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Is pro-opposition Open Dialogue Foundation a cover for Russian interests

jon357  72 | 23482  
4 Aug 2017 /  #61
One can only wonder why he's so keen to avoid a court debate on the issue.

Terrified that the evidence will be aired publicly. Which it will.
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275  
4 Aug 2017 /  #62
seems so taken by undereducated young men

There's a very apt saying that sums up mean-spirited types like you: Honi soit qui mal y pense!
mafketis  38 | 11127  
4 Aug 2017 /  #63
Honi soit qui mal y pense!

i'm not judging his attraction to these pudgy young men (to each their own!) but why does he have to give them jobs? is that payment for services.... rendered?
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275  
5 Aug 2017 /  #64
is that payment for services.... rendered?

You've been hanging around HB too much and his inclination to make salacious insinuations seems to have rubbed off.
mafketis  38 | 11127  
5 Aug 2017 /  #65
Again, I don't judge the interaction, older men... compensating younger people for their time and company, that's pretty banal and if the compensation were coming from his own pocket then more power to him. I just don't like my taxes paying for it, you might not care since you don't have a financial stake...
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275  
5 Aug 2017 /  #66
you don't have a financial stake

More Hairy-B*llocking? See, I was right. It rubs off. Trying out for LL2?
5 Aug 2017 /  #67
Besides, you claim the "PiSlamic" regime is not credible so maybe its ttnerior ministry was also wrong and botched the check on Open Dialoque.

The PiSlamic State is nothing more than a bunch of liars: just compare what they were saying before the election to what they have done since the election for proof of that. However, the unpoliticised parts of the Polish civil service do tend to be competent.

Of course, if you want to claim that the Interior Ministry was "wrong and botched the check", let's see some proof to support your claim. Or are you not going to bother with that, just as you have failed to bother providing any proof at all that the Open Dialogue Foundation ever held the arms licence you claim it had. The reality is that the licence held was for protective equipment, not arms, despite the lies you post here.

Macierewicz is a true jewel in PIS' crown.

Hilarious to see you claiming that now. Before the election, when the Party line was that Gowin would be Defence minister if PIS won the election, you were saying that "Macierewicz would best be retired, maybe Kaczyński too" (polishforums.com/news/poland-platforma-operatives-fallen-75032/10/#msg1501653) but now you're faithfully trotting out the Party's revised line, just as the Warsaw correspondent of the Podunk County Polish Pig Farmer's Gazette used to do for decades.

the gnawing fear eating all the ... others with a collaborationist PZPR and/or TW past.

Would that be the same gnawing fear which stops some of them from undergoing the police background check which would grant them a Polish passport and thus enable them to play an active role in Polish politics?
mafketis  38 | 11127  
5 Aug 2017 /  #68
More Hairy-B*llocking?

So... you do pay taxes in Poland?
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275  
5 Aug 2017 /  #69
bunch of liars:

You must be describing the PO liar trio of Tusk, Kopacz and Arabski who told Poles the Russians had performed the Smolensk post mortems with utmost professionalsim and handled the victims' remeains with great care and dignity. They also said the sealed coffins could not be opened in Poland. Now we know why. The Russian profesisonals scooped up whatever was at hand, body parts, mud, debris, ciagtrette butts, etc, and shovelledit into the coffins. Oen coffi n cotnained parts of 7 different corpses. Now the PO liars deny ever having said the coffins cojuldn't be opened in Poland but TV footage from 2010 shows them to be bald-faced liars. So you had plenty of company in PO. In fact, in those circles you might not even qualify for your coveted LL title. So you'd best stick to minor-league PF where you claim to fame remains undisputed.
5 Aug 2017 /  #70
You must be

Read my post: I was asking if you'd like to provide some proof to support your claims. You remember, the ones you made at the beginning of this thread about the Open Dialogue Foundation having a licence "to deal in armaments" and it being a cover for Russian interests. The same ones which were promptly and roundly laughed at. So far you've made wild claims and when evidence from the Polish government which shows that your claims are nothing more than lies, you just rant and rave and throw out off-topic trolling. Thank you for the entertainment, I'm looking forward to more and better later today as your VIP status increases.

