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2.79% of Ukrainian asylum seekers granted asylum

Dougpol1  29 | 2497  
21 Aug 2017 /  #1
...over the last 3 years.

On another thread there is a discussion about racism. Case proved against the Polish establishment as to racist paranoia, or just the same old "I'm alright Jack"?

If the government can't even help fellow Slavs in their hour of need, who would they help? And does their rhetoric stand up when applied to Middle East refugees that "We have taken in tens of thousands of Ukrainians"...only to send them back, psychologically scared, to Donbass?

The Polish establishment stand accused of not giving a **** for their fellow man.
Answers to this accusation please, on a (very small) postcard.
dolnoslask  5 | 2809  
21 Aug 2017 /  #2
(very small) postcard.

I take it you have retired to the family seat?, That Corbyn manifesto must be music to your ears, use your vote and be happy enrich yourself in the culture.

not giving a **** for their fellow man.

We give a xxx when it comes to turning Poland into a breeding ground fror terrorism like France,Spain,Britain,Germany, Switzerland, im bored now so many other places for people to live if they don't like Poland and it's government.
jon357  72 | 22981  
21 Aug 2017 /  #3
or just the same old "I'm alright Jack"?

Pretty well.

not giving a **** for their fellow man.

As a culture, it isn't known for altruism.
OP Dougpol1  29 | 2497  
21 Aug 2017 /  #4
so many other places for people to live if they don't like Poland

I was talking, obtusely I must admit, about Ukrainian refugees Dolno. There were 100 odd well deserved cases over the last 3 years, and Poland granted asylum to 3?

Pretty poor show, I would have said.

All the time successive governments state the lie that they "took Ukrainians in". They haven't. There is only one reason that Ukrainian workers are here. And it's not humanitarian.

Poland needs willing hands.
21 Aug 2017 /  #5
Ukrainian refugees Dolno.

Ironic really, given that virtually everybody who came from what is now Ukraine and applied for refugee status in the UK after the borders changed the last time was given that status. I seem to remember that there's a certain somebody here who personally benefited from refugee status but now very much opposes giving that status to other people.
OP Dougpol1  29 | 2497  
21 Aug 2017 /  #6
Answers on a (very small) postcard

No, Dolno not retired. Brain still functioning. Still in downtown Port Ville. The above is idomatic, referring to the fact (in this case) that I am right:)) and any answers would by their nature only need to be succint:) And would easily fit on a postcard,as in, "Wish you were here."
dolnoslask  5 | 2809  
21 Aug 2017 /  #7
Ukrainian workers are here. And it's not humanitarian.

Yes some truth in what you say, a million have work permits, cheap labor, is that not exactly what the British French, German colnialst did, effectivly using cheap labor to line the moneymens pockets at the expence of their domestic labor force who lost their jobs due to the cheaper imports.

So the Ukrainians can choose to come, not a perfect situayion for them I agree, but the hard fact is that no way will Poland bring in socially incompatible migrants (or have to deal with their radicalized offspring) like the ones who are currentyly raping pillaging and murdering European citizens.

It aint happening in Poland no way.
dolnoslask  5 | 2809  
21 Aug 2017 /  #8
who personally benefited from refugee status

Get lost, name one act of terrorism on British soil by a Polish exile (or offspring) after WWII.

Then do me a list of Middle eastern Asian and African migrants (or their offspring) that have commited terrorist acts.

It;s all about risk assesment harry and the current lot are too high risk.

People like you and Doug are low risk, thats why Poland let you in. Doug must have been a super low risk if they let him in during the commie days, I had no chance.
gregy741  5 | 1226  
21 Aug 2017 /  #9
Poland should just open borders to Ukrainians and let them work legally so they dont suffer lower pay.i would do it if am made King of Poland.

close western border tho!!! we need wall along Oder
gumishu  16 | 6182  
21 Aug 2017 /  #10
Poland should just open borders to Ukrainians and let them work legally

gregy you may not be aware of it but Ukrainians are actually in a privileged position on the Polish job market - it's because enterpruneurs don't have to pay ZUS for them as opposed to Polish workers - and they all get the minimum wage when working legally
gregy741  5 | 1226  
21 Aug 2017 /  #11
and they all get the minimum wage when working legally

not always the case.i watched alot of private stories and ukrainians who have short term permit to work or those without permit are aftem victims of people who exploit their situation.

give them right to work and there will be more money coming to polish ZUS.
dolnoslask  5 | 2809  
21 Aug 2017 /  #12
Poland should just open borders to Ukrainians

Yep and we should welcome Jews who are fleeing the growing tide of antisemitism across Europe, as we did before

Poland was home to the largest and most significant Jewish community in the world. Poland was the centre of Jewish culture thanks to a long period of statutory religious tolerance and social autonomy.

