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The only three normal cities with any respect for humanity in Poland

Dougpol1  29 | 2497  
20 Apr 2016 /  #1
Namely - Gdansk, Wroclaw and Walbrzych


For those of you who took the bait, but are too lazy to click on the link, the presidents of these cities are the only cases of dissension against the disgusting racist comments towards refugees by the PIS scum, and they promise to do all they can to facilitate a better life for refugees in those three cities, and have signed a three-city admonishment of the government policy.

So with the mob running riot, these three presidents will be picking up their P45s/unemployment papers in 2 years - but I'll be happy to pick up their restaurant bill when they're in my neck of the woods. Full on respect for fellow human beings.

True Polish patriots are ashamed of the racist filth regarding refugees that PIS and the unwashed Polish masses come out with.
Grzegorz_  51 | 6138  
21 Apr 2016 /  #2
"When people say that welcoming refugees is like opening our city to Muslim terrorists, I tell them not to worry," Adamowicz says wryly. "The terrorists are far more interested in the big European capitals than in little GdaƄsk."

A good example of what PO is about. Utter scum.
OP Dougpol1  29 | 2497  
21 Apr 2016 /  #3
A good example of what PO is about.

Care to expand?

I think Poles are the scum for contributing nothing in aid to the refugee crisis. Apparently, according to a threat from the local Straz Miejska, to call Poland scum is an offence.

To reiterate - Poland - as in the government of the day (PIS) - is Scum.
WielkiPolak  54 | 988  
22 Apr 2016 /  #4
Dougpol, it might be a bit basic but seriously, if you don't like it so much, why live there?

This is how the current government wants to run the country and I believe it's smart. They will help, but not masses and only real refugees. What they won't do is let in thousands upon thousands of young men with no background checks.

As far as I and many other people from Poland are concerned, PiS is doing this right and it's one of the main reasons they might even have won the elections, because of their promise not to take in masses of migrants. Most Polish people don't want them and as I said, if you don't like they mentality of Polish people, you don't have to live there.
OP Dougpol1  29 | 2497  
22 Apr 2016 /  #5
Dougpol, it might be a bit basic but seriously, if you don't like it so much, why live there?

I have lived here for 23 years WP and have a lot invested. I thought that Poles had more humanity. We all make mistakes.

As far as I and many other people from Poland are concerned, PiS is doing this right

And what about 1939. As others have said, the world helped Poland then. The refugees were taken in. Now you refuse to contribute, and the situation is exactly the same. The inference is very clear to anybody with any conscience.

Your "Prime" minister said that there was now no question of allowing 7,000 refugees into Poland. It would be amazing to get in a time machine, and for the Romanians to say in September 1939 )There is no question of allowing 7000 Poles in, let alone 300,000.

And let us not refer to the thousands of Poles in Syria in the 1940s.

I use the word scum where deserved, and for Poland at the present day it is very welldeserved. IMO.

They will help

WP. Please outline what contribution Poland has made to the refugee effort.

I believe it is as close to zero as to be negligible. You do realise that Poles are looked down on in Europe for this? Maybe you wouldn't care if you were ignorant , but if you are a normal educated person, who expects to be treated as such - well, you won't be:)))
nothanks  - | 626  
22 Apr 2016 /  #6
I think Poles are the scum for contributing nothing in aid to the refugee crisis

This has been covered

Furthermore, Islam has illustrated itself to be a modern day virus. It spreads and does not decrease (2nd/3rd generation immigrats are replaced by Native converters). You let in 1 and within a few years there will be some gullible desperate Polish women converting. This virus will never leave some of these neighborhoods. Next thing extremists are being harbored. Bad news. Better to look bad in the International eyes than your own citizens.

Bieganski  17 | 888  
22 Apr 2016 /  #7
The OP demonstrates once again his galling sanctimonious hypocrisy.

Please outline what contribution Poland has made to the refugee effort.

Rather why don't you outline what contribution you personally have made to the so-called refugee effort? And no, posting on PF for the umpteenth time that Poland needs to open its borders, roll out the red carpet, and burden future generations with the heavy and irreversible social and financial costs just so you can feel momentarily good about yourself doesn't count.

Indeed, I already posted about a homeless African migrant roughing it in Gdynia.

Here it is again: https://polishforums.com/law/poland-immigration-open-foreigners-56493/#msg1538618

So bleeding heart why didn't you ever help this poor man or others like him? Don't you have any respect for humanity? Obviously you don't. What is your problem for not helping? Too busy trolling on PF? Too busy annoying local business owners for not sharing your disturbing obsession with your fleabag mutt? Or was it worse and you deeply feared you might have to share your booze with this homeless man? Yeah, no one likes a sponger do they?

