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Unbelievable but, its truth. Poland is finally happy to share border with Russia

Crow  154 | 9556  
17 Jun 2010 /  #1
In these hard times when we all faces great challenges, in time when international law means nothing, when hostile people on all meridians openly show their greed,... i have became aware of one important fact. That is, Poland is finally happy to share border with Russia. i mean, there is much worse things that could happen to Poland in this world then to share border with Russia that finally friendly and brotherly smile on Poland

what other people think about this conclusion of mine?
asik  2 | 220  
17 Jun 2010 /  #2
That is, Poland is finally happy to share border with Russia.

I don't think so.
It'll take a very long time when Polish people could trust Russians, if ever. There is no other option as to share the border and there is no problem with it.

It doesn't make Poles happy or angry, the border was always there.
OP Crow  154 | 9556  
17 Jun 2010 /  #3
I don't think so.
It'll take a very long time when Polish people could trust Russians, if ever. That's my personal opinion.

you would change your opinion when became aware of facts that happened on Balkan in last 20 years. If we Yugoslavs were in position to share border with Russia (or with Poland, too- from our perspective), our country could possible survive. Then, economic sanctions and trade embargo that was imposed on us by Islamic league, NATO and EU would be impossible and many of our children wouldn`t died without medications in hospitals. After all, open NATO and mujaheedine attack on us in such a proportions wouldn`t be possible if we shared border with Russia- many of our pregnant woman and civilians would still be alive.
plk123  8 | 4119  
17 Jun 2010 /  #4

how in the heck did you come up with that? there is definitely no reason to be happy about sharing a border with russia.. it only escalates a threat from them.. i wish PL didn't have any kind of border with russia..
OP Crow  154 | 9556  
17 Jun 2010 /  #5

you are so lucky and naive man. Let us hope that life won`t force you to change your mind

Comparing to potential hostility on Poland by modern day world, threat from Russia really sound as good joke, more and more with every new day. If Russia wouldn`t be able to help Poland, hardly that Russia can complicate to Poland. With such a NATO friends such are Brits, Turks, Germans, French and USA... Poland actually don`t need enemies
plk123  8 | 4119  
17 Jun 2010 /  #6
threat from Russia really sound as good joke

they sure take them deadly seriously... and so should PL.. all the others you mentioned are more trustworthy then russia ever will be..
hague1cmaeron  14 | 1366  
17 Jun 2010 /  #7
what are you talking about they shared a border with Russia almost constantly and have shared a border with Kaliningrad for decades!
OP Crow  154 | 9556  
17 Jun 2010 /  #8
yes. But now situation evolve. New sh** on the horizon

all the others you mentioned are more trustworthy then russia ever will be..

brate, you are wrong
mark007  - | 58  
17 Jun 2010 /  #9
I live in Poland, with a Polish family they aren't happy with the Russians! period! As for Borders it was a great book shop but I think Amazon over the internet has a better choice with great products, oops sorry wrong Borders! ciao for now peeps!
OP Crow  154 | 9556  
17 Jun 2010 /  #10
with a Polish family they aren't happy with the Russians! period!

i know that. Poles are historically frustrated (who wouldn`t be). i understand that.

What i saying is that situation has changed. Russia isn`t problem anymore. i see some other problems for Poland. I am sure that Russia can finally do something good for Poland, thanks to the common borders

you know, NATO and EU are in alliance with mujaheedines
plk123  8 | 4119  
17 Jun 2010 /  #11
Russia isn`t problem anymore.

you are so wrong, brother. lol
Seanus  15 | 19666  
17 Jun 2010 /  #12
Crow, I'd wait until Russia finally clears up the Smolensk incident before commenting. 2/3 of Poles are suspicious of the official story. Also, be mindful of how quickly the Russian government changes their tune. Under Medvedev's watch, they threatened to strike the proposed missile shield which is direct hostility given that Poland offered Russian inspectors to come and check it out. Then we see the same man come across and attend LK's funeral, risking a hazard through ash. I know you love the whole Slavic aspect but they are affected by Asian ideas, being a Eurasian country. Kao in Japanese means face and my friend told me that the Chinese also value it too through adherents of Confucianism. They will maintain their public face but do devious and underhand things behind the scenes. Russia has provoked Scotland with flying their MIG planes over our territory. We have no idea what they were trying to achieve by doing so. We have a strong airforce so they had better think twice about repeating that stunt.

