Who decides what is fair market value? 2000PLN for 25m2 sounds excessive to me. Are students in Poland richer than here in the UK because there's no student I know that could afford paying the UK equivalent of 2000PLN a month to rent a bachelor pad for themself.
I would like to hear more people to try and attempt answering the above question. I've thrown in my view numerous time. In Ireland alone between 2004-07, 7billion was sent back home mainly for the purchase of property.
The property buying section of the population is basically equal to the age group that are emigrating, 7 million. Subtract the amount abroad , the amount who aren't(abroad) and unemployed or who are on minimum wage(2 euro Hour).
You will find that Poles abroad are the main reason for pushing up the prices.
In other former Eastern Blocks like Czech republic were wages are higher and property prices are significantly lower,the only answer for this is that Czechs are staying at home and prices reflect that.
To say the Poles abroad are earning very little, is nonsense, especially during the 2004-07 period, were people on buildings were taking home 1000 euros a week,,ten time the wage of unskilled work in Poland. I knew Poles back home who earned more in 3 months in Ireland than 12 months in Poland.
People on here are convinced that the Pole abroad are not the reason for the 300% rise in property prices, but Polish wages since 2004?? how much did they go up....how could low interest rates encourage someone on 130 euro a week in Poland take out a mortgage of 75000 euro,,it doesn't add up.