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Admitted To Warsaw University Of Technology (Politechnika Warszawska)

Teffle  22 | 1318  
21 Oct 2010 /  #31
How things have changed - I studied in England in the late 80s precisely because it was free!
Amathyst  19 | 2700  
21 Oct 2010 /  #32
It wouldnt have been had you been African or Asian though..
Teffle  22 | 1318  
21 Oct 2010 /  #33
Of course, but it isn't free for anyone now though is it?
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
21 Oct 2010 /  #34
It's going to get a damn sight more expensive, since home student fees are set to rise to about 10K and immigration caps are tightening, Poland should brace itself for an influx..

It's happening already - I see more and more non-EU students coming - and they are doing exactly the same thing they do in the UK - form close communities that aren't open to outsiders. And many of them try to find work too - yet they can't speak the language! Me and dnz on here once met someone who (we think) was a "student" - he was working in a kebab shop for 5zl an hour and was desperate to do something, anything else.

The restriction on working was the best thing the UK did - if you can't afford to live there without working, you shouldn't be studying there!

Im not sure why his father was so against the Czech Republic and thought Poland was better? Do you have any thoughts on this?

I was wondering the same actually. There's nothing in the Czech Republic that isn't here - in fact, given how Catholic Poland is, you'd think it would be an easier life there. Maybe there's more Indians in Warsaw? It would explain why he wants to go there, anyway. But - I dunno.
21 Oct 2010 /  #35
The only purpose for most of them coming here is to try and find a Polish wife or find the means to stay in the EU. The quality of most academic studies is usually extremely low by European standards, especially in private universities - why would they waste the money if it wasn't for the chance of staying in the EU?

Well, 300 saudis are coming to Olsztyn to study medicine, so there'll be a lot of girls getting married if that is true.
AussieSheila  5 | 75  
21 Oct 2010 /  #36
There's nothing in the Czech Republic that isn't here - in fact, given how Catholic Poland is, you'd think it would be an easier life there.

They chose Poland over Czech Republic because they can, just like polish migrants chose UK over Germany or Italy. You should be grateful that someone from the arsehole of the world choose to study in your country, regardless of their ulterior motive. Millions of Polish people study, live and work elsewhere in the west, in a place better than Poland. Poland is surely better than Pakistan, Bangladesh or Nigeria, hence they use it as stepping stone for their career and a better future.

It is hypocritical of you people to disparage these people when you are doing EXACTLY the same in Western Europe, Americas, Australia and NZ.
21 Oct 2010 /  #37
They chose Poland over Czech Republic because they can, just like polish migrants chose UK over Germany or Italy.

Some Polish people went to work in the UK, Germany or Ireland, because Poland is a part
of EU (unlike Bangladesh, Pakistan or Nigeria.)

You should be grateful that someone from the arsehole of the world choose to study in your country, regardless of their ulterior motive.

For what exactly should we be grateful?

It is hypocritical of you people to disparage these people when you are doing EXACTLY the same in Western Europe, Americas, Australia and NZ.

Ask people in Germany, UK or Ireland about immigrants from Poland and about immigrants
from muslim countries and then come back here and tell me that they are doing EXACTLY
the same thing there, and that there is EXACTLY the same amount of problems with Polish
as with muslim immigrants worldwide.

It is hypocritical of you people to disparage these people

We're not disparaging anyone. We're only sceptical about the wisdom of accepting muslim
immigrants, in the light of failed integration of them, pretty much everywhere in the world,
be it France (car burning seems to be their favourite past-time), former Yugoslavia, Germany
(ask our resident German, BB, about his feelings towards Turks living in Germany) or, in fact,
Australia (wasn't there a huge unrest some time ago about conflict with muslim immigrants?)

Muslim immigration didn't work anywhere in the world, so I don't see why it should work in Poland.
Manazir  - | 13  
21 Oct 2010 /  #38
You should be grateful that someone from the arsehole of the world choose to study in your country

Who are u referring as the arsehole of the world? o.O

You will find one in Warsaw, no worries.
Anyway - best of luck to you in your studies. I hope they will give you plenty of useful
skills, which later you will be able to use to make your home country a better place to live.
I'd say that Bangladesh, as a developing country, is in bad need of good engineers.
I am glad that Poland can help Bangladesh with giving education to its future elite.

The mosque is Warsaw, is that the one and only located in Wilanów?

