For the first time ever a beatficaton was conducted in Kraków by someone other than the pope. Cardinal Angelo Amato beatified Zofia Czeska (1584-1650) set up a school to prepare poor girls relgiously and intellectually for life. Małgorzata £ucja Szewczyk (1828-1905) devoted her entire life to orphans, the sick and needy. "The heritage they have left us is to do good and do it well," the cardinal said.
The purpose of declaring blesseds and saints is to hold up shining examples encoruaging people to rise above the base, pedestrian and prosaic and lead virtuous lives in the service of God and fellow-man.
The purpose of declaring blesseds and saints is to hold up shining examples encoruaging people to rise above the base, pedestrian and prosaic and lead virtuous lives in the service of God and fellow-man.