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Poland - Third World Country??

Exiled  2 | 424  
26 Jan 2010 /  #121
Poland is a first world country with third world
Juche  9 | 292  
26 Jan 2010 /  #122
this doesn't mean we are a third world country and definitely does not reply to the question if you were to compare PL and Ethiopia, would you find it similar. If you would, than I reckon that this is because you've never been to a 3rd world country.

the paraphrasing (gleaned from a newspaper) was a suggestion that the OP, although a bit of exagerational nature, was correct in his polemic that Poland is an land where the peasant toils mercilessly while his puppetmaster profits shamelessly from his crushing labour as he whips his sweaty back, much like in the lesser developed and socially astute lands. This is according to the Hay Group report and also socialist dogmatics of class struggel.
Foreigner4  12 | 1768  
27 Jan 2010 /  #123
At a guess I would say that people who refer to Poland as a "third world country" have no knowledge of Poland (or wish to), probably don't really like Poland or Polish people and if they have been there, most likely had a bad experience due to the examples I've already written.

They also probably have no knowledge of what a third world country actually is...

it's amazing that the most succinct and insightful response was a mere 4 posts down from the op.
Think Twice  
27 Jan 2010 /  #124
I reckon that this is because you've never been to a 3rd world country.

I think some of you are losing the plot and have never visited a 3rd world country either.
Below is a site where you will learn the exact definition.


I believe the title to be a little misleading.
Nika  2 | 507  
27 Jan 2010 /  #125
I think some of you are losing the plot and have never visited a 3rd world country either.
Below is a site where you will learn the exact definition.

I don't need a definition, as exact as it may be. I have visited a 3rd world country, have seen what's it's like with my own eyes, have spoken to the locals personally and let me tell you Poland is not a 3rd world country. Those who say it is are lucky to not know what they are talking about.
Arien  2 | 710  
27 Jan 2010 /  #126
I agree, a lot of things could still be improved in Poland, but it's not exactly a mystery behind the iron curtain anymore, and I would hardly call Poland a developing country these days, and calling it a third world country just seems completely ridiculous?

Nika  2 | 507  
27 Jan 2010 /  #127
Arien you are lovely!
Think Twice  
27 Jan 2010 /  #128
I don't need a definition,

Yes you do.

not know what they are talking about.

You don,t know what your talking about, and your making yourself look stupid.
Take the time to look at the link and stop being a know all .

You will see that Poland is actually a 2nd world country. Thats why I am saying some of you have lost the plot.
Exiled  2 | 424  
27 Jan 2010 /  #129
2nd world was a term used to describe SU and its satelites in Europe.
Arien  2 | 710  
27 Jan 2010 /  #130
Arien you are lovely!

Oh well, sorry!


You will see that Poland is actually a 2nd world country. Thats why I am saying some of you have lost the plot.

Compared to which country I wonder? Poverty is relative you know. You're only poor if all of your neighbours earn thrice as much as you do. (And we simply don't.) Poland is only slightly behind, and they're definitely catching up in certain areas, and I can see they're already competitive in certain branches. (Abroad aswell.) I'm not going to talk about percentages and stuff, but you know Poland has been the commercial centre of Europe once, and they were for a good reason..

Nika  2 | 507  
27 Jan 2010 /  #131
Yes you do.

I still think I don't. I prefer to experience things rather then read definitions.

You don,t know what your talking about, and your making yourself look stupid.

sorry if I wasn't clear. I meant that sometimes it's better to not know about some things. Visiting a 3rd world country can be emotionally a very difficutl experience.

You don,t know what your talking about, and your making yourself look stupid.
Take the time to look at the link and stop being a know all .

would you stop attacking me everytime you come on here, please.
jonni  16 | 2475  
27 Jan 2010 /  #132
You will see that Poland is actually a 2nd world country

Actually it's (according to the World Bank) an upper-middle-income country.
Crow  154 | 9531  
27 Jan 2010 /  #133
Poland - Third World Country???

what a bizarre title of the thread

If Poland is Third World Country, what are Britain, France or Germany? Shitenlandia?
Think Twice  
27 Jan 2010 /  #134
would you stop attacking me everytime you come on here, please.