And Dziękuje for wishing me luck ;) ..... and its not just me, I heard many Bangladeshi students these days are going to Poland to study. Bangladesh is indeed a developing nation (~6% GDP growth a year) and there are loadz of infrastructure and development works going on, but it might take me a while before I settle back in my country, since I'm used to the foreign environment.

You think he's going back? He has a cheek to look down on the Czeph Republic..

haha, I'm definitely going back to Bangladesh someday no worries, i already go every 1 or 2 years for summers but who knows, even if i live in Europe, I would be in Bangladesh from time to time.

Because they think ALL European countries are just begging for their services? He would have discounted Germany straight away since they are not allowed to work. Im not sure why his father was so against the Czech Republic and thought Poland was better? Do you have any thoughts on this?

Well, I'm not sure why, he sometime still thinks its the same old Czechoslovakia haha, but personally, i prefer Poland much more than Czech Republic. My father is a university professor and in his college, there is a Polish lady who teaches as well and he talked with her to know more about Poland since I wanna go there and stuff.
DarrenM  1 | 77  
21 Oct 2010 /  #39
Also the cost of living are lower

Do your homework!!

The cost of living in Warsaw is every bit as expensive as in the UK.
21 Oct 2010 /  #40
They chose Poland over Czech Republic because they can, just like polish migrants chose UK over Germany or Italy.

He just inquires why Poland and not other european country. I also find this question intresting, what are the motivations (especially when taking into consideration the fact that Polish unis are not top ranged and Poland is not very intresting country... as you've already noticed)

I don't think anyone on the thread is saying it isn't.

I am saying! ;)
Teffle  22 | 1318  
21 Oct 2010 /  #41
I am saying! ;)

What? Poland isn't beautiful, fun and has a lot to offer?
Manazir  - | 13  
21 Oct 2010 /  #42
The cost of living in Warsaw is every bit as expensive as in the UK.

That is NO way possible man!
21 Oct 2010 /  #43
That is " Yes way " possible Manazir, you have Poles in the UK that live a basic lifestyle in order to save, that is not living it is surviving, you have non Poles in PL doing the same and that is also surviving. We are not talking about London prices, but the cost of living in Warsaw is up there with some UK cities.
Manazir  - | 13  
21 Oct 2010 /  #44
ermm, can you then just give me an approximate amount of how much złoty i need to spend a month in warsaw??
grubas  12 | 1382  
21 Oct 2010 /  #45
MINIMUM 2 Grands.
21 Oct 2010 /  #47
Poland isn't beautiful, fun and has a lot to offer?

no. :)


2000 zł at least. All depend what's your needs and where you will rent a flat (or room).
Cost of renting small flat is about 1700 zł. I don't know about a single room rent costs. Uni dormitories are of course much cheaper.
Amathyst  19 | 2700  
22 Oct 2010 /  #48
just like polish migrants chose UK over Germany or Italy.

Because there are no restrictions..Shows what you know.

They chose Poland over Czech Republic because they can

They chose because its cheaper, have you been to Prauge recently? Plus there maybe stricter controlls on student visas...

It is hypocritical of you people to disparage these people when you are doing EXACTLY the same in Western Europe, Americas, Australia and NZ.

All ex British colonies populated by Europeans.

be it France (car burning seems to be their favourite past-time),

Actually rape is another.

or, in fact,
Australia (wasn't there a huge unrest some time ago about conflict with muslim immigrants?)

They had to bring a law about inciting racism against white people..how about that?

haha, I'm definitely going back to Bangladesh someday no worries, i already go every 1 or 2 years for summers but who knows, even if i live in Europe, I would be in Bangladesh from time to time.

You have no intention of going back because:

but it might take me a while before I settle back in my country, since I'm used to the foreign environment.

Bangladesh is one of the most poverty stricken countries in the world..


Your father probably wont return..Neither will you..


To live (rent, bills, phone, internet) to eat to maybe have some social life you would need about 3K - plus no chance of a part time job, so your family will have to support you.


This will be your post in a few years time..
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
22 Oct 2010 /  #49
That is NO way possible man!

What, you don't think the cost of living in a European capital can exceed some arsehole towns/cities in the UK? Dream on.

I heard many Bangladeshi students these days are going to Poland to study.

