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Victory in 'anti-Polish camps' campaign in US

12 Mar 2011 /  #121

Everybody sign the petition here to stop our wrongful incrimination!
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
12 Mar 2011 /  #122
Everybody sign the petition here to stop our wrongful incrimination!

Shall we start to talk about how the Poles managed to kill people in their own concentration camps?
MediaWatch  10 | 942  
12 Mar 2011 /  #123
They had no Nazi concentration camps you Nazi Russian idiot.

Lets talk about how your Russians started WWII with Nazi Germany and how in Moscow today the chickens are coming home to roost with all the bombings. The city that gave the orders to kill tens of millions of non-Russians is starting to receive some payback and karma for all its evil.
1jola  14 | 1875  
12 Mar 2011 /  #124
Shall we start to talk about how the Poles managed to kill people in their own concentration camps?

You clearly do not understand the issue. Here is something to help you understand it:

delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
12 Mar 2011 /  #125
They had no Nazi concentration camps you Nazi Russian idiot.

Who said they did? I didn't.

Lets talk about how your Russians started WWII with Nazi Germany and how in Moscow today the chickens are coming home to roost with all the bombings. The city that gave the orders to kill tens of millions of non-Russians is starting to receive some payback and karma for all its evil.

You're sick in the head if you're wishing payback and karma upon people - most of whom had nothing to do with what went on in the past.

You clearly do not understand the issue.

The issue is clearly obvious - Polish Americans, being mostly the descendants of poor peasants from the impoverished former East, have decided to speak up on behalf of Poland when most Poles couldn't care less.

Frankly, Poland should be worrying about the scandal of children languishing in orphanges or the scandal of old people not being able to afford medicine - not some minor issue concerning uneducated Yanks.
1jola  14 | 1875  
12 Mar 2011 /  #126
The issue is clearly obvious - Polish Americans, being mostly the descendants of poor peasants from the impoverished former East, have decided to speak up on behalf of Poland when most Poles couldn't care less.

The Polish Ministry of Foreign Affairs, prominent Polish and non-Polish persons say otherwise. Of course, you, an English teacher, with a short stint in Poland, are an expert on what Polish society thinks. **** off!
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
12 Mar 2011 /  #127
The Polish Ministry of Foreign Affairs, prominent Polish and non-Polish persons say otherwise.

The Polish ministry only got involved after the Polonia kept howling about it - and given that the Government's approval ratings among Polish-American voters is rather poor, it's not a surprise they got involved. Their response was rather half-hearted, though.

Prominent non-Polish persons? What have they got to do with anything?

As I said - if the Polonia spent half as much time looking after Poland as they spend getting outraged about things like this, Poland would be a much better country.
1jola  14 | 1875  
12 Mar 2011 /  #128
Obviously you are not interested in this issue, it does not concern you, yet you keep on vomiting on this thread. I know it's lonely for a foreigner like you but find yourself a better hobby. Buy a bike or a skateboard. You are wasting your youth.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
12 Mar 2011 /  #129
Obviously you are not interested in this issue, it does not concern you, yet you keep on vomiting on this thread.

It's a non-issue that makes Poland sound like a spoilt child.

It's worth pointing out that this whole issue was brought up by non-Poles and is more or less a politically motivated attack.
1jola  14 | 1875  
12 Mar 2011 /  #130
An attack on whom?
MediaWatch  10 | 942  
12 Mar 2011 /  #131
Frankly, Poland should be worrying about the scandal of children languishing in orphanges or the scandal of old people not being able to afford medicine - not some minor issue concerning uneducated Yanks.

Frankly nobody should listen to a Poland-Hating troll like yourself.

You just said before in another topic, that people shouldn't judge Russians in Moscow today by what their Russian descendants before them did. But NOW you attack Polish Americans as being "the descendants of poor peasants from the impoverished former east"?? As usual that is an expression of your Russian xenophobic hatred for Polish people and false to say the least.

But lets say you are right and your racist generalization that Polish Americans are "descended from poor peasants" is true and therefore that makes them bad people in your eyes. Shouldn't then with that logic of yours, make many Russians today a bunch of low life scum bags since many of then descended from RuSSian murderous thugs?? Many Russians today also descended from Russians who looked the other way while allowing the most sick thugs of history run Russia from Moscow.

IF you are going to bash people of Polish ancestry because of people you say they descended from then I think its only fair to say likewise things about your Russians. But with the Russians its much worse. Like with the children of Russian communist psychopaths and thugs Like yourself.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
12 Mar 2011 /  #132
An attack on whom?