You do realise that Poles are looked down on in Europe for this?

LOL! Quite the contrary!

You obviously were so excited at smearing Poland that you couldn't even get past the lefty headline of the biased hit-piece article (not written by a Pole by the way) from the Guardian you linked.

Go back and take a look at the top rated comment out of the nearly 300 posted.

Here is a snippet:

"Multiculturalism & multiethnic societies are a failed experiment...Stay strong Poland & don't be bullied or fooled into accepting migrants who will only seek to destroy you."

Note well too that all the subsequent most recommended comments share this same sentiment.

And this is The Guardian! LOL! Don't even try to explain this that the comments section were suddenly flashed mobbed by Polish nationalist!

I have lived here for 23 years WP and have a lot invested. I thought that Poles had more humanity. We all make mistakes.

It's never too late to sell off and move out even if it means doing so at a financial loss. But oh, that's right, you would never live according to your own so-called convictions. No fun in leading by example when you can spend your idle days hypocritically pontificating in anonymity that others should do exactly as you tell them to do even when you know it is not in their own short or long term interests.

Face it, you are very old now and like the rest of the ilk from your greedy, two-faced, self-absorbed, self-regarding, socially-corrosive generation you crave the need to put your own personal safety and financial security first. That's why have lived for decades in a majority white country with low crime, low cost and social cohesiveness.

But even worse is that your deliberate refusal to integrate after all this time fully explains why you want Poland to be overrun with economic migrants from the third world. You hold nothing put contempt for Poland who clearly has been a long-suffering host to you. But you will never go and live in one of your revered kumbaya countries. That's because you know full well that if you even tried to pull your one-worlder BS there it wouldn't be long before you would end up as a unrecognizable bloody pulp in ditch along a dirt road out in the middle of nowhere.
johnny reb  46 | 7613  
22 Apr 2016 /  #8
True Polish patriots are ashamed of the racist filth regarding refugees

Coming from a Brit speaking for the Polish people.

I thought that Poles had more humanity. We all make mistakes.

I agree, take a look at what London or Paris or Brussels have inherited.

As others have said, the world helped Poland then.

Poland did not try to implement and demand Sharia Law to change the guest county's culture.
Poland was grateful, showed respect and acted like guests with manners in their new home.

I use the word scum where deserved, and for Poland at the present day it is very welldeserved. IMO.

The key word here.........IMO

You do realise that Poles are looked down on in Europe for this?

Shows their intelligence for not wanting Poland's culture destroyed.

The OP demonstrates once again his galling sanctimonious hypocrisy.

And once again you have made an excellent post in response Bieganski.
Marsupial  - | 871  
22 Apr 2016 /  #9
Plenty of room for these people in other islamist countries which encircle the conflict zone. Much closer too. No need to come to a Christian country. Bugger off.
jon357  72 | 22979  
22 Apr 2016 /  #10
Please outline what contribution Poland has made to the refugee effort.

Zero. People here chose to be a full member of the EU, chose to accept the huge subsidies and now their government have dishonoured themselves by shying away from the Europe-wide response. For now anyway.

they promise to do all they can to facilitate a better life for refugees in those three cities, and have signed a three-city admonishment of the government.

There is still hope, and the refugee crisis is far from over.

Decency and moderationn always triumph in the end and this will be no exception.
Marsupial  - | 871  
22 Apr 2016 /  #11
People chose the eu not a german leader opening the floodgates without thinking and without consultation. Nothing to do with eu just an old delusional german ladies brain snap who has been in power way too long. She did a great job for ages but this was an epic fail and I hope germans refresh their scene and bring in change.
jon357  72 | 22979  
22 Apr 2016 /  #12
People chose the eu

Exactly. And that includes taking all the difficult stuff as well as just the cash.
Marsupial  - | 871  
22 Apr 2016 /  #13
You want poland to pay money to pollute and destroy itself. I see. You also run pyramid schemes?
jon357  72 | 22979  
22 Apr 2016 /  #14

'Pollute' how?
Wulkan  - | 3136  
22 Apr 2016 /  #15
Another angry post of a negative and angry person, luckily those types don't usually live long.

but I'll be happy to pick up their restaurant bill when they're in my neck of the woods

I'm afraid those presidents might not want to go to the restaurant with some old and weird dog walker who doesn't even communicate in Polish :-) just a random thought you know...

they promise to do all they can to facilitate a better life for refugees

They have 2 problems, first they need refugees and second, the refugees might be slightly unhappy with the amount of money they would receive :-)


At least you don't need good Polish to read the British version of Gazeta Wyborcza, TheGuardian :-)
mafketis  38 | 10911  
22 Apr 2016 /  #16
the only cases of dissension against the disgusting racist comments towards refugees by the PIS

What makes you think the migrants (most aren't true refugees) want to come to Poland or would stay here? They typically cross through a number of other completely safe countries with similar standards of living in their quest for northern european welfare payments.

