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Help for Stalker - threats from an ex-boyfriend

29 May 2018 /  #1
Actually Its not stalker but Its sounds like stalker. Idk the word.

My Gf's ex is bothering her. He is treating her all the time. He is saying ''Dont talk with him(me) If you will talk with him, Im gonna talk with all of your friends. Im gonna say everything what did we do. Im gonna do this this this this to you'' etc etc.

They are working in same company. Yeah f. great, right! Im far away from her. When he is saying ''If you will not stop with him, Im gonna say/show everything what did we do'' she is afraid and she is thinking to breaking up with me because she afraid.

Im saying ''Go to police(sue him) and talk about this'' She said ''Noone will not do nothing with this'' Is she right? What can we do?
Alexbrz  3 | 78  
29 May 2018 /  #2
You could grow up and ignore the dude. He'll get bored with no responses

Way smarter would be to just let the girl go. She's willing to let you go for it, so why would you bother?
29 May 2018 /  #3

Help for Ex

My Gf's ex is bothering and treating her ''If you will not leave him(he is talking about me) I will talk/text to every of your friends and I will say what did we do. Im gonna torture your life. You are not mine and you will not be his woman'' etc etc.

She is afraid of him so much and dont want him to talk with her friends. I cant help her becuase Im at far away place. Im saying ''Go to the police and inform against him'' but she is saying ''It will not work. They will not do nothing''

They really cant help? What is the solution, what can we do?
29 May 2018 /  #4
Title is wrong. Im sorry. I was trying to say ''Help us for solve the problem about her ex''
johnny reb  49 | 8094  
29 May 2018 /  #5
What is the solution, what can we do?

Go marry her and take her back to your country with you.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452  
29 May 2018 /  #6
You can hire people to talk to him and convince him that leaving her alone is the best option for him.

Polish police wont do anything.
29 May 2018 /  #7
Hire people? How can I do that?
cms neuf  2 | 1917  
30 May 2018 /  #8
I dont have any answer to what she should do about this jealous guy but I do know that if this is in Poland then the police will have zero interest in such a matter,

There aren't any laws governing such behaviour in Poland and it would really be seen as a personal problem.

If he is making physical threats to her then she should probably start with the companies HR department and go to thw Police. If he is just threatening to show her selfies then she should rather ignore it and tell her friends that he is being a pathetic dick and to ignore him.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452  
30 May 2018 /  #9
Hire people? How can I do that?@ ClickClick

PM me and ill explain your options.

companies HR department

That may help, that's a good point. However, if he's so crazy that may make him even more angry and even if he gets fired he'll likely continue. It's clear that this loser ass bf can't get over her.

Police won't do anything though unless he actually like assaulted her or bricked her/your car or something like that.
johnny reb  49 | 8094  
30 May 2018 /  #10
There aren't any laws governing such behaviour in Poland and it would really be seen as a personal problem.

There seems to be enough feminists in Poland to organize a movement to get such a stalking law passed.
The infamous line the women use in the U.S.A. is, "You are scaring me" and buddy you better be going the other way because your day will not be getting better if you don't.

The other half are happy with their brow beat soy boys and that only last for these women until they get bored and have an affair.

There are Man Hater groups that train so they know exactly what to say and do to render men helpless no matter what, even if it was her fault.

You can smell them a mile away.
These groups are usually started by women who have been dumped or couldn't get a date if they wanted to because they never smile.

They then recruit other women that have attitude because of a failed relationships to share their misery with.
If they can't find happiness with a man then they don't want anyone to be happy.
Needless to say these groups grow very fast because the vindictive hate they have makes them froth from their mouths.
If a man even attempts to put them in their place they go to the police and all they have to say is that they fear this man.

Once that happens a restraining order is put on the man to have no further contact with the woman either by mail, telephone, in person or otherwise.

Usually these Man Haters will set the guy up by having two or three of their friends be there as witnesses to say the man in question approached the "victim".

That's all it takes to get his sorry ass thrown in jail.
All us old farts are fully aware of this game and steer clear but the young guys get suckered into it because of their racing hormones.