Take one look at the newspapers that they've been attacking.

Then consider who reads those newspapers, then take into account the political leanings of the Polish Americans.

Surprise, surprise.

Incidentally, I seem to recall that in the previous thread, we came up with a grand total of two incidents where reference was made to "Polish death camps" or similar, without clarification.

It's all just a storm in a teacup.
1jola  14 | 1875  
12 Mar 2011 /  #133
Surprise, surprise.

It is you who needs to explain yourself not me. Again, what political motivation would we Poles and even some foreigners from completely different political leanings have in demanding historical accuracy in opinion influential world media? Meaning they need stop lying.
12 Mar 2011 /  #134
You clearly do not understand the issue. Here is something to help you understand it:

You clearly do not understand the difference between two words: 'death'; and 'concentration'. Let me use them in sentences to try and demonstrate the difference: Poland operated concentration camps both before and after WWII but Poland has never run a death camp. Clear?

demanding historical accuracy

How about Poles stop lying about Poland being the only place where there was the death penalty for helping Jews? Or do you only want historical accuracy when it suits Poland? No mention of you selling the Ukrainians to the USSR, to give just one example?
12 Mar 2011 /  #135
How about Poles stop lying about Poland being the only place where there was the death penalty for helping Jews? Or do you only want historical accuracy when it suits Poland? No mention of you selling the Ukrainians to the USSR, to give just one example?

Those talking points of yours got boring a long time ago. Add some "traitor", "liar" and non-existing invitation to victory parade in London and we will have complete list of your nonsense. How many times one can rebuke those? It's getting tedious.
12 Mar 2011 /  #136
Invitations were sent to both the government of Poland and to western command Poles: all were rejected. 'Poles' have lied about it ever since.

Rebuke? Rebuke the truth? It's a pity for Poland that people such as you pretend to be Polish and tell such stupid & blatant lies.
1jola  14 | 1875  
12 Mar 2011 /  #137
How about Poles stop lying about Poland being the only place where there was the death penalty for helping Jews?

Which countries was it punishble by death for aiding Jews then? Please list the occupied countries and the coresponding penalty. The Dutch poster Stu believes it was in effect in Holland. You will straighten him out though, right?

I can post the German law if you like, but you know that it is a fact so there is no need. You need to post the German documents relating to other countries.
12 Mar 2011 /  #138
Which countries was it punishble by death for aiding Jews then? Please list the occupied countries and the coresponding penalty.

All of the occupied countries and in the Reich itself. Care for me to name some Germans who were executed for helping Jews?

I can post the German law if you like, but you know that it is a fact so there is no need. You need to post the German documents relating to other countries.

No you can't: there was no such law. There was an decree which applied only to part of Poland and only to people who helped certain Jews. But there were also similar decrees in other occupied countries, like the one in Norway, which applied to th entire country too. The difference is that other nations don't feel the need to lie about it: who knows, perhaps they don't feel guilty about what happened to Europe's Jews.
12 Mar 2011 /  #139
But there were also similar decrees in other occupied countries

Norway? Were the entire Norwegian families executed for helping Jews? Wasn't it only in Poland
that for helping Jews, you paid not only with your life, but with lives of your family members?
12 Mar 2011 /  #140
Were the entire Norwegian families executed for helping Jews?

No idea. Perhaps you could check for us?

Wasn't it only in Poland that for helping Jews, you paid not only with your life, but with lives of your family members?

That is the Polish claim. But not one that has ever been proved. The last time a 'Pole' (actually an American) claimed he could prove it, it turned out the source he claimed to quote from not only didn't contain the words he claimed to quote but also stated that in Norway there was the death penalty for helping Jews (admittedly introduced about a year later than it was introduced in Poland).
12 Mar 2011 /  #141
No idea. Perhaps you could check for us?


I think that there wasn't a single Norwegian family (parents with children) who were executed
for helping Jews. Of course, if someone proves that there was, I will admit that I thought wrong.

Here's an article about Polish family: father, mother (in advanced pregnancy) and six children,
who were executed for helping Jews.

After the start of the German occupation Jozef Ulma involved in helping Jews. Probably in the second half of 1942 adopted under its roof eight Jewish refugees from families Szall and Goldman [2]. In addition, another Jewish family helped build a dugout in the nearby woods, and then supplied its inhabitants with food and other products [3].

