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Most Poles believe current Sejm (Parliament) in Poland will be better

Polonius3  980 | 12275  
15 Nov 2015 /  #1
In an online poll conducetd at Rzeczpospolita's website, 53% of the respondents expressed the view that the currrent PiS-dominated Sejm would be better than its now defunct PO-PSL predecessor.

Tak (53%) - yes
Nie (41%) - no
Trudno powiedzieć (7%) - hard to say
Głosów: 5714 - sampling
Levi  11 | 433  
15 Nov 2015 /  #2
It is interesting (and pleasant) to see the optimist of the Poles with their new leaders.

I heard some people say that Duda, for example, is the best President that Poland had since they were born.
InPolska  9 | 1796  
15 Nov 2015 /  #3
"lol"! Everybody in Poland (so Levy does not) knows that Recz is pro-PiS.

@Levy; even if most of the people I mingle with are PO, most often I hear that the best Polish president was ... Kwasniewski (I'm terrible at spelling). I seriously doubt that people think Duda is all the more as he has barely started (Kwasniewski was president for 10 years ;)).
Levi  11 | 433  
15 Nov 2015 /  #4
@Levy; even if most of the people I mingle with are PO, most often I hear that the best Polish president was ... Kwasniewski (I'm terrible at spelling)

Of course... Most of the people that you mingle are Socialists/Communists, that is why they support him.

If Polish people in General had good toughts about Kwasniewski his party (SLD) would not be obliterated like it was.

But all we know that SLD was killed, dilacerated and trucidated at the polls, by Popular will.

This is what the numbers show. A entire country said a big, huge NO to socialism by kicking out every single SLD (And SLD Simpathizer) from the SEJM.

And that is... Beautiful.
mafketis  38 | 10911  
15 Nov 2015 /  #5
most often I hear that the best Polish president was ... Kwasniewski

That's the general opinion I hear (even from very anti SLD types). The trick is he did very little and mostly stayed out of the scrum unlike Wałęsa and Kaczyński (too soon to tell about Duda). And he could generally say the right things at the right time (despite occasional public inebriation), unlike the wooden Komorowski who seemed perpetually bored and could not think on his feet.

On tv Duda was very.... unimpressive when talking about the Paris attacks leading me to wonder how well he can think on his feet when he hasn't had time to practice the talking points handed to him by he-who-we-must-not-name
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
15 Nov 2015 /  #6
And he could generally say the right things at the right time, unlike the wooden Komorowski who seemed perpetually bored and could not think on his feet.

Yes, as well as showing that he was above petty politics. It's often said that his relationship with the AWS government was an example of how the Presidency should be conducted. And his electoral campaigns were full of energy, too.

I'm still mystified by the whole Komorowski campaign this time round. Even a PO friend was remarking that he seemed to simply not be trying in the slightest.

On tv Duda was very.... unimpressive when talking about the Paris attacks leading me to wonder how well he can think on his feet when he hasn't had time to practice the talking points handed to him by he-who-we-must-not-name

I think it's pretty much clear to everyone that Duda is just a marionette.
InPolska  9 | 1796  
15 Nov 2015 /  #7
What amazes me re Kwasniewski is that the people I hang around with and who say this are NOT with SLD but most often close to PO. I also hear a lot that Duda is no more than Kaszynski's puppet. Kaszynski would not have been elected (I think most Poles hate him) so he chose a clean-cut guy looking like the perfect son-in-law with the main quality of having no charisma so easy to manipulate ;). Kwasniewski had (and has) b....lls.
Levi  11 | 433  
15 Nov 2015 /  #8
I also hear a lot that Duda is no more than Kaszynski's puppet.

As i said, this is what happens when you walk just with socialists from Upper classes, totally disconnected from the reality of the average Grzegorz.

IF, only IF so many people tought Duda was a puppet, he would not won, after all, and neither PiS would KICK, DESTROY, and VANISH the Socialists from the last elections.

Why is so difficult for you to accept the reality?

of having no charisma so easy to manipulate

If there is something that Duda have, this is, by far, Charisma.

He looks like the perfect good guy, but still strong (not a pussy* like Hollande).

(By pussy i mean the animal, not the genital).
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
15 Nov 2015 /  #9
As i said, this is what happens when you walk just with socialists from Upper classes, totally disconnected from the reality of the average Grzegorz.

I think you haven't got a clue about Polish affairs.

IF, only IF so many people tought Duda was a puppet, he would not won, after all, and neither PiS would KICK, DESTROY, and VANISH the Socialists from the last elections.

Duda won because his campaign was slick, modern and he put a hell of a lot of effort into the campaign. It paid off - and more to the point, will you stop with the claims that the "socialists" were defeated when they clearly weren't?

He looks like the perfect good guy, but still strong (not a pussy* like Hollande).

