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Skins vs anarchists in Warsaw

antheads  13 | 340  
11 Nov 2013 /  #1
anarchists throw molotovs from their squat on ul Skorupki , skinheads start ripping trees and getting upset. All so very inconsequential. of course tvn24 potrays it as people from independence march attack cultural community center haha.


Crowd squat is a fun place to hang out tho.
jon357  72 | 23522  
11 Nov 2013 /  #2
potrays it as people from independence march attack cultural community center haha.

It wouldn't be the first time. They put the windows through on Nowy Wyspanialy Swiat when it was still there.

Some of the pictures in the media look busy as they are generally wont to do, but it seems the police dealt with it all very well for a change. Even the normal bad behaviour on Belwederska was contained and no TVN news vans torched by pseudopatriots this time.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
11 Nov 2013 /  #3
anarchists throw molotovs from their squat on ul Skorupki , skinheads start ripping trees and getting upset.

I wondered how long it would take for someone to defend the thuggery that's going on in Warsaw.

I suppose you also claim that the poor marchers just started fires because...because, right?

no TVN news vans torched by pseudopatriots this time.

It seems that they were protected from what Harry said.
OP antheads  13 | 340  
11 Nov 2013 /  #4
I wasin't defending it at all, in fact I prob would have been on the roof of Przychodnia, I was commenting on the fact that tvn24 breathlessly reported that a community center was attacked, when there is no way of knowing who started the battle, the fascists/hooligans or the anarchists on the roof
jon357  72 | 23522  
11 Nov 2013 /  #5
Certainly one side or the other. And they burnt the installation in pl. Zbawicela again apparently. Evidently they can't handle symbols of hope.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
11 Nov 2013 /  #6
What were the marchers doing anywhere near the squat in the first place?

Evidently they can't handle symbols of hope.

Here's hoping that they put rainbows in every Polish village, town and city from now on.
jon357  72 | 23522  
11 Nov 2013 /  #7
What were the marchers doing anywhere near the squat in the first place?

It isn't as if it's on a main road. They went there to make trouble.

Przychodnia squat is a fun place to hang out tho.

It reminds me a bit of the place that used to be on Towarowa, only more political.

Here's hoping that they put rainbows in every Polish village, town and city from now on.

That's a lot to hope for. They're too dumb to realise that the city won't lose face (or get bad publicity) and not repair the damage every time.
OP antheads  13 | 340  
11 Nov 2013 /  #8
tvp info says that the cops disapeared as soon as the fascists approached/attacked the squat for half an hour. Also that the russian embassy was left unguarded till the violence occured. Obviously a preplanned tactic to raise a climate of fear and allow the authorities and media to tar the whole march with the violent thugs brush. Though some people in the march seems to have done the goverments job by burning the rainbow.
jon357  72 | 23522  
11 Nov 2013 /  #9
tar the whole march with the violent thugs brush.

No need to tar anything - that's exactly what it's become.

Obviously a preplanned tactic

I doubt it.
11 Nov 2013 /  #10
The ******* morons just torched the rainbow on pl Hipstera. Oh, and attacked the Russian embassy. More from me tomorrow.

BTW, I was outside the Russian embassy today: it was far from unguarded. But then it is never unguarded. The only people who would claim here that it ever is are the same neo-Nazi apologist scum who have never worked for a minute of their lives to help Poland.
jon357  72 | 23522  
11 Nov 2013 /  #11
And the same ones who don't have to pay for all the repairs to pavements and other stonework. On Wilcza they smashed some 19th Century stuff.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
11 Nov 2013 /  #12
Though some people in the march seems to have done the goverments job by burning the rainbow.

They don't seem to realise the meaning of the term "own goal".

I'd be very surprised if they let the march go ahead next year after this - the police were obviously ready for them this year, but the general public want something done about them.

PiS were very wise to avoid Warsaw this year.
OP antheads  13 | 340  
12 Nov 2013 /  #13
yeah the pic with the burning rainbow and the polish flags was a really bad look reminded me of book burnings and nazi flags
jon357  72 | 23522  
12 Nov 2013 /  #14
Yes. A total own goal for the numpties who did it.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
12 Nov 2013 /  #15
It was remarkably stupid by all accounts - that picture will be all over the media throughout the world, and will give the authorities a perfect reason to ban the march next year.
jon357  72 | 23522  
12 Nov 2013 /  #16
And the pseudopatriots have upset people cleverer and better resourced than themselves - and most importantly with the law on their side. The moderate and normal majority will deal with it very effectively.
InWroclaw  89 | 1910  
12 Nov 2013 /  #17
Weren't the vast majority of marchers peaceful, just protesting about their standard of living or something like that? I'm not sure.

I agree it was completely wrong to damage things and burn the rainbows which from what I can gather were put there as some statement of the acknowledgement of gay rights or similar.

I am not a gay person (in fact I'm a grumpy person most of the time!).
jon357  72 | 23522  
12 Nov 2013 /  #18
Weren't the vast majority of marchers peaceful, just protesting about their standard of living or something like that?

