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I am Polish and I am offended.

aphrodisiac  11 | 2427  
15 Apr 2012 /  #1
on PF, as well as in Poland there is a small, but fairly laud group of people who get offended at any mention of Poland, which is not congruent with the way they see Poland. Oftentimes their views are fairly limited. One of the representative voices on PF of that particular group is: Monia, Media Watch (although mild), the ever famous Puzzler who sniffed Polonophobia at every corner, lately Des (the rest of his not so Polish nick I am not able to spell), Polonius3 and some other characters,whose posts are often very predicable, therefore I usually put them on ignore, because I know what they going to say.

Oh, I forgot Irons, who is a a rabid, right wing, verbally abusive and short tempered fellow.

Anybody else?

This will probably end up in the off-topic as it's not about Poland, just PF members
isthatu2  4 | 2692  
15 Apr 2012 /  #2
Im offended by your obviously rabid anti Polish stance,call yourself Polish? TSK.......
ps, *Puzzler* Blast from the past or what? :)
Alligator  - | 248  
15 Apr 2012 /  #3
The problem with your big discovery is that non of them lives in Poland. Because of that, what you wrote here is simply not true:

in Poland there is a small, but fairly laud group of people who get offended at any mention of Poland

However more interesting thing is why you even bother to start such thread. I guess, since some members were suspended, you missed the hatefull and distasteful comments on PF. Shortly they will appear. Happy weekend for you, and let the show begin...
Natasa  1 | 572  
15 Apr 2012 /  #4
You were subject of different socialization (or aculturalization)in Canada compared to typical Pole, being an immigrant in your heimat again. Plus you are germanophile and Polish. That preference usually blurs or distorts one's perception. And it is kind of contradictio in adjecto when person is a Pole.
Hipis  - | 226  
15 Apr 2012 /  #5
I am fairly new to this forum but I do not see what is wrong with defending Poland's reputation against those who wish to denegrate it. Even the Polish Ministry of Foreign Affairs takes the issue seriously as this statement clearly shows. msz.gov.pl/The,New,York,Times,corrected,statement,about,the,rise,of,Nazism,in,Poland,51314.html
jon357  72 | 23490  
15 Apr 2012 /  #6
There is nevertheless something of a cultural cringe noticeable in Warsaw. A certain type of people only want to see, hear and say the very best, the reprezentacjny, rather than reality - to pretend that failings aren't there (or aren't their fault).
Natasa  1 | 572  
15 Apr 2012 /  #7
Could you be more specific? Whose fault, which failings?
OP aphrodisiac  11 | 2427  
15 Apr 2012 /  #8
This will probably end up in the off-topic as it's not about Poland, just PF members

fine with me, that is not the main issue where it will end up:), however that stance is also present in Poland therefore I put it in the .....oh, it is in OFF topic already, although I disagree that it should be here. This stance is common enough in Poland based on my observation.

Im offended by your obviously rabid anti Polish stance,call yourself Polish?

well, I was not speaking about myself being offended, but putting words in the mouth of the usual "offenders":).

The problem with your big discovery is that non of them lives in Poland.

I would not use such words, it is not a big discovery, but an observation.

Because of that, what you wrote here is simply not true:

sorry, but there are many people in Poland who have similar views. Unless I don't live in Poland.

You were subject of different socialization (or aculturalization)in Canada compared to typical Pole, being an immigrant in your heimat again.

er, not the case. The majority of Poles who never left Poland feel the same - I live here and I talk to people.

Plus you are germanophile and Polish.

wrong again Natasa.

That preference usually blurs or distorts one's perception. And it is kind of contradictio in adjecto when person is a Pole.

the rest of the post I don't understand. I can see that you are trying to look for reason for my posting, but perhaps you have something to add besides the personal remarks Natasa. Not cool.

I am fairly new to this forum but I do not see what is wrong with defending Poland's reputation against those who wish to denegrate it.

yes, it seems to me that you are fairly new and you are not really aware of the type of people I am talking about.

A certain type of people only want to see, hear and say the very best, the reprezentacjny, rather than reality

exactly my point Jonni.
sascha  1 | 824  
15 Apr 2012 /  #9
This stance is common enough in Poland based on my observation.

wtf??? any problem with that?

but perhaps you have something to add besides the personal remarks Natasa. Not cool.

what are you acting here? sort of feine dame or feiner herr???

I live here and I talk to people.

those on the open market probably...
nynicki  - | 31  
15 Apr 2012 /  #10
I thought you're Ukrainian:/
Looks like you're in a minority,I enjoy reading their posts,just ignored them if they bother you so much.
Natasa  1 | 572  
15 Apr 2012 /  #11
Not cool.

Long period you spent in Canada is a very plausible explanation for your current political attitudes. Different cultural model that you embraced is by some posters aggressively imposed to the rest of the forum. Sometimes the model that 'must prevail' is encountering resistance that I see as good counterbalance to tendencies that emerged in special circumstances and now are senselessly imposed to other cultures.

See it as a special case of fight for rights to be different on macro level. We should tolerate the differences. No double standards for molar (society) and molecular level (individual).

I fully understand an ethic Pole who feels like a Pole and nurtures pro Polish sentiments. Just because she or he has the RIGHT to feel that way.
OP aphrodisiac  11 | 2427  
15 Apr 2012 /  #12
political attitudes.

and political attitude do I have according to you. Please spell it out. Just wondering why you assume that you know me so well. Please carry on. I see that you didn't understand the premise of my post.

any problem with that?

