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What do you pay in rent/mortgage in Poland?

pip  10 | 1658  
20 Jun 2012 /  #121
That's a crap comparison, not least because 3 bedroom houses don't cost 1.6 million in Poland.

They do in Warsaw. 1.6 million pln.

It's been an upper middle income country for years and is getting steadily richer.
Riainy wrote, speaking about Poland:

It's actually a rich country.
That's just random stuff from the past couple hours.

I don't disagree with it, actually. But twisting these words and making it into "the land of plenty" is not accurate. It is rich for those that are rich and poor for those that are poor. But there are jobs to be had here and foreign companies are still investing which is creating even more jobs.
20 Jun 2012 /  #122
Yes pip, but:
a) the statement was made about Krakow, not Warsaw;
b) even for Warsaw, the average three-bedroom house is not 1.6 million, not even close.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
20 Jun 2012 /  #123
They do in Warsaw. 1.6 million pln.

Not in Nowy Sacz though ;)
pip  10 | 1658  
21 Jun 2012 /  #124
Poland has a lot of wealthy people and a lot of poor people. Based on were they live, access to education and jobs. Those that live in villages and towns have access to health care, schools and other measurements of standard of living.

b) even for Warsaw, the average three-bedroom house is not 1.6 million, not even close.

what is it then? The houses in my area are about that- some more, some less- but it is possible to find a house in the Warsaw surrounding area for this cost.
Avalon  4 | 1063  
21 Jun 2012 /  #125
what is it then? The houses in my area are about that- some more, some less- but it is possible to find a house in the Warsaw surrounding area for this cost.

I think the word used was "average", not the exception.
gdyniaguy  1 | 281  
21 Jun 2012 /  #126
Thats not correct, the UK is more like 5 times., historically its around 3.5 and at the bottom of the crash in 1995 it was 2.7 in London.

Peter is correct in the average UK house prices have never been 8x salary. London though, is a different matter.

When calculating the rental/buying costs of property in the UK as compaered to Poland you need to factor in council tax onto the cost of a UK house... for example an 3 bedroom house in the UK will have 6-7,000zl per year council tax...the Poles pay next to nothing and over the lifetime of a mortgage (25years you could be looking at another 200,000zl in taxes).

The same for rental property...if a 2 bedroom apartment in the south coast of England is 800 a month (4000zl) then add 100 a month you are looking at 4500zl... the same apartment in say Gdynia or Gdansk would only be half that.
22 Jun 2012 /  #127
Peter is correct in the average UK house prices have never been 8x salary.

I don't really get this constant comparison you all are making about how many times your salary houses are. What difference does it make if everything else you buy is really cheap/really expensive?

Mr. X earns 50,000/year and after paying for his "stuff", he has 3,000 left over.

Mr. Y earns 50,000/year and after paying for his "stuff" he has 10,000 left over.

I also think about places like Denmark/Sweden/Norway where a huge chunk of your salary is taken from the top for taxes and other socialized programs.

Where I live down south, salaries are about 15% less than the northeast where I grew up and all my family still lives. But, houses are less than half the cost down here, property taxes are 50-80% less, insurance is much less, but then things like gas, food, movie tickets, day care, automobiles, etc., are the same price, so then lifestyle and life "situation" comes into play.

Then there's how much property you own. Mr. X might have a gorgeous home on 1/4 acre and Mr. Y might have a decent house on 10 acres but Mr. Y's house is "more expensive" due to the property, and then of course we have to consider where that property is because as we all know location heavily comes into play.

I just don't see how the comparisons you're all making have much accuracy.

Also, as we all have been in many houses over our lifetime, one person may think they own a great house, and you may think it's a total dump, so when someone says, "it's a great house for X amount", it may very well be a total dump. We all have different standards which is exceedingly evident when people on this forum say Poland is "upper middle class" because people in other parts of the world live in mud huts and don't have running water.
krakow  1 | 42  
22 Jun 2012 /  #128
krakow: Pair of Mens Jeans (not Designer) (Highstreet) UK 30gbp (Lee) Poland 260zls (Big Star)

When You can disprove my findings, & when you can understand a true comparison, which by your reckoning of Big Star (;-) I seriously doubt.......I find No relation to any of your "quotes" all I just see a resilience to accept exactly what is the true state of affairs here.

