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UK to send tanks to Poland.

jon357  72 | 23482  
24 Nov 2014 /  #1
In a way, a shame they have to do it, but while the threat from the Putinists is still there, it's a valid option:

Britain is planning more large Cold War-style tank exercises in Poland next year in the wake of Russian aggression in Ukraine, the head of the Army has said.
Gen Sir Nick Carter, Chief of the General Staff, said that the Army wanted to send more armoured battle groups for war games as he visited Britain's most easterly tank manoeuvres in Europe for nearly a decade.
Exercise Black Eagle is the largest in a number of recent exercises which the Government says should reassure Poland and the Baltic states which fear more Russian aggression after the annexation of Crimea.

24 Nov 2014 /  #2
Why do they always want to consider Poland as a battle field? Yes, send all the war equipment to Poland's territory so that the aggressors have a target to focus on and to destroy.

Isn't it smart of them - 'we'll defend Europe but on Poland's territory, let Poles keep rebuilding the damage for the next two generations.' How about making a battle field in Germany, Sweden, Belgium, or in the UK, for a change..
OP jon357  72 | 23482  
24 Nov 2014 /  #3
Why do they always want to consider Poland as a battle field?

Well, I suppose the country could move. It's been done before...

Why do they always want

It's actually the government of PL who are so keen on this.

How about making a battle field in Germany, Sweden, Belgium, or in the UK, for a change..

For a change????
Monitor  13 | 1810  
24 Nov 2014 /  #4
@Nathans: It's either tanks in Poland or white flag.
Wroclaw Boy  
24 Nov 2014 /  #5
wow Cameron...tough guy.
InWroclaw  89 | 1910  
24 Nov 2014 /  #6
Is he hoping for the expat UK Polish vote come May?
OP jon357  72 | 23482  
25 Nov 2014 /  #7
He gets that anyway.

This I supppose is the Cold War, Great Game, call it whatever, coming back, but at least Poland and the UK are on the side of democracy flawed though it is.
InWroclaw  89 | 1910  
25 Nov 2014 /  #8
He gets that anyway.

Immigrants traditionally vote Lab not Con, don't they? That's what the journos always say, anyhoo...
Monitor  13 | 1810  
25 Nov 2014 /  #9
Is he hoping for the expat UK Polish vote come May?

Polish emigrants usually don't vote. Maybe those who live for 10 years do, but they're minority.
InWroclaw  89 | 1910  
25 Nov 2014 /  #10
A lot of Poles there do. There were queues of Poles there to vote a few years back.
Monitor  13 | 1810  
25 Nov 2014 /  #11
But what statistics says about it?
InWroclaw  89 | 1910  
25 Nov 2014 /  #12
I don't know how accurate stats are. But I do know about queues in London because Poles reported back to me that their queues were long for a vote somewhere, presumably it was at the embassy in 2007 (I am not sure exactly when). Remember, turnout is not great in elections in the UK, so you don't need every Pole in the UK to vote to make a difference. Labour usually play to the immigrant gallery and always have, as any newspaper report will confirm.
OP jon357  72 | 23482  
26 Nov 2014 /  #13
I don't know how accurate stats are. But I do know about queues in London because Poles reported back to me that their queues were long for a vote somewhere, presumably it was at the embassy in 2007

They were desperate for change in that election.

For the mayoral elections in London, someone told me (worth checking out) that the margin by which that clown Johnson won was smaller than the number of Poles registered to vote there...
26 Nov 2014 /  #14
Boris Johnson is American ! Can you believe that ? A stuck up pretentious fool, born in New York educated at Eton etc. It explains why he is the Mayor of London.

Daddy was American !
smurf  38 | 1940  
26 Nov 2014 /  #15
Daddy was American

Boris Johnson's father is the writer Stanley Johnson, born in 1940 in Cornwall, which is in England.
So, no, daddy isn't American.
rozumiemnic  8 | 3893  
26 Nov 2014 /  #16
tictactoe no you are wrong, Boris is English with just a little Jewish and Turkish thrown in.
He makes an ideal Mayor of London as he is just another mixed up Londoner
Szenk88HTAFC  2 | 47  
26 Nov 2014 /  #17
Why do they always want to consider Poland as a battle field? Yes, send all the war equipment to Poland's territory so that the aggressors have a target to focus on and to destroy..

Possibly the most geographically retarded statement I've heard in a while. To fight in Germany, you'd have to invade East through Poland, likewise for Belgium. To invade Sweden you would probably have to open up at least 2 fronts, East and South. Invading from the South would involve going through Poland then Germany and up North through Denmark. To invade the UK it would be on the premise that you've managed to fight your way through Europe which, funnily enough, includes Poland.

