There have been attempts but a reprivatisation law passed by the Sejm was vetoed by ex-commie president Kwaśniewski. The law did not single out the ethnicity of former owners but pertained to everyone whose property had been illegally confiscated by the PRL regime..
It was probably vetoed by virtue of the fact that when the question was asked as to how all this was to be paid for and managed, no one could come up with an answer. These grandiose schemes all fall flat when it's realised just how much it will cost, the effort involved in running it, and the administration required to ensure that it progresses.
To my mind, why should the current generation of Poles be responsible (i.e through tax or a levy) for the actions of the Polish Communist Government? Costs aside, how would the Government propose to deal with proof of ownership of a claimant? If it's 'compensation' in terms of return of real property, what is to happen to the person who has to return it if they were a bona fide purchaser for value? What if the real property was a derelict building when confiscated then built up over the years to a piece of real estate worth in the millions and generating income? What if the owners are foreign (unless Poland prevents this).
The intent is noble and just, but it is impossible to carry out.
As an aside, is the draft of such law available online? It would be interesting to have a look at how they intended to deal with it.
Yes, many fled from the Red Army, but millions of others were "asked" by Polish and Soviet troops to get the f*uck out. And when they did, many of them were robbed of their valuable possessions including family photos and documents.
Oh please, all of this happened 70 years ago mate - get over it ;). It's just victor's justice and the spoils of war. Here's a tissue champ.