That's why he makes late night visits to Kaczyński, is it?
InPolska  9 | 1796  
15 Nov 2015 /  #10
@Levy: a Brazilian mixed with several including non clear "races" and colors, living and working in Saudi Arabia and thus indirectly financing international terrorism, knowing nothing re Poland or any other country continues writing his BS! Easy to figure out that no need to be smart to work in Saudi Arabia. Well, Levy may be too stupid to work in Europe ;)

Believe me, the PO people I mingle with as the opposite of "socialists". I bet you don't even know the definition. And as to Hollande (nobody special for me), at least, he loves women and dates intelligent and good looking women whereas Kas...ki cannot get any better than a lousy cat ;)

@Delph: my goodness! It's sure that in Poland almost everybody thinks that K... is gay
Levi  11 | 433  
15 Nov 2015 /  #11
@Levy: a Brazilian mixed with several including non clear "races" and colors, [quote=InPolska]l

Oh, It is funny how the socialists and left-wings like you call everyone that disagrees with them as "Racists" ...

But at the first opportunity, you all show that you, lefties, are the real racists :)

knowing nothing re Poland or any other country continues writing his BS

The 8.6 Million people that voted for Duda and gave him the VICTORY know MUCH


MUCH more about Poland than you ever will, Frenchie.

So why you don't respect the WILL of the Polish People and stop vomiting your ridiculous left-wing constant whining about how bad are the Poles just because they KICKED OUT Lefties that you love from the Sejm?
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
15 Nov 2015 /  #12
But at the first opportunity, you all show that you, lefties, are the real racists :)

The funny thing is watching someone who clearly has suffered discrimination in Brazil openly promoting discrimination against others, Macaco ;)

The 8.6 Million people that voted for Duda and gave him the VICTORY know MUCH

Which is what, around 27% of the total electorate? Not exactly a huge endorsement...

MUCH more about Poland than you ever will, Frenchie.

You're Brazilian, live in Saudi Arabia (with the Muslims that you hate so much) and visit Poland occasionally and base all your information on dodgy right wing websites that bear little relation to reality. On the other hand, InPolska has lived in Poland for years, speaks the language and has constant daily contact with many, many people. I wonder who is likely to understand Poland more.

So why you don't respect the WILL of the Polish People and stop vomiting your ridiculous left-wing constant whining about how bad are the Poles just because they KICKED OUT Lefties that you love from the Sejm?

Poor Levi. He can't even understand that the government is currently made up of some very extreme socialists.
Levi  11 | 433  
15 Nov 2015 /  #13
The funny thing is watching someone who clearly has suffered discrimination in Brazil openly promoting discrimination against others, Macaco ;)

I Never promoted discrimination against anyone.

While you still are using the word Macaco (Same used by white supremacists against blacks) against me. Even yourself being a Turkish Muslim.

You're Brazilian, live in Saudi Arabia

The more than 8 Million of People that ENDORSED DUDA TO BE THE PRESIDET are Poles, that live in Poland.

And those 8 Million know much more about Poland than you, a Turkish Muslim.

He can't even understand that the government is currently made up of some very extreme socialists.

You repeat at every single topic that Duda is a socialist will not make it true.

The Socialists, that you, Turkish Muslim, defend so much, lost. They are gone. Every single one of them was KICKED OUT OF THE SEJM.

Get Over that and stop the constant whining.
Dougpol1  29 | 2497  
15 Nov 2015 /  #14
In an online poll conducetd at Rzeczpospolita's website, 53% of the respondents expressed the view that the currrent PiS-dominated Sejm would be better than its now defunct PO-PSL predecessor.

In an recent online poll in the UK, 62 per cent of respondents said butter is good for you and the margarine lobby was flawed.

Next year they will say the opposite (again).

The same will be true here. Guaranteed :)
Ironside  50 | 12333  
15 Nov 2015 /  #15
Everybody in Poland (so Levy does not) knows that Recz is pro-PiS.

You must be listening to some morons, as the above is incorrect.

unimpressive when talking about the Paris attacks leading me to wonder how well he can think on his feet when he hasn't had time to practice the talking points handed to him by he-who-we-must-not-name@ mafketis

I wonder sometimes wheatear or not people are able to come to the conclusion on their own without repeating what media are selling.
Do you really believe that in today world and with the way modern democracies are working people in charge are a charismatics leaders and absolute rules.

Mostly those in charge and those in politics are just a smooth salesman who have circles of friends, those who supports them in return for future favors.

Not to mention external influences by different factors sometimes directly and something by lobbyist and whatnot.
In the present circumstances it doesn't maters in the slightest whenever or not Duda obeys orders form K or he is his junior partner or what are links and circumstances between people in the ruling party as what matters is an answer to the question - will they deliver?

Will they be able to provide good and successful government for the Polish people? If they are working as a team or as a monarchy doesn't really matter to the Polish populous at large. It matters to those whose interest are being threatened.