After some time, forest dugout was discovered by the Germans, and four of hiding Jews in it (three women and a child) were murdered. The fact that the provision of assistance to refugees by Ulma was not disclosed at the time [3]. The remaining eight Jews hiding in the farm Ulma the spring of 1944.

In the spring of 1944 Ulma's were denounced by the policeman, Wlodzimierz Les (from Ukrainian origin), who had seized the fortune of Szall family and wanted to get rid its respective owners. March 24, 1944 from German gendarmes which station in £ańcut killed Joseph Ulma, as well as his wife, which was in the ninth month of pregnancy and six children (8-year-old Stanislawa, 6-year-old Barbara, a 5-year-old Wladyslaw, 4-year-old Franciszek, 3-year-old Antoni and Maria eighteen-month). Together with Ulma's also all the Jews in hiding were killed.


Now - who can find information about a similar Norwegian family?
12 Mar 2011 /  #142
I think that there wasn't a single Norwegian family (parents with children) who were executed
for helping Jews.

I think that Southampton are the best football team on the planet. Does that make it true? As for families, Poles make the claim, so it's up to them to prove it.
12 Mar 2011 /  #143
I think that Southampton are the best football team on the planet.

Well, they do have a class nickname and they named their stadium properly. They also managed
the away 2:0 win against Colchester in the last round of League One :)
1jola  14 | 1875  
12 Mar 2011 /  #144
All of the occupied countries and in the Reich itself.

So your proof is "I have no proof."

No you can't: there was no such law. There was an decree which applied only to part of Poland and only to people who helped certain Jews.

Certain Jews? I this a bad joke?

Here is the law:


Regarding: death penalty for illegal leaving the Jewish residential district

Recently, in many documented instances, Jews, who have left the residential districts designated for them, have spread typhus. To safeguard the population against this dangerous threat, the General Governor has ordered that any Jew, who in the future illegally leaves the residential district designated for him, will be punished by death.

The same punishment will apply to whoever consciously shelters Jews mentioned above or in any other way assists them (for instance, by providing overnight accommodation, or sustenance, by giving a ride in any kind of vehicle, etc.)

The sentence will be imposed by the Special Court in Warsaw.

I explicitly draw the attention of the whole population of the Warsaw District to this new regulation since henceforth it will be applied with merciless severity.

Warsaw, 10 November 1941

(-) Dr Fischer Governor

Show me something similar from France, Belgium, or Holland, for that matter from Norway. Don't tell me it must be there because " I just know it."
12 Mar 2011 /  #145
they named their stadium properly

Pretty obvious name really. Although it's not like they had many offers to buy the naming rights.

Stadium is in a lovely neighbourhood too: I spent two happy years down there.
1jola  14 | 1875  
12 Mar 2011 /  #146
Here is a listing of 700 Poles, some babies, shot for aiding Jews.


Show me something similar from Holland or France. You can't because there was no death penalty there for aiding Jews. You might find an isolated case though as Germans didn't always follow their own law.
Marynka11  3 | 639  
12 Mar 2011 /  #147
The difference is that other nations don't feel the need to lie about it: who knows, perhaps they don't feel guilty about what happened to Europe's Jews.

If there is anyone who feels that Poland needs to feel guilty about what happened to Jews during WWII is you. Why don't you talk about "Blood for goods", and maybe explore the reasons why Britain didn't want to take in 1,000,000 Jews from Hungary? And if you look back into history, maybe you will learn, where the antisemitism actually originated, and maybe explore the reasons, why there were close to 4,000,000 Jews in pre WWII Poland, more that in whole Western Europe combined?

Maybe then you will just stop milking a few facts from the Polish history?
12 Mar 2011 /  #148
If there is anyone who feels that Poland needs to feel guilty about what happened to Jews during WWII is you. Why don't you talk about "Blood for goods", and maybe explore the reasons why Britain didn't want to take in 1,000,000 Jews from Hungary

What Britain did or didn't do is no source of shame for me. As for Britian not accepting Hungarians, Poland wouldn't even accept Poles!

Show me something similar from Holland or France.

I'll bring me with it tomorrow. See you then, traitor.
rybnik  18 | 1444  
12 Mar 2011 /  #149
To be a Pole, you need layers of white-and-red moss sentimental about sabres to grow on your skin

good use of imagery. my compliments :)
Marynka11  3 | 639  
12 Mar 2011 /  #150
What Britain did or didn't do is no source of shame for me.

So why are you exploiting "what Poland did or didn't do"? Something tells me it's not really about the Jewish people with you Harry.

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