I am sure it is difficult to find his head now :)
its not funny
and, its not only head of Zawisha Czarny z Garbowa but also of the King of Poland Władysław Warneńczyk. You know, Turks had that habit to collect heads of their enemies (leaders) and had very precise chronicles about it. i am pretty sure that they know where are heads exactly.
To take heads back is necessary considering that heads, after decapitated and taken to Anatolia, were exposed to religious rituals that had to prevent that souls of those who lost heads found their peace after they died (to say- were eternally cursed) and, to the public humiliation. Considering Turkish habits most probably that head of Władysław Warneńczyk, at the end finished under the legs of Turkish sultan (after he died) who was ruler in time when Warneńczyk was killed. It was so, that soul of enemy killed ruler (in this case- King of Poland Władysław Warneńczyk) serve that sultan`s soul eternally.
Give heads back!
What would you do with it?
with heads?
merge remains of heads with the remains of bodies, of course.