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PiS spokesman steps down after Poland's CBA find undeclared cash in his bank account

delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
1 Dec 2013 /  #1
The Central Anticorruption Bureau (CBA) in Poland submitted documents to the Regional Prosecutor 's Office in Kalisz at the end of last week saying that it believed that Adam Hofman was guilty of failing to declare PLN 100,000 they had discovered in his bank account. The CBA said that in its opinion an offence might have been committed as MPs are required to account for all income and declare any assets over PLN 10,000.


And so we see PiS for what they really are - a bunch of opportunists. Having 100,000zl of undeclared cash in your bank account is certainly not normal, and his pathetic attempt to smear the government to cover up his own wrong doing is ridiculous. If their own party spokesman is evading taxes, what are the rest of them doing?
Bieganski  17 | 888  
1 Dec 2013 /  #2
But notice that Govt faces new corruption charge.

Prime Minister Donald Tusk was forced to accept the loss of another government minister this week when the Deputy Defence Minister General Waldemar Skrzypczak submitted his resignation.

Pot, Kettle, Black.
Ironside  51 | 13125  
1 Dec 2013 /  #3
And so we

I just wonder why are you talking sides in Poland's politics? I mean you are in Poland about five years and you cannot possibly grasp all undercurrents and issues and yet you are wholeheartedly embracing one political party which happened to be in charge. Is that because you are naturally an intellectual lackey and opportunist or you just do it for a hell of it.
frd  7 | 1379  
1 Dec 2013 /  #4
There was a time when it was popular for certain groups of people to be Anti-Pis, along with embracing all the memes and laughing at mistakes of the late president Kaczynski. Maybe delphi joins this notion of thinking.

As for the topic, it pretty much shows there are rotten eggs in every basket. Not long ago there was a commotion surrounding PO party buying votes for jobs. I'm happy though something like this happens to PiS because I don't like them.
peterweg  37 | 2305  
1 Dec 2013 /  #5
I mean you are in Poland about five years and you cannot possibly grasp

You don;t even live in Poland so how do you even vote?

Pot, Kettle, Black.

Fair comment. Although Skrzypczak was a military man, hopefully apolitical.
1 Dec 2013 /  #6
Not a fair comment: the general is accused of writing a friendly letter in which he tells a company "t hey are likely to be successful in a tender process to supply the Polish military with drones." (I do wonder why that part wasn't posted above). The PiS spokesman has been found hiding a hundred grand that he neither declared nor paid tax on; the best excuse he can come up withat it's a loan from a mate. Those two are far from being the same thing.
Bieganski  17 | 888  
1 Dec 2013 /  #7
Not a fair comment: the general is accused of writing a friendly letter in which he tells a company "t hey are likely to be successful in a tender process to supply the Polish military with drones." (I do wonder why that part wasn't posted above).

Absolutely fair and relevant. Corruption is corruption no matter which form it takes or who is committing it. Furthermore, the link was provided for everyone to read details of the corruption allegations on their own. And indeed, why is a general with highly influential rank sending a letter "written in a warm and familiar tone...[that] appears to signal to the Israelis that they are likely to be successful in a tender process to supply the Polish military with drones."?

You obviously have no knowledge or experience dealing with contracts. Since the government will be using taxpayer funds to purchase drones the selection process has to be impartial with the criteria being the most capable product be award to the successful business who can deliver best value or lowest cost. Any government official involved in the selection process who is sending "warm and familiar" messages hinting at who will win the award undermines all this. It was right for the general to resign for even the appearance of impropriety because for all we know he could have been sniffing around for 100,000 zl out of the Israelis to seal the deal.

It's fine if you want to cry over PiS every chance you get but if you really believed all politicians and their appointees need to be held to account to the electorate (the hallmark of real democracies) then you should be willing to at least acknowledge when PO is also covered in muck.

But of course because of your own personal loyalty to the actors involved in this government scandal you are always willing to overlook or make flimsy excuses for their dishonest if not outright illegal behavior.
1 Dec 2013 /  #8
"for all we know he could have been sniffing around for 100,000 zl out of the Israelis to seal the deal."
Sadly for you, there is zero evidence that he was looking for 100,000zl. Unlike the spokesman from the party favoured by 'Polish' 'patriots' such as yourself (i.e. the kind who have never been to Poland or done a thing for Poland), that spokesman has clearly accepted 100,000zl and then repeatedly lied about that fact. But do feel free to follow his example, i.e. to lie and keep lying, that is, after all, one of the things you do best.
Bieganski  17 | 888  
1 Dec 2013 /  #9
And Hofman is now out. And the point I made (much to your chagrin) is that PO also had a resignation for an impropriety as well which I fully explained.

But why are you troubling yourself over Polish politics anyway? It's not like you have any real roots or commitment to Poland. You said so yourself.
jon357  72 | 23706  
1 Dec 2013 /  #10
You obviously have no knowledge or experience dealing with contracts.

Do you have much experience in this field BiegaƄski? Especially given that you're still of school age. Or for that matter about Polish defence procurement, given that you've never been here...

If you had, you'd know about one of its peculiarities, but never mind.

This money that the PiS bid has needs investigating. That party's brief term in office before they were dumped showed us how corrupt they are yet still these scandals happen.
1 Dec 2013 /  #11
The scale of corruption between what the CBA found with the tenders of it equipment runs into the hundreds of millions of dollars. This is directly tied into PO goverment officials, it does not compare with what hoffman did , which was forget to claim some income on a tax form. this is not really corruption but tax fraud at worst. if proved. To me the annoucement that they were investigating hoffman came a day after the annoucment of the biggest corruption affair of the third republic, is politically motivated.

