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Poland's resentful and frustrated poor losers' camp still at it

OP Polonius3  980 | 12275  
7 Sep 2016 /  #31
back-bench MP

But your back-bench MP is serving the Polish nation, unlike your scamster heroes, real-estate manipulator Warsaw Mayor or Donald Ambergold Tusk.
mafketis  38 | 11137  
7 Sep 2016 /  #32
back-bench MP is serving the Polish nation

which makes special rules for him okay?
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275  
7 Sep 2016 /  #33
special rules

He is universally acknolwedged as Poland's most powerful political figure, a great tactitian and strategist who deserves special recognition and respect. Unlike those dipping in the till and feathering their own nest, he is a man of modest tastes and needs, and his only concern is the good of the nation. In our greedy me-myself-and-I world you have to admit he stands out like a knight in shining amrour in a den of Platformer thieves, a man entirely devoted to the cause of Poland and Poles.
7 Sep 2016 /  #34
your back-bench MP is serving the Polish nation,

If he was serving the Polish nation, he could get PKP, second class, just like the average member of the Polish nation, rather than expecting the Polish nation to.pay for a helicopter to fly him round Poland on purely personal trips. If he wanted to send the Polish nation, he could give his multi-million zloty villa back to the Polish state, which used to own it, with a request that is is converted into flats for three, or even six needy families, which it could be. But instead he uses it as lair to which to summon people he says he leads, such as the supposed president of Poland, who makes humiliating late night journeys there when summoned. But then of course if he had wanted to serve the Polish nation, he would never have volunteered to prosecute for commie scum the Polish heroes he now pretends to have been one of.

he is a man of modest tastes and needs

So private helicopter flights and multi-million zloty villas are modest testes and no more than he needs? How utterly contemptible.
mafketis  38 | 11137  
7 Sep 2016 /  #35
a great tactitian and strategist who deserves special recognition and respect.

Rule by party leader rather than rule of law. Classic PRL.

a man entirely devoted to the cause of

obtaining more power to settle stale old scores (while burning a white hot hole in the middle of the economy)
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275  
7 Sep 2016 /  #36
volunteered to prosecute

You still haven't given me the relevant sentnce or sentences but sent me half a book. Oh, I forgot, you're pidgin Polish ain't good enough. But you can always ask someone, a neighbour or Polish friend (you do have Polish friends, don't you, or only Anglo-jabber creeps!?) to translate it.

You yourselfself said he had no bank account, and he has never driven a car, which is very modest by today's standards. He is nowhere the hedonist you are, is living in the only family home he has ever known which his family did not steal. Even if the helicopter ride is not something you made up (although no-one would put it past the forum's liar laureate!), it is not something to crucify someone for. Considering his great merits and contributions to the Polish cause, you are not fit to even lick his boots!
Dreamergirl  4 | 273  
7 Sep 2016 /  #37
You lot need to be nice and not make it personal
8 Sep 2016 /  #38
Oh, I forgot, you're pidgin Polish ain't good enough.

Oh, look, more personal abuse instead of facts, how surprising.

You yourselfself said he had no bank account

No, he has a bank account now. He was forced to get one when he was told it would be illegal to have his government salary paid into his mother's bank account, which he had been using until then.

he has never driven a car, which is very modest by today's standards.

Why drive a car when you can, as he does, be chauffeur driven or taken by personal helicopter at the taxpayer's expense? Isn't that modest.

living in the only family home he has ever known which his family did not steal.

He lives in the family house, not the family apartment, the house daddy got after daddy was really useful to the people who gave out houses back then.

Even if the helicopter ride is not something you made up (although no-one would put it past the forum's liar laureate!)

Pity your personal abuse can't overcome the photos of him in his personal helicopter with police marking.

Considering his great merits and contributions to the Polish cause,

You mean such as him volunteering to prosecute the best sort of Poles, the freedom fighters he volunteered to prosecute? And his bravely shafting the tax payer for the cost of his personal helicopter flights? And him ordering his minions such as the 'president' and 'prime minister' to break Polish law? Yes, those are great merits and contributions.
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275  
8 Sep 2016 /  #39
volunteering to prosecute the best sort of Poles

Broken record again? Please give me the exact wording. Besides, this is not a documented fact but the take of the book's author.
Again no proof about K.'s dad. It's all the must've, might've, should've, could've type of speculative insinuation that you are known for. And that is not insulting or abusive but fact. You tried to target yours truly with your "former state property" lie and "knock-down price" lie. It's the trademark Harryesque "1% truth" lie. Someone lives in a house = 1% truth; the when, how, who, why and all the rest are malicious Harryesque fabrications. Or someone was seen in a police chopper on one occasion gets catapulted into the sweeping generalisation that he is constantly joyriding at the state's expense.