Because the door is closing to them in Western Europe - and let's not forget the all important passport issue. There's a very good reason why many average students choose the EU over America - marriage gets you the residence permit, no questions asked.
Manazir  - | 13  
22 Oct 2010 /  #50
Bangladesh is one of the most poverty stricken countries in the world..
Your father probably wont return..Neither will you..

Dude, are you seriously that back-dated? I know about my country more than any of you in this forum. Look at those datas, they are way too old. Did you know that Bangladeshi exports to Poland is worth over $70 million? Plus, look at the link below as to see which position are we in now:


within one or 2 years, we will be a mid income nation. many europeans and americans dont know the real Bangladesh unfortunately. I dont know if it is allowed to post links to other forum here, but if it is, then I would link you to the forum where u could see more about Bangladesh :))

My father doesn't wanna return as he got good university job which pays him about eqv. 4,800 EU a month, plus he isn't as patriotic as me! so my case is different.

2000 zł at least. All depend what's your needs and where you will rent a flat (or room).
Cost of renting small flat is about 1700 zł. I don't know about a single room rent costs. Uni dormitories are of course much cheaper.

I see, according to the WUT site, it says we need about 400 EU a month, but maybe thats because if someone gets to stay at uni residence??

To live (rent, bills, phone, internet) to eat to maybe have some social life you would need about 3K - plus no chance of a part time job, so your family will have to support you.

even though my family can support me, my dad thinks i should do some job and earn my own sometime so i can understand about the 'saving money' thingy. lol. guess i'll have to learn Polish then :P , unless i get private teaching jobs for english.
22 Oct 2010 /  #51
within one or 2 years, we will be a mid income nation

It's good to see that you're enthusiastic about your country's future, but in the links
that you provided, we can find information that GDP per capita in Bangladesh is
$1465, which puts you on the 198th place, out of 227 countries listed.

I'm also not sure what you call a "mid income nation", but Poland, still not a rich country
by any means, has GDP per capita of about $18000, so that's over 1200% of your GPD p/c.

Now, would you be so kind as to explain to us, how are you going to achieve 1200% growth
in "one or 2 years"? Especially, that your country has a population of 156 million people
(much larger than Russia's population!) crammed on a territory smaller than Tunisia or Uruguay
(or 2 times smaller than Romania!). That means only one thing - poverty.

To get on level par with Poland's GDP per capita, you would have to bring your current
GDP of $256 billion to over $3 trillion - that's roughly equal to Germany's GDP!

Can you do that in a foreseeable future? I don't think so.

Ther are some nice picture of business centres, in the links you posted, but here's a couple
of different pictures (closer to everyday reality in Bangladesh):

Capital city of Dhaka:


Slightly overcrowded train:

Train in Bangladesh

This is your country, Manazit. Your civilization.

Now, I think you understand why citizens of European countries, who have to calculate
how many children they can have, and work hard to provide a decent level of life for their
families, feel slightly reluctant to welcome immigrants from your civilization (especially that
you bring with you your muslim religion, which is completely and utterly alien to our culture
and values in many aspects.)

This is NOT to say, that I don't wish you and your country all the best (the economic
growth, hapiness, health etc.) - I DO, but please understand my concerns for my country
(especially in light of a complete failure of the integration of muslim immigrants in Western Europe.)
Manazir  - | 13  
22 Oct 2010 /  #52
@ Torq:

bro, those pictures u posted, u know how old are they? :P ..... those overcrowded trains hardly exist these days! ..... there are now InterCity trains (painted in white with green and red bands) with A/C coaches. and the first picture, those buses u see, they dont exist either, the double deckers used these days are Volvo ones and many of those rickshaws have been removed from major highways in the city.

I would suggest u look at the following link, to get updated info on Bangladesh :)


I was talking about nominal GDP per capita, not PPP per capita. In the economic language, a country over $950 nominal GDP per capita is said to be mid-income nation. Currently, our nominal GDP per capita is over $700, so its just a matter of time before we get to over $950 and be a mid-income nation.

I do understand that u wish the best for us, thank you for that :) .... yes, we are a large population and that's why, we need some time to be a fast developing nation.

And one more thing, Bangladesh is probably the only Muslim country in the world where there is complete religious freedom for all 4 major religions, and there hasn't been any clash between them! We give holidays for Eid, Christmas, Hindu and Buddist celebrations.
22 Oct 2010 /  #53
Oh, well - I really hope you can improve the economy of your country. Good luck with that.