It is interesting that all the expats that do not learn polish support PO. They know that if a populist party comes into power, polish peoples rights will be enchaned, and foreigners, (be they multinationa corporations or individuals) will be diminished. These expats fear of a populist party coming into power reminds of pedophile expats in cambodia when the goverment does a periodic crackdown on their activities.
sobieski  106 | 2111  
1 Dec 2013 /  #12
I mean you are in Poland about five years

How long are you in Poland, how long do you pay taxes here?
OP delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
1 Dec 2013 /  #13
it does not compare with what hoffman did , which was forget to claim some income on a tax form.

How does one simply forget to declare 100,000zl - and more to the point, fail to declare it to the parliamentary authorities that require the registration of such funds?

Hofman is just proving our point - that PiS are out to feather their own nests, and that much of their anger towards PO stems from the fact that PO haven't allowed them to do so.

To me the annoucement that they were investigating hoffman came a day after the annoucment of the biggest corruption affair of the third republic, is politically motivated.

Yawn. Hofman was caught red handed, there's no-one to blame but himself.

It is interesting that all the expats that do not learn polish support PO.

How do you know about our Polish skills?

They know that if a populist party comes into power, polish peoples rights will be enchaned, and foreigners, (be they multinationa corporations or individuals) will be diminished.

No, we know that if a populist party comes into power, it'll be us that will have to work harder to repair the damage done by their short term policies.

Now, let's get back to the topic - Hofman has been caught red handed with cash in his bank account that he didn't declare to the taxman.

For those of us that follow Polish politics, the downfall of Hofman is very satisfying indeed. He won't be smirking anymore.

Poland bank man:

one does not simply
Ironside  51 | 13125  
2 Dec 2013 /  #14
This money that the PiS bid has needs investigating. That party's brief term in office before they were dumped showed us how corrupt they are yet still these scandals happen.

You don't like them just because they were against gender ideology being promoted by a government.

The scale of corruption between what the CBA found with the tenders of it equipment runs into the hundreds of millions of dollars. This is directly tied into PO goverment officials

Indeed but some people prefer to lash at showdowns rather than admit that their political darlings are bad eggs.
jon357  72 | 23706  
2 Dec 2013 /  #15
You don't like them just because they were against gender ideology being promoted by a government.

That and the rampant corruption, economic mismanagement and casual bigotry.
Ironside  51 | 13125  
2 Dec 2013 /  #16
Sure but that just a cheery on a cake. The bottom line is they didn't embrace gender ideology. As it happens I think that is the good thing about them.
jon357  72 | 23706  
2 Dec 2013 /  #17
I don't think any of the major parties here promote that, whatever it is. PiS however crossed a line by not breaking with its coalition partner when it's leader said that raping some women wasn't really rape.
Ironside  51 | 13125  
2 Dec 2013 /  #18
I don't think any of the major parties here promote that, whatever it is.

The line between promote and stand in the way can be blurry at times. Definitely PiS is not going to stand aside when gender ideology is going to be promoted. That is a one of two things I like about them.

You on the other hand admitted that is the main reason you don't like them. Fair enough.
2 Dec 2013 /  #19
PO also had a resignation for an impropriety

There's a rather large difference between impropriety and illegal acts. The general has committed no crimes. Hoffman has. The general has not received a six-figure sum which he tried to hide. Hoffman has. The general has not fiddled his taxes. Hoffman has.

The general resigned because the press were making it impossible for him to do his job, which is a job that needs to be done. Hoffman resigned because he was caught breaking Polish law.

It's not like you have any real roots or commitment to Poland. You said so yourself.

Why do you have to lie about what I say? Is it some kind of pathological need?
Of course the truth is that I have far stronger roots in Poland than you will ever have and I demonstrated a far stronger commitment to Poland than you will ever have. But it must be difficult to have any roots to Poland or commitment to Poland (or anywhere at all) given than you rarely leave your parents' basement.

You obviously have no knowledge or experience dealing with contracts.

As a matter of fact I've recently been spending a fair bit of time working on one of the F-16 off-set deals. So you're just lying, yet again.

They know that if a populist party comes into power, polish peoples rights will be enchaned

Could you perhaps explain what the word "enchaned" means? Thanks in advance.
As to what we know about PiS, the majority of the foreigners who live in Poland and have commented on the thread lived in Poland during the PiS-lead government (unlike you, but then you have never even been to Poland) and thus know exactly how bad things were under PiS.

which was forget to claim some income on a tax form.

If you're going to come here and post lies, why not do it under the same username which you usually use to come here and post lies? The MPs are supposed to declare to parliament all income of over ten thousand: he failed to declare income ten times that size. And didn't bother to pay tax on that money either (i.e. cheated the state out of twenty thousand zloty).

the rampant corruption, economic mismanagement and casual bigotry.

Yes, but those things have zero efffect on the PiS supporters who post at PF.
Ironside  51 | 13125  
2 Dec 2013 /  #20
its coalition partner when it's leader said that raping some women wasn't really rape.

RIP Leper said that one couldn't rape a prostitute. Ironically one of his cronies has been sentenced to prison for a rape. If I'm not mistaken while PiS was in charge. Where all those prison sentences for corruptions committed while PO government rules.
jon357  72 | 23706  
2 Dec 2013 /  #21
And yet they remained in coalition with him. Not that I hope he does RiP.

There are many, many other problems with that shower however hopefully we've seen the last of them here in Poland.
Ironside  51 | 13125  
3 Dec 2013 /  #22
There are many, many other problems with that shower however hopefully we've seen the last of them here in Poland.

Not sure what you mean. Nevertheless PO and all that sham pretending to be elite in Poland hopefully will be swept away sooner better.

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