Problems and issues and proposed solutions should be the main focus of editorials and media people. Should be, but for so long those people were permeated by the system which had been promoting those who are good only in arousing passions using primitive propaganda (for one or other) as well as dilettantes who know nothing about economy, politics and whatnot. Naturally those ignoramuses are focusing on general subjects ( gossip ) where they can swim safe without fear of being exposed.

It is very shallow approach which doesn't really help people in understanding politics.

I heard some people say that Duda, for example, is the best President that Poland had since they were born

He is better educated, have more class and general polish than all those that come before him all together, It is defiantly a step up in that regard.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
15 Nov 2015 /  #16
He is better educated

Hardly. He benefited from having very good nomeklatura connections, for a start.

Duda is the archtypical child of the nomeklatura, nothing more.
Levi  11 | 433  
15 Nov 2015 /  #17
He is better educated, have more class and general polish than all those that come before him all together, It is defiantly a step up in that regard.

Exactly that.

A Strong leader, well educated, charismatic and that understand the people.

I think that nowadays this is the general perception that Poles have of Duda.
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275  
15 Nov 2015 /  #18
good nomeklatura connections

Any proof or is this yet anothery delphic pipe-dream?
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
15 Nov 2015 /  #19
Getting into law studies back then required good family connections. Nomeklatura, in other words.

A Strong leader,

So strong that he had to sneak off to visit the leader of the Opposition in the middle of the night. Hahaha.

well educated

Having a degree is nothing special in Poland.

that understand the people.

In the way that he said "the people are stupid if they believed my promises", like he did?
InPolska  9 | 1796  
15 Nov 2015 /  #20
@Delph; yes, having a degree is no big deal in Poland when we know the way they cheat (for Polish students, it is normal to open their books and notes when taking tests).
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275  
15 Nov 2015 /  #21
nomeklatura connections

You seem unfamilair with how nomenkaltura worked and your historical context is skewed. After 1956 things loosened up and universities were open to all qualififed students, not only to the children of old guard stalinists like Szechter. Naturally someone openly opposing the PZPR or USSR woudl have problems. In various professions PZPR membership was required the higher one got. An average teacher could get away wtih not belonging, but a headmaster usually could not. An NCO could function in the army without PZPR membership but if he wanted to advance he would have to join. Same with law students and lawyers. Most lawyers were not party members but if they wanted to become judges... well, you get the drift.

sneak off to visit the leader

Since when does the Preisdent of Poland have to ask delph for permission to visit a friend or professional contact or his Auntie Zosia?
mafketis  38 | 10911  
16 Nov 2015 /  #22
his Auntie Zosia?

And now JK has a new nickname!
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275  
16 Nov 2015 /  #23
JK has a new nickname

Dunno how well it fits Janusz Korwin, but if you insist!
mafketis  38 | 10911  
16 Nov 2015 /  #24
Dunno how well it fits Janusz Korwin

Duda slipping out at night for illicit meetings with Janusz Korwin-Mikke sounds even worse!!! (and note the name please, mr Spell-everyone's-name-right).

Back to the topic please
16 Nov 2015 /  #25
This is selection bias. Most Poles don't read Rzeczpospolita. So claiming that "most poles believe current Sejm will be better" has no basis in facts. The thread should be named: "Most readers of Rzeczpospolita believe current Sejm will be better."

But what about common sense ? Is it good that a single Party has an absolute majority in Sejm ? They literally don't have to ask anyone for permission. They can do whatever they please, and ignore all criticism. Is this healthy ?
mafketis  38 | 10911  
16 Nov 2015 /  #26
Is it good that a single Party has an absolute majority in Sejm ?

We'll see. The main determinant of success will be just how involved Auntie Zosia (see above) becomes. You know how she likes to meddle.
jon357  72 | 22980  
16 Nov 2015 /  #27
JK can't resist it. I wonder how long Szydlo will last.
16 Nov 2015 /  #28
You mean they will swap the Prime Minister for Kaczyński again ? Honestly I was surprised they didn't do that when they announced Macierewicz, Ziobro and Kamiński.
jon357  72 | 22980  
16 Nov 2015 /  #29
They did that before once, however it would be a bit transparent if they did it so soon after the election.
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275  
16 Nov 2015 /  #30
how long Szydlo will last

Once again you have completely compromised yourself. Only a petty-minded, fault-finding nitpicker would even ask such a lame question. It's almost as bad as "I wonder when the next Polsih Tupolev will crash in Smolensk." Anyone genuinely concerned about Poland's welfare migth wonder how well the new government will do. Maybe even ask what can be done to help them in their task? But again I made the mistake of erroneously assuming you are someone who cares.

You care all right but only about provocative PiS-bashing and promoting your cockeyed PC utopia.

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