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Russia says: WE'LL NUKE POLAND

10 Jan 2016 /  #61
Pweeg Russia will only be a military threat to Poland if it feels that Poland is becoming a military sock puppet for Nato and the US, Putin's Russia is not perfect , but it is way different to the soviet regime of the past. as for Saudi they tend to do things quietly, providing funding for others to further their aims.
Crow  155 | 9736  
10 Jan 2016 /  #62
Who are "we" ? Dude, you're English.

that`s the good one. Those Anglos

ahahahah hahahaha hahahaha hahahah

Sure Poland will profit.

The next day Russia vanish, Poland would end. That good friends Poland have on the west of Europe

You are looking at Russia form your narrow Serbian perfective,

There is hardly average population in Europe (by that in world) as it is Serbian population, where people could tell you that fascinatingly balanced comments on events in world politics. Serbs are definitely best informed and best educated Europeans. There is historical trend in it. Speaking in average, of course.

For example, i can remember days when NATO transported mujaheedines in Bosnia and many Serbs were dying. Greeks were among first to massively volunteer against mujas. Still, when that same Greece, at that same time, pressured little Slavic Macedonia (at that time Macedonia officially was against Serbia- following NATO/EU dictate), Serbians went out on streets and happened historically unseen huge anti-Greek demonstrations. Imagine that. Country in agony, under economic sanctions, trade embargo, NATO upload mujaheedines, Greece helping us and, Serbians protest against those who were first to come in their aid. It because Greeks thought that it was moment that they gave lesson to Macedonia (that officially was against Serbia but, with people looking at Serbs as their only hope), while they underestimated and forgot Serbian willingness to defend Slavic factor at all cost for themselves. Well, they were reminded. Then, Greeks corrected themselves and we continued to cooperate with Greeks.

Or should i remind you that it was Serbs who were military elite of Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth. First line, even against Russians who, from Serbian perspective, dared to provoke Poland in situation when Poland needed to stabilize her western borders by at the same time making tremendous effort and sacrafices to support defense of southern Sarmatian borders from Turkish invasion. Orsha battle best describing Serbian wrath on Russians back then.

Or, shall i speak you of Serbian mercenary general Petar Tekeli in Russian service who saved Ukrainian Cossacks from the wrath of Russian Empress Cathrine the Great who later didn`t behead him because of that but gave him medal for he prevented shed of blood among brothers.

Or, shall i remind you that Serbians refused Stalin and said no, helping back then Hungary, Czechoslovakia and opposition in Poland.

See, those are Serbs.

Serbian perfective, forget about them in times of global politicks there are plenty other countries like China for example or whatnot. Limiting yourself to Russia is narrowing your choices.

We Serbians don`t limit ourselves on Russia. Reason that Turkey these days call Serbia to mediate in Russo-Turkish crisis isn`t only warm Serbian-Russian ties but on the first place Serbian wide perfect diplomatic standing with China, India, Brazil and worldwide non-Aligned movement.

Reason that Russia still standing (and winning) after EU sanctioned her are good Russian-Chinese ties. On the other side, reason that China giving maximally positive signals to Poland is because it suits to Russian interests at the moment. What Russia and China want is to see strong Poland capable to go out of EU and form Intermarium from Baltic to Balkan. It is more in accordance with `delegating` power worldwide in emerging multi-polar world.

If it is only Russia who may profit form strong Poland, western Europe would already seek for the way to offer deal to Russians against Poland. But, strategic situation in world qualitatively changed. There is China now and multi-polar world.

Russia has no interest in doing anything to help Poland or the West.

Poland is Poland and Russia have interest to support Poland. Better Poland on Russian western borders then extra strong Magna Germania (EU).

Plus, don`t you speak to me about West. We Serbs are West, Poland is the West, Russia is the West. Western Europe is just geographical west.
Velund  1 | 497  
10 Jan 2016 /  #63
Poland is Poland and Russia have interest to support Poland.

Independent Poland caring for their rational national interests - yes.
Puppet with foreign military bases on their territory and armed forces under control of foreign commanders - I doubt about it. It is direct threat on western boards and will be treated as such.
10 Jan 2016 /  #64
Velund "Independent Poland caring for their rational national interests - yes. " I could not agree more, one day my friend one day.
10 Jan 2016 /  #65
Putin's Russia is not perfect , but it is way different to the soviet regime of the past.

