation of each individual case, and can vary a lot.
InPolska  9 | 1796  
2 Jul 2015 /  #17
@Dominic: ok! I think that besides study financing, visa applicants should prove that they have a minimum of 2,000 ZL per month. Counting on a theoritical job to support oneself while studying is pure non sense as 99.99% of those people shall have no work.
DominicB  - | 2706  
2 Jul 2015 /  #18
Chill, buddy. I agree. But my opinion doesn't matter. It's up to the consul.
terri  1 | 1661  
2 Jul 2015 /  #19
I believe that people are NOT interested in studying at all. What they want is a VISA to enter a European country, where after a time they will disappear. Prove me wrong!!!
jon357  72 | 23361  
2 Jul 2015 /  #20
I believe that people are NOT interested in studying at all. What they want is a VISA

I think it's often both. The chance to make a new life in a different place.
InPolska  9 | 1796  
2 Jul 2015 /  #21
@Terri: I believe 99% of those posting on PF are like you say.... Poland is the easy way to enter EU

That's an another topic issue so everybody keep to the thread title question please.
blueblackzinc  1 | 3  
12 Feb 2016 /  #22
Merged: How open is Warsaw University to stranger?

I'm currently studying in WUT and thinking about learning subjects beyond my studies(for free, i prefer to sit in class). I saw that UW is offering archeology and I'm interested to know more. I'll just sit at the back and listen. Anyone have any experience of doing this? I did this when I was on vacation in the US. I went to visit MIT and ask the professor if I could sit at the back and listen to him. It was normal there according to the internet.
kpc21  1 | 746  
12 Feb 2016 /  #23
Nobody will throw you out from the lecture hall.
terri  1 | 1661  
12 Feb 2016 /  #24
There is nothing stopping you from asking in the Admin office if you can do that, you may even get a chance to speak to a Prof.
Cocomma  - | 1  
24 Aug 2016 /  #25
Merged: Is University of Warsaw a good one?

Hello guys,

So, Google says it is and the school catalog is quite impressive, but I'd just like to know what you guys think of it.

Also, anyone already there on here? Would be nice to know someone before my arrival!

Many thanks for your input...
kpc21  1 | 746  
25 Aug 2016 /  #26
The best university in Poland. At least according to all the rankings. In technical fields Warsaw University of Technology can be better, but, anyway, it's supposed to be a very good school.

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