TV footage from 2010 shows them to be bald-faced liars.

Just like the ones you used to work for during the commie era and like the ones you do unpaid work for now?
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275  
5 Aug 2017 /  #71
Open Dialogue Foundation ever held the arms licence

Too bad that after 30 years in Poland you never bothered to learn the lingo of the nation you so despise, because you could read this Wirtualna Polska news which was rerported by all the media:


P.S. What? No Belarus foray this weekend? Last week you were on an extended assignment, so I guess they gave you some time off.
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275  
5 Aug 2017 /  #72
pay taxes in Poland?

Who said I didn't? They even take a percentage of my SS which in the US is not even taxed. We both know the answer to that question: it was the diarrhoea of the mouth bloke, HB himself! Maybe you'll now start repeating the Hairy codswallop about hte Pig Farmers Gazette. Only a total fool would ever believe anything the PF's Liar Laureate or his dutifully parroting little disciple jon has to say.
5 Aug 2017 /  #73
Too bad

Too bad that you aren't bright enough to read the documents in the article you link to. I would draw your attention to the section of the permit which states what the permit covers. I posted in the eighth post in this thread the list of items (polishforums.com/news/pro-opposition-open-dialogue-foundation-cover-81807/#msg1605319) note how none of those items are arms or weapons and all of them are protective equipment only.

you never bothered to learn the lingo of the nation you so despise

You claim to speak Polish but you can't read a list of items of protective equipment without understanding that none of them are arms or weapons. Looks like somebody else has been writing the posts you post in the Polish-language thread.

P.S. What? No Belarus foray this weekend? Last week you were on an extended assignment, so I guess they gave you some time off.

Oh look, yet more off-topic ad hom trolling of precisely the type that Vicent claims gets people banned. How sad that that is all you can do in the hope that people will stop talking about you being caught lying yet again; the Warsaw correspondent of the Podunk County Polish Pig Farmer's Gazette never used to have that problem.
Vincent  8 | 800  
5 Aug 2017 /  #74
Oh look, yet more off-topic ad hom trolling of precisely the type that Vicent claims gets people banned.

I warned you before, don't bring my name up on threads in the public forums. These threads are about Poland and not about me! There are official in threads Feedback for slating moderators so don't use the public forums which are meant to be Poland related. This happened last week in on of your post on the main forums too which I overlooked. Take this as a final warning and don't rule out that I might give you a month out to refresh your memory sometime later today.
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275  
5 Aug 2017 /  #75

Documents, paperwork. official lists, statements, redtape...you seem to live in a world of paper fiction. Lenin got his subjects to believe jeśli stoi napisane, it must be true. In actuality, quite often official texts, lists and documents are so much window dressing to disguise the true aims of an undertaking. Licences are a good example. You get a licence to trade in thimbles or peanuts but once you've got a foothold in the marketplace and a scrap of paper to prove it, the sky's the limit. It is damn hard to trace every transaction of what was bought or sold and to whom. That's the real world, not your paper-fiction world.

off-topic ad hom trolling

You mean like "Podunk County Polish Pig Farmer's Gazette"?
You're lucky the mods are so lenient because you'd deserve a life-long ban. Almost evey time you post you you treat fellow-posters to your trademark diarrhoea of the mouth.
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275  
5 Aug 2017 /  #76
Language-skill deficiency, eh? After 30 years in the land you hate?! The link reads: open dialogue had a licence to trade in armaments - there are documents. Full stop. The fact that some scrap of paper listed only the more "innocent-sounding" ones proves absolutely nothing. That's how the world operates, be it VW or the CIA, iBM or CNN.
5 Aug 2017 /  #77
The fact that some scrap of paper listed only the more "innocent-sounding" ones proves absolutely nothing.