No. They do it yearly to commemorate when Poland was given independence, however the hooligans have started attending to cause a scrap.

the rainbows which from what I can gather were put there as some statement of the acknowledgement of gay rights or similar.

Not according to the artist or the city council who organised it. Though even if it was, then so what?

You'll be pleased to know that the flowers have been replaced already.
sobieski  106 | 2111  
12 Nov 2013 /  #19
And the pseudopatriots have upset people cleverer and better resourced than themselves - and most importantly with the law on their side. The moderate and normal majority will deal with it very effectively.

Even more that the attack on the Russian embassy was in clear violation of the Vienna Agreements which guarantee that embassy grounds (and diplomatic personnel) are not part of the country they are in and cannot be trespassed. But then these morons cannot be suspected of having which basically look as an IQ.

Interesting though that - as far as I can see - PIS kept his distance from them these years...No declarations that the kibol scum were true patriots, separate demonstration a day before....Only TVTrwam was always poisonous.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
12 Nov 2013 /  #20
I agree it was completely wrong to damage things and burn the rainbows which from what I can gather were put there as some statement of the acknowledgement of gay rights or similar.

The rainbow, as has been repeated many times by authorities such as the city council and priests, stands for nothing in particular. One priest even reminded people that rainbows should remind us of Noah.

Interesting though that - as far as I can see - PIS kept his distance from them these years

Those with a keen interest in Polish politics can see that there is an emerging power battle on the right - Kaczynski managed to unite them all, but obviously he's now failing to keep them together.

What's interesting is that Smolensk doesn't feature in their narrative at all.
InWroclaw  89 | 1910  
12 Nov 2013 /  #21
Not according to the artist or the city council who organised it. Though even if it was, then so what?

Just out of interest, why did the rainbow become their target, then? I thought it was because they were anti gay rights


The rainbow, as has been repeated many times by authorities such as the city council and priests, stands for nothing in particular. One priest even reminded people that rainbows should remind us of Noah.

Ah, so just decoration? Seems odd that it drew their fire! These things are seldom just decorative though, surely. These rainbows must have some symbolic meaning, for now I will assume it's something like equality, although I was told they were a gay symbol and that's what irked some knuckle draggers.
rozumiemnic  8 | 3893  
12 Nov 2013 /  #22
the rainbow is a gay symbol has been for a long time, although not solely of course.
sobieski  106 | 2111  
12 Nov 2013 /  #23
What's interesting is that Smolensk doesn't feature in their narrative at all.

Could that because even if PIS they are starting to see Macieriwicz is completely nutters?
The fact that the right is starting to break up is good of course. I heard a few times from friends in journalist circles that Rydzyk is greatly irked by the support JK supposedly is giving to TV Republika (which is of course direct competition to his media group.

I was told they were a gay symbol and that's what irked some knuckle draggers.

The rainbow is used worldwide as a symbol for the gay movement.
jon357  72 | 23522  
12 Nov 2013 /  #24
Just out of interest, why did the rainbow become their target, then?

Because itàs a thing of beauty.

I thought it was because they were anti gay rights

Theyàre against all rights except their own. A bunch of very unhappy individuals.

Ah, so just decoration?

An art installation.

the rainbow is a gay symbol has been for a long time, although not solely of course.

The rainbow is used worldwide as a symbol for the gay movement.

No. you're confusing it with the rainbow flag - a different thing. Though I'd be very happy to see a large rainbow flag there instead - that would annoy the knuckle-draggers even more.
InWroclaw  89 | 1910  
12 Nov 2013 /  #25
The rainbow is used worldwide as a symbol for the gay movement.

Yes but it seems that, just as one of the other posters said, it was not supposed to be taken like that anyway, however. Personally, I have no problem with gay rights at all. Some religious forum members might put me on ignore (if it still existed) for saying that, I know.
sobieski  106 | 2111  
12 Nov 2013 /  #26
No. you're confusing it with the rainbow flag - a different thing.

Ah yes, of course you are right. In Warsaw it was meant to be a symbol of peace and tolerance. That is why is continuously burned down by far-right pond life. TVTrwam sees as the invasion of Satan himself. Our Labrador has a far higher IQ and tolerance as them.
jon357  72 | 23522  
12 Nov 2013 /  #27
BTW, I was outside the Russian embassy today: it was far from unguarded

As you can see from this picture.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
12 Nov 2013 /  #28
Our Labrador has a far higher IQ and tolerance as them.

I'm offended on behalf of your dog that you're comparing him/her to those pond life.
Mr Grunwald  33 | 2126  
12 Nov 2013 /  #29
I see it as a proof of a young generation being without leadership and good culture and nobody trying to FIX the problem, everybody just avoiding it by delegelizing it and trying to ignore it. Young people don't care about a strong state (PiS?) or dreamy rhetoric or cushing to rest of Europe (PO) it wants opportunities and jobs and a better life which neither seem to try to provide yet. Ignoring the problem won't help solving it. Especially in this forum most people are just patronizing...
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
12 Nov 2013 /  #30
it wants opportunities and jobs and a better life which neither seem to try to provide yet.

The ones marching in Warsaw don't care about jobs and a better life - they care about control over others.

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