If anyone says that Russia could invade simply by utilising their Arctic fleet is seriously misguided in terms of how much firepower the Russians can muster. Keeping tanks in Poland is perfect. It's a show of force and also the first line of defence in any situation where Russia would be the aggressor.
26 Nov 2014 /  #18
Born in New York City, Johnson was educated at the European School of Brussels, Ashdown House School, Eton College,

( Wikipedia, 2014)
Crow  154 | 9525  
27 Nov 2014 /  #19
UK plays ugly.

But, Poland won`t be turned into battlefield. If comes to war, Russia would invade Britain and slain the head of the snake.
rozumiemnic  8 | 3893  
27 Nov 2014 /  #20
that is interesting tictactoe but nonetheless he is quite definitely English.
InWroclaw  89 | 1910  
27 Nov 2014 /  #21
Funnily enough he was on Yesterday yesterday in Who Do You Think You Are? He modestly confessed he was probably one of 1000 odd descended from the same royal.
Roger5  1 | 1432  
27 Nov 2014 /  #22
It's people like crow who keep old hatreds burning for centuries, and who infect others with their deluded and chauvanistic pan nationalism. He is a waste of space.
InWroclaw  89 | 1910  
27 Nov 2014 /  #23
who keep old hatreds burning for centuries

Absolutely, what's up with people like that? It's sad and actually evil.

Back to the topic please
Wroclaw Boy  
27 Nov 2014 /  #24
and who infect others with their deluded and chauvanistic pan nationalism

would take a small mind to be infected by any of his utter shyatt
Crow  154 | 9525  
28 Nov 2014 /  #25
It's people like crow who keep old hatreds burning for centuries

me? i don`t send any tanks to Poland. i mean, even if i could, i love Poland and for sure wouldn`t send tanks. If truly consider itself to be friend of Poland, UK should less provoke Russia, knowing that is Poland border country of the NATO, close to the Russia.

After all, what kind of message is to send tanks to Poland, by UK? UK tanks for sure can`t protect Poland if come to war? Then what is that? Another provocation of Russia by UK, via heads of Poles?

And what hatreds? No hate in me. i just want that Slavic civilization and Slavs live. What`s wrong with it? Those who sending tanks to Poland wants that Anglo civilization live and i understand that... but, sorry Slavs aren`t that stupid. Plus, they are far more inter-connected then Anglos likes that.

and who infect others with their deluded and chauvanistic pan nationalism. He is a waste of space.

Do we here talk about Tony Blair?

Absolutely, what's up with people like that? It's sad and actually evil.

no comment

would take a small mind to be infected by any of his utter shyatt

no comment

If anyone says that Russia could invade simply by utilising their Arctic fleet is seriously misguided in terms of how much firepower the Russians can muster.

Nonsense, nonsense, nonsense. Its actually very easy for Russia to hit London and assault Britain from the see. You greatly underestimate Russia. But, OK

Keeping tanks in Poland is perfect.

No, Its attempt to hold Poland as the hostage of the policy of NATO leading powers.

It's a show of force and also the first line of defence in any situation where Russia would be the aggressor.

It rather shows stupidity of NATO commanders and strategists.
Levi_BR  6 | 219  
30 Nov 2014 /  #26
Putin is a Bluffer.

Russian economy is even smaller than Brazilian economy and he is struggling to appease the people there that is starving to death with his neo-communist policies.

More than the sanctions, Russia is suffering with the falling oil prices. Soon this utterly oppressive russian government will need to give up (AGAIN!) of their vicious bullying against small countries or they will lack basic resources.

And what a joke someone say that Russia have firepower enough to menace Britain or Nato HAHAHAHAHA.

Poland is more safe than it had even been before. It was an extremely wise movement be part of NATO.
RubasznyRumcajs  5 | 495  
30 Nov 2014 /  #27
so... what's the inflation rate in Russia? 8% :)?
and no, with exception of nukes, putin wouldn't be able to attack London.
Crow  154 | 9525  
1 Dec 2014 /  #28
UK to send tanks to Poland.

In any case, public in UK now sleeps a little bit better, i am sure. They dream beautiful dream about front line far from their homes, while they profit and profit and profit and grabbing and grabbing and grabbing.
Szalawa  2 | 239  
1 Dec 2014 /  #29
I'm with Crow and Nathans here, sending English tanks would only liken an incentive for an invasion if there was any intention too. How does it look like? Does Poland lack the capabilities to handle there own military patrol and weaponry? No, I think not. Be honest Its a long way before any WW3, and if it were these are the little things that trigger it.

But I guess Poland going along with the western allies game getting dragged into their wars Western allies must offer some token, however a few little tanks running along the borders not going to offer much protection in the long and short run.

So I think they should just keep their tanks, just make sure to actually show up next time if another world war happens, that would be nice.
Crow  154 | 9525  
1 Dec 2014 /  #30
So I think they should just keep their tanks

Also, for sure Polish tax payers must pay for the maintenance of tanks. Brits know what they doing. i know Brits. Yugoslavia was so stupid for trusted Britain in WWII and Serbia was gloriously naive for trusted them in Balkan Wars and WWI.

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