Are females who appear on this show typical for you?
We didn't think so but since there have been tens of thousands of women who have been outed as sluts when it comes to sleeping around and then lying to their spouses about the kids being theirs then unfortunately,yes;it has become something not out of the ordinary.
As I noted previously, when men suspected that 'their' kids were possibly not theirs; DNA testing proved them right 30% of the time.
From the link: "...there are thus over 90,000 men who have been falsely accused of paternity each year." ......and......
Roughly 12% of men who refuse to pay child support do so because they are not the father. Yet when a man doesn't pay support for a child that he has proven is not his progeny, under current law and practice, .... labels him a "Deadbeat Dad," takes his drivers and other professional licenses away (making it almost impossible for him to work), and then throws him in jail for contempt of court."
Yes! I'd say that's reason enough to insist on DNA testing.