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Presidential elections and debates 2015 Poland

gregy741  5 | 1226  
25 May 2015 /  #361
And back in 2005 IT ALL covered their lack of sensible economic policies

which lead to 7% GDP grow
25 May 2015 /  #362
It isn't so low, as for Polish conditions

A few more percent would make a lot of difference. Motivating your voter base is crucial and the 75% who dont vote PiS will be mighty motivated next time.
25 May 2015 /  #363
I will remind you eh? that I was referring to IVF as I stated. Thanks.

Sorry Doug, didn't realise, lots going of distractions here and I should've read all your post more carefully. But big time disagree with the neg about Duda, I think you are maybe muddling him up with someone else. As for the PiS lot, some good n some bad, same as all parties. If his party gets tougher on things it's good because lots of signs here of deteriorating law and order, drunks of all ages, vagrancy, some thinking they can flout the law. Time to give em at PiS a go I say. Whoever's good for Polska and her (decent law abiding unracist unhomophobic) people would get my vote if I had one!
Crow  154 | 9525  
25 May 2015 /  #364
In Poland, everything is paid by the EU (= taxpayers from German, France, UK (as per %),, then the Netherlands, Italy...) and should the Polish government say something against the EU, funds shall be cut...

Not necessarily my friend. Not necessarily. Look at Greece. EU need them for strategic reasons so Greeks practically rape EU vaults. EU knows very well that Greece may instantly abandon NATO pact and EU. Yes, Greeks are that crazy. What we don`t know is how much are Poles crazy. For sure not that much. But, i do see how Poles rapidly loosing their nerves (not that they are famous for nerves anyway). This elections proofs it.

Poland is too weak to rule the place...

not that weak. Rather confused. Poland follow USA and at the same time tries to follow Britain. Game is good for Anglos but, Poles feel like Ping Pong Balls. There is also Germany. Anglos and Germanics play well but, game only increase level of Ping Pong feeling in Poles. Then, Poland tries to balance its politics with Slavs (and Hungary) on Baltic-Balkan line but fails. Nobody can`t follow Poland`s steps. i don`t know, maybe Duda can help, give some direction to Polish politics. Its like Eurovison. Play your game, give voice to your gamers but, not obviously. He, Britain is good example.

2 - For me, Poland by doing that (Selling the land and security of his own citizens for few EU bucks), is behave like a woman of easy life.

No. Its just prelude for another partition of Poland.

as far as I know we have gained very little from this perceived alliance but paid quite dearly

Hitler, if alive, would have all reasons to be very happy, i am absolutely sure about it.

Better dead than red..
Hitler had outstanding economical success..still scum

Still, crazy people are capable to feel great joy. They can truly rejoice. You know, its like that,... God takes from one side and gives from another.

Free advice to Duda

Poland should start slowly but surely to follow Hungarian politics, if wants to avoid possibility for another partition, in what would Her partners from the west of Europe, push Poland. Vatican would offer only understanding for Polish tears.

To be clear here, i don`t point on partition of Poland by west of Europe from one side and, Russia from another. No. This time disintegration of Poland may come from inside (while encouraged from the west of Europe), with parts of country attached to the west of Europe, while would other parts tend to play independent policy coordinating with moves of countries on the Danubian Baltic-Balkan line.
TheOther  6 | 3596  
25 May 2015 /  #365
as far as I know we have gained very little from this perceived alliance but paid quite dearly

Without Germany's support, Poland wouldn't be member of the EU and the country wouldn't receive the billions of Euros in support. What was the price, Poland paid so dearly since they joined the union?
Crow  154 | 9525  
25 May 2015 /  #366
Price was territory and, Poles even don`t realize that, yet.
gregy741  5 | 1226  
25 May 2015 /  #367
and independence..in every aspect of social,economic and political life.
we cant even have an option of "out" if thing go wrong in EU.
see example of latest immigration quotas,we will be forced in the future to become multiculti,whenever we want it or not.and that's just one example
TheOther  6 | 3596  
25 May 2015 /  #368
Price was territory and, Poles even don`t realize that, yet.

Is Danzig German again and I missed that somehow in the news? Come on, Crow, don't be silly.

and independence..in every aspect of social,economic and political life.

How would Poland look without the EU -- that's the question. And I'm sure, you wouldn't like the answer.
25 May 2015 /  #369

As much as Duda is against EU interventionism, he is against Putin interventionism.

