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Poles in EU structrues are traitors?

Polonius3  980 | 12276  
23 Jul 2013 /  #1
Foreign Sec. of Poland Radosław Sikorski said in an interview that any Polish politician who sets his sights on a top EU post is regarded as a traitor even before he becomes an official candidate. Abotu such a one it is generally said he is pushing for a good place at the trough. He said other countries (eg Norway) have state candidates for top EU posts.

Do you agree with Sikorski's assessment of Poles? Is it a national trait in your view?
23 Jul 2013 /  #2
Do you agree with Sikorski's assessment of Poles

Some Poles are indeed stupid enough to consider people who work in the EU traitors. All nations have their morons, Poland is no exception. The difference is that here in Poland there is a political party specially for those morons and there is media (Radio Maryja, TV Trwam and Nasz Dziennik) which attempts to exploit the ignorance of PiS voters.

Is it a national trait in your view?

No. But while we're talking about being traitors, Poles have a habit of not being traitors and hating traitors but of quickly forgiving traitors. Polonians have a very strong tendency to be exactly the reverse.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
23 Jul 2013 /  #3
No. But while we're talking about being traitors, Poles have a habit of not being traitors and hating traitors but of quickly forgiving traitors. Polonians have a very strong tendency to be exactly the reverse.

In other words, Poles are much closer to Christianity than the Polonia.
23 Jul 2013 /  #4
Do you agree with Sikorski's assessment of Poles? Is it a national trait in your view?

He said "In Poland (...) you are considered as a traitor." He didn't say "Poles" or "all Poles" and we heard enouh intervievs either with PIS members or Ziobro or Jurek parties members to know that he didn't exaggerated much. Not to mention internet populistic rigt wing forums.
23 Jul 2013 /  #5
He said "In Poland (...) you are considered as a traitor." He didn't say "Poles" or "all Poles"

Are you sure about that Peter? It is impossible that what you say is true and what Polo says is also true; surely it cannot be that Polo is being less than entirely truthful about a member of PO?!

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