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Polish Policeman shoots down a foreigner in Warsaw

SouthMancPolak  - | 102  
25 May 2010 /  #271
Look at certain estates in London where there's gang war between different african immigrants

But that can't be possible, blacks are all "brothers"! ;)

And to imply that all Africans carry guns is just preposterous. It's the same nonsense as when I would say that all Poles are drunk, uneducated rapists only good for picking fruit.

Unfortunately, there's a lot of truth in the "drunk Pole" stereotype :)

Few people would be stupid enough to suggest that all Africans carry guns, but we (Poles) have been over here for 70 years with virtually no Polish crime problem until recently, and yet there is still NO sign of an "Operation xxxx" to deal with "Gun Crime in the Polish community". We also came from (and moved into) poverty, but we were taught to just get on with life and work hard to get out of poverty. Others could learn from our example.

But the rise in Polish crime is what happens when you start bringing over a country's worst, and that's what's happened since 2004. Unemployable and uneducated in Poland, unemployable and uneducated in the UK - just claiming more benefits!

Additionally, few people would be naive enough to suggest that gun crime is only a black thing, but it is certainly true to say that there is lots of glorification of guns in black culture. I've been to a lot of clubs/raves/festivals etc and I've seen a lot of bands/artists/DJs etc. WITHOUT EXCEPTION, there is only one group of people I've ever heard chatting about how they want to "cap" someone, who brag about the guns they carry, who wear gold Uzis around their necks, who actually carry guns onstage or in the crowd, or think it's cool to wear one of those "Longsight M13" t-shirts with the dead body outlined on the ground to show how "ghetto" their area is. No prizes for guessing who they are.

I'm sure that you or someone else will say "but what about Clint Eastwood and John Wayne?". Well, the difference is, I've never heard of anyone getting shot by a John Wayne or Clint Eastwood fan in places I've lived in the past, but I've heard of plenty of guns fired by fans of "urban" music!
Epicurus  - | 30  
25 May 2010 /  #272
This fill-in-the-blank comparison does not work as an attempt to show how my claim is in absurd because we can make legitimate claims by filling in the blanks. If you believe nationality labels do not mean anything or that they do not reflect any fundamental human differences then you're begging the question.

It's odd how those who promote "diversity" end up loosing their fish, geese and swans from the rivers and lakes, have Polish drunk drivers causing accidents,

You've got some non-sequitur issues here.

You think your post shows my statement to be ridiculous only because you believe your fill-in-the-blank mirroring of my claim is ridiculous. Your error is that your example is not ridiculous. Again, you can make legitimate claims by filling in your blanks.

Get a life, you little frusto.

Here you throw an ad hominem and attempt to delegitimize my view with the claim that I'm frustrated and have no life. Of course, even if I am frustrated and had no life that is not a valid reason to argue against what I say. But you would have to be educated about logical reasoning to understand that. So I don't blame you for saying it.
richasis  1 | 409  
25 May 2010 /  #273
The woman doesn't look very happy, maybe at that moment she realizes that marrying an ugly 3rd world criminal and producing mulatto kids weren't her best choices in life.

It's probably much more than "at that moment". I see it all the time here in USA. The men strut their stuff in the most up-to-date fashion-wear:

designer suits, gold jewelry, diamond piercings and Air-Jordans. The wives, meanwhile, have to look their part as conservative "baby-mammas".
Epicurus  - | 30  
25 May 2010 /  #274
Unfortunately, there's a lot of truth in the "drunk Pole" stereotype :)

The internet is filled with individuals who respond to claims of "(human group) is/are (adjective)" with "Not all of them!". I call these people the "Not all of them police".

Claims about human groups are probabilistic and therefore do not require a disclaimer of "I'm about to make a claim about so-and-so human group, but please keep in mind that I understand this claim does not apply to all humans in that group."