Source en.wikipedia.org/wiki/History_of_the_Jews_in_Poland


JEWS FLEE FEAR One in three British Jews 'thinking about leaving UK' as anti-Semitism soars leaving one in six 'feeling unwelcome'

Yes Harry uncontrolled migration has its consequences.
G (undercover)  
21 Aug 2017 /  #13
racist paranoia

Yes, granting 3 million work/residency permissions is clearly a sign of anti-Ukrainian racism in Poland. You dudes are in poorer shape than ever. Tomorrow some psycho will claim that a surplus of white cats over black ones in PL is yet another proof of Polish racism.

There has never been any fighting in 97% of Ukraine. According to your "logic" millions of Russians should be granted asylum across Europe because there's occasionally some shooting in Chechnya, Dagestan and elsewhere.
21 Aug 2017 /  #14
It;s all about risk assesment harry and the current lot are too high risk.

Yes, Poland is being asked to take hundreds of thousands of trained soldiers and experienced killers. Oh, no, sorry, my mistake: it was the UK that offered to take hundreds of thousands of Poles who felt they needed refugee status, a decision somebody here benefited from. And now Poland won't even give that status to a few thousand other people. It's disgusting.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
21 Aug 2017 /  #15
it was the UK that offered to take hundreds of thousands of Poles who felt they needed refugee status

Yes, many of whom were combatants. I don't see Poland offering to take in those who opposed criminal regimes in Belarus and Russia.
dolnoslask  5 | 2809  
21 Aug 2017 /  #16
it was the UK that offered to take hundreds of thousands of Poles who felt they needed refugee status

They never asked for citizenship is was granted on mass by an act of parliment, if Britain didnt want us they should have sent us back. Don't worry Dolno has paid back many hundreds of thousands of pounds in taxes for his scholling (Sic) and free milk.

Maybe you should have sent us back before the end of the war after all Britain never needed a few Polish airmen in the Battle of Britain did they.

Come to think about it Polish migrants were a big factor in Brexit, guess what they want Poles out of Britain now, fair play their choice as to which migrants they allow in , Harry you must be happy that Poland still wants you here unlike your homeland who wants to keep Poles out , tell me how you have benefited from life in your host country, what has your contribution been apart from badmouthing Poland at any given opportunity.

Britain won't even give that status to a few thousand Polish people anymore . It's disgusting.
21 Aug 2017 /  #17
They never asked for citizenship is was granted on mass by an act of parliment

No, just as Ukraine refugees in Poland have to apply for refugee status in Poland Poles in post-war Britain had to apply for British citizenship. The difference is that few Ukrainians in Poland apply for refugee status here, even though it makes their lives easier, because they know they won't get it, while very few Poles in the UK post-war didn't apply for British citizenship

what has your contribution been apart from badmouthing Poland at any given opportunity.

Unfortunately talking about the significant amount of voluntary work I've done in Poland and the nonexistent amount you've done would be off-topic, so instead let's talk about the disgraceful fact that Ukrainians are keeping ZUS afloat but Poland won't even give refugee status to those who deserve it.
dolnoslask  5 | 2809  
21 Aug 2017 /  #18
Poles in post-war Britain had to apply for British citizenship.

This proves how naive or stupid you are when it comes to history read below and learn we didn't have to apply for citizenship it was foisted on us possibly due to our betrayel at Yalta.


Funny I had to send a letter from UK Border force regarding my father as part of the recognition of my Polish citizenship , they have no record of him ever being a citizen or having a British passport.

and the nonexistent amount you've done

Oh yea you live around the corner and know what I have been doing in Poland these last years, you assume too much i'm afraid

Yeah so how come your homeland is refusing further Polish migration please answer, even marxist comrad Cobyn doesnt want us anymore.
gregy741  5 | 1226  
21 Aug 2017 /  #19
it makes their lives easier, because they know they won't get it,

Harry,i tho you are more clever ...
do you understand what is concept of asylum?
poles who were granted asylum in the UK after war(Anders army),would be instantly executed by Stalin if they were forced to come back.

what repercussion are Ukrainians facing?
i am for legal work for Ukrainians,but stop talking rubbish about Poland not giving them asylum...they simply dont meet criteria.simple.
jon357  72 | 22981  
21 Aug 2017 /  #20
it was foisted on us possibly due to our betrayel at Yalta.