Nothing else in your post matters until you can answer that question. Also witness recent ungratefulness of refugees sent to Czechia who immediately spit in their hosts' face running off to Germany.

Why make empty futile gestures for people who won't appreciate them?

If I thought that the migrants would stay in Poland and do their best to assimilate and contribute economically then I'd be in favor of accepting them. But that's not what the data shows so far.
Grzegorz_  51 | 6138  
22 Apr 2016 /  #17
I think Poles are the scum

You are the scum. Shut up, psycho !
OP Dougpol1  29 | 2497  
22 Apr 2016 /  #18
If I thought that the migrants would stay in Poland and do their best to assimilate and contribute economically then I'd be in favor of accepting them

That's a Non sequitur though, while the government maintains it's non-humanitarian stance.
Never thought I see myself agreeing with Bono on anything either:)

Others don't get it.

The UK didn't take any real numbers either, but is the highest donater of aid funds outside of the USA. And what has Poland done to help?

As John says - zilch. And that is bad for the rep. And I feel desperately sorry for the millions of decent Poles, whose rpuutation is damaged again by their idiot government acting in "their name"

The moronic Neo-Cons here can bleat all they want. Truth hurts.
mafketis  38 | 10911  
22 Apr 2016 /  #19
while the government maintains it's non-humanitarian stance

The government (as much as I loathe them) has an entirely defensible position: The refugees don't want to come here, they won't stay (unless they're put in camps and/or communist style border controls return) so why go through the kabuki theater of "accepting" them? To help Merkel's image? Why on earth should Poland help such an incompetent leader (who has nothing much to offer in return)?

That's pretty expensive virtue signalling for no real return (you at least get to posture at length here).

And what has Poland done to help?

You haven't made the case that Poland should help them (or that a majority of those who arrived in 2015 are legitimate refugees as opposed to opportunists who are fleeing dysfunctional societies).

I'm all in favor of helping real refugees but that requires some vetting that no one wants to do (and helping them closer to Syria is more cost-effective than creating human smuggler networks to bring them into a cultural setting where they are doomed to be wards of the state - angry wards of the state if the Western European experience is anything to go by).
OP Dougpol1  29 | 2497  
22 Apr 2016 /  #20
You haven't made the case that Poland should help them (or that a majority of those who arrived in 2015 are legitimate refugees as opposed to opportunists who are fleeing dysfunctional societies).

I was referring to the refusal to contribute to anything at all actually, and that included government donation to the camps in Macedonia at that time (2015) I think it was Unicef who appealed for government donations, and Poland refused point-blank.

And we are talking about Syrians from certain locations (Homs/Aleppo etc) primarily here. As much as Cameron and the rest bluster about sending them back to Turkey, we all know that the Geneva convention of 1951 states that refugees can't be sent back to a war zone, or anywhere in fact, once they have landed on continental soil - pity though it be in some cases , those are the facts of the matter.

Poland doesn't have to take any refugees above the 7,000 - but should be paying the agreed percentage of its' GDP in foreign aid. Last time I checked, it wasn't.

It's all schoolboy stuff anyway. "We were going to make a donation - but know that you are rubbishing our "good standing" in the international community, we wont. So there!"

The three presidents of the aforementioned cities are making their citizens extra proud to be Polish - and they should receive salutations for their stance, and for the shaming of others.
Ziemowit  14 | 3936  
22 Apr 2016 /  #21
And it seems to me that yet another attack on Poland undertaken by Dougpol1 has miserably failed thanks to the responses of other posters (excluding jon357), most notably Bieganski and mafketis.

Indeed, Bundeskanzlerin Angela Merkel should think first and act later rather than act first and think later. And so should Dougpol1.
OP Dougpol1  29 | 2497  
22 Apr 2016 /  #22
yet another attack on Poland undertaken by Dougpol1

Nonsense. I never attack Poland. It's the establishment who collects my taxes who are not fulfilling their humanitarian responsibilities. And some Poles who cant think beyond their own front gates support that xenophobic view, while more than happy to accept anything that comes into their laps.
Gibonka  - | 18  
22 Apr 2016 /  #23
It's the establishment who collects my taxes who are not fulfilling their humanitarian responsibilities.