The "Not all of them police" don't comprehend that it's the differences in probability distribution coupled with comparisons that underlie all claims about human groups.
rychlik  41 | 372  
25 May 2010 /  #275
She was not a heffer. Cute actually. But the man must've done something to get shot.
Amathyst  19 | 2700  
25 May 2010 /  #276
but we (Poles) have been over here for 70 years with virtually no Polish crime problem until recently.

Same with the Italian communities who have been here for about 200 years, in a lot of cases they improved poverty stricken districts (little Italy in North Manchester?)

Additionally, few people would be naive enough to suggest that gun crime is only a black thing

No guessing who have carried out all of the guns crime in South Manchester over the past goodness knows how many years..Im also aware of gun crime amongst whites, its not on the same level though. Another driveby this weekend to add to the numbers! I certainly not naive either, Lock Stock and Two Smoking Barrels wasnt a fairy tale :D
DariuszTelka  5 | 193  
25 May 2010 /  #277
She was not a heffer. Cute actually. But the man must've done something to get shot.

He sold drugs. It's my outrageous claim.

By the way, how can a normal and educated woman in Poland, who knows how hard life can be, marry a african? For all you "racist" mongers out there, I'm serious, nobody chooses the hardest way to live a life. The obstacles by marrying a black person IN POLAND are too many to even mention. In Norway, you can get away with it, since the africans easily can get jobs, and the welfare money is good. I guess love makes blind. It can't be propaganda, like we have here in the west, she is too old to look at those magazines and watch MTV to get brainwashed.

And after how many years in Poland, her nigerian husband was still sitting in some underground station, with a cardboard as a table on the concrete floor, selling counterfeit shoes and shirts? How do you even feed yourself with that income? Let alone THREE KIDS and a wife? (clue: drugs).

That's why he ran. That's why he was desperate and that's why he in the end god shot. He knew it was either get away or go to polish prison for 8 years, and even risking getting sent out at the end.

SouthMancPolak  - | 102  
25 May 2010 /  #278
Same with the Italian communities who have been here for about 200 years, in a lot of cases they improved poverty stricken districts (little Italy in North Manchester?)

Oh, absolutely, but the Italian kids at my school still got called "Mafia Man", lol :)

Lock Stock and Two Smoking Barrels wasnt a fairy tale :D

They were right about Scousers though :D
SeanBM  34 | 5786  
25 May 2010 /  #279
So do all the Poles in virtually every town all over Poland doing something similar also sell drugs or are you saying that they have to be black to enter in to that particular profession?
richasis  1 | 409  
25 May 2010 /  #280
And what is culture an issue of ?

I should have said 'behavioral issue' as I had before on PF.

That said, I think criminal behavior breeds criminal culture.
A J  4 | 1075  
25 May 2010 /  #281
I stayed out of this debate as long as I could.

Why? We all know you were dying to say something about black people.

I know that I am not equal to you university educated youngsters.

I did not attend university either. You should know that lacking education doesn't always mean a lack of intellectual capacities.

I am 85 yrs old and my parents were Polish Immigrants..


I keep seeing in here that there were statement made that poverty breeds crime. Bull Schidt!

It's been studied worldwide, by thousands of people, and all of these people came up with the same conclusions. Poverty is a relative concept. If I'm poor here, I'm still rich compared to someone in a third-world country, but being poor here is more of an exception, while being poor in a third-world country is more common. Being poor while you're surrounded by wealthy people means social isolation, which more often than not causes frustration and anger.

My parents along with all of the other Immigrants were dirt poor. This is true with all the other nationalities.

There's the reason. They weren't the exception, because back then a lot of people were poor. Do you know this saying? A shared burden is half the burden. It's true! It's much easier to accept your situation if you're not the exception to the rule, or when people of your group aren't the exception to the rule.

There was no crime.

I guess it's my time to say this is nonsense. For aslong as human societies have existed, crimes have been committed. America hasn't been called the Wild West for nothing you know. Infact, the first immigrants committed the biggest crimes of all. One of these crimes being genocide on the native population.