You're so amusing when you know you've been shown to be making things up. The scrap of paper you refer to is the permit. The permit says what the Foundation can deal in. The Foundation do not have a permit to deal weapons. The Foundation have a permit to deal in protective equipment. No matter how many times you rant, rave, go off-topic or post ad hom trolling, the Foundation will not have had a permit to deal weapons, the Foundation will have only had a permit to deal in protective equipment. No matter what you hear on Radio Maybach.

Language-skill deficiency, eh?

Given that you claim to speak fluently the language of the nation you refuse to belong, perhaps you could read this list and point out the weapons on it?

WT XII. Sprzęt i konstrukcje opancerzone i ochronne oraz komponenty 1. Płyty opancerzone: 1) wyprodukowane według norm wojskowych oraz wojskowych lub policyjnych warunków technicz nych, 2) odpowiednie do użytkowania wojskowego lub po- licyjnego. 3. Het my wojskowe i policyjne, ochraniacze twarzy, kończyn i innych części ciata, z wytaczeniem konwen- cjonalnych hetmów stalowych niewyposażonych w żadnego typu akcesoria ani niezmodyfikowanych czy zaprojektowanych do zamontowania takich urzą- dzeń. 4. Pancerze osobiste, kamizelki odtamkoodporne i kuloodporne. WT XIV. Wyroby nieujęte w WT HXIII, a posiadające przeznaczenie wojskowe lub policyjne 12. Odzież ochronna do ochrony przed materiałami objętymi WT l niniejszego zatacznika i ich komponen- tami oraz urządzenia filtrowentylacyjne do filtrowania w warunkach skażenia jądrowego, biologicznego lub chemicznego.

That is the list of everything covered by the permit held by the Open Dialogue Foundation. Show us which weapons they had permits to buy, sell and possess.
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275  
5 Aug 2017 /  #78
read this list and point out the weapons

That's the showcase list for the general public. They may be dealing in weapons, drugs, ivory, radioactive substances or engaging in human trafficking, the sky's the limit. You have this weird Lenin-like fetish (Lenin didn't have it but used it on the gullble sucker masses like you!) -- if it's written, it must be true. Time to rise above Leninist platitudes and join the real world!
jon357  72 | 23482  
5 Aug 2017 /  #79
They may be dealing in weapons, drugs, ivory, radioactive substances or engaging in human trafficking,

Rubbish. You 'may' be too, and that would be far more believable.
6 Aug 2017 /  #80
That's the showcase list for the general public.

No, that's the list of what the Foundation can legally buy and sell. If they were to buy or sell even a single bullet, they would be breaking Polish law, as their permit only covers the protective equipment listed on their permit.

They may be dealing in weapons, drugs, ivory, radioactive substances or engaging in human trafficking, the sky's the limit.

You mean they may have been doing that in the same hypothetical way that a certain somebody may have been a communist collaborator? Well, the Foundation recently went through a thorough check by the relevant authorities and absolutely nothing was found to even suggest they were doing what you claim, which is a sharp contrast to the way a certain somebody so greatly fears a police background check.

You 'may' be too, and that would be far more believable.

Perhaps Polly should go through the same sort of checks that the Foundation recently went through?
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275  
6 Aug 2017 /  #81
If they were to buy or sell even a single bullet

You mean officially, of course. NGO status is often carte blanche for various undeclared ulterior goals and purposes. Soros' numerous NGOs all declare lofty, high-sounding objectives, and yet he and his unsavoury crew have persona non grata status in more than one place on earth. It appears there will always be fools fascinated and mesmerised by rubber stamps, plastic cards, OKs, paperwork and assorted redtape that often disguise the true purpose and actual activities of many an operation. Re clandestine operations, including one poster's regular Belarusian forays, it is the absence of paperwork, ID cards, etc. that is significant.
jon357  72 | 23482  
6 Aug 2017 /  #82
he Foundation recently went through a thorough check by the relevant authorities and absolutely nothing was found to even suggest they were doing what you claim

Quite. They're's about as respectable as any organisation can get - everything they do is absolutely transparent. So Po, sadly for him, just makes up nonsense to malign them.
6 Aug 2017 /  #83
You mean officially, of course.