A return to the Soviet Union/Russian Empire is precisely what Putin and the Russian people want. Putins Russian is no different than the Soviet Union, except it's more dangerous because they think they are powerful.
10 Jan 2016 /  #66
"A return to the Soviet Union/Russian Empire" nope they would have done it by now, may be there are some Russians who follow the forum who could give us some input, the Russians I have spoken to may not be completely happy with Putin, but they do not envisage a return to the old days.
Ironside  51 | 13127  
10 Jan 2016 /  #67
The next day Russia vanish, Poland would end

Nonsense, there is no such correlation.

Serbs are definitely best informed and best educated Europeans.

Makes no difference, while reading your posts a certain pro-Russian pattern emerges.

that it was Serbs who were military elite of Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth

Come on, stop repeating that nonsense. Its boring.

What Russia and China want is to see strong Poland capable to go out of EU and form Intermarium from Baltic to Balkan.

You are kidding aren't you? Russia as it is doesn't want to see strong Poland.
Crow  155 | 9736  
10 Jan 2016 /  #68
Nonsense, there is no such correlation.

just answer to yourself. Do you trust to Britain, France, Germany and USA?

Makes no difference, while reading your posts a certain pro-Russian pattern emerges.

you maybe see that way because you aren`t in balance. All are sometimes right and sometimes wrong. When crisis in relations occur, most people often losing perception of that reality.

Come on, stop repeating that nonsense. Its boring.

oh, you are immune on my hypnosis

You are kidding aren't you?

no. Why you got that impression?

Russia as it is doesn't want to see strong Poland.

do they still eat Polish apples? They eat. What you want now?
Velund  1 | 497  
10 Jan 2016 /  #69
do they still eat Polish apples? They eat.

But only if they able to get it. That is pretty hard now. ;)

But there is a lot of apples in Belarus this year. Also, belarussian seas give a lot of fish to export... ;)
Ironside  51 | 13127  
10 Jan 2016 /  #70
just answer to yourself. Do you trust to Britain, France, Germany and USA?

That has nothing to do with the issue we are debating here.

you maybe see that way because you aren`t in balance

No Crow, between me and you, you are the unbalanced one and there is nothing wrong with that but someone has to stand firmly on the ground, instead of gilding in the internet on the wings of imagination.

do they still eat Polish apples? They eat. What you want now?

For some of them to chock on it! As they well deserve it for their policy towards Poland. Damn chekists!
Crow  155 | 9736  
10 Jan 2016 /  #71
That has nothing to do with the issue we are debating here.

its all about it. Make Poland and Russia fight each others, while they progress. But not anymore. Serbians ending that game

someone has to stand firmly on the ground, instead of gilding in the internet on the wings of imagination.

If British queen read this post of yours she would sq***t. She would recognize great cannon fodder potential in your words and, she would wash her self up and, tell to her associates- Work on Poland.

Then, when she see how i speak of her she would definitely sit on the broom.

For some of them to chock on it! As they well deserve it for their policy towards Poland. Damn chekists!

you know genetic science says that are Russians in fact Poles who migrated more eastern.
10 Jan 2016 /  #72
That has nothing to do with the issue we are debating here

WTF is the issue we are debating here, mods moved it from a discussion about buying oil from Russia or Saudi Arabia.

10 Jan 2016 /  #73
Weeg I thought that for a second as well then i realized my posts had gone off the main topic as per rules, so I think the mode has tidied our off topic posts up understanding that we had slipped off thread rather than deliberately attempting to spoil it. nicer this way than being told off.
Crow  155 | 9736  
10 Jan 2016 /  #74
i don`t believe that would Russia nuke Poland. Saying something like it is a travesty. It won`t happen. Existence of Poland is in best Russian interest.
rock  - | 428  
11 Jan 2016 /  #75
It will not realize in a short time. Turkey keeps Russia busy nowadays ;)
Ironside  51 | 13127  
11 Jan 2016 /  #76
its all about it. Make Poland and Russia fight each others, while they progress. But not anymore. Serbians ending that game

Russia is the problem. Serbians ain't solution, so far they couldn't even defend themselves.

If British queen read this post of yours she would sq***t.