People worked hard and did without.. There was no welfare.. Everybody pulled his own weight.

They did, and like I've said previously, poverty among the populace was way more common than it is now. People weren't the outcast, or the exception if they were poor in those days. The feeling of being neglected, being treated unfairly, not being treated as an equal and the feeling of not being able to participate in society, that's the whole core of the issue here.

After two World wars, America grew into a mighty nation on the backs of Immigrants.

The very same immigrants who never had any of their priviledges, and who have never enjoyed any benefits of the growing economy. (So it really doesn't surprise me that there's some bad blood there!)

Today America is loaded with wealthy 1st and 2nd generation nationalities.. We were taught to be frugal by our parents.

Yes, and black people were taught not to socialize with white people, not to sit where white people should sit in the bus. (Even if the seat was empty.) or even visit any white people's establishments. And so on. If you're 85, then you know there was still segregation in America after the second world war.

Now, the real reason why some people do not want to admit that poverty breeds crime is because such people need an excuse to blame the ones they're treating unfairly, so that it seems justifiable. This whole subject has been studied intensively worldwide, and it's been proven. Get over it. Your magic trick doesn't work anymore. People don't commit more crimes just because they're black. People commit more crimes when they're poor. You can deny this all you want, but you can also look at statistics. Poor people commit way more crimes than people who are wealthy. None of your theories and none of your comments can disprove this simple fact of life.

Now, why do black people procentually commit more crimes than white people? Because they're black? Why do Polish people procentually commit more crimes than Dutch people? Because they're Slavic? No. Because they're poor and frustrated. It's not a mystery that black people are the poorest ethnicity in America. (Together with illegal immigrants.)

Go ahead, deny it. I know some of you will try to blame criminal behaviour on the culture of black people again, but the truth is that these people don't have a culture. It was taken away from them over all of those years of slavery when they weren't allowed to have a culture. These people actually lost their culture. I know that some of you will also deny the simple fact that Polish people commit more crimes than Dutch people again, a fact which some of you guys have proven yourself by posting the FORUM report. Again, I'm not using the Polish/Dutch thing to insult the Polish, but I'm merely using these figures to prove that poverty breeds crime.

To explain the whole problem in one simple sentence: When you have a group of people who have much more than they actually need, and another group of people who simply don't have enough, you'll see that's going to cause conflicts and problems between those groups.

kondzior  11 | 1037  
25 May 2010 /  #282
Is it the first sign of incoming black crime's avalanche in Poland?
Will it be remembered as the end of some era, start of something new to us?

If so, it is somewhat good prognosis that Polish cop killed black criminal, not the other way around. It seems to suggest that this future battle do not have to be lost. We will prevail!
richasis  1 | 409  
25 May 2010 /  #283
Why? We all know you were dying to say something about black people.

Yes, and opposing viewpoints will not be tolerated here.

I did not attend university either.

This is unfortunate. But it also explains your apologist nature. Four years of multiculturally-enhanced, revisionist education may have served you well.


You could show some deference to an elder.

Poverty is a relative concept.

This is true and your points valid. Still, knowing this...

Being poor while you're surrounded by wealthy people means social isolation, which more often than not causes frustration and anger.

why invite those who are already predisposed to inherent poverty and crime (and resultant resentment) into your country?

It's much easier to accept your situation if you're not the exception to the rule

Right. Which is the exact the reason why you don't allow 'the exceptions' into your country.

I guess it's my time to say this is nonsense.

Agreed. Why stop now?

The feeling of being neglected, being treated unfairly, not being treated as an equal and the feeling of not being able to participate in society, that's the whole core of the issue here.

Bingo. That's why these people who might have their feelings hurt are better off home. Be a good liberal: spare their feelings.

The very same immigrants who never had any of their priviledges

Because the libtards thought it better to give away the fruits of the labor of generations past to illegal parasites leeching off Welfare.

Poor people commit way more crimes than people who are wealthy.