He will not be a Putin puppet like Hungarian president or Ogorek would be. He is a strong independent polish leader.
Crow  154 | 9525  
25 May 2015 /  #370
and independence..in every aspect of social,economic and political life.

yes that, too.

we cant even have an option of "out" if thing go wrong in EU.

if we presume, hypothetically, that Poland now abandoning EU, minimal loses in territory would be regions with strong German minority. Then, even many Polish ethnic regions would rebel against Warsaw.

see example of latest immigration quotas,we will be forced in the future to become multiculti,whenever we want it or not.and that's just one example

multicultural isn`t problem. problem is because that is all by the so called western standards. So that they keep controlling the things.
Dougpol1  29 | 2497  
25 May 2015 /  #371
which lead to 7% GDP grow

Nothing to do with the European Union? :)
gregy741  5 | 1226  
25 May 2015 /  #372
nope...Poland was not recipient of any EU funds in 2005...large funds (negotiated by PIS)come in 2008 and were mostly squandered by PO building most expensive and of worst quality road infrastructure in the world..not to mention 100-ts of Polish companies working on those building project, went bankrupt.minister responsible for euro stadiums infrastructure Drzewieckis wife,was common thief,captured in USA stealing clothes in boutiques. he himself found to be fraud and corrupt official.

just for starter
25 May 2015 /  #373
@gregy: Compare what Poland gets and what Poland pays with other EU countries. I live in Poland and everything is financed by the EU (no problem to find out, since it is written on all projects....). Also look at all those empty airports with no planes built all over Poland with EU's money. Poland has received hundreds of billions of Euros and it is not finished and now they dare complain!!!! ;)

When they have problems, Poles just say "EU shall pay" but who the hell is EU if not the taxpayers from Germany, France, and UK, (the 3 largest payers) + the other western countries????? Poland does not like EU but sure does EU's money.
gregy741  5 | 1226  
25 May 2015 /  #374

not sure,what are you barking about...we were talking about PIS economic success in 2005-2007,
in response to dougpol claim that PIS is unable to achieve it,i gave an example of their success in 05-07 and pointed that it was not achieved by billions from EU,cus Poland was not recipient of them back in 2005.

not sure what are you yelling about?
as for the empty airports,its another example of PO talent to squander any money they get their hands on.they are just incompetent bunch of frauds..that's it.

as for those billions from EU- sure we get them,but question is,wherever this is worth the price of losing independence? not sure
25 May 2015 /  #375
Poland was not recipient of any EU funds in 2005

The reality, gregy, is that in 2005 Poland got some six billion zloty more from the EU than it contributed. And in 2006, it got some ten and a half billion zloty. Then in 2007, it got some 17.5 billion zloty.

large funds (negotiated by PIS)come in 2008

Wrong again, gregy: in 2008 Poland got some 12.9 billion zloty more from the EU than it contributed. 12.9 billion is quite a bit less than 17.5 billion.

Perhaps you should leave talking about the EU to those of us who live here and bother to read about it?
gregy741  5 | 1226  
25 May 2015 /  #376
The reality, gregy, is that in 2005 Poland got some six billion zloty more from the EU than it contributed. And in 2006, it got some ten and a half billion zloty. Then in 2007, it got some 17.5 billion zloty.

point remains...PIS got kicked out in 2007,when larger funds started coming to Poland.
we were discussing potential inability to run successful economy by PIS compare to PO.i pointed its wrong assumption,since PIS rule was very successful in terms of economic grow.

no matter how you look at this,it was during PO rule Poland received large funds from EU..yet ,never even come close to over 6% grow that we experienced during PIS government time-2005-2007...

one might criticized PIS ruling "methods" or anything,but strictly in terms of economy,they were very successful.
and am not big fan of PIS for many reasons
Crow  154 | 9525  
25 May 2015 /  #377
The reality, gregy, is that in 2005 Poland got some six billion zloty more from the EU than it contributed.

The reality is that west of Europe just repay its historical debt to Poles. See, its not giving. Its pay back what was stolen from Poland. Its actually nothing. Much more have to be paid.
gregy741  5 | 1226  
25 May 2015 /  #378
he reality, gregy, is that in 2005 Poland got some six billion zloty more from the EU than it contributed. And in 2006, it got some ten and a half billion zloty. Then in 2007, it got some 17.5 billion zloty.

