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Potheads attack police in Warsaw

Sokrates  8 | 3335  
31 May 2010 /  #31
You can get 2 years for one joint in Poland, about the same as for rape. This needs to change and there is legislation coming to change that nonsense.

True, we all know rape doesnt happen since women ask for it all the time while joints stink so focking bad people who smoke them need to be shot in front of their newborn babies.

pot smokers are non violent..

Dont care, pot stinks like socks, when i was in Canada entire towns smelled like sh*t, if you dont like pot life becomes bloody hell with all the stench.
TransAtlantyk  - | 19  
31 May 2010 /  #32
You are overreacting to a ridiculous degree when you say entire towns stink like reefer. What are they doing, burning piles upon piles of marijuana in the town square?

Don't like pot? Don't smoke it.
Like pot? Smoke it.

It really is that simple.
A J  4 | 1075  
31 May 2010 /  #33
You are overreacting to a ridiculous degree when you say entire towns stink like reefer.

I agree. In Holland, it's perfectly legal to smoke it, and guess what? Only a few people actually smoke it. I live in a town with 20.000 people, and we have one small Coffeeshop. I think they have maybe a few hundred customers at best! Suffice it to say, my town doesn't smell (Or stink, depends on how you feel about it I guess!) like reefer at all. Believe it or not, but we actually enjoy our fresh air here!

richasis  1 | 409  
31 May 2010 /  #34
In Holland, it's perfectly legal to smoke it, and guess what? Only a few people actually smoke it.

And, if I'm not mistaken, the vast majority of 'Tokers' (like myself) are tourists.
ZIMMY  6 | 1601  
31 May 2010 /  #35
Strange; this thread reeks of a strange sweet leafy odor. ... and there's that Bob Marley music in the background.........
plk123  8 | 4120  
31 May 2010 /  #36
Dont care, pot stinks like socks, when i was in Canada entire towns smelled like sh*t, if you dont like pot life becomes bloody hell with all the stench.

it couldn't have been as they don't smoke bunk up there.

besides, drunks reak worse and so the alleys that they **** all over after having too many brewskis.

It really is that simple.

too simple to some.. many like to tell others how to live and then they themselves get caught with their hand in the cookie jar.

I think they have maybe a few hundred customers at best!

and most aren't even locals..

and there's that Bob Marley music in the background.........

i think those are banjos you are hearing mate. lol
Nieznajomy  - | 11  
31 May 2010 /  #37
Considering just how many alcoholics and violent drunken thugs there are here, it's amusing that people get their panties in a bunch over something as relatively benign as pot.

The sweet, pungent aroma of weed is certainly more pleasant than the malodorous fetid waft emanating from the average drunk or the delightful stench of body odour cultivated in a fake Adidas track suit.

Plenty of folks grow and enjoy it here, too. They're just discreet about it.
TransAtlantyk  - | 19  
31 May 2010 /  #38
the delightful stench of body odour cultivated in a fake Adidas track suit.

Shakespeare has nothing on you. I mean it! That was brilliant! I can completely picture the exact kind of person you are trying to describe. Thanks for the laugh!
milky  13 | 1656  
31 May 2010 /  #39
I agree poetry at its best
dcchris  8 | 432  
31 May 2010 /  #40
actually legalization is happening in the most progressive of states only

Here's the list that I found.
Past and present attempts to decriminalize cannabis by state
*Alaska, Arizona, California, Colorado, Massachusetts, Michigan, Nevada, New Hampshire,
Oregon. I really wouldn't consider Alaska, Arizona, Colorado, and Nevada progressive states. Would you? And a guy told me today that there were 5000 people at the rally.

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