Right. Because poor people are less inclined to work toward 'wealth'. More leisure time on welfare equals more time for illicit activities.

None of your theories and none of your comments can disprove this simple fact of life.

Thank you. I could not have said it better myself.

but the truth is that these people don't have a culture.

This comment on its face would have you hurt if said in the 'culturally-enhanced' areas of most countries.

When you have a group of people who have much more than they actually need, and another group of people who simply don't have enough, you'll see that's going to cause conflicts and problems between those groups.

Exactly. So leave those who, by your admission, are predisposed to poverty and crime where they best belong: in the relative wealth of their countries. They'll be much happier there. And, at the same time, we'll be able to avoid the inconveniences of "conflicts and problems" that are sure to manifest.
Trevek  25 | 1699  
25 May 2010 /  #284
i know there re other places he could have shot e.g in the leg to stop the assault.

Apparently he was shot in the leg. Police sources suggest he could have been saved by rioting prevented prompt medical action.


A J  4 | 1075  
25 May 2010 /  #285
All so-called "poor" blacks and arabs in Netherlands i've seen own at least a flat, a car, expensive clothes, jewelry and a playstation.

That's because those people you've seen have been working.

All because of the high welfare benefits

You don't know much about Holland, do you? You can only recieve an unemployement security here for three months, which will be 75% of your last earned salary. After that, you'll recieve benefits, which are listed below:

Benefits in Holland for 2010.

Younger than 21: Single: 213 € a month. (The cheapest flat you'll find in Holland is going to be more expensive than that.) Married: 426 € a month. Married couple with one person older than 21: 830 € a month. Single parent: 460 € a month.

Older than 21: Single: 617 € a month. Married: 1234 € a month. Single parent: 863 € a month.

This may seem much to Polish people, but you should know that the average rent in Holland is:


600 €.

they get for sitting on their lazy a##es and pretending they can't get a job because of "discrimination" by employers (as if there can even exist significant discrimination in an extremely politically correct country like the Netherlands that severly punishes any employer who's only vaguely suspected of having ever refused 1 coloured person).

They only get severly punished if it gets proven, but a lot of employers use an awful lot of smart excuses to refuse someone.

CBS Statline Statistics in a report about discrimination.

Scroll down, and have a look at all the statistics in this report. The first graphic you'll see deals with people of all ethnicities who are working. (The word Autochtoon means Dutch nationality, and I'm sure you can figure out the rest of the ethnicities by yourself, because Dutch doesn't differ that much from English really!) The purple bars represent women, and the bordeaux red bars represent men. The second graphic deals with unemployment. Same story there!

Shame on you that you giving these lazy welfare-diggers excuses to rob and rape people because of their "poverrty".

I'm not giving anyone excuses. I'm only presenting factual information from the most reliable sources in Holland, while you're the one who's spreading lies and falsehoods, and you're the one who makes uneducated comments about poverty-related issues, and you're the one who can't prove anything of what you claim, simply because you're lying. Have a nice day.


Exactly. So leave those who, by your admission, are predisposed to poverty and crime where they best belong: in the relative wealth of their countries.

I would rather support aiding and rebuilding programs myself, but unfortunately our right-winged and conservative Christian parties seem to like their cheap labour a little too much, and this includes Geert Wilders. Geert Wilders claims to oppose mass-immigration, but he obviously supports mass-immigration from within the EU. (No wonder, because he has an Hungarian wife!)

Go ahead and blame the Social-Liberals in Holland for this mess, because we never participated in any government. (So who's the libtard here?) Meaning the rest of the corrupt clubs keep us out, including your precious right-winged conservatives. It'll change eventually though, because you can't keep lying forever!

They'll be much happier there. And, at the same time, we'll be able to avoid the inconveniences of "conflicts and problems" that are sure to manifest.