I do. The number of offended people in Poland is large enough to be a problem, so I don't see a reason why it should be in OFF topic.

those on the open market probably...

any place is good, but I have enough friends who think the same as me, I am sure they shop at markets but that is not the issue at hand here.

Looks like you're in a minority,

no, they people I am talking about are in minority in Poland and on PF, but you would not know since you live abroad.
sascha  1 | 824  
15 Apr 2012 /  #13
I have enough friends who think the same as me, I am sure they shop at markets but that is not the issue at hand here.

good for you.
that means that you found your circle, but then still your values don't have to be those of people you don't know, who didnt live abroad....

I do. The number of offended people in Poland is large enough to be a problem, so I don't see a reason why it should be in OFF topic.

just a technical thing. it doesnt make a topic more or less 'worth' being here...imo
nynicki  - | 31  
15 Apr 2012 /  #14
no, they people I am talking about are in minority in Poland and on PF, but you would not know since you live abroad

You too,since Ukraine is not Poland.
Natasa  1 | 572  
15 Apr 2012 /  #15
and political attitude do I have according to you.

Attitudes come in clusters, social science says so. It is more likely that person who is pro life will be also visiting church on Sundays, be against gay communities, and vote for the right part of the politicalspectrum.

Unless your cognition deviates a lot from normal human being you are also probably holding more or less coherent views on different subjects, including political.

Just wondering why you assume that you know me so well. Please carry on.

I don't know you nor that is needed, i just read here and there something you wrote, you are ordinary human like everyone else here. Trener Zolwia would call you lib.

see that you didn't understand the premise of my post

There was one? ;)
OP aphrodisiac  11 | 2427  
15 Apr 2012 /  #16
but then still your values don't have to be those of people you don't know, who didnt live abroad....

that is irrelevant, my living abroad has nothing to do with my post. There are enough Polish people who think the same, it is not about finding a circle, I just made an observation for christ sake and you are making some outrages assumptions about me. I don't make assumptions about you because you live in Germany - get a grip Sasha.

I want to discuss the topic, if I wanted to discuss my life, I would word it differently;)
sascha  1 | 824  
15 Apr 2012 /  #17
that is irrelevant, my living abroad has nothing to do with my post.

denial is not helping :)

I don't make assumptions about you because you live in Germany - get a grip Sasha.

tnx, i have a grip. good one ;)

i dont assume anything. logical thinking and your posts. that's all.
Alligator  - | 248  
15 Apr 2012 /  #18
but you would not know since you live abroad.

yeah, the all kill argument...
Everybody here should know better that you know better ;)

The number of offended people in Poland is large enough to be a problem, so I don't see a reason why it should be in OFF topic.

Mods , you just offended another one.
Maybe change the thread's title:
I'm a Canadian (I suppose) and I am offended. ;)
OP aphrodisiac  11 | 2427  
15 Apr 2012 /  #19
do you have to add anything on topic?

Mods , you just offended another one.

stop being silly;). I am not offended, but I am surprised.
Alligator  - | 248  
15 Apr 2012 /  #20
do you have to add anything on topic?

anything on topic to off topic thread? For now naaah... ;)
15 Apr 2012 /  #21
Wait, Des is Polish? I thought he was a Palestinian Eskimo.
sascha  1 | 824  
15 Apr 2012 /  #22
and you are?

the new pausenclown? :)
Des Essientes  7 | 1288  
15 Apr 2012 /  #23
Des is Polish?

I am of Polish descent and I think you, jasondmzk, are a myopic Alabaman cracker whose attempts at humor are ever so lame.
15 Apr 2012 /  #24
"ever so lame"! "cracker"! "myopic"! I love that you typed all of that, read it over, approved of it, then posted it. Amazing. Never change, Des. Promise me.
OP aphrodisiac  11 | 2427  
15 Apr 2012 /  #25
you are also probably holding more or less coherent views on different subjects, including political.

lately my cognitions deviates towards chasing the pigeons off my balcony since I am getting ready for the season:)

I don't really want to hold your attention any longer on my person, since this was not my intention when I was creating the topic. Thanks for your interest in my personal characteristics.

There was one? ;)

I am pretty sure the was.
peterweg  37 | 2305  
15 Apr 2012 /  #26
You were subject of different socialization (or aculturalization)in Canada compared to typical Pole

You really should try and improve your English, over pompous psycho-babble is tiresome to read.
isthatu2  4 | 2692  
15 Apr 2012 /  #27
HHmmm, certainly better standards than *her* other charactor *sascha* who always seems to re appear at the same time as *her*.......
Natasa  1 | 572  
16 Apr 2012 /  #28
You really should try and improve your English, over pompous psycho-babble is tiresome to read.

I am just citing relevant literature on social attitudes. Knowing that you are talking to a nurse on daily basis, I almost can feel how 'pompous' ordinary psychological terminology hurts on your side.

Thanks for your interest in my personal characteristics.

Nothing to thank for really, I usually initiate some sort of causal analysis, to give myself an answer why is person X thinking, feeling, behaving like that. nothing personal.

Isthatu2, I post only using this username.
16 Apr 2012 /  #29
"over pompous"? I'm curious, what would be the right amount of pompous?
OP aphrodisiac  11 | 2427  
16 Apr 2012 /  #30
I usually initiate some sort of causal analysis, to give myself an answer why is person X thinking, feeling, behaving like that.

isn't it easier just to ask? I didn't ask to be analyzed.

I don't understand why some people who are not even connected to Poland get so easily offended at any mention of Poland, which is not congruent with the way the see Poland, which is often unrealistic to say the least. Can you answer this question Natasa? I cannot answer it, therefore the thread.

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