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Prediction: Poland to be World Superpower in XXI century

nomaderol  5 | 726  
12 Jun 2010 /  #91
I dont know that specific field and famous people in that field. We will see Jews in every science field, we won't see them in alchemistry? Not logical.. Eh, Jews have been only a very small minority and please, lets see also some others among big majority..

Sure the crowns had more money and power before for a long time.. Now, Jews have more money and this is the only power now... (you can throw your nukes into garbage if you don't want to fall on your feet..)
PlasticPole  7 | 2641  
12 Jun 2010 /  #92
Name one Jewish Alchemist. Voltaire was one, but he was gentile.
nomaderol  5 | 726  
12 Jun 2010 /  #93
I can give many names in physics, math, and engineerings..
But, as i said above, i dont know that field, alchemistry.
Eh, you can google and find many famous Jewish alchemists.
I just found one on wiki, even ancient alchemist, Marry the Jewess (claimed to be sister of Moses or daughter of King of Saba) was a Jewish..

Anyway.. Shall we return to topic by connecting all these to topic title.?

Yes, Poland can be a power.. if it cooperate with Jews. (hmm.. i guess half of Poland economy is already owned by Jews. right?)
PlasticPole  7 | 2641  
12 Jun 2010 /  #94
What about China, Russia and India? Do they cooperate with Jews? It doesn't take a cooperation with Jews to be a superpower.
nomaderol  5 | 726  
12 Jun 2010 /  #95
Again.. Term Superpower is nonsense to my understanding.. There has been no superpower in history. There were powers only. Superpower means, for me, a power who can control whole world.. If you still want to see a superpower, it is Jew world..

Russia's wealthiest people and top scientists are still Jews..
China is workshop of world (forget their nukes too.. They can't kill themselves either.)
India is IT workshop of world.
They too have been to cooperate with Jews. No choice.
All business.
Top businessmen of the world are Jews.

Russia, Europe, USA (weapon industry is in control of Britain) and our Erdogan are blowing only, by using scary words against Israel. lol. At least, China and India are knowing their own places and shutting their mouths.. I not counting Arabs even.. they are sleeping on oil wells.
PlasticPole  7 | 2641  
12 Jun 2010 /  #96
Superpower means you influence much of the area around you and are the dominant force in that area. Like the Brits, Americans, Germans (during wwi and ii) Russians, Chinese, etc. Even the Khmers in Cambodia were superpowered at one time, though it was long, long ago.

Super Powers come and Super Powers go.

At one time, I am sure Poland will be a superpower.
Crow  154 | 9531  
12 Jun 2010 /  #97
Prediction: Poland to be World Superpower in XXI century

not without Serbs on its side. Not if Serbians are erased by EU, Islamic league, NATO and Israel
Wizard  1 | 9  
25 May 2012 /  #98
The US is the only superpower in the world now, but ya, Poland could be in the future if they clean up their country and unrealistic mentality.
Lodz_The_Boat  32 | 1522  
4 Oct 2012 /  #99
[Moved from]: Had Poland been a superpower...

Have you ever wondered how the world would be had Poland been the sole Superpower in this Globe?

I think peace would've prevailed and the world could atlast breath a lung full of fresh air. We are naturally very friendly and respect diversity a lot. I think Poles are designed by nature to govern the world in its never ending search for peace.

This possibility cannot be completely erased that one fateful day, Poland will rise and the world would see its glory!

How do you think it will affect global politics and economy?
TheOther  6 | 3596  
4 Oct 2012 /  #100
I think Poles are designed by nature to govern the world

I think you need urgent help from a trained professional... :)
4 Oct 2012 /  #101
We are naturally very friendly and respect diversity a lot.

No, some Poles are very friendly and greatly respect diversity. Other Poles are narrow-minded unfriendly twats. It's the same with every nation.
legend  3 | 658  
4 Oct 2012 /  #102
Britain, France and USA have nukes. Not only this but Israel has them too (might have something to do with their suffering in WWII). Several other western nations have "access" to nukes via the nuclear sharing alliance (I think it was Belgium, Italy, Germany and Turkey).

The only Slavic/Eastern Europe nation with nukes is Russia. This is bullshit.

Imo Poland and/or Ukraine deserve ~20 -100 nukes especially because of history in particular WWII. If NATO really takes Poland seriously than why cant the Poles have them while the Germans can?

Im betting it would be easier to get access to a few nukes (exchange for something maybe?) from Russia but the tensions and hatred needs to stop. PiS wouldnt help this.

Now the problem with Poland having nukes is if someone like the J twin gets power, theyd start playing "tough extremist" threatening and demanding stuff from say Russia with words and much less likely aggression.

Poland shouldnt be an "enemy" of Russia.

NATO aka the North Atlantic Terrorist Organization is a stain on Polands image.
NATO should have died the second the Warsaw Pact expired. Now its basically a stage for a "new world order" military.

The acts of NATO in wartime are despicable and shame for humanity.
Marek11111  9 | 807  
4 Oct 2012 /  #103
poland sould buy nukes from N. Korea the best insurance against inaders and get the hell out of NATO
pawian  226 | 27453  
4 Oct 2012 /  #104
Have you ever wondered how the world would be had Poland been the sole Superpower in this Globe?

No, it has never come to my mind to imagine it.


This possibility cannot be completely erased that one fateful day, Poland will rise and the world would see its glory!

