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Is it good idea to start learning German?

26 Apr 2011 /  #1
I don't want to live in Germany. It's not a question connected with "opening of borders" which will be held within few days. It's a question regarding working opportunities in Poland.

Is there any point in learning another foreign language if anyway everyone speaks English these days internationally? In Poland many says that German and Russian are two most important languages (apart English) because of trading exchange with those two countries so allegedly many companies would see a knowledge of those languages as an adventage. But I believe that Russians and Germans who ran business inetarnatioanally knows English very well. So why to learn German/Russian?

Does it make a sense to start learning new language from the scratch? Would it really benefit my CV? How do you think?
pgtx  29 | 3094  
26 Apr 2011 /  #2
it's always good to learn languages, no matter what...
Marynka11  3 | 639  
26 Apr 2011 /  #3
But I believe that Russians and Germans who ran business inetarnatioanally knows English very well. So why to learn German/Russian?

Because they speak English with horrible accents, especially Russians. If you learn their languages you can speak to them with your own horrible accent and you not get any of theirs. :)
OP Maaarysia  
26 Apr 2011 /  #4
it's always good to learn languages, no matter what...

But you have to have time for that. I could think of other things which will benefit my cv instead of losing time for learning German if it doesn't help.

Because they speak English with horrible accents, especially Russians. If you learn their languages you can speak to them with your own horrible accent and you not get any of theirs. :)

haha, that's good one :)

It's pretty discouraging that you'll never learn a foreign language to a level of a native speaker. No matter how much time you devotes for that.

So in a nutshell, it's waste of time?
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11912  
26 Apr 2011 /  #5
So why to learn German/Russian?

Well....if you fight for good contacts you will for sure score points with showing knowledge about the language/customs of your wanted contact...it's not necessary but could be the tiny bit of extra which get's YOU the contract and not your english-only rival if everything else is equal, it's that easy. ;)

No matter how much time you devotes for that.

Nobody demands that...especially with complicated languages the trying counts double!

When in Berlin tourists try to get around with broken german they are treated much better than anybody else...even if they might get answered in english as one wants for them to reach their goals. ;)
pgtx  29 | 3094  
26 Apr 2011 /  #6
But you have to have time for that.

if learning languages isn't an easy thing to do for you, don't do that then... do something else...

So in a nutshell, it's waste of time?

with this attitude? yes...

isthatu2  4 | 2692  
26 Apr 2011 /  #7
When in Berlin tourists try to get around with broken german they are treated much better than anybody else...even if they might get answered in english as one wants for them to reach their goals. ;)

never been to berlin but i can tell you,the germans Ive met love that i try to speak a bit of it,even if I do end up stumped after the basics and the donner und blitzen,gott und himmel "war film" german runs out :)
southern  73 | 7059  
26 Apr 2011 /  #8
When in Berlin tourists try to get around with broken german they are treated much better than anybody else...even

In Berlin yes but not in every city.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11912  
26 Apr 2011 /  #9
never been to berlin but i can tell you,the germans Ive met love that i try to speak a bit of it

That is so! :)
26 Apr 2011 /  #10
Does it make a sense to start learning new language from the scratch? Would it really benefit my CV?

You really have to like the language to bother learning it. Or have a strong need and motivation. Otherwise don't bother. I was fluent in German in one point, but I never liked this language, so as soon as it was not necessary for me to speak it, I stopped, and now, 20 years later, I forgot it completely. Last year I went to Vienna and I was shocked that beyond "danke" I don't remember anything. So if you are not planning on using it often - don't bother.
southern  73 | 7059  
27 Apr 2011 /  #11
Is it good idea to start learning German?

It is always useful if you want to be recruited in the SS.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11912  
27 Apr 2011 /  #12
Nah...german language knowledge was not THAT deciding factor! ;)
southern  73 | 7059  
27 Apr 2011 /  #13
You mean the albanian legion Skenderbej talked in shquiptar?
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11912  
27 Apr 2011 /  #14
I have no idea what language they used but it hadn't been needed to be German. Neither in the scandinavian Wiking or french Charlemagne division...;)
southern  73 | 7059  
27 Apr 2011 /  #15
Actually Mannstein claims that the efficiency of the Flemish and Scandinavian SS divisions was reduced in his sector due to lack of german SS officers who spoke the related languages to order the men.Basically most were killed.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11912  
27 Apr 2011 /  #16
The SS was a real "equality"-thingy...flemish or scandinavian or dutch officers had the exactly same rights and duties as their german counterparts. So these divisions had their own NCO's and officers to lead their men...and Germans.
southern  73 | 7059  
27 Apr 2011 /  #17
So these divisions had their own NCO's and officers to lead their men...and Germans.

Are you sure?I thought the heads of divisions and Oberfuhrers were always german but I have to search.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11912  
27 Apr 2011 /  #18
It's not about head of divisions or "Oberführers" but about that a german soldier had to obey his dutch superior in example...nationality didn't matter...one big happy family...
Crow  154 | 9525  
27 Apr 2011 /  #19
Is it good idea to start learning German?

very obsolete idea. Polish and Russian languages are more and more popular in Serbia. We Serbs clearly see future of European continent
Nojas  4 | 110  
27 Apr 2011 /  #20
In business and trade language skills have always been the key. Today even more so than yesterday. Sweden have always been good at acknowledging this and we start learning english in 3rd grade. In 7th grade there's a mandatory 3rd language (French, German or Spanish). Nowadays the two most popular language to study besides the four mentioned above is Chinese and Russian (among University students), simply because of future markets and business.

Learning language is always good. No matter which one.

*still fighting with polish*

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