Beware of false hope, Crow, that's my point. On an intergovernmental level, the relationship is healthier. However, I see you as being more of a people person, valuing the word on the street, right? Poles and Russians need copious amounts of vodka to drop their guard and find common ground. Poles are very much their own people.
jwojcie  2 | 762  
17 Jun 2010 /  #13
Poles are indeed happy, because this border is so much shorter that it used to be before 89' ;-) Thanks to that, this "brotherly smile" cann't change so easily into "brotherly bite" ;-)

Poland much more prefers to have a few slavic brothers in the east instead of one :-) After all the bigger family the better...
skysoulmate  13 | 1250  
17 Jun 2010 /  #14

In these hard times when we all faces great challenges, in time when international law means nothing, when hostile people on all meridians openly show their greed,... i have became aware of one important fact. That is, Poland is finally happy to share border with Russia. i mean, there is much worse things that could happen to Poland in this world then to share border with Russia that finally friendly and brotherly smile on Poland

Yeah right. ...Poland is about as "happy" to share border with Russia as Serbia is to share border with Kosovo and Bosnia & Hercegovina. Except million times over. Your anti-EU, anti-US and anti-NATO stance has turned into a Russo subservient paranoia. Had your country shared border with Russia throughout centuries it probably wouldn't exist today, instead it'd be a "special region" a la Chechnya, etc.
OP Crow  154 | 9556  
17 Jun 2010 /  #15
people, i see you are all pessimists

Where is your optimism? i ask- Where is your optimism?
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 12010  
17 Jun 2010 /  #16
Where is YOUR optimism regarding German-Polish border? Here everything works already great, even without borders actually, but still you are shooting against Germany all the time...
Sasha  2 | 1083  
17 Jun 2010 /  #17
Crow, the problem is more complicated as it firstly seems. It has in fact little to do with trust and tragedies like Katyn. Mind you Ukrainian nationalists who are praised in modern Ukraine and raised to the rank of heroes, managed to kill a lot more in Wolyn are perfectly accepted whereas Russia with her timid, as yet, attempts to condemn stalinism is not. How comes? Just bordering Russia is like sharing a room with Valuev. He might be a good fellow but what if he goes crazy one day... what would you do then? Hit him with a candelabrum? That won't work... Call the elder brother from the other room? He will come when it's might be too late.

As long as Russia is big friendly relationship are only possible between certain Poles and Russia who are able to stay free of government's propaganda.
Wiedzmin_fan  - | 79  
17 Jun 2010 /  #18
I have a feeling that Poland would have liked it better to share a border with UK or something similar instead ;)
OP Crow  154 | 9556  
17 Jun 2010 /  #19
I have a feeling that Poland would have liked it better to share a border with UK

yes, definitely. Maybe it can be corrected after dissolution of few Germanic states. Russia may help in that process. Russia should definitely spread democracy there

Oh, that would be kicking
king polkakamon  - | 542  
17 Jun 2010 /  #20
Russia should definitely spread democracy there

Russians are notorious for spreading democracy.
OP Crow  154 | 9556  
17 Jun 2010 /  #21
i hope they won`t forget Lusatia, as official Poland forgot.

For Lusatia, because of Lusatia, Kosovo, Krajina,.. for every single injustice, Serbs would judge to German vermin. From Balkan to Baltic we shall hunt THEM. God would be good to arrange that. Then, would be peace in Europe. When Serbs say- PEACE!

i hope, i only hope... sacrafiction of Racowie may attract attention of best among Poles and awake last line of defense, true Polish patriots

Let be what can not be! Let Slavija live, Slavija eterna! Slava!

only Slavija is important, rest is just fiction
brietter  - | 4  
18 Jun 2010 /  #22
Hello everyone, i've been observing this forum for a few days, and i'm glad to join the community!


Let be what can not be! Let Slavija live, Slavija eterna! Slava!

only Slavija is important, rest is just fiction

I must sadden you Crow, but we Poles aren't very attracted to the idea of slavism, sarmatism etc. Of course, we are proud of our past and ancestry but from what i'd observed, my fellow countrymen generally don't give a sh*t about other slavic countries, with exception for Czechs and Slovaks. Perhaps it will suprise you that most of the people in this country are not very fond of the idea of Pan-Slavism, especially when Russia is involved. Why? In my opinion - because we value very much our freedom, it's much more dearer to us than daydreams of losers.

Personally I would be much more happy if Visegrad Group transformed into something economically independent, so we could quit the EU and team with neighbours we like and might trust. But that's not likely to happen, and similarly, the world will never see one united Slavic country (and thanks God for that!). So... maybe move on and put an emphasis on things you actually can change?

I have a feeling that Poland would have liked it better to share a border with UK

Having a soft spot for most of Britons, and generally speaking, being an anglophile, i couldn't agree more :) Altough this general mutual liking is due to fact that we are NOT bordering upon each other i'm afraid ;)

brietter (sorry for any grammatical or stylistic errors which i, most likely, made)
OP Crow  154 | 9556  
18 Jun 2010 /  #23
I must sadden you Crow, but we Poles aren't very attracted to the idea of slavism, sarmatism etc.

what is the alternative? Eurabia?