You can tell the exact same to all the Polish immigrants then, because they obviously commit more crimes than some black minorities here. Because no one here ever mentioned anything about people from Indonesia or Surinam, which were former colonies of Holland aswell. These groups even have lower crime rates than the Dutch. Anyway, enough about my country. I think I've proven my point here.

You could show some deference to an elder.

Not if I think he's a closet-racist, because I don't have respect for closet-racists.

kondzior  11 | 1037  
26 May 2010 /  #286
AJ, are you some sort of commie?
Being poor do not mean you have to turn up as criminal.
I, for one, was born as close to poverty as possible in Poland. I was destined to care for someone else's sheep, pasturing them in the mountains. Just as my father and grandfather did.

Dont just whine about unfair treatment. Think of your perpectives, grind your teeth, say to yourself "No way in hell!" (Nie ma, kur*wa, mowy!)and work for years to get out of this sh*it. Poverty is not an excuse.

If you start killing people or selling drugs, whatever your background is, it is your fault, not the one of the society.
richasis  1 | 409  
26 May 2010 /  #287
So who's the libtard here?

The District of Columbia

You can tell the exact same to all the Polish immigrants then

Yes, if that is the case, then so be it...OFF they go.

Not if I think he's a closet-racist

Okay, but still, even so... :)
Epicurus  - | 30  
26 May 2010 /  #288
I should have said 'behavioral issue' as I had before on PF.

That said, I think criminal behavior breeds criminal culture.

And where does behavior come from?
MareGaea  29 | 2751  
26 May 2010 /  #289
Parents, bad friends, all sorts of external influences, which could happen to any kid.


M-G (tiens)
Epicurus  - | 30  
26 May 2010 /  #290
Now, the real reason why some people do not want to admit that poverty breeds crime is because such people need an excuse to blame the ones they're treating unfairly, so that it seems justifiable.

Poverty is an excuse to avoid the reality of the genetic component. Humans are an evolving animal and you mistakenly assume that all self awareness in humans is equal. There are degrees of self awareness, some such that even those who are deprived of food and shelter will still not commit crime. To say poverty breeds crime is to make an indirect claim about the genetic awareness level of the human beings one is discussing.

This whole subject has been studied intensively worldwide, and it's been proven. Get over it. Your magic trick doesn't work anymore. People don't commit more crimes just because they're black.

Again, it would help you to comprehend humans as a biological organism. Black refers to race, which is a genetic classification of certain humans. The claims are that certain genetics create higher propensity for behavior which is characterized as crime.

"The best environment can't help the worst genetics and the worst environment can't stop the best genetics - we can see this everyday" - Kazimierz Dabrowski

People commit more crimes when they're poor. You can deny this all you want, but you can also look at statistics. Poor people commit way more crimes than people who are wealthy. None of your theories and none of your comments can disprove this simple fact of life.

You're not making any comparisons here. It appears you're using the word "people" to refer to humans overall. Without comparing different genetic groups your claim is fairly moot.
A J  4 | 1075  
26 May 2010 /  #291
AJ, are you some sort of commie?

No, I'm not, and I think I've told people a dozen times by now that I'm a Social-Liberal. (Or a Liberal-Socialist if you will!)

Being poor do not mean you have to turn up as criminal.

I never said that. I'm just trying to make it crystal clear that poor people resort to crime much more often than people who are wealthy enough to keep themselves out of trouble, regardless of what nationality or ethnicity they belong to.

I, for one, was born as close to poverty as possible in Poland. I was destined to care for someone else's sheep, pasturing them in the mountains. Just as my father and grandfather did.

I guess I'll be waiting for the happy ending?

Dont just whine about unfair treatment.

I'm not whining. I'm trying to make people aware of the fact that there are mutual benefits to banning poverty. Cheap labour might seem beneficial at first, but the less you're going to pay your working class, the less they'll be spending in your stores. A four year old could figure it out really.

Think of your perpectives, grind your teeth, say to yourself "No way in hell!" (Nie ma, kur*wa, mowy!)and work for years to get out of this sh*it.

