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Taxes on savings transferred from overseas bank account to a bank account in Poland?

expat2501  2 | 1  
16 Jul 2018 /  #1
Hello, I am a non-EU national married to a Polish citizen. We live in Dubai (United Arab Emirates) and plan on sending all our savings to Poland to my wife's bank account. All of this income was earned by me outside Poland. Will we get taxed for this amount transferred to her account? (The amount is big)
dolnoslask  5 | 2805  
16 Jul 2018 /  #2
whats big?

Better to drip the money into the wife's account, large lump sum deposits draw attention, regardless of tax implications.

I hope you have spent a few years in Poland to see if it is the place for you, It may not suit everyone. but if it's a EU passport you are after then fair enough.
cms neuf  1 | 1829  
16 Jul 2018 /  #3
There should not be any tax on it if you are just moving it.

You will pay tax on any interest incone that occurs once you are in Poland.

Not sure what the benefit of drip feeding it would be - You will probably pay more currency conversion fees, potentially more bank fees, lose some interest income in Poland and of course waste time. Rather set up your Polish bank account and then tell them what you are going to do
OP expat2501  2 | 1  
21 Jul 2018 /  #4
Thanks @dolnoslask and @cms neuf

@dolnoslask- No, the Polish passport doesn't interest me. Neither do I have the patience to learn B1 level polish to acquire one. :-)

@cms neuf "Rather set up your Polish bank account and then tell them what you are going to do" - That sounds fair.
dolnoslask  5 | 2805  
21 Jul 2018 /  #5
Neither do I have the patience to learn B1 level polish

Fair enough , my wife thinks the same way, but after a few years in Poland you will be surprised how much pick up on the language.

Best of luck to you.

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