I do my homework!.
22 Jun 2012 /  #129
When You can disprove my findings,

Already done. Please see the link showing the real price of the average three-bedroom house in Oxford in 2010.

I do my homework!.

Apparently not: if you did, it wouldn't be so simple to find sources which completely and utterly discredit your claims.
peterweg  37 | 2305  
22 Jun 2012 /  #130
I don't really get this constant comparison you all are making about how many times your salary houses are.

Its an international standard for comparison of affordability. Most countries don't have much regional variations in other costs and those costs are often reflected in the wage multiples and wages.

Average Car Loan interest Rate - Homeowner loan borrowing 20,000 (GBP & Zloty) over 5 years

Thats a interest rate of 8% in the UK, and 31% in Poland. I got 14% in Poland without shopping around,, at that figure the monthly payment is 465pln, Total amount you repay 27900pln
22 Jun 2012 /  #131
Thats a interest rate of 8% in the UK, and 31% in Poland. I got 14% in Poland without shopping around,

Ah, but you took your loan out in a year other than 2010! Krakow has done his homework and so it is impossible to disprove his findings.

Oh, sorry, I've got something wrong there, haven't I.
krakow  1 | 42  
22 Jun 2012 /  #132
a) the statement was made about Krakow, not Warsaw; b) even for Warsaw, the average three-bedroom house is not 1.6 million, not even close.

check out the majority of asking prices harry for Houses in Krakow ......so as you can see in my reply to Delph.......I stand correct......not corrected...........I am rather surprised at the amount of hostility toward my "facts"..I never presented them as such, they were presented in a freindly manner, in a pleasant presentation,as was explained previously..........I am reather dubfounded at the apparent refusal for some expats here to beleive what is the current state of affairs in Poland. I love Poland. My family is Polish, I live in Poland, I chose to live in Poland. Did I present any bitterness in my findings at teh very first post . NO!.....So for the bitter, twisted, downright UNHAPPY people replying with NO SUBSTANCE to their immature argumentative sniping. Grow Up!..I came here to get away from unhappy Brits!.......Me? Im happy as Larry Here. ;-)

check out the majority of asking prices harry for Houses in Krakow ......so as you can see in my reply to Delph.......I stand correct......not corrected...........I am rather surprised at the amount of hostility toward my "facts"..I never presented them as such, they were presented in a freindly manner, in a pleasant presentation,as was explained previously..........I am reather dubfounded at the apparent refusal for some expats here to beleive what is the current state of affairs in Poland. I love Poland. My family is Polish, I live in Poland, I chose to live in Poland. Did I present any bitterness in my findings at teh very first post . NO!.....So for the bitter, twisted, downright UNHAPPY people replying with NO SUBSTANCE to their immature argumentative sniping. Grow Up!..I came here to get away from unhappy Brits!.......Me? Im happy as Larry Here. ;-)

Btw Harry HERE is one of the UKs Largest Estate Agents TODAY!! valuing & stating the current average House Price Rating......this is not teh same as teh asking price, as IF you have ever bought property, you will realise how it works, and the bids come in higher.


There ratings STATE TODAY (not me) of an average House price RATING of £445,074.......and just to be correct ....hrry my old bitter friend!........if you check their adjustment for two years ago (available right next to the rating...Youll see it is 8,000 gbp lower than in 2010........

again, I repeat for the death defying lunatic gestapo board members here. 450,000 Grand !!! oooh ........add away Harry boy, add away.......I do hope you take it upon yourself to get things more "peaceful" in your head......I put these findings up, as a light gesture, you & the rest of your Jackboot buddies, who obviously are intent in being malicious at every conceivable opportunity towards anyone NOT part of your blinkered beliefs.........Well........I stand Correct!........(I mean you & Delphi etc, could have taken what I posted lightly, you could have said......yeah Jezuz, Poland is an expensive place to live in, in lost aspects.....but, alas, Your ownership of this board refuses to let anyone else have a word to the contrary. Ive been a member here for a very LONG time to....) I just normally refused to be drawn in to your immature denials of reality in Poland. But as from today, it would be silly of me NOT to bow to peer pressure. I stand by my words, and back em up big boy!.
22 Jun 2012 /  #133
I stand correct.

