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I thought my house had ghosts, but according to a paranormal psychic it is hovering demon
30 - I believe you. I've had a similar experience, though not as severe, when I was in my mid...

Off-TopicNo Nonsense - 20 Dec 2010 / Ozi Dan - 14 Oct 2011
Is there any chance Slavs to form Confederation or its just an utopia?
Humiliated by landlord. Why women are so cruel?
Countries and your associations in 5 words/descriptions.  2
56 - My next trip to Poland I will absolutely check it out. Thanks a lot, JonnyM....

Off-TopicNathan - 24 Jun 2011 / Nathan - 8 Jul 2011
American Girl with A Polish Heart
29 - I'd love to! We will keep in touch :)...

Off-TopicelizabethL - 23 Jun 2011 / elizabethL - 27 Jun 2011
im a true polish patriot
How do Polish people operate? what makes them tick?  2  3  4
103 - I think you have it the other way around. Honestly I'm not sure who is more...

Off-TopicHavok - 21 May 2011 / Havok - 28 May 2011
Is it good idea to start learning German?
So...which of you are actually IN Poland?  2
How would Poles react to a visit from Queen Elizabeth?  2  3
72 - give her some strong aphrodisiac Poles...

Off-TopicTeffle - 7 Mar 2011 / Crow - 11 Mar 2011
Penn and all I owe you an explanation... ref to Polish vs. British vs. American  2
38 - I am.. I am getting on my plane right now . Be afraid,, be very very afraid.. lol...

Off-TopicHavok - 9 Mar 2011 / Patrycja19 - 11 Mar 2011
Poland's babies still booming...
13 - Congratulations... although maybe I'm late!...

Off-Topichairball - 14 Jan 2011 / Lodz_The_Boat - 30 Jan 2011
Do politicians need to speak a foreign language?
15 - Condi speaks Russian quite well :)...

Off-Topicmafketis - 22 Oct 2010 / convex - 22 Oct 2010
Pay as you go - for an iphone?
3 - Thank you! I'm sorry for my delay in responding but appreciate the feedback!...

Off-TopicChipmunk - 8 Sep 2010 / Chipmunk - 27 Sep 2010
Does anyone else find Cygans fascinating?  2
Übertough Pole with bullet in his head
16 - I find it difficult to believe that he was unaware of this. I had bullet fragments lodge in...

Off-TopicBratwurst Boy - 24 Aug 2010 / Ozi Dan - 27 Aug 2010
What language is this?
Brits, Yanks slur their words?
I need Polish nationals. Who wants to be a millionaire?  2
54 - i bet 1000 pound that this guy has been living in poland over 4 or 5 years and he...

Off-TopicWroclaw Boy - 6 May 2010 / espana - 29 May 2010
CEE - Central European Empire  2
49 - ahhhhh that one, yes when I was a kid lol Since the flag is decided I put forward...

Off-TopicMr Grunwald - 10 May 2010 / Mr Grunwald - 21 May 2010
Not long now.....and back in Poland :)
7 - I would do but his friends are not going out now....

Off-Topicg60edition - 1 May 2010 / g60edition - 7 May 2010
Polish head of state plane crashed in middle of nowhere?  2
45 - BEANS...!..where are they..?...let me at em...!...

Off-Topicwildrover - 7 Mar 2010 / wildrover - 12 Mar 2010
Europe according to Poles and other European nations  2

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