Of course not - the last thing PiS want is people who have a history of standing up to authoritarian regimes.
It was nothing to do with Roosevelt.

Yeah so how come your homeland is refusing further Polish migration

a. Yours too.
b. No they aren't - the government said this week that free movement will remain.

marxist comrad Cobyn

The PM is called Theresa something. Not 'cobyn' whatever that is.
d. So what about Poland's refusal to grant assylum to more than 2.79% of its 'Slavic brothers'.
dolnoslask  5 | 2809  
21 Aug 2017 /  #21
No they aren't - the government said this week that free movement will remain.

Cob;ers just means people can come over for holly bobs

a. Yours too.

Don't think so now jon since its gone tits up.

As someone once sad if you dont like it get out so i did.

history of standing up to authoritarian regimes.

Don't make me laugh Jon they are nowhere near that, even Po wouldnt let in the the migrant hordes if they were in power, If they did it would be a token few to keep the EU peace, always banking on the fact that they would all soon scarper over the border to Germany.
jon357  72 | 22981  
21 Aug 2017 /  #22
Cob;ers just means people can come over for holly bobs

What is that supposed to mean? It just looks like some incomprehensible gibberish.

To repeat, the government have said that free movement will remain. Keep up with the news if you want to comment on it.

Don't think so now jon since its gone tits up.

Sent your passport back?

Po wouldnt let in the the migrant hordes if they were in power,

That whole last paragraph doesn't make any sense at all. The thread is about Poland only granting assylum to 2.79% of the Ukrainians who've come.
dolnoslask  5 | 2809  
21 Aug 2017 /  #23
Sent your passport back?

As I Told your pal harry its expired , it costs 450 quid to get rid of citizenship, anyway the UK tax man owes me a load of cash.

What a dumb question to ask anyway.

Why don't you send your passport back.

Sorry mod just realized he is tryong to get me off topic sorry
jon357  72 | 22981  
21 Aug 2017 /  #24
it costs 450 quid to get rid of citizenship

Not too much at all - cheap even.

And what is this about:

Cob;ers just means people can come over for holly bobs

Anyway, more important to show some solidarity with those who've fled Ukraine - like granting assylum or fast-tracking citizenship. As a child of migrants to the UK and as a migrant to Poland yourself, I'm surprised you aren't more sympathetic to them.
G (undercover)  
21 Aug 2017 /  #25
No, just as Ukraine refugees in Poland have to apply for refugee status in Poland

Ukrainians have a quick and easy path to live and work here legally, that's much more than your crappy "asylum". This whole thread is nonsense even by the standard of "expats". Apparently, it was set up to **** off dolno and next go cry to the mods. Some people are just scumbags.
dolnoslask  5 | 2809  
21 Aug 2017 /  #26
I'm surprised you aren't more sympathetic to them.

Well I am to a point but out of respect for my parents there is the problem of the Ukrains that came to our village one night to murder in support the nkvd

On this subject I must remain neutral and hope for a good outcome for all.
21 Aug 2017 /  #27
read below and learn we didn't have to apply for citizenship it was foisted on us

Did you read your link? "It offered British citizenship".
Offered it to all who applied, until the situation Ukrainians are in in Poland: they apply for refugee status and are refused it more than 97 times out of a hundred.

a letter from UK Border force regarding my father as part of the recognition of my Polish citizenship , they have no record of him ever being a citizen or having a British passport.

How hilarious that you claim Poles has British citizenship "foisted" on them and then you post proof that that never happened!
jon357  72 | 22981  
21 Aug 2017 /  #28
there is the problem of the Ukrains that came to our village one night to murder in support the nkvd

I doubt any of those are currently seeking asylum in Poland - the grim reaper has doubtless claimed the people you refer to. Good that you're sympathetic though.

I'm really puzzled by what this phrase is about:

Cob;ers just means people can come over for holly bobs

G (undercover)  
21 Aug 2017 /  #29
they apply for refugee status and are refused it more than 97 times out of a hundred.

That's simply because they aren't refugees.


This definition implies that several qualifying conditions apply to be considered a refugee... (3) incapacity to enjoy the protection of one's own state from the persecution feared.The definition of refugees was actually intended to exclude internally displaced persons,economic migrants...

"Expats" again proved to be full of nonsense. Case closed.
jon357  72 | 22981  
21 Aug 2017 /  #30
I doubt the people of Donetsk and the Crimea would agree with that.

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