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Prediction: Poland to be World Superpower in XXI century

PlasticPole  7 | 2641  
12 Jun 2010 /  #61
the US could nuke the whole hell hole and be done with it but instead they try the soft approach of lawful warfare against suicide bombers and guerrilla tactics.

That's because nuking is bad and we don't want to see it happen again. It's too extreme for mankind.
nomaderol  5 | 726  
12 Jun 2010 /  #62
Well, that is similiar to all western capitalist countries I believe, and in many second and third world country the riches are distributed even more unequally...nothing "jewish" about it.

True.. Capitalism is mainly main ideology of the west, especially old west (europe) and now, new west (usa).. But, there is a smarter boy (jews) who been winning the game with the rules of west.. (it is like soccer.. brazil been winning world cups more than england who says soccer is their game..)

the US could nuke the whole hell hole and be done with it but instead they try the soft approach of lawful warfare against suicide bombers and guerrilla tactics.

aaah.. scary boys.. usa is like a fat boy who sh*tting in his own pant because of his own gun.. scary tactics not working anymore either..
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11920  
12 Jun 2010 /  #63
True.. Capitalism is mainly main ideology of the west, especially old west (europe) and now, new west (usa).. But, there is a smarter boy (jews) who been winning the game with the rules of west.. (it is like soccer.. brazil been winning world cups more than england who says soccer is their game..)

So...the Jews are some kind of "Übermensch"? ;)
The "eternal Jew"? Always scheming? Manipulating the poor, stupid goyim???
Mr Grunwald  33 | 2126  
12 Jun 2010 /  #64
We won't have any army to speak of soon because of austerity measures! ;)

You poor thing :o

Soon Luxembourg can invade you!
The horror!
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11920  
12 Jun 2010 /  #65
We count firmly on our Polish (and Norwegian) friends to help us out! :)
nomaderol  5 | 726  
12 Jun 2010 /  #66
So...the Jews are some kind of "Übermensch"? ;)

Brazil playing better soccer than England.. Brazil is ubermensch? Like that.
Admit it.. Jews are the winner of power game. as they know how to play money..
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11920  
12 Jun 2010 /  #67
Brazil is ubermensch?

Well, last time (2006) they looked just fat and tired, they lost - ordinary humans no super humans.

Jews are the winner of power game. as they know how to play with money..

Then I wonder why Israel is still after 60 years one of the most endangered countries with a still uncertain future and still needing the help and support of the super power USA?

If they are really so powerfull the ME shouldn't look like it does...
nomaderol  5 | 726  
12 Jun 2010 /  #68
Then I wonder why Israel is still after 60 years one of the most endangered countries with a stil uncertain future and still needing the help and support of the super power USA?

You still repeating the same argument. USA is not helping Israel. It is Jews helping USA..
Israel has uncertain future? Not at all.. Half of world Jews are everywhere in USA, EU, Russia, etc and they are powers in these countries.. Look at richest people of Russia. Most of them are Jews.. Israel can finish.. only when you (west) cancel capitalism.. but, it is another story. there will be no EU, no USA nor Russia either when capitalism is cancelled..

ME? Arabs, you mean.. They are 100 millions and they are incompetent against 7 million Israel..
Mr Grunwald  33 | 2126  
12 Jun 2010 /  #69
We count firmly on our polish (and norwegian) friends to help us out! :)

Well we Norwegians can't defend our own territory in time of war...

But Poland should be able to send some troops I guess ;)

Jews are the winner of power game. as they know how to play money..

I wouldn't call Israel a superpower
I would call it independent in the form of their doing what they want all the time

Even if U.S.Astarts to look at it with a huge question mark.

But still I wouldn't want to live in Israel with so much trouble, heck no.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11920  
12 Jun 2010 /  #70
USA is not helping Israel.

Well, as long as you keep ignoring the facts there won't be any constructive discussion possible..
You want to keep to your conspiracy theories? Please do so without me!

PlasticPole  7 | 2641  
12 Jun 2010 /  #71
Pfft, we must admit, if it wasn't for US and other allies, Israel would have a tough time existing in the middle East. We pressure everyone and they barely tolerate Israel as it is. If we weren't around, they would all gang up on the tiny country and invade it. It would be occupied in a month, dismantled in two.
nomaderol  5 | 726  
12 Jun 2010 /  #72
It is you the western ordinary folks who are blinds and deafs who not seeing any truths.
Eh, you will awake soon when economy crisis get deeper there and when you see you spent your money to weapons which are useless at all!