We have to always ask what Jesus would have done and he would not have said no room at the inn. More people is a good thing in Poland and the mayors of those three cities are right
OP Dougpol1  29 | 2497  
22 Apr 2016 /  #24
We have to always ask what Jesus would have done

You are on the wrong forum Gibonka. Most of the people here of Polish birth might accept the body of Christ on a Sunday morning, but they definitely don't spread God's love, and instead do verily follow the xenophobic clown Kaczynski into the realms of hate and despair, for which the good people of Poland shall repent of at their leisure (The Book Of Dougpol:Ch 1: verse 1)

Or the words "Shameless hypocrites" simply fit here.
mafketis  38 | 10911  
22 Apr 2016 /  #25
I was referring to the refusal to contribute to anything at all actually

Very far form your original claims.

we are talking about Syrians from certain locations (Homs/Aleppo etc) primarily here.

Vetted by who? What precisely is being asked for of whom and how is it known that the people in question would actually stay in Poland? The inital attempts at accepting Syrian refugees was a resounding failure (almost all left for Germany within days of arriving at the accomodations provided at no small expense and didn't even say 'shukran'). Offering refuge to people is worthless, pointless and frankly stupid if the people in question don't want it.

How is it known which side the refugees are from? Accepting refugees from different sides of the conflict just means importing the conflict as well (witness the regular brawls and riots at 'refugee' centers in Germany).

And throwing money at organizations with proven track records of failing to deal with anything in a positive manner doesn't make much sense either.

The sad fact is that Poland has not been asked to do anything reasonable or sensible. When realistic doable proposals are on the table and rejected is the time to critcize that hasn't happened yet.

refugees can't be sent back to a war zone, or anywhere in fact, once they have landed on continental soil - pity though it be in some cases , those are the facts of the matter.

Western Turkey is not a war zone, neither is Greece, Bulgaria, Serbia, Hungary or any of the other countries they trek through to get to Germany or Scandinavia.

Since when is being a refugee a form of diplomatic immunity?
Gibonka  - | 18  
22 Apr 2016 /  #26
Dougpol maybe your right and some of these posters are far from the light of Jesus in the world
OP Dougpol1  29 | 2497  
22 Apr 2016 /  #27
The sad fact is that Poland has not been asked to do anything reasonable or sensible

That is not true though, as you will know. Poland refused to contribute to the upkeep of the camps when asked to make a donation, and declined to send any aid workers.

Not to mention the ridiculously obtuse parade in the European parliament and the many unhelpful and clearly racist remarks from government ministers, and further embarrassment from off-the cuff remarks by Kaczynski, Duda, that woman masquerading as prime minister, Walesa et al.

Nobody was ever asking Poland to take 50,000 refugees. The point is mute. The facts are that the Poles obstructed and slowed the humanitarian process from the very beginning, when they should have been helping, in some small way, just as some of us might do when we might take hot soup and a corned beef sandwich (and a bottle of beer...) to the guy who is standing on the corner down my street most evenings....

Polish aid agencies, unions, corporations and individuals who have given, are to be applauded, but ANY help at all from the Polish government would have been appreciated. Instead all we get is bleating about " Not our problem mate..."

If ever 1939 and 1981 come round again, Poles had better hope that people have short memories.
G (undercover)  
22 Apr 2016 /  #28

Poles obstructed and slowed the humanitarian process

Useful idiot, the whole thing is about Gerries attempting to "centralize" EU, so they can achieve what Adolf failed to do. In order to do that, they encouraged all these people to come to Europe, in result thousands keep dying in waves, huge number of women got raped, countless children got into hands of pedophiles - this is your "humanitarian process". Feckers, who allowed that to happen, Merkel, Junkers and other scum, should be put against the wall and shot for crimes against humanity.

If ever 1939 and 1981 come round again, Poles had better hope that people have short memories.

Yeah because in 39 and 81 we got so much from the world :))))))) Feckin comedy.
OP Dougpol1  29 | 2497  
22 Apr 2016 /  #29
Yeah because in 39 and 81 we got so much from the world :)))))))

And right there is the one big fault of the Poles.

It's called "Always complaining, never admit wrong, and never show any gratitude to those from foreign soil who declared war on Germany and who laid down their lives for a free Poland".

Brainwashed by the communist system.
jon357  72 | 22979  
22 Apr 2016 /  #30
Always complaining, never admit wrong, and never show any gratitude

This much is very very true?

Have you ever heard anyone apologise for anything here? Ever?

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