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Why no reprivatisation in Poland? Holocaust-era property ownership.

jon357  72 | 22980  
7 Mar 2015 /  #31
Who's more likely to have their rightful property returned expeditiously, the Jew or the gentile?

Statistical likelihood relating to ethnicity of heirs is by the by - the legal basis under which the family lost the property is everything. The individual's religion is not relevant.

The answer anywhere on earth is "a citizen" (presumably without a criminal record).

No and no. Citizenship isn't relevant to ownership (though in Poland there are possibly illegal restrictions on regaining property) and a criminal record or lack of one does not impact on ownership.
8 Sep 2015 /  #32
If you want to get reimbursed for something cause by Germany then you should turn to Germany and not to the other victims of Germany's actions.

Lyzko  41 | 9563  
8 Sep 2015 /  #33
Fact is though that Poles too participated in many of the atrocities which nonetheless occurred in "German occupied" territory, to which Poland at that belonged:-)
G (undercover)  
8 Sep 2015 /  #34
Jews participated in quite a few too. Don't be so modest.
jon357  72 | 22980  
8 Sep 2015 /  #35
Fact is though that Poles too participated in many of the atrocities which nonetheless occurred in "German occupied" territory, to which Poland at that belonged:-)

Absolutely - as well as collusion to prevent the return of expropriated property afterwards.
Vox  - | 172  
8 Sep 2015 /  #36
Fact is though that Poles too participated in many of the atrocities which nonetheless occurred in "German occupied" territory

Would you be so kind and be specific.
jon357  72 | 22980  
8 Sep 2015 /  #37
Criminal record or none (it shouldn't ever make a difference) the law is quite confusing. Two main groups of claimants, both (with some justification) saying the legal odds are stacked against them.
Lyzko  41 | 9563  
8 Sep 2015 /  #38
G undercover,

The only "atrocities" committed by Jews (en masse) was being Jewish, period! Why? Which ones did you have in mind? Make 'em good, now:-) We're all dyin' to hear the truthLOL
G (undercover)  
8 Sep 2015 /  #39
"The only "atrocities" committed by Jews (en masse) was being Jewish, period! "

Do you have period ? Come on, Jews were involved in countless of atrocities (surely no less than Poles which are somehow so exited to point out) both against Goys and other Jews.
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275  
8 Sep 2015 /  #40

Can't argue with that. But you should also mention Jeiwsh Gestapo informers snitching on Goyim and fellow-Jews alike, Jewish ghetto police (extremely brutal towards fellow-Jews) and the Juden Räte. Those were councils of Jewish elders that gave the Nazis the exact names and addresses of local Jews, facilaiting their transport to death camps. Not to mention Jews in vairous places (inlcuding £ódź nad Pabianice) who set up flower-studded arches to welcome Nazi troops arriving in Poland in early Sept. 1939 and welcomed them with bread and salt.
Lyzko  41 | 9563  
8 Sep 2015 /  #41
Well. admittedly an embarrassing number of Jews did participate in collusion in order to simply save their own necks! Noone though can honestly equate Jewish "crimes" committed in order to stay alive with the incomprehensible 'crimes against humanity' perpetrated against the Jews merely for being Jewish:-))
jon357  72 | 22980  
8 Sep 2015 /  #42
to simply save their own necks!

Quite. It wasn't as if they had a lot of choices. Do this or die. And no reason, whether some individuals did anything terrible, bad, indifferent, good or excellent that any of this should impact on the return of property to heirs. No relevance at all.
Lyzko  41 | 9563  
8 Sep 2015 /  #43
Spot on, jon! To suggest otherwise is only to ignore historical fact:-)
8 Sep 2015 /  #44
But you should also mention Jeiwsh Gestapo informers snitching on Goyim and fellow-Jews alike

Could you perhaps go into detail as to how persons who were restricted to the ghettos, where only Jews lived, could 'snitch' on persons who spent their entire lives outside the ghettos?

the Juden Räte. Those were councils of Jewish elders that gave the Nazis the exact names and addresses of local Jews, facilaiting their transport to death camps.

Given that you don't even know the word, it's no surprise that you have no idea what a Judenrat actually did.

£ódź nad Pabianice

Where might that be?

And even if any of what you say were to be true, what effect would any of it have on reprivatisation in 21st century Poland?
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275  
8 Sep 2015 /  #45
their church/temple/synagogue/mosque/etc are not legally married.

Not true. The current Polish state has agreements parallel to that with the RCC with all legally recognised denominations.

It turns out that matrimony concluded by the clergy of at least 11 different denominations is legally recognised in Poland.
8 Sep 2015 /  #46
The current Polish state has agreements parallel to that with the RCC with all legally recognised denominations.

a) Please go into detail as to in which temples or mosques people can get legally married in Poland.
b) Please go into detail as to why the agreements you claim exist between the Polish state and the religions of people who choose to worship in, for example, a temple or a mosque should have any impact at all on reprivatisation in Poland.
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275  
8 Sep 2015 /  #47
Juden Räte

Juden Räte - au unfortunate typo: should have read Judenräte, plural of Judenrat.
The Gestapo had informers everywhere - they were depserate for information and there were Jews who had was known back then as a "good appearance" (fair complexted, often dark blond, no hooked nose) who circulated on the Arian side and did the Nazis' bidding which included informing.

