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Poland Housing prices in July 2010

milky  13 | 1656  
3 Jan 2011 /  #91
speculate to accumulate

True, but the system should be organised so that when it all goes t1ts up, the tax payer does not get the bill for other peoples gambling. Unfortunately the gamblers have bribed the parliments and have turned it all into a casino.
3 Jan 2011 /  #92
Don't worry about it M: us taxpayers are paying for it all and, given your income level, you are not a taxpayer. Which is one of the reasons that even if you did manage to drive Polish property prices down with your one-man campaign, no matter how far down they went they still would be out of your reach.
Wroclaw Boy  
3 Jan 2011 /  #93
True, but the system should be organised so that when it all goes t1ts up, the tax payer does not get the bill for other peoples gambling. Unfortunately the gamblers have bribed the parliments and have turned it all into a casino.

With regard to property prices your saying its the developers fault for the bank lending the money which the government needs to bail out? The fault is with the banks no?

Developers toxic debt is a very small piece of the pie. In any case Avalon self finances his developments, the same as a guy walking into a casino with 10K, its his money....
convex  20 | 3928  
3 Jan 2011 /  #94
Fiat money, he who controls the money supply...well, you know. And as far as I know, there is only one kind of institution that can magic up money. Cheap "credit" drives inflation, and especially when it's used to purchase large assets with a perceived value and safety of "investment", like a house.
Wroclaw Boy  
3 Jan 2011 /  #95
especially when it's used to purchase large assets with a perceived value and safety of "investment", like a house.

I'll give you one chicken for a bag of sugar.
dtaylor5632  18 | 1998  
3 Jan 2011 /  #96
Cheap "credit" drives inflation, and especially when it's used to purchase large assets with a perceived value and safety of "investment", like a house.

Exactly, this way the banks can double or even treble the return they get. 1. From the first person going into debt unable to afford rises in payments. 2. The banks seizing person ones assets and sells them off, doubling their return 3. The bank itself going into debt and being bailed out by the populace (taxes) ....repeat this cycle a few times throughout history and you have some very rich men.
3 Jan 2011 /  #97
Someone has just dicovered one of my hidden gems. 120m2 for 300,000PLN. Viewed on Monday, they offered the full asking price and we sign the preliminary contract on Friday. Nice end of the year for 2010

Another happy client, 120m2 for 300,000PLN seems like a good deal for the buyer.

low but steady homes

Of the major sectors of the Polish real estate market, the residential sector saw perhaps the slowest growth in 2010. According to market watchers, this is due in part to a disparity between market prices and potential buyers’ wallets, as well as the fact that credit remains difficult to obtain. The land and single-family home markets stagnated, and the popularity of luxury apartments on the primary market has been low.

“The popularity of lower-priced units and houses from the secondary market increased from 14 percent in 2009 to 23 percent in 2010, which was beneficial for estate agencies,” Marcelin Matusiak, a business development manager at researcher GfK Polonia, said at a recent conference.

Kazimierz Kirejczyk, president of the board at Reas, agreed. “Apartments are still relatively expensive despite the fact that salaries have increased and prices have dropped. Banks and developers have avoided dropping prices,” he stated. “Developers have reacted to changes – new apartments being launched are better suited to buyers’ preferences and financial capabilities. However, Poles’ income levels are still too low to build 150,000-170,000 apartments a year instead of the 70,000-90,000 which would meet demand.”

According to specialists from Home Broker, 2011 should bring shorter sales periods for apartments, a rise in sales volume and a stabilization of prices. Apartments in pricey areas will become less popular and two-room units will be highly sought after.

Source WBJ
milky  13 | 1656  
4 Jan 2011 /  #98
Apartments are still relatively expensive despite the fact that salaries have increased and prices have dropped.

Explain this sentence,im not sure what you mean. Property prices have tripled for sure and wages have remained much the same, in comparison to property prices (maybe 40%more)as a far i know.
4 Jan 2011 /  #99
wages have remained much the same, in comparison to property prices (maybe 40%more)as a far i know.

Wages have gone up by a lot more than 40% in the ten years in which some property has tripled in value. But how would you know that, M, given that you don't actually earn a wage.
milky  13 | 1656  
4 Jan 2011 /  #100
in the ten years in which some property has tripled in value.

property tripled over a 4 year period,,2004-07....
4 Jan 2011 /  #101
Explain this sentence

in comparison to property prices (maybe 40%more)as a far i know

Over the last two years, real estate prices in Poland have decreased, although NOT to the levels of Ireland,Spain and the UK.


Here is a link... ?

Macro Market Predictions for 2011:
milky  13 | 1656  
5 Jan 2011 /  #102
Oversupply Impedes Poland's Real Estate Recovery
Wroclaw Boy  
5 Jan 2011 /  #103
Well done Milky, however this is BS.