And one more thing, Bangladesh is probably the only Muslim country in the world where there is complete religious freedom for all 4 major religions, and there hasn't been any clash between them! We give holidays for Eid, Christmas, Hindu and Buddist celebrations.

Well, fair play to you then. It's good to hear that you allow freedom of religion in your country
(unfortunately, we can't say the same thing about all muslim countries.)
Manazir  - | 13  
22 Oct 2010 /  #54
Dziękuje much :)

Well, fair play to you then. It's good to hear that you allow freedom of religion in your country
(unfortunately, we can't say the same thing about all muslim countries.)

yep, in Bangladesh, when we say 'freedom of religion', we really mean it :)) (FYI, the christian population there is about 2 million - 1.2% of total but there are missionary works aswell) , but yes, it is indeed unfortunate that in many Muslim countries, there are divisions between different faiths which eventually ends up in having some sort of fight. Islam doesn't teach us this, but sadly, many Muslims don't follow proper Islam, and that's why they have to face discriminations and stuff in the west!
22 Oct 2010 /  #55
they have to face discriminations and stuff in the west!

Discrimination? Not at all. They enjoy great freedom in the west. There are mosques being
built in every European country (while in many muslim countries you can go to jail just
for having the Bible, churches can not be built and conversion to Christianity is punishable
by death.) They receive social welfare and aid in many areas of their lives.
There's no discrimination of muslims in the west - quite the contrary, I'd say. They enjoy
much bigger privileges then their actual contribution to western societies.
22 Oct 2010 /  #56
I see, according to the WUT site, it says we need about 400 EU a month, but maybe thats because if someone gets to stay at uni residence??

I have no idea but it seems to me that they are way too optimistic. Try to contact some other foreign students in Warsaw - they will provide you better information. Note that cost of livings depends on what city you chose to live and Warsaw is the most expensive city in whole Poland.
AussieSheila  5 | 75  
22 Oct 2010 /  #57
Because there are no restrictions..Shows what you know.

There is no restrictions on Bangladeshi on whether they should study in Poland or Czech Republic, as long as they folow the Law of the land. They have a freedom of choice and they chose Poland.

Millions of Polish people moved to the west, and many of them settled in America, UK, Canada and Australia. Bangladeshis or Pakistanis have the right to study and settle in Poland, as long as they follow the immigration rules, whether you like it or not.
22 Oct 2010 /  #58
Maybe she likes them, but not in her own country - or maybe she doesn't mind them being there for some reason.

She has also Polish friends so I think she is not against people but against phenomenom of imigration.
Amathyst  19 | 2700  
22 Oct 2010 /  #59
also against the Polish imigration, am I wrong?

Where did I say that? What I have said is, we have enough low educated people of our own, we dont need them exported from certain new member countries to come here and work in manual labour low skilled jobs.

Im totally against immigration from 3rd world countries where producing 7 kids is a normal thing to do, where witchcraft is still practiced and where stoning women is considered a bit of a sport.

Although, I think (and I could be wrong) that it was Amathyst who made a point of saying that she liked the Irish - who make up by far the largest amount of immigrants in England as it happens.

Id say people of Irish decent, not actual 'Irish' people..

I am quite sure she is descended from immigrants herself or she wouldn't be shouting so loud..:)

People on this forum are well aware that I have Irish and French blood..but thats a tiny percentage of my family line....I consider myself English.... But do please note the fact that my "immigrant" blood comes from Europeans...both of which nationalities are more than welcome to live in England...Oh..silly me...The Normans did for a long time and due to our "close" relations with Ireland, there have been 1,000s up on 1,000s come here for centuries..

My opinions about immigration comes from looking at the state of the UK and how multikulti has failed miserably...The mere fact this guy is a Banlagedeshi speaks volums they are more likely to be illegally here in the UK...or study micky mouse courses for years and years hoping to get citizenship based on the 10 year rule..Trust me I know a bit more about immigration than you do!
Teffle  22 | 1318  
22 Oct 2010 /  #60
Id say people of Irish decent

LOL - yeah only the decent ones - some right scumbags there too!

Yeah, fair enough, "Irish descent" make up a lot of the claimed ethnicity in forms etc but still a lot of actual Irish too though.

Archives - 2010-2019 / Study / Admitted To Warsaw University Of Technology (Politechnika Warszawska)Archived