£ódź and its industrial suburb Pabianice are in central Poland. Read about it below:

The way you are always the first to lunge into action at the slightest whiff of a Jewish theme makes one wonder: R U 1 2?
Roger5  1 | 1432  
8 Sep 2015 /  #48
Polonius, do you have one of those awful pictures on your wall, you know, the one with the Fagin-type Jew counting his gold?
Vox  - | 172  
8 Sep 2015 /  #49

To suggest otherwise is only to ignore historical fact:-)

What facts? You made a claim that Poles where taking part in murdering Jews during the war "in masses". Asked for details you are silent. So far all that can be ignored is your opinion, sir.

Jews did participate in collusion in order to simply save their own necks!

Lame excuse.

Quite. It wasn't as if they had a lot of choices. Do this or die.

Fine, are you able to provide evidence that refusal to join Jewish police in ghettos resulted in execution? If not would you kindly stop propagating lies.
jon357  72 | 22980  
8 Sep 2015 /  #50
Could you perhaps go into detail as to how persons who were restricted to the ghettos, where only Jews lived, could 'snitch' on persons who spent their entire lives outside the ghettos?

Exactly - so much disinformation. Some people really do have a very odd impression of those times - the same people who think that individual wartime events involving people no longer alive somehow impact on ownership of real estate today.

OP Polonius3  980 | 12275  
8 Sep 2015 /  #51
awful pictures on your wall

No, but I am fairly well acquainted with Polish pre-war, war-time and post-war history and "dobry wygląd" was the term used to describe non-Semitic facial features. Back then they were often a life-saver. Such a one wouldn't even be ordered to "droppen die Trausern".


Interesting you should mention that name. It was shared by one of post-war Poland's most brutal communist butchers Anatol Fejgin. The link below also mentions two other top Jewish stalinist criminals: Berman and Różański. There were many other Red Jews perseucting Polish patriots to mention only Romkowski and Brysytygierowa, Sovietising the Polish economy - Minc, sending Polish patriots to their death like Adam Michnik's brother or brainwashing Polish schoolchidlren like Helena Michnik (his mum). Why not enlighten yourself and read up a bit:

Lolek222  - | 79  
8 Sep 2015 /  #52
Right looking for easy money playing victims, tell you what claimb the tree and straighten bananas! You wonwon't get a bloody copper! Jews in got already compensated for their property, .
Lyzko  41 | 9563  
8 Sep 2015 /  #53
Kapos and such ilk surely weren't blameless. However, to compare a Jewish-born kapo with an Eicke, Martin Sommer or an Oskar Dirlwanger, murderous, pedophilic thugs and sadists, is irresponsible history, pure and simple! Even YOU should realize that much:-)
G (undercover)  
9 Sep 2015 /  #54
"Jews did participate in collusion in order to simply save their own necks!"

Oy vey !! There's always an excuse for the chosen ones, isn't it :))) ? Wonder what excuse do you have for the mass involvement in the crimes of the worst regime in the history of mankind ?
Roger5  1 | 1432  
9 Sep 2015 /  #55
Why not enlighten yourself and read up a bit

Thanks for that. I'm always ready to learn. He sounds like a monster. (But you know what I meant earlier, didn't you?)
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275  
9 Sep 2015 /  #56

Just spoke with Rabbi Schudrich's office so this is straight form the horse's mouth: Like legally recognised Chrisiian denominations in Poland, Jews may marry in a synagogue and the rabbi registers it in the Registrar's Office.

I couldn't get through to the Moslem HQ in Białystok (voice mail), but I'm sure it works the same way.
Lyzko  41 | 9563  
9 Sep 2015 /  #57
Pray tell, Undercover, how would you, the Perfect, have most likely acted under identical circumstances, eh? None too well, I'd imagine:-)
So just stop casting the stones of self righteous arrogance!!
G (undercover)  
9 Sep 2015 /  #58
Oy ! It's cool to throw **** at others but not so when you receive one, isn't it :)))))) ?
Lyzko  41 | 9563  
9 Sep 2015 /  #59
Jews scarcely instigated the mass murder, for that matter, any mass murder, did they???!

Masada was a single defiant act of theirs by throwing the Christians to the lions, ok, we'll give ya that one. Other than that, it all started with the Jews, rather than the Romans, being blamed for the death of Christ.
jon357  72 | 22980  
9 Sep 2015 /  #60
Pray tell, Undercover, how would you, the Perfect, have most likely acted under identical circumstances, eh? None too well, I'd imagine:-)
So just stop casting the stones of self righteous arrogance!!

Exactly, and very well said, Lyzko. What a person or group may or may not have done donkeys' years ago has no moral or legal bearing on restitution of state-held property - whoever that group is.

And wedding customs have even less relevance.

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