true yet everyone was treated free of charge for however long it took.
Nope. Only basic healthcare was like that. The advanced medical treatment was for the communist military, militia and party members. My uncle had to pay huge bribes to be qualified for an operation of bypasses in 1980s. Fortunately, he had the money to pay.
true yet everyone somehow ate.
Somehow. However, finer kinds of food like coconuts or pinceapples, not to mention lychees or mangoes, my beloved fruit, were available only in the picture in an encyclopeadia.
Somehow, I always hated apples and tried not to eat them. :):)
I still have this encyclopeadia. You wanna see? :):):):):)
families lived together and no one worried where they would live
Except for those who left the country in 1980s. :):):):)
it's the reality I myself experienced and observed from my Polish friends and their families.
Each family had different experiences. My cousin defected to Canada with her husband in 1983 because they didn`t want to wait 20 years for a state flat.