I mean legally. Do you have any proof that the Open Dialogue Foundation did anything at all illegal? They were inspected by the Polish government last year and it was found that everything they had done was completely legal. When was the legality of your actions last inspected?

Soros' numerous NGOs all declare lofty, high-sounding objectives, and yet he and his unsavoury crew have persona non grata status in more than one place on earth.

I'm sure that they wouldn't have been at all welcome in Poland during the dark days of communism, and neither would the Open Dialogue Foundation. Of course some foreigners were welcome to Poland with open arms during that time. Perhaps you could explain why?

So Po, sadly for him, just makes up nonsense to malign them.

What's that saying about old habits dying hard?
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275  
6 Aug 2017 /  #84
were inspected by the Polish government

You forgot to add the Polish government you depise, disavow, discredit and malign in every way possible. If you are right that they are inept, dodgy and unconstittional, then why are you all of a sudden backtracking and hailing the decision one of their 3rd-rate underlings made?
6 Aug 2017 /  #85
If you are right that they are inept, dodgy and unconstittional

Those are the politicians and the political appointees, the permanent civil service are much much better (largely because they are appointed and promoted on the basis of ability rather than personal loyalty to First Secretary Kaczynski).

Anyway, back to the point: do you have any evidence at all that the Open Dialogue Foundation has carried out any illegal activities or is this just another EU-planning-to-forcibly-microchip-Polish-babies situation? The kind which exists in your mind and not in reality.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
6 Aug 2017 /  #86
Of course some foreigners were welcome to Poland with open arms during that time. Perhaps you could explain why

Timothy Garton-Ash recounts being told to leave Poland within 48 hours in his excellent book about Solidarność, and mentions how other Western journalists were told the same.
7 Aug 2017 /  #87
Yes, but he was no friend of the Commie regime, just as the Open Dialogue Foundation is not a friend of authoritarian regimes such as the 18% regime. In the same way that other people who wrote about Poland in foreign media were very friendly to the Commie regime and so were given what they needed, NGOs which are friendly to the 18% regime, such as the NGO empire of 'Father' Rydzyk, are allowed to do what they want and given taxpayers' money
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275  
8 Aug 2017 /  #88
will be answering for their crimes.

No-one has more answering to do than the PO scamster party. After Balcerowicz got through with the economy there wasn't much left but PO still wanted to sell LOT to the Turks and Lotos to the Russians. The latter was stopped by PiS' petition drive backed by Radio Maryja, and thank God for that. PO have yet to answer for the body mixup, the OFE heist, the PO regime's failure to prevent large-scale VAT theft, not to mention the Ambergold scam and the theft of Warsaw's ex-Jewish property. A truly unsavoury and scummy crew, they are!
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275  
9 Aug 2017 /  #89
Open Dialogue Foundation did anything at all illegal

Is calling for the country's paralysis and the overthrow of the government legal? Or giving step by step instructions including setting up goon squads, switching off the government's and president's power, having judges refuse to hear cases, calling a general strike, urging uniformed services to betray their country....? Kramek put that on Facebook for all to see.
9 Aug 2017 /  #90
No-one has more answering to do than the PO scamster party.

The 18% regime has been in power for nearly two years, how many former members of the PO have been convicted of committing any of the crimes you claim they committed in governing? How many have been charged? Isn't the truth that their crimes only exist in the same way that invisible attack dogs and babies forcibly chipped by the EU exist, i.e. only in your imagination and not in reality? Or have you parroted so many of the Party's lies over the years that you no longer even know what truth is?

Is calling for the country's paralysis and the overthrow of the government legal?

When the government in question is ignoring fundament Polish law, it is not only legal but mandatory. Or at least it is for those for favour rule of law over the rule of the Party in the form of First Secretary Kaczynski.

Are you ever going to provide any evidence to support your laughable claims that the Open Dialogue Foundation has been dealing arms?

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