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Poles back Gronkiewicz ouster referendum

Polonius3  980 | 12275  
16 Jun 2013 /  #1
Many Poles eagerly affixed their signatures on Sunday to a petition calling for a referendum to oust Warsaw Mayor Gronkowicz-Waltz. Among the reasons given in leaflets being passed out are:

-- closure of schools and daycares amid the expansion of the city's administration by 3,000 more bureacrats,

-- raising public-transport fares whilst cutting back on the number of lines,

-- the whole trash-pickup snafu

-- messed-up road-building projects

--overall negligence, waste and incomptence.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
16 Jun 2013 /  #2
Her name is Gronkiewicz-Waltz, not "Gronkowicz" or any other stupid variation that you've invented.

For what's its worth, this is just yet another attempt at publicity seeking by PiS supporters. Nothing new, and nothing will change.

Like the vote of negative confidence in Tusk (whatever happened to Glinski anyway?), this vote is doomed to fail.
Ironside  51 | 13132  
16 Jun 2013 /  #3
Her name is Gronkiewicz-Waltz, not "Gronkowicz"

She has been know as Gronkowiec for years now.Staphylococcus
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275  
16 Jun 2013 /  #4
I should have stuck Gronkowiec. But Gronkowicz was an honest mistake, even though I know you'll doubt that. The proof is that Gronkowicz means nothing different and isn't pejorative -- it's just another name.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
16 Jun 2013 /  #5
She has been know as Gronkowiec for years now.Staphylococcus

By "patriots" that don't even live in Poland?

Quite obviously much of this is to do with sexism.
Ironside  51 | 13132  
16 Jun 2013 /  #6
By "patriots" that don't even live in Poland?

By Poles living in Poland.

Quite obviously much of this is to do with sexism.

Rather with a fact that lady in qestion has been know for her intellectual capacity of a door.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
16 Jun 2013 /  #7
By Poles living in Poland.

Strange. The only ones that seem to say this stuff are the ones who also cheat ZUS, who cheat others and who live thoroughly dishonourable lives.

I doubt she's got much to worry about, having won last time in the first round comfortably.

Rather with a fact that lady in qestion has been know for her intellect capacity of a door.

Sexist to the end, aren't you? I mean, a woman, in charge of Warsaw? No!
jon357  72 | 23712  
16 Jun 2013 /  #8
Interestingly the ouster isn't a PiS thing - much of the support comes from the left and centre-left in Ursynow who will probably provide her replacement should they succeed. Most of those involved would be deeply offended to be described as nationalists.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
16 Jun 2013 /  #9
Interestingly the ouster isn't a PiS thing - much of the support comes from the left and centre-left in Ursynow who will probably provide her replacement.

It's actually a very bad move by the SLD - their name is associated with this and PiS, but Ruch Palikot wisely moved away from it.

Are there any reliable opinion polls showing her support in Wasaw?
jkb  - | 197  
16 Jun 2013 /  #10
Many Poles eagerly affixed their signatures on Sunday to a petition calling for a referendum to oust Warsaw Mayor Gronkowicz-Waltz.

Just to correct this, only residents of Warsaw would be able to vote on that, not all Poles.

Rather with a fact that lady in qestion has been know for her intellectual capacity of a door.

As much as I despise of HGW, Gronkowiec is still way better than Kłamczyński and his pisuar.
jon357  72 | 23712  
16 Jun 2013 /  #11
The SLD are indeed playing with fire on this one - the Ursynow political camp (among the most radical in PL) are confine their man will win, however HGW (much as I dislike her stance on some issues) is still a better bet.

And yes, it isn't 'Poles' who decide as a nation, it's all residents of Warsaw with a vote - probably the most cosmopolitan, multicultural and politically liberal section of society.
Ironside  51 | 13132  
16 Jun 2013 /  #12
Strange. The only ones that seem to say this stuff are the ones who also cheat ZUS, who cheat others and who live thoroughly dishonourable lives.

Can you prove it?I think not is just another performance by delph in producing huge bubbles of hot air - bravo! Where is my popcorn?