Nie ma sprawy.

Poverty is not an excuse.

Again, I'm not saying that it is. It's just a fact of life that poverty leads to many problems in society. Corrupt leadership is no excuse either, and frauds and employers who break the law are criminals aswell. I'm not a Communist for pointing that out, am I?

If you start killing people or selling drugs, whatever your background is, it is your fault, not the one of the society.

The fault of society would be that some people aren't exactly willing to acknowledge that poverty is a problem that we as a society should have solved ages ago. If society isn't going to do anything about poverty, then its people really shouldn't be surprised to see more anger and more violence in the not-distant-future.

I'll give you an example: We have a few politicians here who claim that it's necessary to lower benefits. To decrease minimum wage. To increase the rent. We have an upper class here who's responsible for this crisis. Who's paying for this crisis? The single mother who doesn't have a husband and who already can't give her children what they need, and not the bank manager who earns millions a year, who's completely responsible for this whole crisis. So who's the scum here? Who's immoral? Who's deliberately throwing people out of their homes now? Who's making people desperate enough to commit crimes? I'm not even going to get into another argument about fault, because to me it's too damn obvious already..

PlasticPole  7 | 2641  
26 May 2010 /  #292
Oh good grief! A cop shoots a guy who happens to be black and look at this long thread about it. Cops shoot people every day.
pgtx  29 | 3094  
26 May 2010 /  #293
Oh good grief! A cop shoots a guy who happens to be black and look at this long thread about it.

it's somehow special... because there are no blacks left in PL after this incident...
richasis  1 | 409  
26 May 2010 /  #294
I guess I'll be waiting for the happy ending?

Why the condescension? Isn't this the kind of person who emigrates to find a better life? Or stays put, determined to make a better life?

I, for one, would hope that happy ending for anyone with the fortitude to endure - this, unlike those who only seek what is 'owed' them.
Epicurus  - | 30  
26 May 2010 /  #295
And what dictates the behavior of the parents and bad friends?
zuczek  3 | 52  
26 May 2010 /  #296
I looked into it and the Polish police do NOT have a policy to shoot to wound first. There was such a thing decades ago but hasn't been in effect for a very long time.
southern  73 | 7059  
26 May 2010 /  #297
Blacks can never be assimilated because of culture.It is like the gypsy problem.They are like free birds in the cage.What annoys me is how the ''freedom loving'' polish women fall for them and for weird persons aka Arabs instead of simply succumbing themselves to dominant balkan power.
1jola  14 | 1875  
26 May 2010 /  #298
I looked into it and the Polish police do NOT have a policy to shoot to wound first. There was such a thing decades ago but hasn't been in effect for a very long time.

What policy do they have, since you looked into it.? How did you look into it?
richasis  1 | 409  
26 May 2010 /  #299
I looked into it and the Polish police do NOT have a policy to shoot to wound first.

As it should be. There is no such limitation placed upon the criminal.
free_ones  - | 19  
26 May 2010 /  #300
it's somehow special... because there are no blacks left in PL after this incident...

Hopefully you are right :D

[quote=A J]Such compassion coming from a guy who obviously doesn't want honest and hard working people to earn a few Euros (Or Dollars!)

Sorry, It is not accurate decryption of Africans ... I will help you out. I could say: Horrible lazy, annoying you on the porpoise thief criminals without education. Rapes, murderers. They even walk in their jobs so slow only to pissed off their employer. When they cross street in not appropriate place they stop in the middle and they chat, again to annoy you. You employ them, they don't do nothing at all. Deep inside they hate white people so bad that you cannot even imagine it. Two years study with them at UNI London. Every single time I was doing group project with them they produce 2 pages out of 40. Lazy bastards. They always find silly excuses.

Everything above based on 5 years experience with them. Of course one on 100 is ok. It is not enough to let them to my country. GET LOST we don't want you.

Archives - 2010-2019 / News / Polish Policeman shoots down a foreigner in WarsawArchived