Are you counting on being acknowledged as the Fourth Polish prophet?
Funky Samoan  2 | 181  
4 Oct 2012 /  #105
No, some Poles are very friendly and greatly respect diversity. Other Poles are narrow-minded unfriendly twats. It's the same with every nation.

nicely put! ;-)
jon357  72 | 23482  
4 Oct 2012 /  #106
No, it has never come to my mind to imagine it.

The problem is that if history had been as radically different as that, Poland wouldn't recognisably be Poland. It's necessarily an exercise in futility.

Nevertheless there are quite a few Alternative History scenarios dotted around the internet that imagine just that - most of them not taking into account that the meaning of Poland and Poles just wouldn't be anything like the same.
Wroclaw Boy  
4 Oct 2012 /  #107
Alternative History scenarios

Maybe Poland is a superpower in an alternative time line....

Have you ever wondered how the world would be had Poland been the sole Superpower in this Globe?

cant say that i have Lodz.

I think Poles are designed by nature to govern the world in its never ending search for peace.

I think you need to think a bit more, specifically about human nature. Not Polish nature - human nature.
legend  3 | 658  
5 Oct 2012 /  #108
Additionally population and natural resources.

Population would need to be more than 50,000,000. (manpower and work force).
More natural resources (oil or something "revolutionary" would be nice).
Zibi  - | 335  
5 Oct 2012 /  #109
Are you counting on being acknowledged as the Fourth Polish prophet?

Spot on!
slo  1 | 51  
15 Mar 2015 /  #110
If Poland look like it looks now: fast growing economically, responsible politically, following best trends in Europe and N. Atlantic... If Russia aggression defeated and Polish eastern neighbours start growing same way. If South of Europe keep relaxing and voting for extremes, China becomes more left or Socialist... yes. Poland can become new superpower.
Polsyr  6 | 758  
9 Jun 2015 /  #111
Here is an interesting read along similar lines:

TheOther  6 | 3596  
9 Jun 2015 /  #112
Poland a "military superpower" - what a nonsense. Where does the money come from? Can they financially sustain a certain technological level? Can the country protect itself from a nuclear attack? No. Next question, please... :)
Polsyr  6 | 758  
9 Jun 2015 /  #113
Good question about the money. Maybe from budget cuts elsewhere, like infrastructure, education and health care?
gregy741  5 | 1226  
9 Jun 2015 /  #114
yeaaa...lets go into more bombs!...forget about education and health...its overrated
Rafal  - | 24  
10 Jun 2015 /  #115
Anarchy is natural sate of Poland, as it was in XV-XVIII century. Minimal central power and great indywidual. During Russian-Austian-German occupation we were disarmed. Hitler left us with personal IDs. Power will be again, not in the country but in the people. Talking about Poland as Superpower is stupid. Poles has no ambitions to rule the others. We are strong together against foreign agression but we prefer to fight each other for personal freedom.
Marsupial  - | 871  
10 Jun 2015 /  #116
Rafal has a good point. Poles have never been too quick to want to rule all other people. This is because there is something fundementally inhuman about it. Personally in my eyes poland is a superpower when it can protect.its borders.completely on its own. Now we all know polands neighbours can be very errrr 'crafty', so its quite a task. When they can do this I will consider it a superpower.
TheOther  6 | 3596  
11 Jun 2015 /  #117
in my eyes Poland is a superpower when it can protect.its borders.completely on its own.

This quote from Wikipedia pretty much sums it up:

"A superpower is a state with a dominant position in international relations and is characterised by its unparalleled ability to exert influence or project power on a global scale. This is done through the means of both military and economic strength, as well as diplomatic and soft power influence."

I can't see Poland ever reaching such a position of power. Population and territory too small, economy not competitive on a global scale, maintaining a large military completely unsustainable, ...
jon357  72 | 23482  
11 Jun 2015 /  #118
Poles have never been too quick to want to rule all other people. This is because there is something fundementally inhuman about it.

They weren't exactly reticent about that in the days when the Commonwealth stretched from the Baltic to the Black Sea.

I can't see Poland ever reaching such a position of power. Population and territory too small, economy not competitive on a global scale, maintaining a large military completely unsustainable, ...

Plus hemmed in by countries with greater natural resources and better communications and export routes. I see Poland's future as being close to that of Sweden, Denmark, Belgium etc. Significant; rich in science, technology and culture, a liberal democracy and quietly rich.
12 Jun 2015 /  #119
For Poland to have a strong status (not superpower status) it must advance its exports and it must happen through technology. If they have the potential to create and sell globally the most advance health care, energy, and military devices they can grow their economy by leaps. Technology can close any gap, but where are they in advanced technologies?

In the world of super computers, and robotics, lasers, and the use of the electromagnetic spectrum, where are their products?

Poland has 39 million which is not enough people to be a superpower, they just need to be a player and not lose their culture to a melting pot. that is a huge mistake.
12 Jun 2015 /  #120
To be a "super power" Poland needs to be able to stop receiving billions of Euros from EU and to stop being a cheap labor countries for international firms and needs to contribute financially to the development of other nations and to to have Polish companies among the leading firms of the world with branches and subs everywhere.

A "super power" is a country that is dominant in world's political and economical affairs.

A "super power' is a country which has a permanent seat at the UN's security Council and only 5 countries do (USA, Russia, China, UK and France).

A "super power" is also a country whose language and whose culture are dominant around the world.

Inspite of Polonia's fantasms, Poland shall never be a "world power". It is probably not a regional power (the Czech Republic is richer and more developed).

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