Sexist to the end, aren't you? I mean, a woman, in charge of Warsaw? No!

Come on delph what do you have against women? Look for your feminine side

Interestingly the ouster isn't a PiS thing

Maybe for the fact that she is rubbish as the City president,so bad in fact that even political shield is not able to hide it.

As much as I despise of HGW, Gronkowiec is still way better than Kłamczyński and his pisuar.

you seems to be despising everyone - happens

it's all residents of Warsaw with a vote - probably the most cosmopolitan, multicultural and politically liberal section of society.

How about former residents? lol
jon357  72 | 23712  
16 Jun 2013 /  #13
Maybe for the fact that she is rubbish as the City president,so bad in fact that even political shield is not able to hide it.

She certainly isn't rubbish - not compared to wastes of space like Lech Kaczyński and Paweł Pisorski who preceded her however her distinct lack of charisma and abrasive manner have alienated voters, that and the fact that many of the more political aware in the capital are sick of yet another conservative.

I haven't signed the ouster paper, since I favour waiting for her term of office to run its course in not much more than a year's time and also am undecided about her likely successor. I will however not vote for her should she stand again.

How about former residents? lol

Hard to know what you mean here. Former residents don't get to vote.
Ironside  51 | 13132  
16 Jun 2013 /  #14
Hard to know what you mean here. Former residents don't get to vote.

probably the most cosmopolitan, multicultural and politically liberal section of society.

I'm referring to that part of your post.
jon357  72 | 23712  
16 Jun 2013 /  #15
Whatever you're trying to say makes no sense whatsoever.
Grzegorz_  51 | 6138  
16 Jun 2013 /  #16
Poles back Gronkowicz ouster referendum

People in Warsaw elected her, they need to suffer now to truly understand their mistake.
Ironside  51 | 13132  
16 Jun 2013 /  #17
Whatever you're trying to say makes no sense whatsoever.

I'm former resident of Warsaw. Do I qualify to be the most cosmopolitan, multicultural and politically liberal .
jon357  72 | 23712  
16 Jun 2013 /  #18
We suffered enough when LK was in that role.
jkb  - | 197  
16 Jun 2013 /  #19
you seems to be despising everyone - happens


People in Warsaw elected her, they need to suffer now to truly understand their mistake.

Just like we suffered through Kłamczyński
jon357  72 | 23712  
17 Jun 2013 /  #20
I'm former resident of Warsaw. Do I qualify to be the most cosmopolitan, multicultural and politically liberal

Read the post before commenting. It didn't include the word 'former' and you will not be voting in this election. You abandoned Poland years ago.
Ironside  51 | 13132  
17 Jun 2013 /  #21
Read the post before commenting. It didn't include the word 'former' and you will not be voting in this election

Well is is not what I'm asking for, if you don't want to answer just say so.

You abandoned Poland years ago.

Watch out what you saying or it may cause your self-hood to crumble.
jon357  72 | 23712  
17 Jun 2013 /  #22
None of that makes the slightest bit of sense as usual.
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275  
17 Jun 2013 /  #23
most cosmopolitan, multicultural and politically liberal

Those are precisely the concepts most average Poles are wary of.
Ironside  51 | 13132  
17 Jun 2013 /  #24
None of that makes the slightest bit of sense as usual.

on the contrary dear jon on the contrary, we both know why you chose to answer as you did. Nothing to do with not making sense by me, but I cannot be bother to pursue further this issue.#

Those are precisely the concepts most average Poles are wary of.

Not even that, the point si Polo3 that in Warsaw you can find any kind of people and any kind of views. My bet would be that those who are freshly imported to the capital, are those the most cosmopolitan, liberal and so on....ah and Soviets and their brood.
jon357  72 | 23712  
17 Jun 2013 /  #25
Perhaps in the sticks. Only Warsaw residents are involved in this issue. Anyone else is merely an observer.
sobieski  106 | 2111  
17 Jun 2013 /  #26
Gronkowicz-Waltz. Among the reasons given in leaflets being passed out are:

Still not able to write her name correctly I see.

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