To bottom line is a bit of friendly advice to PF-ers: most everything my respected interlocutor types is suspect and most likely at great variance with the truth. It should be checked, double-checked and treble-checked. and even then one can never be sure!
8 Sep 2016 /  #40
Please give me the exact wording.


Zarówno Jarek, jak i Leszek startowali w 1971 roku w wyścigu o aplikację adwokacką. Jarosław uzyskał miejsce na aplikacji prokuratorskiej, a dla Leszka takiego miejsca w Warszawie nie było.

A rough translation of that would be "In 1971 both Jarek and Leszek applied to become trainee advocates. Jaroslaw got a place as a trainee public prosecutor but there was no place in Warsaw for Leszek."


I look forward to yet more personal abuse instead of any attempts to discuss the fact that the leader of Poland resentful and frustrated poor losers' camp (he's won two elections and lost all of the rest and his supporters have lost out badly since the end of communism) volunteered to prosecute the best kind of Poles.
Ironside  50 | 12916  
8 Sep 2016 /  #41
the economy)

you seems to be working under a gross misunderstanding, which assumes that PO stands for liberalism and free market and PiS for socialism and regulated market. Neither is true. PiS is better because they at least attempt to formulate Poland's national interests.

Who cares about few cronies of your working in public positions, If they're that good - the private sector will welcome them with open arms.

prosecute the best kind of P

Potentially, in contrast to your 'heroes' who actually had blood of patriotic Poles on their hands.
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275  
8 Sep 2016 /  #42
applied to become

Again the pidgin syndrome has kicked in. In this context aplikacja is not an English application, a form one fills in to obtain some benefit (scholarship, job, membership of some organisation, etc.) It is a type of traineeship, apprenticeship or internship, an obligatory stage on the way to becoming a lawyer, prosecutor, judge or other court official. In this case, the prosecutorial intership lasts 30 months. Prosecutors even in totalitarian countries like PRL did not deal solely with poltical dissdients but mainly handled criminal cases. You probably also don't knwo German (Anglo-Jabber Forever!), so take my word for it that even under the Nazis there was the Gestapo but also the Kripo (criminal police).

Ultimately this is another case of a Harryesque "1% truth" lie, plus 99% insinuaiton nad fbarication. The 1 % truth is that Kaczyński was a trainee but there is nothing about the cases he dealt with as in intern. If you read the book you'd know the twins were raised in a very patritoic pro-AK, anti-communist atmosphere and were both mummy's boys. Why woudl Jarek sudde turn on his mum and favour a repressive system he had learnt to despise?

But this goes far beyond your linguistic ineptness. Above all it reveals the obsession of a sick mind latching on to a single, innocuous sentenc and elaborating it into a groundless, blanket accusation just to spew some of the hateful vitriol bubbling inside you on Poland's leading statesman. But never a word about the family of blood-dripping Bolsheivsed Jews, the Michniks, and the atmosphere in which Adam was raised. Most Michnik family friends visitng their home were of the same ilk and young Adam thought those were just normal people. To this day Adam mainly interacts by preference with his commie-rooted non-Goy compatriots. Jarek would never call political criminals Jaruzelski and Kiszczak "men of honour", You probabyl would!
mafketis  38 | 11137  
8 Sep 2016 /  #43
Again the pidgin syndrome has kicked in. In this context aplikacja is not an English application, a form one fills in to obtain some benefit (scholarship, job, membership of some organisation, etc.) It is a type of traineeship, apprenticeship or internship,

"In 1971 both Jarek and Leszek applied to become trainee advocates

this is okay as a rough approximation of:

startowali w 1971 roku w wyścigu o aplikację adwokacką

he's translating "startowali ... w wyścigu l" as applied

and "aplikacje adwokacką" as "trainee advocates"

As a rough approximation it's okay (I don't like 'trainee advocates' and would probably say something like 'legal traineeships'

In this case i'd say the pidgin syndrome is yours.... mic drop, Soookoh!
8 Sep 2016 /  #44
Again the pidgin syndrome has kicked in.

How astounding to see you open with an off-topic ad hom attempt at an insult. But I suppose you can't argue with the facts, so all you have left are personal comments.

In this context aplikacja is not an English application, ...

I'm well aware of what an aplikacja adwokacka is, but you clearly are not. It's not an internship. Interns are unqualified unpaid students. An aplikacja adwokacka has already graduated from law school and is completing his training to be accepted by the Bar Association. They are training to be admitted to practice for their chosen speciality. In the case of the leader of Poland's resentful and frustrated poor losers' camp, Chairman Kaczynski, he chose to become a prosecutor.