Other than things like the price of houses and interest rates.

my "facts"..I never presented them as such,

Er "(THESE FIGURES WERE CORRECT ON THE DAY OF MY APPLICATION for this results test." ring any bells?

they were presented in a freindly manner, in a pleasant presentation,

Complete with repeated attempts to take shots are multiple posters here.

I am reather dubfounded at the apparent refusal for some expats here to beleive what is the current state of affairs in Poland.

Forgive us but we'll go with what official data shows rather than what you hear in nightclubs, it's just a touch more likely to be reliable.
pip  10 | 1658  
22 Jun 2012 /  #134
with all due respect, I really don't understand why you think you are an expert of all things Polish. I know the Polish market and so do others on this board. I have lived here for 10 years, I am married to a Pole who is also in commercial real estate. I don't know the U.K. market- I have never claimed to, I do know the Canadian one, however. That said- I know a lot about who is investing in Poland and who is leaving- based on the amount of space they are looking for. The commercial sector is quite tight in Poland- and I have access to information that an average person would have no idea about.

The fact is Poland is still looked at as a good market to invest in because the workers are well trained and they are cheaper than bringing over a foreigner. Loads of companies are still investing here- including residential developers. Some things in Poland are cheaper and some things are not. Some things like cars and houses are more expensive here but other things like foods and construction materials are cheaper.

I have just done a road trip through Czech, Poland, Austria and Germany- it is amazing at the cost of gas and the different prices. My Canadian friends observed that shopping here is cheaper than in Canada- for things like food and casual clothing- the Gap and Old Navy will always be cheaper- but they bought a bunch of dress clothes for less than 200 Canadian dollars.

I live in Warsaw- it is probably the most expensive city to live in but it is still overall cheaper than any other capitol city in any other part of the world.
p3undone  7 | 1098  
22 Jun 2012 /  #135
Do me a favor,will you all?Keep this on topic.This one has been continually straying off topic.I think it is an interesting thread.I would like a

chance to follow it,instead of having to remove posts constantly lol.
22 Jun 2012 /  #136

what do you pay for rent/mortgage and did mom and dad or grandma or something give it to you.

that works.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
22 Jun 2012 /  #137
what do you pay for rent/mortgage and did mom and dad or grandma or something give it to you.

What about you?
milky  13 | 1656  
22 Jun 2012 /  #138
What do you pay in rent/mortgage?
and What do you earn per hour?
23 Jun 2012 /  #139
What about you?

Well, I already answered about what I paid in Poland, I assume you're talking about what I pay now in the USA?

I currently pay $900/month for an apartment. No, grandma and grandpa have nothing to do with it.
LwowskaKrakow  28 | 431  
1 Jul 2012 /  #140
Thats a interest rate of 8% in the UK, and 31% in Poland. I got 14% in Poland without shopping around,

Wow, 31 % interest rate in Poland for a mortgage ? How can that be ? and you got 14 % , but this is not bargain ,is it.
These percentages are appalling .
Is this real ? I wonder how people can borrow money with such interest rates , 31% seems like a Usury rate.
1 Jul 2012 /  #141
those interest rates seem almost impossible. 31%? I'd be better off buying a house with my credit card, it has a lower rate.

average interest rates for a mortgage in the USA right now is 4%.
sa11y  5 | 331  
1 Jul 2012 /  #142
Lwowska, this is only real if you add all costs after paying off the loan. It is higher than UK, but lower than in many countries with higher inflation. I don't know what mortgage interest rates are now in Poland, but mine taken a while ago a.d paid off already was around 7% pa
milky  13 | 1656  
1 Jul 2012 /  #143

impossible but would be a wet dream for the bankers and they way thing are going with the IMF pirates;who knows.

It's a pity hardly anyone answered the question

What do you pay in rent/mortgage?

They just attacked the messanger
13 Jul 2012 /  #144
^ Some people pay neither, because they've paid their mortgage off. Other people think it's smarter to pay rent for the rest of their lives while they complain about how property costs too much.

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