Of course, we are proud of our past and ancestry but from what i'd observed, my fellow countrymen generally don't give a sh*t about other slavic countries, with exception for Czechs and Slovaks.

did you ever visited grave of Zawisha Czarny in Serbia?

don`t force me to be cruel on you. All Slovaks with whom i talked don`t consider Poland as serious state. It is me (Serbian. Naive idiot, obviously) who convincing them how is Poland important, how Poland played important historic roles, how Poland saved Serbs from Ottomans and helped us before Russians arrived, etc. Slovaks are very surprised by my stories about Poles in superlative, believe me. But, don`t let me to ruin your day. Just go on some Slovak forum and ask Slovaks what they think about Serbs and what about Poles,... while doing so have in mind that Slovaks are Catholic Slavs.

Czechs? In general, Czechs consider Poles as historic oppressors and same as Slovaks say that Poland isn`t serious state. Again, i myself (Serbs in general) convincing Czechs in Polish importance.

Yes, yes... Slavs are tragically divided. In general, only Serbs deeply believe in salvation of Slavic civilization. Now, say that Poles are more naive then Serbians.

Personally I would be much more happy if Visegrad Group transformed into something economically independent, so we could quit the EU and team with neighbours we like and might trust.

even that Visegrad is of Serbian origin
18 Jun 2010 /  #24
while doing so have in mind that Slovaks are Catholic Slavs.

Yeah - while doing so you might also keep in mind that when Slovaks got their
independent statelet from Nazis during the WW2, one of the first things that
they did was invading Poland alongside Hitler.

So guess why I don't give a flying f*ck what they

think about Serbs and what about Poles

Poland should concentrate on the co-operation with countries from our league: Germany,
France, Spain, Italy, UK, Netherlands, Sweden, Russia etc. Relations with all the tiny
statelets are important as well, but not THAT important.
Stu  12 | 515  
18 Jun 2010 /  #25
All Slovaks with whom i talked don`t consider Poland as serious state. It is me (Serbian. Naive idiot, obviously) who convincing them how is Poland important

Again, i myself (Serbs in general) convincing Czechs

You convinced the Slovaks and the Czechs ... :O :D?! Hmm hmm, yeah, RIGHT ... ROTFLMAO. Come on man, don't be such a megalomaniac! A little bit of humbleness would suit you.

only Serbs

Suppose, Crow, that everybody says the sun is yellow. And you are the only one who says it is blue ... guess whom I will believe when I want to know the colour of the sun?
OP Crow  154 | 9556  
18 Jun 2010 /  #26
Yeah - while doing so you might also keep in mind that when Slovaks got their
independent statelet from Nazis during the WW2, one of the first things that
they did was invading Poland alongside Hitler.

brate, you should know already that i`m not one-sided man. I know things. i simple transferred information- what most of Slovaks said to me about Poland. it doesn`t mean that Slovaks made everything right regarding Slavdom

So guess why I don't give a flying f*ck what they...

i care about everything in case with Slavic civilization
18 Jun 2010 /  #27
what most of Slovaks said to me about Poland

So what did the Hitler helpers (or their children/grandchildren) tell you about Poland?
OP Crow  154 | 9556  
18 Jun 2010 /  #28
we are all children of Slavija. With all our failures and successes. If disregard that fact, we must accept destine of just one more spice in Eurabian soup. Are we that stubborn? Do we have right to be that stubborn?
18 Jun 2010 /  #29
we must accept destine of just one more spice in Eurabian soup

Poland melting in the Eurabian pot? Come on, Crow. You know Poles good enough
to know that it's never going to happen :)

Are we that stubborn? Do we have right to be that stubborn?

We ARE stubborn and that's exactly why we will always keep our culture and identity.
OP Crow  154 | 9556  
18 Jun 2010 /  #30
You convinced the Slovaks and the Czechs ... :O :D?! Hmm hmm, yeah, RIGHT ... ROTFLMAO. Come on man, don't be such a megalomaniac! A little bit of humbleness would suit you.

you are right. You recognized my joke


Suppose, Crow, that everybody says the sun is yellow. And you are the only one who says it is blue ... guess whom I will believe when I want to know the colour of the sun?

of course, of course

Poland melting in the Eurabian pot? Come on, Crow. You know Poles good enough
to know that it's never going to happen :)

Poland is great hope to me

We ARE stubborn and that's exactly why we will always keep our culture and identity.

but, let`s not (all of us) sacrifice Slavija in the name of our own pride

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