pawian: Probably the regions which are in the south and east part of Poland. like Lwów, Tarnopol, Stanisławów ....
No, silly, those cities are Ukrainian. :):):) Let`s stick to Poland, shall we?
When I hear of Poles who have migrated to US from southern Poland I visualise Podhale highlanders. Each family can boast of an American emmigrant.
In the countryside than has chałpy , each to who the Czikago not wyjechoł the quills - throwing residents podhalańska Maruszyna . Similarly, in the area. The emigration of Highlanders to the United States - says Maria Mazurek . Krakow: new faculties [ buddologia , design, construction chemicals and other ] Well, faktycnie Gedaliah something on the radio , with Barak £obama to Polish przyjezdzo . A nose up not hybnie ! Let disgrace ! A DYC Czikago this nasa second łojczyzna ! Highlander tradition Highlanders pity that Obama on the occasion of today's visit in Poland did not ascend into the Podhale may be surprising.Obama Mountain man in Poland
The next president of Poland will be Jarosław Gowin. Some analysts beleive he will soon break away from PO and set up a new party of his own. It cannot be ruled out that SP and PJN will join in and the new party will attract an exodus from both PO and PiS.
And he vehemently denies any allegations of the sort.
Are you delusional? You're talking about yourself now..
Do you know how psychologists call that mental mechanism you have just performed? :):):)