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Ultra nationalist protest at death camp in Poland - serious mistake?

jon357  72 | 23712  
30 Jan 2019 /  #121
Yelling doesn't equal an assault.

It does equal a disgrace when it's at the 'arbeit macht frei' sign at Auschwitz on International Holocaust Memorial Day. Akin to pissing on the Katyń Memorial and filming it
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894  
30 Jan 2019 /  #122
Can't make an omelet without breaking a few eggs...

Nobody needs to die. Give them an ultimatum to get the f*** out in 6 months. If caught after that, 10 years in the slammer and the confiscation of all property, underwear included. Plus a bounty for the natives to report overstayers. I would be rich here.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11970  
30 Jan 2019 /  #123
I doubt that this will work...to many disobedient people in the US and Europe who would probably only show the finger to any gov demanding that! :)

In Germany they would find many helpers and support...in memory of the Jews back then who hadn't.

PS: It's part ouf our basic law that neither police nor army needs to follow such orders, a lesson of what had happened...DISOBEDIENCE BY LAW!

(That's my Germany, love it!!!!:)
Spike31  3 | 1485  
30 Jan 2019 /  #124
Rybak is a dude no one heard about before all foreigners great and small focused on him bringing effigy of a Jew

Yes, it's a typical media bait.

Amazing to see people defending neo-nazis who were causing an ugly scene at the gates of Auschwitz on Holaocaust Memorial Day.

So you've raised the stakes already from nationalists to neo-nazis?

By the end of the day I expect we'll be discussing millions of Hitler-spawns with burning torches in their claws with blood-thirsty eyes singing "Horst-Wessel-Lied"! [in Polish of course] in front of that camp.

A lie repeated 1000 times becomes the truth. 999 posts to go, Jon. You're doing just fine, Goebbels would be proud :-)
jon357  72 | 23712  
30 Jan 2019 /  #125
(That's my Germany, love it!!!!:)

Yes. If any country has come to terms with the Holocaust, it's Germany. The memorial in Mitte is deeply poignant, not trying to relativise anything, making no excuses. Just remembering and reflecting.

And no vile displays like the world's cameras saw at Auschwitz this month.
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894  
30 Jan 2019 /  #126

So, now, enforcing immigration laws is Holocaust and Auschwitz? You guy are insane.
Do you have an equivalent of our IRS? Do you collect, by force if necessary, taxes only from the native Germans but exempt Jews, Muslims and the immigrants?

If so, what did I propose that is not already allowed?
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11970  
30 Jan 2019 /  #127
So, now, enforcing immigration laws is Holocaust and Auschwitz?

I'm not sure if we are talking about the same....these 6 Million muslims I cited in my question are already here, about 5 Million of them immigrated successfully, about 2 Million of them with a german ID, many of them with two IDs, but all are legal.

Which immigration laws do you want to enforce?

Do you collect, by force if necessary, taxes only from the native Germans but exempt Jews, Muslims and the immigrants?

All consumer pay tax...even those without a job. Even a jobless refugee pays the same income tax whenever he goes into a german market and buys something as a rich German...so, there is no way around it to feed our hungry state. We are taking it even from the poorest! :)
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894  
30 Jan 2019 /  #128
but all are legal.

They are not if they entered the EU illegally. Your kind of legal is like a woman marrying her rapist. A post-fact surrender.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11970  
30 Jan 2019 /  #129
They are not if they entered the EU illegally.

Well...there is still work to do, I'll give you that. Its annoying that we can't get them back out again as quickly!

But I very much doubt it's these kind of people Dirk means...because even with them gone, there will still be millions of Muslims living here, legally!
dolnoslask  5 | 2805  
30 Jan 2019 /  #130
It's your country you can have whomever you want living there, up to you guys how you wish to live your lives in your own country, I think the same respect for self determination and choice should always be afforded to the Polish people.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11970  
30 Jan 2019 /  #131
Well...concerning the topic of that thread, I'm sorry but I can't give my respects to some Mr. Rybak and his self determination and choice....the same way I don't respect anything some Höcke says in Germany, mind you.
dolnoslask  5 | 2805  
30 Jan 2019 /  #132
I'm sorry but I can't give my respects to some Mr. Rybak and his ilk.

That's understandable, I was talking about having a choice about illegal people from outside the EU that should not be allowed to reside in Poland.
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894  
30 Jan 2019 /  #133
But I very much doubt it's these kind of people Dirk means..

Just curious: did you guys lose you brains when you were inviting Turks to work and let them bring their own females to reproduce in large numbers? How about only for 12 months and only men, and out? Next.

Why is it, that two Poles, Dirk and I, are more concerned about Germany than the Germans? I am trying to wrap my brain around it....We both should be full of glee and celebrate your decay. But we don't.

I just checked: German birth rate is 1.5 while most western countries, like the US, is 1.8.
You guys are f***ed big time long term and your trade surplus and prosperity will not be of much consolation.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11970  
30 Jan 2019 /  #134
They are not if they entered the EU illegally.

Apropos taxing...its of course not the income tax I meant (this is only for those with an actual income of course)...my fault dammit!

I'm meaning the "Mehrwertsteuer" (value added tax)...it's a tax even illegals have to pay in Germany, as they have to eat and to cloth themselves. There is no way around it!

I was talking about having a choice about illegal people from outside the EU that should not be allowed to reside in Poland.

I don't want illegals to reside endlessly here in Germany either...most Germans don't want that!

Maybe we should define Illegals?