Pfft, we must admit, if it wasn't for US and other allies, Israel would have a tough time existing in the middle East. We pressure everyone and they barely tolerate Israel as it is. If we weren't around, they would all gang up on the tiny country and invade it. It would be occupied in a month, dismantled in two.

If it were not Jews, USA would be a very poor country now.. If Jews take their money out of USA now, USA can be like Africa.. You can get rid of Jews in USA.. But, it means anti-capitalism.. and Jews supported this idea before by theorizing socialism first time (by Marx, etc) and by realizing the Soviets (till Stalin took power.) You can give up your own game capitalism? You stubborn west, face the reality, you are losers..
PlasticPole  7 | 2641  
12 Jun 2010 /  #73
If Jews moved here, I wouldn't protest. They have been here since shortly after the Euros came and would fit in well with our melting pot. There would be less trouble in the middle east if they were here, too. Just not the ultra radicals. They are too extreme for our country.
nomaderol  5 | 726  
12 Jun 2010 /  #74
Europeans moving to USA and Jews moving to USA are not same things.
Those Europeans were poor Europeans (also criminals escaping from Europe - similar to Australia) to dig the gold.. Jews took their golds and their knowledge to USA. and USA started to become rich and power. Poland must be regretful about that.. Today's USA could be Poland..
PlasticPole  7 | 2641  
12 Jun 2010 /  #75
USA got rich and powerful because of our oil, gold, and exports, including arms. We also loaned money to other countries. It wasn't a bunch of Jews who did all that (though some helped)
nomaderol  5 | 726  
12 Jun 2010 /  #76
Many countries have oil, gold, and arms.. It was a bunch of Jews who did all that.. Knowledge has spoken.. in USA in this century, in Europe for centuries.. Look at scientists in last centuries.. Or, craftmans in old days.. Most of them are Jews.. When Ottoman Sultan capturing Constantinopolis (Istanbul) in 1450, he imported a craftman who casted balls, from Hungary. He too was a Jew..
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11920  
12 Jun 2010 /  #77
Or, craftmans in old days.. Most of them are Jews.

No, they weren't.

Most of them were non-Jews as Jews were for the longest time barred from many serious work, also millions of Jews where orthodox and not interested in any crafts at all but in the study of their holy book and only in those countries who were highly developed themselves assimilated Jews were successful - but surely not most!

For example Germany was the highest developed country till WWII with a high number of successfull assimilated Jews but they barely comprised 1 tiny percent of the whole german population (and most were not inventors or rich bankers but ordinary folks).

Get a grip man!
PlasticPole  7 | 2641  
12 Jun 2010 /  #78
Many countries have oil, gold, and arms..

Yeah, but do they loan money to other countries?
nomaderol  5 | 726  
12 Jun 2010 /  #79
It's money of Jews.. Check USA's wealth distribution. and see how much Jews contributing to USA.. Much! Jews giving their wealth and knowledge.. 250 millions are poors.. with no contribution, but, watching nba, etc etc..
PlasticPole  7 | 2641  
12 Jun 2010 /  #80
What Jews give US govt money? Many wealthy Jews who are US citizens pay taxes equalling billions, so it's no surprise they want some of those tax moneys to go to Israel, for it's defense, if that's what you mean, especially if they have dual citizenship which many Jew has.

Why would an Israeli Jew just give money to the US? Why would they need aid from us if they got money to throw?
nomaderol  5 | 726  
12 Jun 2010 /  #81
Sure, Jews giving much tax to USA. But, USA's richness is not government's wealth, but, private sector and science wealth.. These wealths (especially science and knowledge) are created in USA by Jews. They were Einsteins before in Europe, later became USA scientists. Again, you saying USA is aiding Jews. No, Jews been aiding USA
PlasticPole  7 | 2641  
12 Jun 2010 /  #82
There was Oppenheimer and he was USA. How do you explain all the American scientists?
nomaderol  5 | 726  
12 Jun 2010 /  #83
I can explain like that.. Einstein, a Jew, was one person only. But, he had many assistant scientists.. Knowledge was in Einstein's mind, not in his assistant's..