Prosecutors even in totalitarian countries like PRL did not deal solely with poltical dissdients

Of course they didn't. But they also prosecuted political 'crimes', prosecuted dissidents. It's not as if there was a box on the application form to tick marked 'Will not prosecuted dissidents'. Chairman Kaczynski signed up to prosecute both real criminals and those whose only crime was to want Poles to be free.

the twins were raised in a very patritoic pro-AK, anti-communist atmosphere

Yes, because the commie regime were noted for giving villas worth millions and the best jobs and education to very patritoic pro-AK people, weren't they? And former AK officers who turned traitor were punished by being given the worst jobs and accommodation, weren't they.

Why woudl Jarek sudde turn on his mum and favour a repressive system he had learnt to despise?

Clearly he didn't despise it, as he signed up to prosecute those to tried to end it.

I don't like 'trainee advocates' and would probably say something like 'legal traineeships'

No, because these aplikants are strictly delineated between the speciality they will follow (aplikacja radcowska, aplikacja notarialna, etc). In the case of Chairman Kaczynski he chose to be an aplikant prokuratury and thus to become a prosecutor, at a time when that meant prosecuting dissidents.
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275  
8 Sep 2016 /  #45
'legal traineeships'

And in this 1% true term you too see and believe the wholly fabricated 99% Harryesque lie alleging that Jarek signed up to prosecute political dissidents and serve the commie regime?

Unless you are bidding to land the title of PF's liar vice-laureate.
mafketis  38 | 11137  
8 Sep 2016 /  #46
And in this 1% true term you too see and believe the wholly fabricated 99% Harryesque lie alleging that Jarek signed up to prosecute political dissidents

You're becoming unhinged. It's not Harry's claim, it's Piotr Semka's as relayed by rzeczpospolita. I take no position on the veracity of Semka's claims.

In journalism there is a thing called 'atrribution'. You need to learn about it.
8 Sep 2016 /  #47
'legal traineeships'
And in this 1% true term

An aplikant prokuratury is a trainee public prosecutor: he has signed up to prosecute people who break the law. Back in commie times it was against the law to oppose the commie regime: the leader of Poland's resentful and frustrated poor losers' camp signed up to prosecute people including dissidents. No amount of lies or off-topic ad hom trolling will change that very simple fact.

the wholly fabricated 99% Harryesque lie

Is there any limit to your off-topic ad hom trolling?

alleging that Jarek signed up to prosecute political dissidents and serve the commie regime?

Chairman Kaczynski volunteered to serve the commie regime by prosecuting anybody it wanted to be prosecuted: both the criminals who were a threat to society and the dissidents whose only 'crime' was to be a threat to the commie regime. Since then he has become the "real actual leader" of Poland's resentful and frustrated poor losers' camp.

the title of PF's liar vice-laureate.

I wonder how long your off-topic ad hom trolling will be tolerated. Sadly it's probably a fairly good bet that Chairman Kaczynski will be sent to prison for ordering his minions, such as the 'president' and 'prime minister', to **** all over Polish law long before the mods here do anything about your posts here.

In journalism there is a thing called 'atrribution'. You need to learn about it.

Might it not be a bit late now?
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275  
8 Sep 2016 /  #48
as a trainee public prosecutor

"As a trainee public prosecutor" is what Semka wrote. Even if its true, it's still a far cry from Harry's super-mega-ultra overinterpretation blended with his wishful thinking and mean-spirited vitirol alleging Jarek wanted only to prosecute poltical dissdents and aid the PZPR regime he hated so.

Isn't it strange how H rides rough-shod over the memory of Jarek's long-dead dad with absolute not proof and only insinuations, but is so tight-lipped about the blood-dripping bolshie Jews. Young Adam grew up in what was then a luxury flat reserved for commie traitors. His parents had access to well-stocked yellow-curtain shops when most Poles had to do wth only the most primitive basics. And it wasn't just the Michniks. There was a slew of such people, whom I have listed in the past. If you want I can do it again. The strange thing is that H never mentions any of that. Is that a void in his historical knoweldge of Polish affairs or a deliberate, shamful silence?
mafketis  38 | 11137  
8 Sep 2016 /  #49
Might it not be a bit late now?

Hey, I'm a glass half full kind of guy. There's always hope for all of us!
8 Sep 2016 /  #50
Harry's super-mega-ultra overinterpretation blended with his wishful thinking and mean-spirited vitirol alleging Jarek wanted only to prosecute poltical dissdents

Care to quote me saying that Chairman Kaczynski, the "real actual leader" of Poland's resentful and frustrated poor losers' camp, wanted to only prosecute poltical dissdents [sic]? Go on, again quote me saying something I did not say.