When I'm talking of Illegals I'm meaning people under every radar...who are nowhere registered, hence have no claim for any welfare or support. Can't do legal work hence become criminals and/or working in the black market. Have no registered adress, no ID, nothing.

And since they are not part of any statistic their numbers can only guessed...

How about only for 12 months and only men, and out? Next.

I think that was the plan, that's why they were called "Gastarbeiter", for decades....

Why is it, that two Poles, Dirk and I, are more concerned about Germany than the Germans?

I'm also very grateful about your concern, but to say it with Milo's words: I live here, you don't!

You should take it from me when I say that Germany is not the Armageddon of raping and pillaging turdworlders Dirk likes to speak off...it's a very liveable country, I like it here and I'm speaking from Berlin, the Sodom and Gomorrha! :)

PS: I have been neither raped nor pillaged ONCE...nobody in my 'hood has!
Spike31  3 | 1485  
30 Jan 2019 /  #135
Yes. If any country has come to terms with the Holocaust, it's Germany

Since Germans were the perpetrators of the Holocaust it was their duty.

And they also had a little help from the Allies on one side and from the USSR on the other side in case they would not have enough moral strength to do so.

Even a jobless refugee pays the same income tax whenever he goes into a german market and buys something as a rich German

Haha, look Rich, Germans have invented an economical perpetuum mobile: a jobless refugee gets an allowance from German taxpayers money and then he spends it in the market paying consumer tax so the money comes back to treasury. Modern German economy :-D

If I was drinking a coffee while reading this it would come out of my nose :-D
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11970  
30 Jan 2019 /  #136
Yeah...and how is your German Spikey?

a jobless refugee gets an allowance from German taxpayers money and then he spends it in the market paying consumer tax

But there you have maybe the reason why the gov is not overly concerned about these people. Either illegal or not, they all pay into the german tax coffers. Most of the money they get on support they pay right back into the german economy, supporting german trader and securing german jobs...

Difficult are only those we support on the outside, like foreigners with children. The EU law says that they have to get the welfare in the state they living/working in, so a Pole for example can claim german welfare and children allowance which is higher than at home. Difficult when alot of that is send home, instead of spending it in our economy...

But that is EU law and concerns only other EU immigrants...
Tacitus  2 | 1274  
30 Jan 2019 /  #137
The EU law says that they have to get the welfare in the state they living/working in

Poles are btw. the biggest grouo that benefits from this rule.
jon357  72 | 23712  
30 Jan 2019 /  #138
Since Germans were the perpetrators of the Holocaust it was their duty.

I do not think the creators of the memorial would deny that.

Nor would they bring shame on their country and nation, like Rybak, Międlar, Bubel etc.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11970  
30 Jan 2019 /  #139
Poles are btw. the biggest grouo that benefits from this rule.

...and Romanians....and Bulgarians....
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894  
30 Jan 2019 /  #140
a jobless refugee gets an allowance from German taxpayers money and then he spends it

Our libs do the same: illegals are good for the economy...by spending my money.

I think that was the plan, that's why they were called "Gastarbeiter", for decades....

Then, you don't have to deal with Turkish women and their babies. That's good.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11970  
30 Jan 2019 /  #141
It just didn't work out that way...many of the "Gastarbeiter" stayed and settled here (West Germany). Even the GDR had had their "Gastarbeiter", mainly coming from Vietnam, Cuba, Mozambique etc. And what wonder, many of them stayed too...

That's something that will also happen to Poland, when they go so far as the Philippines in their quest for laborers...not to mention the Ukrainians...Poland is already changing.

And you can't call the PiS gov liberal or leftist...not really...
dolnoslask  5 | 2805  
30 Jan 2019 /  #142
that will also happen to Poland

Don't forget Poland has a huge Vietnamese population , Poland to it's credit took in the boat people and they have thrived here for generations, there is no reason to think that Indians,Ukrainians and Filipinos will fair any differently.

Germany has chosen to bring in people from Muslim nations and that is fair enough.
mafketis  38 | 11288  
30 Jan 2019 /  #143
Poland to it's credit took in the boat people

huh? when? not during the PRL and afterward the Polish government has always been ambivalent towards Vietnamese migrants/immigrants (who are not really a source of labor since they mostly come to Poland to do business and not look for work)

Germany has chosen to bring in people from Muslim nations

No European country has a good track record when it comes to getting muslim residents into official paid employment - there's not enough respect for secular education or secular institutions and heavy cultural pressure to keep women from working (which translates into high unemployment) Turks fare better than Arabs or Kurds but it's a slow horse race....
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11970  
30 Jan 2019 /  #144
Germany has chosen to bring in people from Muslim nations and that is fair enough.

When I learned that correctly then Poland had already for along time also muslim people in their midst and it has thrived for generations! :)

So I would be glad if certain poster would stop that never-ending-doom-and-gloom because of certain people in certain countries, thank you!
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894  
30 Jan 2019 /  #145
And you can't call the PiS gov liberal or leftist...not really...

Yes, I can. Stupidity is not exclusive to the certified idiots, leftists, and liberals.

Poland to its credit took in the boat people and they have thrived here for generations

Credit? Are you OK? China has 100,000,000 ready and willing people who would love to relocate to Poland. Ready to take them?
dolnoslask  5 | 2805  
30 Jan 2019 /  #146
doom-and-gloom because of certain people in certain countries,

Respectfully have you ever lived in some these certain countries , I have, these people will not and cannot be assimilated into western culture , especially when their religion specifically demands that they do not assimilate on pain of eternal fire, but in fact fight for their beliefs to rule over all others.

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