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What is wrong with Poland that Poles emigrate?

joepilsudski  26 | 1387  
28 Dec 2009 /  #151
What is wrong with Poland that Poles immigrate?

No jobs most likely.
SouthMancPolak  - | 102  
6 Jun 2010 /  #152
Nearly every Costa coffee or coffee shop I have been to (airports and Motorway service stations) have a Polish or an Eastern European person working there.


One Costa I used to go in regularly had Polish, English, Irish, Turkish, Thai and Brazilian staff. But the majority of the staff were English. But, if you look at the area it was in, and follow your argument, then you would think that working in Costa was "a job which Pakis won't do".

We have TEN MILLION people in the UK who don't work. You can't seriously tell me that ALL of those people don't want to work. I'm sure there's a few million who don't, but as for the rest, they probably can't get work because immigrants have filled those jobs.

Remember also the other lie, that "immigration is good for our economy"? Well, we've had years of mass immigration, but the economy is in the worst state since the 1930s. So how on earth has that "improved" things?

And see what happens if you're a "local" these days...


Yet people with foreign accents have no problem finding similar jobs, and no-one expects them to go for elocution lessons!

But the Left still can't understand why more and more people are getting fed up of unrestricted immigration. It's not racist to look after your own first - everyone else does it!
pawian  219 | 24792  
18 Jan 2013 /  #153
I am English & interested to know as poland is such a loverly looking place, why do you all need to come here to england?

Poles are natural born travellers.

Poles on average have far better language skills than most Brits!

Wow! English teachers in Poland work hard!
bert0  - | 1  
19 Jan 2013 /  #154
In my time in England I met a lot of Polish, and the general concessions "Poland Economy Sucks" its not so much about how great a country looks if you can't feed your kids, Plus its totally ok for them considering Poland is part of the EU, and they do hard labor jobs anyway.
1 Nov 2013 /  #155
Not sure where this whole "Poles have a great work ethic" came from. Living in Poland now I see they are very lazy people. The kids seem to only attend school for a few hours each day. When I went to school in UK and USA I was there for 8 hours, not 2-3. It's very difficult to get Poles to come and do a job. Been trying to get some rooms painted in the house and the fellow I've had in the past won't return calls. And don't get me started on them fiddling with the amount they want to get paid once the work actually starts.

Have a Polish relative living in the UK and all I see from her on Facebook is her Polish friends. They seem to want to stay together and not have anything to do with the Brits.
Wulkan  - | 3136  
1 Nov 2013 /  #156
You clearly see the things that you want to see and are blind to those that don't suit you.
pierogi2000  4 | 226  
2 Nov 2013 /  #157
Have a Polish relative living in the UK and all I see from her on Facebook is her Polish friends.

Influx of Polish children into schools has 'helped improve British pupils' grades'

Study suggests children from the Eastern European country help boost standards in mathematics
Could be due to better 'work ethic' of their parents
Eastern European parents have complained British schools do not challenge their children

Gaucho  2 | 49  
2 Nov 2013 /  #158
I can understand that Polish people go abroad to raise money due to the huge salary difference. I mean, maybe in Poland you can save 30% of your salary, and in England a 15%. Difference is that 15% in Pounds is about 200% of the 30% in Zloty.

So lets say, if you plan to buy a house, apt or land (in Poland) it would take you half the time to get the money being abroad than at your home country.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
2 Nov 2013 /  #159
When I went to school in UK and USA I was there for 8 hours, not 2-3.

And yet Polish schools have higher standards than American or British ones. I'd say that the Poles work smarter, not longer in school.
jon357  72 | 22979  
2 Nov 2013 /  #160
I'm far from convinced of that.
Buggsy  8 | 98  
2 Nov 2013 /  #161
The way I read this topic, despite how sensitive it is on this forum, is that maybe the O.P wants an explanation
from Polish people as to how bad it really is: the reason why they are emigrating to the UK in droves.
It is purely economics: cost of living getting higher while the wages are not improving.
This is what being a member of the E.U ,as a relatively poor European country, brings in Europe as a whole.
It's not only Poland. I have been lucky enough to have travelled and spoken to ordinary people in all the A8 countries.
The story that resonates everywhere you go is that of poor wages.
Governments are not worried about improving the standards of living for their citizens.
In a way they actually like the fact that young educated people are leaving to go and work abroad in manual jobs
because most of them send money back home. The last time I checked it was almost £1bn every year.
And believe me that money, judging by the number of houses being built every year, goes a long way here in Poland.
If the difference in wages was not like minimum wage in Poland £300 (but living expenses very high) and UK almost £1000
then most people would not think of leaving.
Ask the South Koreans and Hong Kongers- they also have huge problems in trying to control economic migrants coming from other
Asian countries.
2 Nov 2013 /  #162
Their government is hostile to its own citizens.
Ant63  13 | 410  
2 Nov 2013 /  #163
I'd say that the Poles work smarter, not longer in school.

LOL. Billy Connolly you are not!
2 Nov 2013 /  #164
Post Communists rule the country, you cant create a strong nation on bad fundaments.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
2 Nov 2013 /  #165
LOL. Billy Connolly you are not!

Certainly according to the PISA scores, Poland is ahead of the UK. Those scores are about the only really valid method of comparison internationally.

UK schools may be far superior when it comes to soft skills, but it's no secret that UK schools are severely lagging when it comes to hard skills.
TheOther  6 | 3596  
3 Nov 2013 /  #166
Those scores are about the only really valid method of comparison internationally.

They are not, and they've been criticized very often in the past. Reason why is (amongst others) that some of the highest ranking countries prepared their students with tests specifically designed for the PISA study.

Some more criticism here: tes.co.uk/article.aspx?storycode=6344672
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
3 Nov 2013 /  #167
They are not, and they've been criticized very often in the past

They are still the best we've got.

At least with the difference between Poland and the UK, one big difference is that England keeps meddling with their education system, whereas the Finnish and Polish systems have decided upon one system and more or less stuck to it regardless of criticism.

Poland is undeniably weaker in "soft" skills - for instance, in art & design, but it can't be denied that Polish education is superior in core subjects that England in particular allowed to deteriorate badly.

PISA isn't fantastic, but it still shows the reality of the situation - that England in particular allowed soft skills to dominate over the core ones.

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