If you look at Europe science history, you can see many such critical important scientists who have been Jews. They moved to USA later starting with WWI and then WWII.. Not only to USA.. Also to other places.. For example, only a few, but very important Jewish scientists moved from Germany to Technical University of Istanbul in 1940s and this university developed much. These few scientists moved to USA later after 1950.. Also, look at Russia's (Soviet's) biggest scientists.. Mostly Jews..
PlasticPole  7 | 2641  
12 Jun 2010 /  #84
That's because Jews tended to educate their offspring by sending them to exclusive, Jewish schools. Didn't the Jews have special schools for their kids?
nomaderol  5 | 726  
12 Jun 2010 /  #85
You need to understand the physcology (sp?) and socialogy of a minority who have been under pressure by majority.. Jews are like that.. They dedicated themselves to knowledge, craftmanship, art and science to be able to stay alive. And, they learnt to convert these to money through centuries and they have become rich people also. And, as any minority can do, they have kept tight relations inside them and they have supported every Jew in art, craft, science, etc.. While Europe were busy with wars of religions, Jews were studying and working in technical things, crafts, science, etc. No need to be jealous. They should be appreciated, by their contributions to art, science, technology etc you are using today..
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11920  
12 Jun 2010 /  #86
What are you actually after?

Are you fearing the mighty Jews? Do you feel stupid compared to them?

They dedicated themselves to knowledge, craftmanship, art and science to be able to stay alive.

Well...shouldn't every people do so?

But keep to the facts...a people who just got nearly wiped out barely 60 years back and who still today can't manage to secure a homeland for them without big help is not that "Übermenschlich" as you make them out to be! ;)
nomaderol  5 | 726  
12 Jun 2010 /  #87
What are you actually after?

Are you fearing the mighty Jews? Do you feel stupid compared to them?

Well.. I am putting stones in their places.. If I seeing the truths, I don't feel stupid, but, appreciate myself to see the truth and them for their contributions to art, science and technology for centuries..

Sure, today, not only Jews are contributing to science, etc. But, they had done that for centuries, they had worked hard in craft, science, technology, art while we were sleeping and while we were having absurd religions wars. Now, if they converted their much knowledge they gained in centuries to money and if they became rich (without oil, without gold, etc), it can be appreciated only.. They deserve to be the boss of West from Russia to USA..
PlasticPole  7 | 2641  
12 Jun 2010 /  #88
They dedicated themselves to knowledge, craftmanship, art and science to be able to stay alive.

Most people do that, or they farm. Jews had trouble farming because they weren't allowed much land. In America they, maybe, didn't want land. They mostly kept their eyes on tax moneys or they made loans, true.

This doesn't mean they have all the gold and money because, slowly, others began doing what they do. Now they are just one spore in the wind.

At one time they had a lot of money, but they were always at the mercy of Kings and Princesses, so some of their funds eroded. Now, they compete with others who have lots of moneys, so theirs isn't a jewopoly of power.
nomaderol  5 | 726  
12 Jun 2010 /  #89
PlasticPole, you are talking mostly near history, a history Jews learnt to convert the knowledge to the money.

Lands were not given to Jews in Europe for centuries as they were considered like Gypsies. Hence, they learnt and used to live without any land. If you were such a Jew, what could you do? You'd do some craft works, etc, wouldn't you? Jews had done that, progressed more and later they became top scientists for centuries. Europe and later USA learnt the science from Jews. Yes, they were at the mercy of Kings, etc from time to time, but, our kings were maniacs, primitives.. whose minds were not working well for such technological things, but for dark religious wars..

By the way, not all kings were stupids.. Take this Ottoman king who is known also as scientist and poet. His famous quote when Jews were being deported from Spain to Ottoman lands. From Wiki: The Sultan is said to have exclaimed thus at the Spanish monarch's lack of wisdom: "Ye call Ferdinand a wise king he who makes his land poor and ours rich!". See.. it was during Ottoman's peak power times.. See, Jews contributed even to Ottomans. They contributed to Europe, to Ottomans, to Germany, to USA, to Russia, etc much.. And, they are still not appreciated.. Same west, same west.. Jealousy is high.
PlasticPole  7 | 2641  
12 Jun 2010 /  #90
But who were the first alchemists? Those are the ones with the real power. Shakespear, too. The crowns had more money and power than the Jews for the longest time.

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