Sorry girl, suppose it looks a bit like that, just like to banter of course, but I will try to avoid you for a while.

I prefer to experience things rather then read definitions.

Does that count for sex too ?
Just joking, you dont have to answer that.

Catch up with you in the future.

" Imagine " ......... John Lennon.


( I am a bit of a Hippy at heart )
Nika  2 | 507  
27 Jan 2010 /  #135
Does that count for sex too ?

Of course!
Juche  9 | 292  
28 Jan 2010 /  #136
I would hardly call Poland a developing country these days, and calling it a third world country just seems completely ridiculous?

though there is that third world mentality that many of the local folks seem to have...
Amathyst  19 | 2700  
28 Jan 2010 /  #137
It always makes me laugh this thread...Its like asking if France is a 3rd world country...
convex  20 | 3928  
28 Jan 2010 /  #138
Its like asking if France is a 3rd world country...

They don't have Walmart, I think that answers the question.

But seriously, comparing Poland to France? Poland is about like France 30 years ago, except with horrible roads.
Amathyst  19 | 2700  
28 Jan 2010 /  #139
They don't have Walmart, I think that answers the question.

That was a joke right?

But seriously, comparing Poland to France? Poland is about like France 30 years ago, except with horrible roads

Poland was an occupied country for decades with no investment...as for 30 years behind..I dont think so..have you seen rural parts of France? and the slums in Paris?
convex  20 | 3928  
28 Jan 2010 /  #140
That was a joke right?

you got it

Poland was an occupied country for decades with no investment...as for 30 years behind..I dont think so..have you seen rural parts of France? and the slums in Paris?

That's why Poland is 30 years behind. Have you seen the hospitals? The transportation system? The glorious roads? The lack of sulfur smell in the winter? The quality of food available?

It's catching up though. I think the countryside will be stuck back in time for a while though...
Juche  9 | 292  
28 Jan 2010 /  #141
It always makes me laugh this thread

thats why so many of us are more than happy to contribute
bullfrog  6 | 602  
28 Jan 2010 /  #142

Why a slur? If I had the choice, I would not have minded being born French (like 20% of Brits according to a survey done a few years ago)
grubas  12 | 1382  
1 Feb 2010 /  #143
Who cares what others think?I say screw them.what matters is what residents think.
McCoy  27 | 1268  
1 Feb 2010 /  #144
Poland - Third World Country???

1 Feb 2010 /  #145
Poland - Third World Country???

In some ways for sure. Some classy women though, :-)
1 Feb 2010 /  #146
Poland is fourth world country. Here they still serve dead dogs in the polish restaurants:


A couple living on a farm near Czestochowa in southern Poland are currently being questioned by Polish police regarding selling lard on their farm that appears to have come from dogs and puppies that have been fattened for slaughter, in an attempt to create one of Poland's famed national dishes out of the dogs.

The couple is selling the lard as an alternative to one of Poland's national dishes, called Smalec. It is a special type of lard that is served with bread as an appetizer of sorts in restaurants throughout Poland.
McCoy  27 | 1268  
1 Feb 2010 /  #147
In some ways for sure

ive seen 3wc only once. in usa. suburbs of some middle-sized city.
1 Feb 2010 /  #148
ive seen 3wc only once. in usa.

You know what's strange about you guys, you just take any criticism at all. Yes we do do have some poverty in the states too just like anywhere else in the world but this is all about Poland here and I made my statement according to what I've seen while being over there for quite a while. Really bad roads, drunks at the "kiosks" to mention only a couple of your problems. I'm not trying to put you down guys, I'm only responding to the subject of this thread. Besides, what you've seen in the states is not common for the whole country. I bet you went to Chicago or NYC or any other big city. If you put it that way, go to Rio de Janeiro and you'll see some real poverty there.
frd  7 | 1379  
1 Feb 2010 /  #149

which guys? You are quoting one person's point of view. Stop extending somebody's standpoint onto more people.
McCoy  27 | 1268  
1 Feb 2010 /  #150
You know what's strange about you guys, you just take any criticism at all.

take it easy. ive just said what i saw in the states. its not about Pl being great and usa being crap.

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