according to ministry of infrastructure,Poland received no funds from EU prior 2007..at least in this sector
25 May 2015 /  #379
Payment in mil EUR in % of GDP in EUR per capita
GNI-based own resource -1,495.70 -0.61 -39.18
VAT-based own resource -366.10 -0.15 -9.59
Customs and Agriculture duties paid by taxpayers -310.14 -0.13 -8.12
UK correction (= the "rebate") -193.40 -0.08 -5.07
European Investment Bank -75.20 -0.03 -1.97
Sugar levies -57.90 -0.02 -1.52
Internal policies 210.60 0.09 5.52
Compensation 612.00 0.25 16.03
Structural actions 787.00 0.32 20.62
Pre-accession strategy 849.70 0.35 22.26
Agriculture 1,542.10 0.63 40.40

gregy741  5 | 1226  
25 May 2015 /  #380
well..from your own source,it clearly see PIS was receiving peanuts compare to what Poland been getting during PO rule.
PIS-7% Grow
PO-3% grow average.
add to this additional 500 bn national debs created by Po..squandering billions of peoples moneys located in OFE and in demographic reserves...
Crow  154 | 9525  
25 May 2015 /  #381
Let good God guide Duda`s decisions and actions. i shall pray

Go brate Duda!
gregy741  5 | 1226  
25 May 2015 /  #382
am sure ,he will have pro Serbian policies,cus hes a good guy..hehhehe
25 May 2015 /  #383
I doubt he will see the Serbs as they are too far up Russians backside. What do PiS think of Russia?
gregy741  5 | 1226  
26 May 2015 /  #384
What do PiS think of Russia?

Duda seems quite independent person. .in fact he just suspended his PIS membership. and he never personally attack Putin in past.
i hope he will rebuild Polands relation with Russia.
Dougpol1  29 | 2497  
26 May 2015 /  #385
Duda seems quite independent person. .in fact he just suspended his PIS membership.

Cough - every Polish president has to do that as a matter of course/courtesy to "be the president for all."

Of course, with a PIS president we see his true colours. Although Komorowski is still the president until August, we have Duda buggering off to Czestochowa to genefluct before the Black Madonna etc, instead of going to Warsaw/the Stock Exchange and bowing down before them, and reassuring the markets that it's business as usual..


We have a run on the zloty. You couldn't make it up.
gregy741  5 | 1226  
26 May 2015 /  #386
Cough - every Polish president has to do that as a matter of course/courtesy to "be the president for all."

didnt know that..but he didn't seem to be front line PIS trooper in the past.i hope he will cooperate with any ruling party if its good for Polands interests..which he said he will.

we have Duda buggering off to Czestochowa to genefluct before the Black Madonna etc

he comes from catholic electorate,why you surprised he went to jasna gora,he also paid homage to pilsudskis tomb ect.
Levi  11 | 433  
26 May 2015 /  #387
So people are criticizing duda because he went to Jasna Gora to thank God after winning the elections?

How low the catophobia can go.... it ever surprises me.
Polonius3  980 | 12275  
26 May 2015 /  #388
CONVICTS FOR KOMOROWSKI: According to figures released by Poland's Central Prison Board, penal institutions were one of Komorowski's major power bases. The incumbent garnered 82.7% of the vote amongst the inmates of prisons and pre-trial lockups, whilst only 14.8 voted for Duda. The incarcerated apparently know whose rule would create a climate most conducive to law-breakers.

(W zamkniętych obwodach wyborczych utworzonych w aresztach śledczych i zakładach karnych Bronisław Komorowski uzyskał 82,7 proc. głosów, a Andrzej Duda - 14,8 proc. - wynika z danych Centralnego Zarządu Służby Więziennej.?)
26 May 2015 /  #389
And 4/5 of American Poles voted for Duda.
jedrzej  - | 3  
26 May 2015 /  #390
Well, the main problem with money from EU is that in big part it went into private pockets of local politicians (PO) and their fellow businessman. It dons't matter how much Poland got from UE, what matters is that those money were taken by politicians from PO. Regular people got **** from it despite the fact that those money comes from our pockets. After all, it's regular people who pay for all of those "investments".

There are many examples illustrating how money have been transferred into private pockets. The best one is national stadium in Warsaw. So I don't see any reason that regular people should care about money from EU. Let's take to responsibility politicians and their "friendly" business. Regular Poles have nothing to do with those cons.

Poland should go out of the EU ASAP. If Germans, France etc. got some problem with it they should hunt PO politicians and their fellow businessman. That's all. Right now I'm living in Poland but as many others here, I don't care about the money from other EU states. Sure, they have been paying and sending money to Poland but, the money ended up in private pockets of chosen few. And I (and MANY other Poles) not going to pay that dept. Ohh... eventually, PO voters should be taken to responsibility as well.

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