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New blog about Turkey and Poland

borawski  1 | 1  
17 Apr 2012 /  #1
We just started a website which has updates about Poland and Turkey.
People who has interested in both countries may enjoy to follow.
Write and support us.
more updates are coming.
we need your ideas and support



DepressedOne  - | 34  
18 Apr 2012 /  #2
It looks interesting, I'll likely learn something about Turkey, Poland and their connections :)
OP borawski  1 | 1  
21 Apr 2012 /  #3
New short article with couple of videos about Turkish Raki just added!
pawian  226 | 27563  
22 Apr 2012 /  #4
Raki in Polish is this:

/resource/raki.JPG - Raki from Poland food
rock  - | 428  
22 Apr 2012 /  #5
Congrats Borawski.

I will be there :)
21 Dec 2013 /  #6
I updated blog with few posts and design.
Crow  154 | 9564  
21 Dec 2013 /  #7
It would be very nice of Turks if they give back head of Zawisha Czarny z Garbowa, that they decapitated from his mutilated body. Ask them about it on that new blog. Head must be returned back!

polskaturka  - | 5  
22 Dec 2013 /  #8
How you got this story now?
I am sure it is difficult to find his head now :)
Wulkan  - | 3136  
22 Dec 2013 /  #9
if they can't find it they can give the money instead
jon357  72 | 23557  
22 Dec 2013 /  #10
It would be very nice of Turks if they give back head of Zawisha Czarny z Garbowa, that they decapitated from his mutilated body.

What would you do with it?
Crow  154 | 9564  
22 Dec 2013 /  #11
I am sure it is difficult to find his head now :)

its not funny

and, its not only head of Zawisha Czarny z Garbowa but also of the King of Poland Władysław Warneńczyk. You know, Turks had that habit to collect heads of their enemies (leaders) and had very precise chronicles about it. i am pretty sure that they know where are heads exactly.

To take heads back is necessary considering that heads, after decapitated and taken to Anatolia, were exposed to religious rituals that had to prevent that souls of those who lost heads found their peace after they died (to say- were eternally cursed) and, to the public humiliation. Considering Turkish habits most probably that head of Władysław Warneńczyk, at the end finished under the legs of Turkish sultan (after he died) who was ruler in time when Warneńczyk was killed. It was so, that soul of enemy killed ruler (in this case- King of Poland Władysław Warneńczyk) serve that sultan`s soul eternally.

Give heads back!


What would you do with it?

with heads?

merge remains of heads with the remains of bodies, of course.
jon357  72 | 23557  
22 Dec 2013 /  #12
merge remains of heads with the remains of bodies, of course.

Would there be much left after all these years?

A much more interactive and socially relevant approach, in line with today's progressive approach to history would be to get Gunther Von Hagen to plastinate it, perhaps mounted on a stuffed horse and with an electric motor to make him wave a sword.
Crow  154 | 9564  
22 Dec 2013 /  #13
why not

There is very little what we Slavs didn`t try to seduce our natural foes. i mean, for example- when USA (just think how nice USA media today speak about native Americans), England or France speak about progressive approach to history, they coming to it from the position of winner. They won and they then coming to speak about eternal peace (what is also false but at least sound great- plus, they have money what makes that anything what they do sound great). Plus, they likes to patronize rest of the world with lessons on peace. So, why. Why insist on the retrieval of the heads. Let us be progressive. Never mind that Poland got penetration. Forgive and even ask for more. It maybe just sound as sado-mazo but, no, its not. Its positive

and yes

polskaturka  - | 5  
22 Dec 2013 /  #14

I would like to help to you to give these heads back. But I havent heard any place where turkish people keep heads. or government or museum wherever. f you know any community who has collection of head please share with us.

But thanks for information about it. I will dig more about it. Ottomans had so many battle. I think you were talking about Varna battle. I need to read more about it.


Theres new post about Polish postrock bands. Enjoy
Crow  154 | 9564  
22 Dec 2013 /  #15
If you know any community who has collection of head please share with us.

one should try to urge on Turks via NATO. At least something valuable from Polish NATO membership. Send petition to NATO, to force Turkey to give heads back

I think you were talking about Varna battle.

Warneńczyk was killed in Varna- Bulgaria, Zawisha in Golubac- Serbian despotate
polskaturka  - | 5  
19 Jan 2014 /  #16
New post. 2 in 1. Music and food.

Crow  154 | 9564  
20 Jan 2014 /  #17
New post. 2 in 1. Music and food.

what about heads man. Poles must have heads

In your previous post you said you would like to help. Did you found something so far?
rock  - | 428  
20 Jan 2014 /  #18
Ignore this guy polskaturka. He wants to pollute Polish-Turkish friendship.

Turkish children sing Polish songs :)

Crow  154 | 9564  
20 Jan 2014 /  #19
He wants to pollute Polish-Turkish friendship

ahah ahahaha hahaha.

Look at this guy. Joke. How could i pollute Polish-Turkish friendship when its polluted that it can`t be more polluted. Polluted by Polish blood spilled by Turks.

rock man, you know when would Poles forgive those heads? one word- NEVER. Poland may be weak now, on its knees, forced to accept every sh** gave to her. But, BUT, Poland is pride of my race. Pure pride. Essence

Poland shall arise.
rock  - | 428  
20 Jan 2014 /  #20
This link shows how strong Turkish-Polish friendship is :)

Crow  154 | 9564  
20 Jan 2014 /  #21
yes. As seen by DW (Deutsche Welle TV). Turks and Germans love Poles very much and wish them many nice things
rock  - | 428  
20 Jan 2014 /  #22
Hahahahaha... If your shrink shows you this video and you make this comment at the end, he would possibly lock you for some time.
Crow  154 | 9564  
21 Aug 2018 /  #23
Mad Turks

In her time, my greatly spirited grandmother said - `when God wants to punish somebody, God take his sanity`. So turn has come for Turks to gone mad

Turks burning US dollars and destruct Ifons, making Allah happy. Wants to destroy everything what is American >>


This NATO in itself is madhouse.

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