What? Queens, queues, quires and spheres?

you know genetic science says that are Russians in fact Poles who migrated more eastern.

DNA in humans are just their genetic background, What is counting is culture and civilization they belong to, Russian are Asiatic horde in that regard.
Ktos  15 | 432  
11 Jan 2016 /  #77
I've yet to met a Pole who will say that Russia is less of a military threat to Poland than Saudi Arabia

Another westerner fixated on Russia as a threat, it is Americans who poke their ugly noses everywhere, they are the biggest threat at the moment to Poland.
Crow  155 | 9736  
11 Jan 2016 /  #78
Russia is the problem.

Bottom line is, Russians didn`t crash neither the Polish, neither the Serbian might. Romans did. Admit it to yourself and you would free your soul. Even today we serve to Romans. Even Russians. Its our mutual tragedy.

Serbians ain't solution, so far they couldn't even defend themselves.

Maybe. But, we would continue to trying. i sincerely hope so.

What? Queens, queues, quires and spheres?

squirt. She would squirt.

DNA in humans are just their genetic background, What is counting is culture and civilization they belong to, Russian are Asiatic horde in that regard.

all fine in us Sarmats, DNA and culture, all. Now, Russians are Scythians and, hand on heart, that makes them little bit wild. Rest is same as in rest of us Sarmats.
Polonius3  980 | 12275  
18 Apr 2016 /  #79
Merged: Russians violate Polish air space

Citing a forestry official whom it described as an eye-witness, Gazeta Polska Codziennie reported that Russian machines, flying low and in formation, entered several kilometres into Polish territory.

"It wasn't long before the helicopters returned over the border," the official was quoted as saying. He added that Polish border guards quickly arrived at the scene.

The reported incident follows a series of controversial manoeuvres by Russian fighter jets over the Baltic Sea that have been condemned by Polish and US officials.

American warship the USS Donald Cook was buzzed on 11 April, while the vessel was carrying out deck landing drills involving a Polish helicopter.

**US Sec of State Kerry said the USS Cook could have shot down the Russian fighters that buzzed it according to international law. Too bad Poland didn't shoot down the choppers that violated its territory!
Dougpol1  29 | 2497  
18 Apr 2016 /  #80
Russian machines

Those Martians again with their damn war machines!
Why quote all the time Polonius? Is that a habit you picked up in communism? If so, I am here to tell you that's a not a good one........
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
18 Apr 2016 /  #81
Too bad Poland didn't shoot down the choppers that violated its territory!

Why? Are we as bad as the Soviets?
jon357  72 | 23712  
18 Apr 2016 /  #82
Too bad Poland didn't shoot down the choppers that violated its territory!

Not even the insane Macierewicz would be that daft.
dolnoslask  5 | 2805  
18 Apr 2016 /  #83
If Russia nukes Poland they better check which way the wind is blowing first, not a good idea to sh$t on your own doorstep.
18 Apr 2016 /  #84
No one is going to nuke anyone. People need to get this stupid idea out of their heads. It would mean the end of the world as we know it. Simply not going to happen. Rich people can't enjoy being rich and powerful if everyone is dead.
johnny reb  49 | 8003  
19 Apr 2016 /  #85
Too bad Poland didn't shoot down the choppers that violated its territory!

Turkey would have.
If someone nuked a NATO member they would be turned into glass.
It ain't gonna happen in my life time as some fear mongers fantasize.
19 Apr 2016 /  #86
Not even the insane Macierewicz would be that daft.

It's not insane or daft to defend your airspace it's a fundemental right. And as Turkey proved it's very easy and painless to do.
jon357  72 | 23712  
19 Apr 2016 /  #87
To shoot down a Russian plane?

In international relations, two wrongs are rarely right...
rock  - | 428  
21 Apr 2016 /  #88
Polish foreign minister was in Turkey today. Cooperation is important ;)
21 Apr 2016 /  #89
To shoot down a Russian plane?

In international relations, two wrongs are rarely right

There are lines that cannot be crossed, to not respond against a Fascist state like Russia would be fatal.
jon357  72 | 23712  
21 Apr 2016 /  #90
The question is how to respond. I favour the international community taking a very strong line against Russia; their ambitions need reining in. Poland shooting down a Russian plane would escalate things in the wrong way.

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