So slightly less than 24 hours from making the offer. It then took a few months for me to be entered into the land and mortgage register.
You don't let the grass grow, do you, eh! I doubt I'll manage to get anyone to go quite that fast but I'll have a good try if I find somewhere decent (a few viewings lined up and then I'll see).
Thanks for that interesting bit of inspiration!
It's better to have somebody experienced with you as there are some cheaters and it's sad to be cheated for few hundreds thousands PLN. It's just 2 things which I've heard. There must be more to watch out.
Thanks for the tip, I will keep 'em peeled!
That value I was hoping for seems somewhat elusive now -- the flat I had my eye on was it seems incorrectly priced, by 100K, as they have now upped it by that amount. I didn't imagine it. Sadly also, 2 other flats seem to have sold after many months on r\the market. The interest rate cuts here might be tempting buyers. Plus Tusk's declaration of no recession, maybe. Not sure I'll ever see that 'value', might have to bite the bullet here and overpay in spite of the scary relationship between wage multiples and price. I hate going against fundamentals I really do. The world seems to have gone mad.