Yes, a little moustachioed chap once thought the way you do. He called his project Lebensborn.
Oh dear, I see you're lying about me yet again. I actually said "if we want to get the population up, we need to get people going at it like rabbits". Personally I see no need to increase the population level, what with infinite growth not being sustainable in a finite system and all that jazz.
Funny you did not latch onto the shackers-up, but onyl gay sex.
And again you're lying about what I said, I very clearly stated "sex ..., both inside and outside marriage". Is there any point in trying to discuss things with you when all you do is lie about what I say?
Personally I'd quite like to talk about education in Poland and why the government thinks 'number of kids going down, we'll need to sack teachers' rather than 'number of children going down, we can continue to spend the same amount of money but have smaller classes and thus give kids a better start in life'. There's no need to drag gay sex into this discussion!