Roeeam 1 | - 12 Oct 2019 / #1Hey there,I'm a polish citizen live in Israel, and that's my first vote in elections.I do not know polish well enough, and cannot understand the process of voting.Is there some English guide for voting? One that describes about each form in the ballot etc.thanks a lot
pawian 220 | 24841 12 Oct 2019 / #2Don`t worry about guides. Just go to the Polish Embassy and show them a proof of your Polish citizenship. Then put only one cross next to only one candidate from the political party you support. More crosses means your vote will be nullified. In case of problems, embassy workers will help you. As simple as that.
Ziemowit 14 | 4035 12 Oct 2019 / #3You pick up one list and and then on that list you pick up one name. Your voice goes for that candidate and for that list even if the canditate loses. The list matters as the number of seats in the Sejm is calculated according to the d'Hondt pattern.