Joining the EU prompted purchases by foreigners, who are however limited to one dwelling each,

so is this

On the other hand, apartments in Krakow are generally more expensive than in Warsaw (especially smaller apartments), costing an average of €3,345 per square meter, as compared to around €3,000 per square meter in Warsaw’s district of Sródmiescie.

Average property price per m2 of 12,951 PLN / m2 in Krakow, get the hell outta here..
WOW  - | 3  
5 Jan 2011 /  #104
Poland's Real Estate

At the bottom of the artical you posted, there are some more articles:

# Poland's Economy Is Thriving As Europe's Most Capitalist Country
# Poland Real Estate Investment Increases 50 Percent In A Year
# Multiple Factors Will Fuel Poland's Property Market Recovery
# Poland Real Estate Looks To Rebound By End Of 2009
# Poland Real Estate: Faring Better Than Neighbors
# Poland Commercial Real Estate Sales On Pace To Triple Last Year's Numbers
# European Companies Choose Warsaw As Top City For Commercial Expansion
# Eastern Europe Property Market Improving With Increased Sales Activity

6 Jan 2011 /  #105
property tripled over a 4 year period,,2004-07....

No M, it did not triple in that period. I know this because I have a job and so was able to get a loan and to buy a property and I know what I paid in 2000 and what it was worth in 2004 and 2007.

How is your wife enjoying her day off work?
milky  13 | 1656  
22 Jan 2011 /  #106
I suppose,the heading, now, should be house prices 2011. Talking to a few Poles last night about real-estate ,they just laugh at the present property prices. To them it has become a joke. It has become abstract.
22 Jan 2011 /  #107
they just laugh at the present property prices. To them it has become a joke.

That sounds very much like how we all feel about Mark Biernat: he's a joke who we all laugh at.
milky  13 | 1656  
22 Jan 2011 /  #108
Mark Biernat

i agree he is a joke,but none of my friends are real-estate developer and they find that the prices have gone through the roof,to a point where it is laughable.
Avalon  4 | 1063  
22 Jan 2011 /  #109
You should be happy for your friends, they are going to be laughing for a long time.
milky  13 | 1656  
22 Jan 2011 /  #110
yes Mr developer...
Avalon  4 | 1063  
22 Jan 2011 /  #111

yes Mr developer...

You see!!! we can agree on something, and, when we see prices falling by 60% as per your predictions, we will agree once again. Don't hold your breath waiting.
Wroclaw Boy  
22 Jan 2011 /  #112
Talking to a few Poles last night about real-estate ,they just laugh at the present property prices.

its great for the ones that bought, im not surprised their laughing.
milky  13 | 1656  
22 Jan 2011 /  #113
Don't hold your breath waiting.

No, I wont,will just chill and wait.
Wroclaw Boy  
22 Jan 2011 /  #114
Whats your cut off point? IE if they haven't dropped by so much within such a time, when would you decide its not happening?
milky  13 | 1656  
23 Jan 2011 /  #115
It's only a matter of time. When people (see the light)refuse to pay the criminal prices ;justice shall return quickly , prices will fall, big time,for sure. Fact.
terrencekeenan  3 | 17  
23 Jan 2011 /  #116
6-8000 PLN m2

Man, that makes a visa and/or a forged marriage in the U.S. look awfully cheap. I have a lesbian sister if anybody is interested.

My wife wants to move back to the heimatland, but I keep looking at those prices and it makes me think of puking and annulment all at the same moment. I swear, I never was a rah-rah go America until I started having a job and paying for my own ****. So yes, I guess, go America.
Avalon  4 | 1063  
23 Jan 2011 /  #117

The discussion was about the prices of newly built properties and the immeadiate state of the market. Even making allowances for your being an American, I am at a loss as to what you are trying to imply.

Could you please write in English and make your comments coherent so that we can all share in your wisdom?
milky  13 | 1656  
23 Jan 2011 /  #118
makes me think of puking

tell me about it
23 Jan 2011 /  #119
No, I wont,will just chill and wait.

Perhaps you'd like to consider getting a job while you wait? Instead of sending your long-suffering wife out to work while you play at being an internet guru.

Whats your cut off point? IE if they haven't dropped by so much within such a time, when would you decide its not happening?

There is no cut off point for M: property prices are simply not going to fall to a level which he can afford. Not unless he gets a job.

It's only a matter of time. When people (see the light)refuse to pay the criminal prices ;justice shall return quickly , prices will fall, big time,for sure. Fact.

No M, it is a fantasy. You've been predicting a >50% fall in prices since 2008 and we're still waiting for that crash.
Wroclaw Boy  
23 Jan 2011 /  #120
I am at a loss as to what you are trying to imply.

I think hes saying that property is expensive in Poland and that he has a lesbian sister of course.

Archives - 2010-2019 / Real Estate / Poland Housing prices in July 2010Archived