Chairman Kaczynski volunteered to prosecute both the criminals who threated Polish society and the dissidents whose only 'crime' was to threaten the commie regime.

aid the PZPR regime he hated so.

If he's actually even disliked the commie regime, he would never have volunteered to serve it by prosecuting people who included the best kind of Poles, i.e. the Poles who fought against the commie regime.

Isn't it strange how H rides rough-shod over the memory of Jarek's long-dead dad with absolute not proof and only insinuations, but is so tight-lipped about the blood-dripping bolshie Jews.

You mean isn't it strange how I stick to the topic of the thread and talk about Chairman Kaczynski, the "real actual leader" of Poland's resentful and frustrated poor losers' camp? Why not try sticking to the topic of a thread some time?

a luxury flat reserved for commie traitors.

Interesting that only commie traitors got to live in luxury flats. What kind of person was given the kind of multi-million zloty villa that was given to the parents of the child who grew up to become the "real actual leader" of Poland's resentful and frustrated poor losers' camp? If one needed to be a commie traitors to get to live in a luxury flat, what did one need to do to get a multi-million zloty villa?

And if the "real actual leader" of Poland's resentful and frustrated poor losers' camp only wants to serve Poles and to live a modest life, why doesn't he give that villa back to the Polish state so it can be converted into flats for six families?
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275  
8 Sep 2016 /  #51
Kaczynski volunteered to serve the commie regime

In a totlaitarian state everything is the regime: hospitals, collieries, schools, butcher's, even public toilets. The people employed there were all serving the regime and should be punished, eh Harry? Your beloved Gronkiewicz studied at a regimist university and got all her academic degrees from the regime. Maybe the prison sentence she gets for her restitution scams should be extended to inlcude the punishment she deseves for her regimsit past?
8 Sep 2016 /  #52
The people employed there were all serving the regime and should be punished, eh Harry?

The people who kept the toilets clean were not vital cogs in the commie regime. However, the people who prosecuted dissidents were. The "real actual leader" of Poland's resentful and frustrated poor losers' camp volunteered to prosecute dissidents (and real actual criminals). He shouldn't be punished for that, what he did was not a crime under any law at the time he committed the deed. However, people do need to remember that he did volunteer to do that; it's one of the many things that makes him so resentful and frustrated. I'd like to think that he feels guilty about his actions then, but in reality I'm sure that his only regret is not to have covered it up better.

Maybe the prison sentence she gets for her restitution scams should be extended to inlcude the punishment she deseves for her regimsit past?

I'd comment on that but I have no idea what a regimsit anything is and I'm sure that the widely respected mayor of Warsaw isn't a member of the resentful and frustrated poor losers' camp and so is not the topic of this thread.
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275  
8 Sep 2016 /  #53
resentful and frustrated poor losers' camp

Oh, but heinous Hanna, the restituion scmaster, is very much a member of that camp. That camp are the poor losers who cannot accept the reuslts of a democratic election namely PO, KOD and .N.

Today horrible Hanna sacked two more undelrings in response to calls for her resignation. She had sacked three others a few days earlier. People say if she had a stitch of honour she would resign.

Volunteered to prosecute dissidents? No proof, just vicious insinuations -- one things you're actually good at. It sure ain't the Polish lingo!
And you're still silent about the blood-dripping Jews. There were so many of them. Most went unpunished, got fat-cat pensions and died of natural causes in their cushy flats. Their progeny are the "ministerial kids" carrying on the tradition of undeserved perks and privilege.

given the kind of multi-million zloty villa

People the talent-starved PZPR needed. After the war, there was a huge shortage of experts, specialists, technicians and others who actually had some skills and knew how to use them. The Senior Kazcyński was one such person. But we don't really know if he was given the house, bought it at your "knock-down price", full market value or what. All this is in the realm of speculation. You seemt to be allergic to facts and proof, so you'd do well to just shut up and give everybody a break!

PiS are not in the losers' camp, they are the winners. It's PO and the KODists
that are constantly whining, whinging, grumbling, insulting and seething with frustration as the nation looks and laughs. It doesn't phase the govt one bit becuase they are too busy implementing one good change after another.

no idea what a regimsit

Because there's no suchthing as "regimsit" which you either misspelt or deliberately distorted. Regimist (Polish: reżimowy) is the adjetival form of regime.

Archives - 2010-2019 / News / Poland's resentful and frustrated poor losers' camp still at itArchived