The problem there is God gave us men a brain and a penis but only enough blood to function one of them at a time.
Paulina  19 | 4558  
30 May 2018 /  #11
@ClickClick, I'm sorry I don't have much time right now, but I'd just like to let you know that there is a law against stalking in Poland (apparently not everyone is aware of this on this forum), against revenge p0rn and defamation (it doesn't have to be something untrue, it's enough that it's humiliating for another person). One also can't publicise other people's photos without their permition - it's illegal.

You would have to write in a more detailed way about his threats towards your girlfriend. Why is she so afraid of him? Did he say that he's going to hurt her if she doesn't leave you? Does she have any proof of his threats - sms, e-mails? Did she tell her family, friends and people at work about this guy's behaviour? Does she have a father, brother, male cousins, any male friends?
johnny reb  49 | 8094  
31 May 2018 /  #12
There have been a couple of people on this forum who didn't know when to shut up and they were humiliated to no end.

I wonder why your law was not tested in those cases ?
Joker  2 | 2457  
31 May 2018 /  #13
One also can't publicise other people's photos without their permition - it's illegal.

Not if the person(s) has previously uploaded the images onto the internet.

Take Facebook for example: All your pictures are consider public domain after you post them. If someone doesnt want a pic being taken/stolen, dont do it.

If its some kind of nude paparazzi photos, those photographers rarely get into trouble either.

I wonder why your law was not tested in those cases ?

Is there a revenge p-o0rn law in the US yet?
johnny reb  49 | 8094  
31 May 2018 /  #14
I think there is but what we are being bullied/threatened with does not fall under p0rn revenge.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452  
31 May 2018 /  #15

The degree of enforcement differs with each law and polish police tend to be quite lazy and inept when it comes to non connected people, cases that dont draw media scrutiny and for petty crimes such as a domestic dispute. Unless she's been assaulted and can prove it they likely won't do much if anything at all. Same with the prosecutors office.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
31 May 2018 /  #16
Not if the person(s) has previously uploaded the images onto the internet.

Only if they were publicly accessible. Polish law explicitly forbids the publication of images that weren't publicly available, and privacy laws are taken seriously here.
johnny reb  49 | 8094  
31 May 2018 /  #17
Only if they were publicly accessible.

Well yours were.
Remember the 'detective' bully who called Jason's wife at Christmas and made her cry.
Remember the 'detective' bully that called Adrian's boss to get him fired.
Who only knows what in between.
Now the same bully is playing detective again by stalking and calling Rich !
Something just ain't copasetic with this bully to act in such a childish bazar manner.

Polish law explicitly forbids

How many times have you been told that this forum is not run out of Poland so such threats are meaningless.
Welcome to the U.S.A.

privacy laws are taken seriously here

Not here in the U.S, there is no privacy.
That sounds like the bully that finally gets a black eye back and say, I can sling mud but if you sling any back I am going to cry to the police.

All I can say at this point is, the bully detective doesn't know when to quit while he is ahead.
Joker  2 | 2457  
1 Jun 2018 /  #18
This is the 3rd person that he`s stalked off this forum (that we know about) this shows how mentally unstable he is and shouldn't be allowed here anymore. And even worse, they let this psychopath around little Polish children during the day!

Who knows what else this deviant is doing?

How many times have you been told that this forum is not run out of Poland so such threats are meaningless.

He couldn't afford the attorney fees to get the case started.
johnny reb  49 | 8094  
1 Jun 2018 /  #19
I am aware Joker........
Only this time without at least a years suspension for stalking and harassing a new member like anyone else would get I am beginning to wonder.

Polish law explicitly forbids

U.S. law supersedes Polish law and it mega explicitly forbids foreigners stalking U.S citizens by categorizing it as foreign terrorism which carries a life sentence in Gitmo.

privacy laws are taken seriously here.

Then why are you so blatantly invading Rich's privacy by coming into his home uninvited ?
I really do hope you believe what is good for the goose is good for the gander......today.

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